Fortunate Wife

Extra 3 Perfume

Li Man was still in confinement, so she couldn't cry.

Aunt Xu was busy yelling at the Li family brothers, "You guys, stop surrounding Man girl and make her cry again, and you won't be able to have these eyes from now on."

"That's right, Man'er, you can't cry." Seeing Li Man's red eye circles, Li Xiangyu also hurriedly persuaded, while looking at Li Mo, she said distressedly, "Boss, stop sticking here, I don't know How have you been these days, your body stinks, go downstairs quickly, auntie boil some hot water, and you all have to wash well."

To get rid of the bad luck, Li Xiangyu didn't say the latter sentence, but she was praying in her heart, hoping that Li Man's awakening would make the Li family happy from now on.

The brothers of the Li family all know that Li Man loves to be clean and is a bit of a clean freak. First, she was overwhelmed by her surprise when she woke up. I can imagine my sloppy appearance.

However, he is reluctant to let go of Li Man, she is like a lost treasure, only by holding her in his arms and feeling her can he be sure that she is his love.

He was afraid that as soon as he let go, she would disappear again, just like the dream he had in a trance these days, with a shock, he would return to the cruel reality again.

Li Hua's ideas are not the ideas of other people.

Staying by Li Man's side, no one wants to leave.

Everyone is in the corridor, forming a group.

Li Man looked at this, then at that, and suddenly felt that the scene was a little funny again, she burst into laughter, and the wetness in her eyes also receded.

"Li Yan, take me back to the house." If she didn't leave, no one else would move.

"Yeah." Li Yan smiled softly and responded softly.

The others followed suit.

Li Man's head was full of black lines, "Stand still."

Fearing that some of them would break the door, she could only hold back her smile and said, "I don't like you like this. Listen, now go down and take a hot bath, clean up and come see me again."

She spoke like a queen.

Everyone was taken aback.

It was Li Shu who reacted quickly and was the first to turn around and rush downstairs.

"Man'er..." Li Hua didn't want to leave, but she couldn't stand the smell on her body, so she called her reluctantly, turned around and left as well.

Xiao Wu glanced at her quietly, and followed her.

Only Li Mo, standing in the corner of the corridor, looked at her with bewildered eyes.

Li Man, who saw it, felt a twinge in his heart, "Brother, you also go down to wash up, and then eat something."

"Oh." Seeing her smiling face and hearing her voice, Li Mo finally regained his senses, finally had a trace of anger on his face, turned around, and went downstairs silently.

Aunt Xu and the others gave Li Man some instructions, and they all went down to work.

Li Yan hugged Li Man to the bed.

Li Man hurriedly stopped him, "Just sit on that chair."

"Don't worry, you are clean, and your clothes are changed every day." Li Yan could see her thoughts at a glance, put her on the bed, and covered her with a quilt considerately.

When Li Man heard this, her heart beat faster, she glanced at him blushing, and muttered softly, "You did that?"

"That's nonsense." Li Yan glanced at her wantonly, would he pretend to be someone else's hand in this kind of thing?

Sitting on the head of the bed, he held her hand tightly, stared carefully at her thin face, and asked worriedly, "Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Li Man shook her head, not daring to say that her chest swelled suddenly, like a stone had fallen, she only gently broke away from his hand, and gently caressed his face with her fingers.

"Li Yan, you've lost weight too."

"How dare you say it." Li Yan held her hand and pressed it tightly against his face, his throat was a little choked, "If you don't come back, everyone will..."

He didn't say what happened next, but Li Man could also imagine that it was both heartwarming and sad.

"You guys, why are you so stupid?"

"Don't scare people like this again in the future." Li Yan hugged her domineeringly.

Being hugged so tightly by him, her body hurts, but Li Man didn't open it for the first time, and snuggled into his arms obediently, humming softly, "Yeah."

"Do you want to go wash up too?" Li Man suddenly looked up at him.

Li Yan shook his head, "No rush, I'll go after they wash up."


Not long after, Li Mo brought hot water up, saw the two of them cuddling together, his eyes became hot, he put down the bucket, turned around and was about to leave.

"Brother," Li Man stopped her.

Li Mo turned his head and pointed to the bucket, "The hot water just boiled, let the second brother wipe it for you. The noodles will be ready in a while."

"En." Li Man nodded, seeing that he was about to leave, she hurriedly opened her arms, like a child about to be hugged.


The slightly pouty red lips let out a soft whisper.

Li Mo's heart skipped a beat, and instantly softened into a puddle of water. He turned around and looked at her nah, his throat was a little dry, but his second brother was there, and he didn't know whether to go or leave.

But he clearly wanted to get over in his heart, and his body was disobedient, so he really walked towards Li Man.

