Fortunate Wife

Episode 7: Confession (Second update)

Li Mo felt sorry for his wife, but his aunt said that confinement is extremely important for a woman, and if she doesn't do it well, she will become a sick child for the rest of her life.

"Man'er, if you feel uncomfortable, I'll rub it for you."

"Well, okay." Li Man took it, and tucked into the quilt again, opened her big eyes and looked at him, "You said, whenever I feel uncomfortable, you have to rub it for me. Qi"

"Yeah." She was so obedient, and Li Mo was very happy.

"Then, I'm hungry. You go down and get some hot water. I need to wash up first, and then have breakfast." Li Man said.

"Okay." Li Mo heard that she was hungry, so he turned around and went downstairs.

Li Man thought of something, and stopped him again, "Brother, see if the babies are awake, if they are awake, hug them up."

"Well, good." When it comes to children, Li Moman's eyes are full of indelible tenderness.

Li Mo left, Li Man had no choice but to play with her fingers against the ceiling, if she lay on the bed for more than 20 days, it would be really uncomfortable.

But there's nothing boring about it.

Because, as soon as Li Mo left, Li Shu and Xiao Wu squeezed in.

It was indeed crowded, because the door was so wide, these two people seemed to be scrambling to get in, so two people crowded at the door, and in the end, Xiao Wu was the younger, more flexible, and squeezed in first.

But Li Shu was tall and big, with long legs, and with one step, one step was equal to two. Therefore, although Xiao Wu took the lead, the first person to reach the bed was Li Shu.

"Daughter-in-law, are you awake? Did you sleep well last night?" Li Shu squatted at the head of the bed so that he could look at her at the same level.

The daughter-in-law will not panic when she sees him.

"Yeah." Seeing his eager eyes, Li Man smiled, stretched out her hand from under the quilt, and gently touched his face, "You didn't sleep well, did you?"

"Hey." Li Shu smiled badly, grabbed her hand eagerly, rubbed and pinched it in the palm, pursed his mouth, and said aggrievedly, "I can't sleep if you're not around."

"Fool, why can't you fall asleep? If you're sleepy, just fall asleep." Li Man glanced at him lightly. After a night, his eyes were still bloodshot, which made people feel distressed.

Li Shu chuckled, "Then, from now on, my wife will sleep with me every day, so that I can sleep well every day."

"Third brother, it's already daytime, are you still dreaming?" Next to him, Xiao Wu, who had been neglected all the time, couldn't help pouring cold water on Li Shu.

Li Man chuckled, that's true, accompany him every day? Then the others haven't skinned him?

Li Shu gave Xiao Wu a vicious look, even if he was daydreaming, it was just because it wasn't real, so he was thinking about dreaming.

Damn boy, he can't even dream.

However, thinking that Xiao Wu has not been recognized by Li Man so far, Li Shu gloated a little, "Boy, don't just blame me, you don't even have the chance to have that dream at night."

Xiao Wu's face darkened in a flash, Third Brother is really hateful, so you know how to expose his faults?

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Li Man was curious, "What dream?"

"Hey, daughter-in-law, you don't know, Xiao Wu..."

When Li Shu was about to say something, Xiao Wu rushed over and covered his mouth with his hand, "Don't say anything."

How could Li Shu be threatened by him, he broke his hand away, and said with a vile smile, "You don't want to say it, I just say it, daughter-in-law, Xiao Wu dreamed last night..."

"If you dare to talk about me, I'll tell my daughter-in-law that you dreamed about other women." Xiao Wu shouted loudly.

Li Shu was startled, and so was Li Man.

She glanced at Li Shu suspiciously, "Did you dream of another woman? Who is it?"

"No way, listen to this kid's nonsense." Li Shu felt a little guilty.

Xiao Wu raised his beautiful head and stared at him gloatingly.

Li Man asked Xiao Wu, "Xiao Wu, tell me, who did Li Shu dream about?"

"I never dreamed of anyone, daughter-in-law, really. I swear." Li Shu hurriedly confessed.

In fact, it doesn't matter even if she dreams, she once dreamed of Su Youpeng in her dream, when he was young, he was green and clean...

However, seeing Li Shu like this, Li Manyue started to feel anxious, just wanted to tease him, and at the same time was curious, who is the woman in his dream? Also, what did they do in the dream, look at this guy's fright...

Seeing that Li Shu didn't tell her, Xiao Wu also consciously lied for him, "Oh, I probably made a mistake, and I didn't dream about any woman."

"Treat me as a kid? Hmph, you two are working together and cheating on me." Li Man's face sank, she stared at the two of them carefully, and threatened, "Now, I will give you a frank and lenient sentence." Opportunity, if you don't tell the truth, hum, the consequences will be very bad."

