Fortunate Wife

Extra five feeding

There were footsteps outside the door, and Li Man's heart tightened.

She hadn't seen her child since birth.

His eyes felt a little hot again, and he leaned against Li Yan's arms involuntarily, thinking about the coma and wandering these past few days, he couldn't help feeling sour.

Fortunately, God took pity on her and finally came back.

Soon, Li Xiangcao and Li Xiangyu came up with a baby in their arms. Later, Li Mo and Li Shu brought up a special small cradle, and Li Hua held the baby's various supplies.

"Quick, let me hug you." Seeing the child, Li Man's heart melted instantly, and she quickly reached out to hug her.

Sister Li Xiangyu gently placed the two children on the side of the bed.

Li Man looked at the baby in the swaddle, tears welled up in her eyes, and she hurriedly wiped them off with her sleeve.

Her child, really her child.

At this moment, one opened his eyes, looked at her curiously, and hummed, as if greeting her.

And the other, with his eyes closed, was clearly still in sweet sleep.

"Well, my child." Li Man leaned over, kissed this one, touched that one, and didn't know what to do for a while, so she just hugged the two children into her arms.

Everyone watched from the sidelines, their eyes slowly getting wet.

"Don't cry, don't cry, it's obviously a happy event, come on, boss, this is you, mother, come on, give mother a smile."

Aunt Xu was the last to come in, and as soon as she entered the room, she saw everyone rubbing their eyes and shouting, walking up to Li Man, teasing the dancing little girl.

"This is the boss?" Li Man smiled through tears, looking at the fleshy little face, the pure eyes without a trace of impurities, and the small mouth without half a tooth, her heart softened.

"Well, look at your daughter, these eyebrows, these eyes, and this mouth, how much they look like you." Aunt Xu said with a smile.

Li Man didn't feel it at first, only hearing Aunt Xu's words, she felt that this child was carved out of the same mold as herself.

However, the strange thing is that these two children are twins, but their faces are slightly different, and they don't seem to be exactly the same as the twins in Li Man's imagination.

"The eldest is a sister, and the second is a younger brother?" Li Man asked with a smile, looking at the sleeping second in the swaddling baby with gentle eyes, she didn't know if she was hungry or dreamed of delicious food, on that pretty little face, From time to time, he shows a naive smile, the corners of his mouth are raised and raised, and he smacks and touches occasionally, which is very cute.

"Is he hungry?" Li Man gently put her finger next to the second child's mouth, not wanting this child, the reaction in sleep is also surprisingly sensitive, that small mouth is sucking her finger, and her finger Take it, the little guy's mouth seems to follow suit.

When Li Xiangcao saw it, she said, "I'm hungry, I'm going to warm up the milk."

"Goat's milk?" Li Man asked. Before she gave birth, she knew she was pregnant with twins, so she was also worried that she would not have enough milk. Li Mo bought a milk goat from a sheep-raising family in a neighboring village early on. return.

Li Xiangcao nodded, "It's still Li Mo's thoughtfulness, this goat has enough milk, it's enough to feed two children."

"Oh." Li Man bit her lower lip lightly. Goat milk is good, but, as a new mother, she suddenly wanted to breastfeed her own child.

Involuntarily, she held her second child in her arms, wanting to try it.

Her chest swelled badly. As a modern woman, she understood what that meant.

Yes, for most women, breast milk will increase as soon as the child is born, and the situation will be better only when the child is breastfed normally.

If you can't breastfeed normally, the milk will come back within a few days, and you won't be able to feed even if you want to.

Li Man did not expect that after being in a coma for the past few days, her body was not affected and her milk was full.

She wants to feed her own children.

However, with so many people around, she was ashamed to speak.

"That... sister, wait a minute."

"What's the matter?" Li Xiangcao paused, the child was hungry, and she was the most anxious, for fear that the child would not be well fed.

Just like when Xiao Wu was just born, his sister-in-law was gone. At that time, the family was too poor, where there was no goat milk to drink, and occasionally went to the nearby villages to find a couple of women who had just given birth. Okay, mostly, the kid can only drink some rice soup and mush.

Now, it was the turn of these two children, Li Xiangcao felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

"I want to feed myself." Li Man summoned up her courage, but her voice sounded like a mosquito.

"Huh?" Li Xiangcao was taken aback.

The others understood, but their expressions were indescribably weird, especially the brothers from the Li family.

Li Mo looked at her tenderly. There was a woman at home, and the woman was nursing their child. This kind of warm image had appeared in his mind many times.

Li Yan's eyes were raised slightly, and he stared at her deeply, with indescribable emotions.