"What's the matter?" He stood at the head of the bed, looking down at her condescendingly, looking at her bright eyes, he suddenly wanted to hug her.

He unnaturally glanced at Li Yan beside him.

Li Yan raised his eyebrows lightly,

Staring at Li Man with a half-smile.

Hey, if it's Li Yan, he doesn't need her to do anything, he can just hug her.

But Li Mo......

Li Man didn't think about it anymore, she threw herself forward, wrapped her hands around his waist, pressed her face against his strong waist, and felt his aura.

"Don't." Li Mo's face turned red in an instant, he hadn't had time to wash, his body was very dirty and smelly.

"Come down a little bit." She grabbed the corner of his clothes and pulled it down. He was too tall, so she could only look up at him.

Li Mo was taken aback, and instinctively squatted down, keeping his body at eye level with her, "Man'er."

"Fool." Li Man suddenly hugged his neck, quickly kissed his bearded face, pressed it against his ear, and whispered, "I miss you."

Li Mo was shocked, his hands instinctively wrapped around her waist, and hugged her tightly.

"So," Li Man could feel his excitement, and continued, "I'm back, I'm fine, and you all will be fine too."

"Yeah." Li Mo buried his head in the crook of her neck and hummed sullenly.

Only then did Li Man gently push him away, looking at his face that had experienced a lot of vicissitudes, she bent her lips and smiled, "So, let's take a hot bath first, okay?"

"En." The daughter-in-law said that she missed herself, and there was nothing more touching and heart-warming than this, so at this moment, even if Li Man asked him to die, he would gladly accept it.

Li Mo went out, with a happy smile on his face when he went out.

"Little girl." Li Yan watched for a long time, his heart was astringent and sweet, he pinched her chin lightly, seemingly dissatisfied, "Small mouth is so sweet, why don't you say you miss me?"

"No nonsense." She imitated his previous tone and replied to him.

I miss him, do I need to say more?

"Then tell me something and I'll listen to you." Li Yan refused.

Li Man argued with him lazily, and looking at his red eyes, she also felt distressed. When she lowered her head, a gentle kiss landed on his forehead.

"You're a fool too, I miss you, Li Yan."

The first sentence was automatically ignored, and the second sentence directly hit Li Yan's soft heart. Instinctively, he hugged her tightly, as if he wanted to...

"The water is getting cold." Li Man hurriedly pushed him away, darling, this stuff can be used anytime, anywhere...

She blushed and stared at him reproachfully, "If you don't go out again, the water is cold and you have to boil it again."

"Let me help you." Li Yan got up, helped her get the tub, and found a clean change of clothes, turned around, and came over to help her undress.

Li Man grabbed his collar in a hurry and made a stop gesture to him, "That's enough, Second Master, you also go out to wash your face, change your clothes, have some food, and then come again... um, help Ma'am, I'll pour the bath water."

"Damn girl..." Li Yan rubbed her hair lovingly. The things ahead were just foreshadowing. The point was that he wanted to help her take a bath, but this was the only thing she wouldn't let him do, woohoo.

"Can you do it alone?" He was worried.

Li Man nodded, "It's okay."

"Daughter-in-law, I've finished washing." Li Shu rushed in suddenly, his hair was wet and dripping, he just rushed to Li Man's side in a daze, leaned down, approached her, and asked flatteringly, " Daughter-in-law, I have washed everything, smell it, does it smell good?"

Chi - Li Man smiled, and really sniffed him, "Well, Xiang, what do you use?"

"The perfume you used last time made of roses, I poured it into the water to take a bath." Li Shu said proudly, and his wife praised him for its fragrance.

Li Man suddenly wailed, "Such a big bottle, did you pour it all down?"

"Ah." Looking at his wife's face, she seemed unhappy, Li Shu hurriedly said, "It's not me, the fourth brother and the fifth brother also robbed a lot."

After saying that, Li Hua and Xiao Wu squeezed through the door, seeing Li Man's expression, their hearts skipped a beat.

"Daughter-in-law, the fourth brother said that he will make better ones for you in the future." Li Shu probably knew that something was wrong, so he quickly pushed Li Hua out again.

Li Hua nodded quickly, "Yeah." Although he didn't know how to make that kind of perfume.

Li Man's heart ached to death, but she got it through countless experiments, she hadn't used it yet, and she didn't know how effective it would be.

However, smelling the strong fragrance of Li Shu, she smiled, "You, I will be responsible for picking/flowers in the future, Li Hua, as you said, you have to be responsible for returning me a good bottle."

"En." Li Hua nodded, looked at her tenderly, and ran towards her quickly.

When Li Yan saw it, he hurriedly got up, grabbed Li Shu's arm with one hand, stopped Li Hua with the other, and cast a look at Xiao Wu at the same time.

"Okay, let's go out first, Man'er still needs to freshen up."

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