Fortunate Wife

Episode 6 is great

Li Mo got into bed.

Li Man's soft body immediately jumped into his arms like a fish, and found a comfortable position to snuggle up to.

"Brother, my body is very sore, rub it for me."

Xu had been lying under the covers for too long, Li Man's voice was slightly hoarse, with a strong nasal voice, which made her more endearing.

Li Mo's heart fluttered, and he hummed softly. With his big and generous palm, through the clothes, he gently rubbed her shoulders, slowly moved down, and rubbed her back bit by bit.

"Well, that's right there, yes, it's so comfortable."

His strength is really comfortable to death.

Li Man simply lay on his chest, so that he could rub her waist better.

"Does your waist still hurt?" Li Mo put one hand around her, rubbed her waist with moderate strength with the other, and asked softly with his soft lips against her soft hair.

In the later stages of pregnancy, her stomach was too big. Not only did Li Man have difficulty moving, she even had to be helped to turn over while sleeping. In the later stages, she often suffered from backaches.

"It's much better." Li Man closed her eyes and murmured comfortably in his arms.

Li Mo's throat twitched, and he let out a low snort. This job was not easy for him.

Ever since I had a child, I didn't dare to be carefree about that kind of thing.

Now, the daughter-in-law nestled softly in her arms, snorting softly from time to time, like a cat, which made him feel like a fire was nestled in his heart, and his body also heated up. He felt that the room was like a steamer in summer. Airtight, so uncomfortable.

However, no matter how uncomfortable he was, he had to endure it, and he was even more afraid that the wolf transformation in his place would startle her, so he moved his legs lightly, trying to cover up the embarrassment.

Reluctantly, he moved slightly, and Li Man, who was in a haze, opened her eyes lightly, and snorted, "What are you doing?"

"Legs are a little numb." Li Mo lied guilty.

"Oh." Li Man opened her eyes, thinking that his legs were numb from the weight she had placed on her, so she wanted to roll over.

Li Mo suddenly pressed on her waist, his voice became rougher, "Don't move."

"Huh?" Li Man raised her head and looked at him suspiciously. Seeing that he looked embarrassed and his Adam's apple was rolling, a sly light flashed in his eyes.

Heh, her man, every move, even a look, a voice, she can guess what's going on.

She arched her body upwards, put her hands on his shoulders, and moved her face closer to him.

Eyes intertwined, Li Mo looked away in embarrassment, "Man'er, don't make trouble."

Feeling that his body was tense like the strings of a piano, Li Man chuckled, "Whoever made trouble, you are the one who made trouble."

She didn't do anything, he was like this, who can blame him?

She looked at him narrowly, and raised her eyebrows innocently, "Do you want to take another cold shower?"

When she was pregnant, almost every night, their brothers would go downstairs to take a cold shower, and she was used to it.

"No need." Li Mo's throat twitched, his eyes moved down slightly, and landed on her lips, and then he looked away again, "Man'er..."

"Huh?" Li Man blinked her pure and innocent eyes.

"Go to sleep." Li Mo's voice contained a trace of begging.

"Oh, okay." She felt sleepy, and she didn't dare to pester him too much. If she really provoked a man who became beastly, she would be the one to suffer.

She got off him obediently and lay down beside him.

Li Mo breathed a sigh of relief, but felt even more uncomfortable when his arms were empty.

"Blow the lamp." Feeling his hand touching her body, Li Man suppressed a smile and ordered.

"Yeah." Li Mo turned around and blew out the lamp on the bedside table.

The darkness instantly enveloped the room, and Li Mo's heart sank. In a trance, the painful experience of the past few days appeared in front of his eyes. He hurriedly stretched out his hand to hug Li Man into his arms, and yelled almost in fear.


"Huh? What's the matter?" Li Man heard that the voice was wrong, so she hurriedly turned around and faced him.

"No, it's nothing." Hearing her voice, Li Mo's heart settled down.

Li Man looked at him suspiciously, hugged his waist suddenly, and leaned herself close to him, "Brother, are you afraid?"

Li Mo didn't reply, just hugged her hand tightly.

Li Man sighed softly, stroked his waist with her small hands comfortingly, and said softly, "Fool, I'll come back, what are you afraid of?"

"Not afraid." Li Mo choked his voice, kissed her soft hair, said that he was not afraid, but he was obviously afraid in his heart.

Strange to say, ever since Li Man fell into a coma, when Uncle Xu diagnosed that she might never wake up for the rest of her life, he didn't seem to be really afraid.

In those few days, he didn't know what was wrong with him, so he just wanted to find the fairy grass for her, and he had no other emotions.

Now, she wakes up, can smile at him, talk to him, and comfort him softly.

