Fortunate Wife

Extra Story 4 Children

After those few went out, Li Man got up and got out of bed.

In the bathtub, the steam is lingering, and the mugwort leaves soaked in hot water exude a fragrance.

Only then did Li Man remember that Li Xiangcao had told her about a local custom before. After giving birth, local women always use mugwort leaves to boil water to take a bath, which is said to be very good for physical recovery.

He took off his clothes and got into the bathtub. The warm water flooded his skin, as if every pore in his body had been opened. That feeling was so comfortable that he wanted to scream.

However, after all, she was still in confinement, so Li Man didn't dare to be too greedy. The water temperature cooled down a little, so she got up quickly, wrapped herself in a towel, and got into bed.

After getting dressed, Li Xiangcao knocked on the door outside, "Man'er, the noodles are cooked, should I bring them in now? Ao"

"Oh." Li Man leaned against the head of the bed and replied.

Li Xiangcao pushed the door open and came in, holding a bowl of fragrant chicken noodle soup in his hand, "Come, eat while it's hot."

"Yeah." Li Man smelled the aroma and felt even hungrier instantly, so she quickly took it and took a sip of the hot noodle soup.

Li Xiangcao looked at it and smiled, "Slow down, iron carefully."

"Yeah." Li Man ate a mouthful of noodles first, thinking about those few, and then asked, "Brother, have they eaten?"

"Well, they're all eating." Li Xiangcao sat on the side of the bed and said, "They all came up to see you, but the eldest sister stopped them and said that no one was allowed to come upstairs until everyone had eaten a bowl of noodles. "

"Oh?" Li Man only laughed when she listened.

Li Xiangcao also pursed her lips and smiled, "If you don't come, you can't be cruel. You know how many of them, without you, it's like losing your soul. When you wake up, they will be even worse. Stick to you."

"You can make fun of people." Li Man couldn't help but ask back when she heard her narrow smile, "By the way, I never bothered to ask you, how are you and my little uncle?"

She wanted to ask if life is still harmonious? But the scale was too big, afraid of Li Xiangcao's embarrassment, she turned her head and ran away again, her tone was more tactful.

Sure enough, upon hearing the words, Li Xiangcao blushed a little, and nodded with a smile.

After taking a few mouthfuls of noodles, Li Man's stomach felt much better, and she had the strength to tease her, "Sister, what do you mean? Not satisfied?"

"No, no..." Li Xiangcao hurriedly shook her head.

"Huh? Satisfied?" Li Man asked slyly.

Li Xiangcao glanced at her lightly, "You are so cute." However, the brows are full of happiness and sweetness.

"Heh." Li Man chuckled, ate another piece of chicken, and said slowly, "These days, you and my aunt have worked hard, especially you, who are newly married to my little uncle, but because of me, the whole I help take care of the child during the day, and I don’t have time to accompany him.”

"Man'er, you're offended by saying this. Who are you to me, and who are those two children to me. Besides, Zhang Ben doesn't mind my serving here." Li Xiangcao said.

Li Man looked at her gratefully, "I know all this, so I'm fine now, sister-in-law, how about you, do you want to go back and comfort my little uncle? Or, just ask my little uncle to move here too, that's fine."

"That can't be done." Li Xiangcao quickly refused, "He doesn't sleep well at night, and then disturbs the children."

In the past few days when Li Man was in a coma, Li Xiangcao took care of the pair of children and slept in her bedroom at night. She took care of eating, drinking, and sleeping.

Although she has never given birth, she has a great talent for taking care of children. A pair of children are white and fat under her care. Even Li Xiangyu, who was worried at first, let her take care of it, and she is only responsible for it. Cooking fires and washing kids diapers.

Zhang Ben originally wanted to stay to help, but after staying overnight, he was driven away by Li Xiangcao early the next morning.

The reason was that he snored at night, and she was afraid of disturbing the child.

Furthermore, with him around, it affected her to devote herself to raising the child.

Therefore, Zhang Ben took time out to visit her during the day, and returned to his home after dinner.

Puchi, Li Man smiled, and her heart was full of happiness, "Sister, although I have never raised a child, I know how tiring it is to take care of a child. Look at you, the dark circles are coming out. Even today Well, tomorrow morning, you can go home with my little uncle."

It's not that she drives people away, but that since Li Xiangcao is married, she should have her own life. She can't affect their husband and wife relationship because of herself. Besides, Li Xiangcao likes children so much, so she should get along with Zhang Ben more. Yes.

Ever since Li Xiangcao married, Li Man has been looking forward to her having a child of her own. Such a kind woman deserves such a fulfilling life.

"We'll have to wait until you're confinement." Li Xiangcao insisted on staying, and she was still a little worried about the relationship between Li Man and Li Xiangyu, and worried about leaving everything to her sister alone.

