Fortunate Wife

Episode 8 Deliberately

Li Man froze for a moment, let the soft lips kiss her forehead, then slowly fell to her eyes, cheeks... the corners of her lips...

Just when the kiss was about to fall on her lips, Li Man suddenly understood, screamed, grabbed Li Shu's ears with both hands, and pulled him away.

"Bad guy, does kissing me count as punishment?"

Li Shu giggled, and leaned closer to her body, but he didn't dare to use too much force, "Why not? Otherwise, what I want to kiss is... Qi"

The scorching breath was a bit rough, and he stared at her pretty face with fiery eyes, with curved eyebrows, big watery eyes, pretty straight nose, moist lips like petals, round and delicate jaw, and... ....

No matter where it is, it fascinates him.

In short, he loved her badly.

"What?" Li Man blinked and looked at him with a smile.

This is to 'hook, lure' him? Li Shu's whole body suddenly burned, as if someone secretly set a fire on him, and the fire spread instantly, almost burning his whole body.

"Daughter-in-law..." His voice became hoarse, and he lowered his head, carefully but firmly kissed her lips, with the tip of his tongue sticking in, eagerly looking for her sweet taste.

"Hmm." Li Man groaned, but didn't push him away, just rubbed his ears with both hands, and slowly hugged his neck tightly.

As if inspired, Li Shu drove straight in, propped one hand on the side of her head, and slipped the other hand into the bed, wanting to touch the place he had been thinking about day and night.

"Cough... third brother."

The sudden sound was like a basin of cold water being poured over.

With an 'ow', Li Shu left Li Man panting roughly, turned his head, and glared at Li Hua bitterly, his molars grinding painfully.

"Fourth brother, it's really time for you to come."

"Man'er, the water is here." Li Hua consciously ignored Li Shu's angry eyes, and walked over with a basin of hot water.

Li Man's face was blushing, but her eyes were full of narrow smiles.

She is now in an extraordinary period, so naturally she can't do that, but the coma of those few days made her a ghost wander around, and the feeling of dazed fear is still fresh in her memory.

Probably because of this, her thoughts have changed a lot.

Before that, although she accepted their brothers, she was somewhat reserved, shy, and even conservative in that respect.

Now, she doesn't know whether it's because she feels sorry for their suffering these days, or because she is afraid of her unknown future, but she is eager to treat them well and make them happy as much as possible.

She didn't want to, one day in the future, when she wanted to be nice to them, she didn't even have such a chance.

So, despite her shyness, she was content.

She knew that Li Shu was annoyed that Li Hua ruined his good deed, but he must also be happy in his heart.

That's right, this was the first time she took the initiative to hug him and kiss him.

Li Shu stood aside obediently, his handsome face was also flushed strangely, his eyes were full of emotion, the tide had not receded, and there was a certain kind of pleasure shining.

Li Man only glanced at him with a smile, then sat up and planned to wash up.

Li Hua put the basin on the stool, carried it to the side of the bed, picked up the coat from the bedside table behind her ears, and draped it over her shoulders.

His series of movements are extremely natural and neat.

Li Man looked at him movedly, and he was the only one who didn't talk much, but he was gentle and appropriate to her in everything.

Li Hua seemed to be burned by her straightforward eyes, blushed, bent down, fished out a wet towel from the basin and handed it to her.

Li Man took it, and after a simple wash, she picked up the pillow and leaned against the head of the bed.

Sure enough, soon, Li Yan came over with a bowl of shredded pork noodles.

Noodles again? A big bowl of chicken noodle soup yesterday has not been fully digested yet.

"Noodles are easy to digest and good for the stomach." Li Yan knew what she was thinking when he saw her expression, so he sat on the bedside and coaxed her to feed her.

Li Man held the pillow in front of her chest, and stretched out her hand lazily.

She also knows that women here eat soft food during confinement, which is said to nourish the stomach.

It is said that during a woman's pregnancy, due to the continuous growth of the baby, the internal organs of the woman are squeezed and displaced. Therefore, during the confinement period, one must eat well and eat right, so as to facilitate recovery.

"Have you eaten yet?" Seeing that the complexions of these people were much better than yesterday, Li Man felt much better.

"Well, sister-in-law is still cooking. Your side is alone." Li Yan said, picked another piece of shredded pork, and handed it to her lips.

Li Man was curious, "Why did you do it alone? Isn't it troublesome?"

"What's the trouble, we didn't have confinement." Li Shu laughed aside.

"Really?" Why didn't Li Man believe it? Could it be that they are reluctant to eat?

That's right, look at her food, yesterday it was chicken, today it's pork, and there are eggs in it, if they also eat these all the time, I will definitely feel sorry for them.