But he was afraid.

Afraid that if she didn't wake up, what would he do?

"Liar." Don't be afraid, why is the voice so weird? Don't be afraid, why are you hugging her so tightly, as if you are afraid that she will disappear at any time.

Li Man snorted softly, raised her head, and kissed his lips precisely in the dark.

"Hmm." Li Mo snorted, his whole body felt like an electric current passed through him, and then he froze, his big hand pressed her waist, "Man'er, don't..."

He was afraid that he would not be able to control himself.


Just want to kiss you. Li Man simply climbed onto him, holding his face with both hands, pecking his lips narrowly like a dragonfly touching water.

Li Mo's breathing became short of breath, his mind was a little out of control, he became confused, and wanted to make a final struggle, "Man'er..."

Before she could say the words of refusal, Li Man's soft lips fell, and the tip of her dexterous tongue slipped into his mouth, wanting to roll and linger with him.

"Hmm." The last rationality finally collapsed, Li Mo completely fell into the tender and lingering kiss of his wife, gradually changed from passive to active, hugging her, kissing her, feeling her.

The dawn light shone into the room through the small window, Li Mo's heart jumped suddenly, and the moment he opened his eyes, he shouted loudly, "Man'er."

"Well, I'm sleepy." Li Man rolled over from his arms, hugging his arms and falling asleep again.

Last night, although the two of them didn't do anything substantively, they chatted and kissed deeply for a while, and they tossed and tossed until midnight.

Eyes wide open, Li Mo fixedly looked at the sleeping woman in his arms, his pounding heart finally stabilized slowly.

Not a dream, not a dream again.

very nice.

He lowered his head and kissed her hair lightly, his eyes were full of unresolved tenderness.

I just want to watch her sleeping face quietly.

However, the warm situation didn't last long, and a sudden knock on the door made Li Mo frown instantly.

"Who's out there?"

"Brother." Li Shu was still pounding on the door, and asked loudly, "Is the daughter-in-law okay? Is she awake? We want to come in and take a look."

"No." Li Mo refused with a black face.

"Brother." Li Shu still knocked on the door with all his strength, and glanced at the three brothers next to him, "What are you doing? I don't know what to say."

He obviously wanted to see his wife, so why did he rely on him to knock on the door.

"Brother, open the door, the fourth brother misses his wife."

"Third brother." Li Hua blushed and glared at him.

Li Shu chuckled, "How dare you say you didn't think about it?"

"Okay, as long as Man'er is fine, let's go down first and let her sleep for a while." Li Yan stared at the closed door and said in a deep voice.

"Oh." Li Shu was a little reconciled. He didn't sleep well last night. He opened his eyes and thought of his wife, but when he closed his eyes, he was still a daughter-in-law. This matter was very troublesome.

However, as soon as the brothers met in the morning, hehe, he was happy, and everyone felt the same.

Li Yan dragged Li Shu, took Li Hua and Xiao Wu downstairs together, and went to Li Xiangcao's house to see the two little babies who were still asleep.

Hearing that there was no movement outside the door, Li Mo's frowning brows finally relaxed, and he lowered his head, only to see Li Man's eyelids lifted slightly, staring at him sleepily.


"Huh?" Li Mo patted her on the back instinctively, as gently as if he was putting a child to sleep, "It's still early, you can sleep later."

"Who came just now?" I seemed to hear voices in a daze.

"No one's coming, sleep on later." Li Mo coaxed softly.

"Oh." The long eyelashes were gently lowered, and Li Man closed her eyes again, and fell asleep in his arms.

In other words, she likes the breath of Li Mo's body, which is clean and comfortable, and can give her the safest and most relaxed feeling.

So, as long as he is around, she can sleep well.

This time I went back to the cage and slept until the sun was up, which was very pleasant.

After waking up, Li Man's complexion was much better than yesterday's. She was rosy and her eyes were bright, like the brightest stars in the night sky. With a slight smile, her beautiful eyes were full of stars, extremely bright.

"Brother, I want to go out for a walk." Looking at the bright sunshine outside the window, Li Man's heart moved again. She knew that women should lie down more and move less during confinement, but after only lying down for a day, she felt a little tired I couldn't help it anymore, I was eager to go out for a walk and bask in the sun.

After Li Mo put on his clothes, he stood at the head of the bed, coaxing helplessly, "I'll accompany you for a walk every day after confinement."

"But, lying down like this all the time makes me uncomfortable." Li Man pinched the corner of the quilt and looked at him pitifully.

As soon as he said he was uncomfortable, Li Mo's heart softened.

He was pregnant for ten months, and once she gave birth, he knew how much Li Man had suffered during this period.

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