"Daughter-in-law, really not, Xiao Wu has admitted that he is talking nonsense." Li Shu explained with a bitter face, while giving Xiao Wu a hard look, "Stinky boy, you should explain clearly to your wife."

"I told you, I probably made a mistake, and my daughter-in-law doesn't believe me, what can I do?" Xiao Wu shrugged, with an attitude that had nothing to do with him.

Li Shu became furious, and immediately grabbed Li Man's hand, saying, "Daughter-in-law, this kid is not a good guy, he kept calling you in his dreams at night."

"Call me?" Li Man looked curiously at Xiao Wu, "What are you calling me for?"

Xiao Wu's handsome face flushed instantly, "Shouting... I dreamed that you fell into the pond."

After speaking loudly, Xiao Wu turned around and ran away.

"What are you running for?" Li Man looked at Xiao Wu's panicked back with amused expression.

Li Shu sneered, "I did something wrong."

"What's wrong with you?" Li Man became more and more curious.

Li Shu had a strange expression, and said "Mmmm" a few times, as if he didn't know how to say it, and he only used words to perfuse her, "If the kid doesn't say anything, I don't know."

"Oh." Li Man snorted, withdrew her hand, and stared at him dissatisfied, "I can't think of it, he lied for you, and you helped him cover. Hmph, you just have something to hide from me."

"Daughter-in-law, no." Seeing his daughter-in-law seemed really annoyed, Li Shu became anxious and wanted to grab her hand again.

Li Man was annoyed, she put her hand under the bed, and refused to catch him.

Li Shu scratched his head anxiously, with an embarrassed expression, "Daughter-in-law, it's really nothing, just, just..."

"Say." There was a sly light in Li Man's beautiful big eyes.

"That's right, I had a dream one night, and I was doing that with my wife, and I didn't want to..."

"How?" Li Man asked with a blushing face, thinking about that even in her dream? Woohoo, is she grateful for treating him?

"That's right, when I was having fun, I didn't want you suddenly turning into a short, fat black woman, which scared me so much... Well, I woke up at that time." Li Shu finished speaking in one breath, his face brightened. Zi Hong, but now when I think of that dream again, I still have lingering fears. The sudden change of a good daughter-in-law will scare everyone to death.

Fortunately, it was a dream.

Li Man wanted to laugh when she heard this, "This is it?" What can't be said about this?

"Yeah." Li Shu nodded, she was afraid that Li Man would be angry if she found out that she was replaced by another woman in his dream.

"What about Xiao Wu?" Li Man was curious to gossip about him again.

Li Shu chuckled twice, his dark pupils gleamed with scorching light, suddenly got up, leaned into Li Man's ear, and whispered something in her ear.

Li Man was surprised, "Really? How old is he?"

"Tch, it's not too early, it's almost thirteen." Li Shu laughed.

Li Man was very surprised. Do boys have sexual impulses so much earlier than girls? When she mentioned that day, she also seemed to think of something.

No wonder, that day, Xiao Wu took his clothes and pants from the basket in a panic and refused to let her wash them.

She thought why this kid was having trouble with her, so it turns out...

Hehe, I wanted to laugh again thinking about it.

Boys in the ignorant period have some fantasies and impulses, which are actually a normal physiological reaction, and it's nothing.

"Li Shu, you are not allowed to laugh at him in the future, he is young and doesn't understand, you have to teach him more." Li Man reminded.

Li Shu looked surprised, "Teach him? Daughter-in-law, how do you teach me this? Besides, do you need to teach this? It will come naturally when you have a daughter-in-law."

"Eh—" Li Man was embarrassed, and squeezed his palm hard, "I didn't ask you to teach him that, but I asked you to help him with psychological counseling."

"What guide?" Li Shu was puzzled.

Li Man gave him a white look, "Okay, just don't talk to him about the premise in the future, I'm afraid he will have a psychological burden."

"Oh, don't mention it." Li Shu nodded obediently, and eager light immediately appeared in his eyes, "Daughter-in-law, is there any reward for being so obedient?"

"Reward?" Heh, have you learned her set of rules so quickly?

When Li Man used to teach the children in the village, there were rewards and punishments.

"Then what reward do you want?"

"Kiss me." Li Shu moved his face closer.

Li Man couldn't help poking her lightly with her finger, "No kiss. If I hadn't pressed you like that, you wouldn't have cooperated so obediently. Besides, there were other women in your dream."

She started to be unreasonable.

Li Shu didn't mind, instead he chuckled, put his hands on her side, and looked down at her with burning eyes.

"Then I did something wrong, why not just punish my daughter-in-law?"

After the words fell, Li Shu's lips fell down decisively, regardless of her astonished eyes, and gently kissed her... forehead.


It is recommended that Ling'er complete the novel "Poisonous Concubine" and the new novel "The Sick Concubine of the Cao Mang Lord".

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