Hey, thinking about it, she built a new house last year and bought a field. She spent a lot of money all the way through pregnancy and childbirth, and there will be more places to spend money in the future.

I'm afraid the family doesn't have much money left.

Thinking about it, Li Man has a new plan. When she recovers, she must properly urge the men to carry out her goal of making a fortune to the end.

After eating a large bowl of shredded pork noodles, Li Man leaned comfortably on the bedside and rubbed her stomach, and looked at Li Yan with eyes filled with reproach, "Well, it's all your fault, you keep coaxing me to eat, my stomach is full, what should I do?" ?”

"Lie down and rest for a while, it will be fine in a while." Seeing her kicking the quilt away, Li Hua hurriedly came over and helped pull it up.

"It's a bit hot." Li Man wiped her forehead, and she was sweating after eating a bowl of hot noodles.

Li Hua still insisted on wrapping her tightly with a quilt, "Then you can't be greedy for the cold, if there is a gust of wind, it's not good."

"Who taught you these things?" Li Man laughed at him as if he had been confinement.

Li Hua smiled shyly, "Auntie said so."

"Oh." Li Man was speechless, someone who came here has the right to speak.

After a while, Li Xiangcao shouted downstairs, the meal is ready, let's go downstairs to eat.

But the three brothers agreed, but none of them moved.

Li Yan wrung out the towel and wiped her mouth. Li Shu leaned against the wall at the head of the bed, hugged his hands, and stared at her leisurely, looking for an opportunity to continue what was interrupted before. thing.

Li Hua was sitting by the bed, with one hand on the quilt, as if afraid that she would kick the quilt again.

Seeing that a few people had no intention of leaving at all, Li Man had no choice but to say, "Didn't you hear sister-in-law shouting? Don't go down for dinner."

"No hurry." Li Yan threw the towel into the basin, and then told Li Shu and Li Hua, "You two go down and eat first."

"What about you?" Li Shu asked back.

"Man'er always needs someone to accompany her here." What Li Yan said was taken for granted.

Li Shu curled his lips, "I'm not hungry, you guys eat first, I'll just accompany my wife."

"Second brother, third brother, when I got up, I ate half a steamed bun, and I'm not hungry now, you should go down." Li Hua said softly, eyes half-closed.

For this kind of obvious pet invitation, he is obviously not as proficient as the two of them.

"Okay, you all don't want to leave, right? Then you all stay. After the elder brother finishes eating, I'll replace you when I come up." Li Man said slowly.

When the few people heard the words, they immediately realized that when the time came, the elder brother would be left alone to accompany his daughter-in-law again.

"Daughter-in-law, I'll listen to you. Then I'll go down to eat, and I'll come back to accompany you later." Li Shu said hastily, and after finishing speaking, he dodged and ran away.

Li Man blurted out, "Don't run so fast," not afraid of falling.

Li Hua took the basin and went downstairs voluntarily.

Li Yan, like an old monk, calmly waited for the two younger brothers to leave, and then stared at Li Man quietly.

He just stared at her, pursed his thin lips tightly, but didn't say a word.

Li Man felt a little nervous when he looked at her, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Otherwise? Use it." It's not a question, but an affirmative sentence.

As soon as the words fell, Li Yan really bullied him, kissing Li Man's lips eagerly with a scorching kiss, with a lot of vigor.

Li Man felt that it was difficult to breathe, so she pushed him away forcefully, rubbed her swollen lips bitten by him, and stared at him dissatisfied.

"What are you doing?"

"I miss you." Li Yan's deep eyes were full of love, but they were also domineering and evil, which made people's heart beat.

Li Man suppressed her heart beating a few beats faster, and scolded him, "Is that what you think?"

Just bite her if you miss her, how will you let her live in the future?

"Listen, there will be too many people in a while, you can't sleep well, just leave me alone." Li Yan ordered suddenly.

"Ah?" Li Man was taken aback.

Before he finished asking, Li Mo entered the room, "Second brother, the meal is getting cold. "

"Oh." Li Yan got up and went downstairs.

Li Mo sat over, "What did the second brother tell you just now?" Seeing her strange eyes.

Li Man laughed dryly, "No."

"Oh." Li Mo didn't ask any more questions knowingly.

But, not long after, the Li family brothers probably finished eating, and they all came upstairs in a swarm, and Li Xiangyu came over in person, saying that women should be clean during confinement and rest more, so many people would disturb him.

So everyone had to go downstairs.

Li Yan only looked at Li Man, as if reminding her of what she just said.

Li Man deliberately pretended not to see it, and then pointed at Li Hua.

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