Li Man thought about it for a while, and she was right, someone needs to take care of her during the confinement period, "Okay, then I'll have to work on Auntie."

After speaking, eat noodles quickly, and quickly finish a bowl.

Li Xiangcao hurriedly said, "There's more, I'll get another bowl."

"Yeah." Li Man was really not full, so she handed the bowl to her again.

Li Xiangcao went downstairs, but it was the five brothers of the Li family who came up again.

Hey, as soon as five tall and burly men crowded into this room, Li Man suddenly felt that the room was much smaller.

"Have you finished eating?" Li Man asked while eating.

"Yeah." Li Shu said first, she was sitting beside Li Man, seeing her eating noodles, she liked it very much from the bottom of her heart, right, eating like this can grow


The others also looked at Li Man affectionately. The fiery gaze made Li Man almost choke on the noodle soup a few times.

Forbearance, she forbearance, lowered her head, and after calmly eating a bowl of chicken noodle, Li Man raised her head and glanced at several people.

Whoops, another shock.

The speed is really fast. In such a short time, several people have cleaned up their images properly.

Especially Li Mo, who had shaved his beard, washed his hair, and put on the new autumn clothes she made for him earlier.

Because the color of the dress was purple, he always thought it was too girly and dared not wear it out. Even if she said he looked handsome in it, he didn't wear it.

Today, the rummaging of boxes and cabinets was picked up on me.

Li Man glanced at him, her eyes were clearly asking: Why are you wearing it again?

Li Mo only blushed and smiled honestly.

"You guys..." Suddenly, looking into pairs of affectionate eyes, Li Man didn't know what to say, and suddenly thought of the child, she was a little eager to see her.

"Hold the baby up, okay?"

So far, she has not seen it.


Everyone was taken aback for a moment, as if they realized that they were already fathers.

"Oh, why did you forget this, my son should blame me." Li Shu slapped his head and got up quickly, "Daughter-in-law, just wait, I'll bring our son up right now."

"There is also a daughter." Li Man gave him a white look, and knew that his son would not kiss you after being careful about the daughter.

Li Shu scratched his head hesitantly, and before he turned around, Li Mo and Li Hua had already gone out one step ahead of him.

It was only after they realized that they had become fathers, and they really became fathers.

"Hey, wait for me." Li Shu took a step back and hurried down.

Li Yan and Xiao Wu didn't move.

Li Man was curious, "Why don't you go and have a look."

"Don't you want to hug her?" Li Yan sat beside her and embraced her, "Are you full?"

"Yeah. It's almost there." Li Man looked up at him, and seeing that his expression was unclear, she couldn't help asking, "You don't want children?"

When she asked this question, she became more and more sure.

"Fool." Li Yan pinched her lips lightly, "Why don't you want to."

He just couldn't accept it for a while, because of these two children, he almost lost her.

Now, he just wanted to spend more time with her, and he didn't want to leave for a moment.

Xiao Wu looked at the two of them, bit his lips lightly, and then sat down on the side of the bed, putting his hands on the quilt.

Under the quilt, Li Man's legs stiffened slightly, "Xiao Wu..."

"The child has no place for me." Xiao Wu pouted and told the truth angrily.

In fact, he had seen the child as soon as he was born.

Two crumpled little things, crying very loudly.

Li Man was so choked that he couldn't laugh or cry, but Li Yan sneered, "You grow up first." A kid who hasn't grown up yet dares to think about children.

Xiao Wu gave him a provocative look, "I've grown up."

"Where? Is it tall?" Li Yan snorted lightly.

Xiao Wu refused to accept, "There are other things."

"For example..." Li Yan raised his eyebrows.

Xiao Wu blushed suddenly, and glanced at Li Man guilty, gritted his teeth and said, "In two years, no, in less than two years, I will grow up."

"Let's talk about it in two years." Li Yan smiled lightly, reached out and patted his shoulder, and said earnestly, "Now, go down and take the baby."

"I won't go." Xiao Wu said awkwardly, "I want to bring, and I will bring my own baby in the future."

Li Man was amused by his childish words, but Li Yan's face was gloomy, dare to have a baby? Having two children in the family is enough, and whoever dares to let Li Man have a child in the future, he will... beat him.

"You." Seeing Li Yan's murderous look, Li Man felt it was funny and touched him lightly, "He's still a child, why are you being so serious?"

child? Li Yan cast a helpless glance at his wife.

Men are different from women. A boy who is still a child in her eyes has enough ability to complete the transformation from a girl to a woman.

When Xiao Wu heard the words, there was a trace of sadness in his bright eyes, child, he is still considered a child today, he has grown up.

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