Li Shu looked worried. If the daughter-in-law is so thin, if she feeds the child again, won't she have to be even thinner? It is better to feed the baby with goat milk.

Li Huajun blushed, looked at Li Man for a while, and looked down at the ground for a while.

The corners of Xiao Wu's lips curled up like nothing, seeming to be mocking, but also seemed to be annoyed, he had just woken up, his body didn't know what was going on, and he still had to feed the child, could he hold on? Brother, how could they make a sound to stop it?

"Can you?" Why didn't anyone speak?

"Can be

So, Man'er, is your body okay? "Aunt Xu was very worried.

Li Man lowered her head slightly and nodded, "I want to try. Go out for a while."

"Oh." Knowing that she was shy, Aunt Xu smiled and waved away the others, "You guys, go out and do it first, Man'er has me."

"Aunt Xu, you go out too. Just let my sister stay." After all, Li Xiangcao is close to her own age, so she feels better, otherwise, she really can't let go.

Aunt Xu was taken aback for a moment, then she glanced at her with a smile, "You girl, fine, I'll go out too."

Aunt Xu took the others out together, and Li Xiangcao asked quietly, "Man'er, do you have milk?"

"I don't know either, it's just that it's so high, it should be there." Li Man didn't understand the first feeding of the child, and said, holding the second child in her arms, and gently opened the hem of her clothes.

However, even if the nipple was put into the child's mouth, the little guy didn't know how to suck it, and Li Xiangcao was so anxious that he wanted to slap his ass.

"The second child is very lazy. He usually eats and sleeps. When eating, he has to feed it into his mouth spoon by spoon. Otherwise, try changing to the eldest child." Li Xiangcao suggested.

Li Man nodded, but it was the same after changing the boss.

Both children seemed to reject breast milk.

The two tossed about for a while, probably because they were really hungry, the second child also opened a pair of big eyes, and started screaming.

Li Xiangcao had to go downstairs to heat up the goat milk.

The two children were fed like this, each with a spoonful, and they ate very happily. They ate up a bowl of milk in one go.

Li Man felt very uncomfortable. As a mother, she couldn't raise the child herself. She was full of self-blame and felt pity for the child.

"Sister-in-law, let them drink goat's milk from now on?" She raised her red eyes and looked at Li Xiangcao with aggrieved eyes.

Li Xiangcao could understand her feelings very well, and comforted her, "If you want them to eat milk well, there is a way, that is, insist on not giving them goat's milk. When they are very hungry, they will naturally eat breast milk. But Man'er, you alone It is not easy for a person to breastfeed two children, the milk may not be enough, when the time comes, the two of them will have to drink goat's milk, and you just woke up and your body has not recovered, I am afraid..."

"I know." Li Man sniffed and sighed softly, "Come on, let them drink goat milk, and get some more, and I'll feed them."

"Enough." Li Xiangcao said, "If you drink more, you'll be full."

"That much?" Li Man was surprised.

Li Xiangcao smiled, "How big is the child, only five days old, how much can he eat."

Li Man thinks about it too, and can't help admiring Li Xiangcao, "Sister-in-law, you really know a lot, I think, you and my little uncle should hurry up and have a child."

"Let's talk about this later." When it comes to children, Li Xiangcao's face is a little sad. She and Shen Run have had no children for ten years. Will she really have any in the future?

"Yeah." Li Man held her hand and encouraged, "Don't worry, you are still young, and you have plenty of opportunities."

In fact, in modern times, women in their 30s and 40s usually give birth to children, but Li Xiangcao is still under 30, which is really early.

Li Xiangcao just took her as comfort and laughed silently.

The matter of feeding the children ended in failure, and Li Man felt uncomfortable for a while, but the two healthy and lovely children were enough to make up for everything.

Since Li Man didn't need to breastfeed, and she was afraid that the children's noise would affect her rest, the two children were sent back to Li Xiangcao's room at night, and she took care of them.

For this, Li Man was very grateful.

On her side, everyone did not dare to slack off, the brothers from the Li family took turns to serve her at night in her room.

In the evening, after eating and washing, Li Mo came into the house.

Although only five days had passed, to Li Mo, it seemed as long as five centuries.

Standing at the head of the bed, looking at Li Man, his eye circles became hot.

Just look at it stupidly.

"Fool, standing is comfortable, isn't it?" Li Man lay on the bed and gave her a slight glance.

Because she was still in confinement, Aunt Xu said that she should lie down more, which would be good for her waist.

Therefore, apart from getting up to eat, Li Man lay down most of the time, and she felt uncomfortable lying down.

"Man'er." Li Mo understood his daughter-in-law's disguised invitation, and there was a touch of surprise on his handsome face. He took off his coat and got under the covers.

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