Fortunate Wife

Episode 9 Nervous

Li Yan narrowed his eyes, revealing a dangerous light.

Li Man shrank her neck, quickly turned her eyes away, and just hummed, "Let Li Hua stay and take care of me."

"Then, fourth child, you stay and take care of Man'er. Everyone else is going downstairs. Why should you go? A bunch of people are crowded here, which is not good for the mother." Li Xiangyu waved her away as she said.

Li Yan turned his head, stared at Li Man suspiciously, then turned and left.

Everyone leaves.

Only then did Li Hua close the door, walked to the bed, looked at Li Man, his eyes were full of indescribable affection.

"Man'er, do you want some water?" He suddenly felt thirsty, so he asked Li Man, and poured a glass of hot water.

Li Man looked at him, pursed her lips and smiled, "I won't drink, you can drink if you're thirsty."

"Oh." Li Hua snorted. Under her burning gaze, she raised her head unnaturally and drank a big mouthful of water.

Xu Shi drank too fast, the water poured down his throat all at once, his face flushed from choking, and he coughed violently.

The clothes on his chest were also soaked by the coughed water.

"Why are you so careless?" Li Man straightened up, half kneeling beside the bed, reaching out to pat him on the back.

Li Hua glanced at her thin body, and regardless of the discomfort in her throat, she quickly reached out, hugged her shoulders, and pushed her back into the bed.

"I'm fine, you lie down quickly." Perhaps it was because of the cough just now, but at this moment, his voice was still a little hoarse.

Li Man did not lie down, but propped her arms on the pillow, propped up her upper body, and looked at him with her little head raised.

"Your clothes are wet, should you change them?"

"It's okay, just a little bit." Li Hua wiped the water from his chest, and smiled embarrassedly.

Li Man looked at him, and suddenly, she smiled wickedly, "Say, why did you choke just now? Did I... stare at you?"

In the past, Li Hua was indeed young and shy, but since the two of them had a closer relationship, he was still less shy in front of outsiders, but when the two were alone, he changed his youthful innocence. By nature, the dominance and willfulness in that matter are not inferior to Li Yan at all.

However, the only difference is that afterward, he will feel embarrassed again, just like at this moment, his eyes are shining brightly with satisfaction, but that handsome face is full of embarrassment.

"Cough." Li Hua naturally refused to admit it, but she was watching her, and she was nervous and choked.

As for why he was nervous, he couldn't explain it himself.

Since Li Man was in a coma for several days, he was almost isolated from the world these few days, and he seemed to have lived again, and it was more like getting to know her again.

Familiar and unfamiliar, it feels a little strange.

Want to get close, but inexplicably nervous.

"I got it right." Li Man giggled, her expression was indescribably clever and cunning, and there was a trace of evil in her expression, which made people's heart tremble even more.

Li Hua keenly noticed that the daughter-in-law seemed to be a little different from before, and she actually teased him wickedly.

To him, this feeling is strange and novel, but he likes it even more.

In the past, he could feel Li Man's kindness to him, but it was more reserved and shy. Whenever he needed to make up his mind and tease her forcefully, she would soften, and there was always a shyness in her brows. It's very pitiful.

Now, she is bold and unrestrained, and even, is her scorching gaze with a hint of evil, is she taking the initiative to tease him?

"Man'er." Li Hua opened his mouth, and found that his voice was hoarse again, but this hoarseness was different from the previous one caused by not eating, drinking, or sleeping. Instinctive reaction.

"Heh." Li Man smiled, patted her side, "Lie down."

"What?" Li Hua thought he had heard it wrong, but it was undeniable that he was pleasantly surprised when he heard this.

"Lie down." Li Man patted it again, and moved a little bit in herself, and said with a smile, "I can't sleep, and it's uncomfortable to lie down. Come with me and tell me a story."

"Story?" It turned out that Li Hua wanted to listen to a story, but Li Hua suddenly laughed at his sensitivity.

He slowly leaned over and sat down on the edge of the bed, "What story do you want to hear?"

"Take off your coat and lie down, otherwise, if I look at you like this, your neck will be so sore?" Li Man rested her head on the pillow and looked at his neck eagerly.

"This?" Li Hua hesitated.

But when he saw Li Man's bawdy eyes, the hesitation disappeared in an instant. He got up, took off his coat, shoes and socks, and got into bed.

As soon as he came in, Li Man rushed into his arms like a fish, found the most comfortable position in his arms, hugged his waist with both hands, and said, "Now let's talk, um, it's best to talk about mythical ghosts." Like, sounds interesting."

"Mythical ghosts?" Li Hua naturally searched for such stories in his mind, but just thought of a story about a white fox beauty who was a talent at a night party. The dark eyes are not like a pure and charming fairy.

Involuntarily, his throat tightened, and Li Hua quickly raised his eyes to the roof, cleared his throat, and then said, "Listen well, tell me, once upon a time, there was a poor scholar named Li,"

After saying a word, Li Man blinked her big eyes and said with a smile, "What a coincidence, my surname is also Li."

The speaker was unintentional, but it sounded intentional, and Li Hua's heart skipped a beat again. A scholar surnamed Li, a fox goblin...

For no reason, he felt very close to the situation with his wife at the moment.

"What about the back?" Li Man asked curiously.

"Behind." Li Hua swallowed, and said again, "Because he is poor, he has no place to live. He only lives in a ruined temple at the foot of the mountain."

"Well, pitiful." Li Man sighed softly, and instinctively rubbed her small head against his chest a couple more times. This posture is more comfortable.

Li Hua's body froze, and she couldn't even speak fluently, "Yes, yes, but, pitiful."

"And then?" Li Man narrowed her eyes slightly and asked again.

"He, he worked hard." Li Hua continued, "He was focused on the imperial examination, and he didn't want to. There was a villain in the village who couldn't get along with him. He was beaten up for an unreasonable thing."

"Ah?" Li Man snorted in surprise, "Then what happened next?"

"Later, Li Xiucai had no money for medical treatment, and was seriously injured lying in the ruined temple, waiting to die like this. Unexpectedly, one night, when Li Xiucai was in a daze, he suddenly felt a noise around him, and he opened his eyes to look. "

"It's a woman, isn't it?" Having seen too many bloody passages like this in modern times, Li Man said the answer eagerly and with certainty, her little head propped up from his chest, with a proud expression of 'I knew it' expression.

Li Hua was almost dumbfounded, and nodded his head, "Yes, it's a woman."

"Hey," Li Man was satisfied, then lowered her head and lay down on his chest, "Go ahead, what happened next?"

"Later." Li Hua was a little confused, "Later, that woman cured Li Xiucai's injury."

Then, there was no sound for a long time.

Li Man was waiting for the good things about the scholar and the woman, but later, Li Hua didn't make a sound, so she couldn't wait, "What's the result?"

"What result?" Li Hua was puzzled.

Li Man raised his head again and looked at him with a smile, "Shouldn't it be that Li Xiucai was born again and gradually fell in love with that beautiful woman? Of course, during this, they will punish the bully together, and after that, it will be the two of them." Are you living happily together?"

Li Hua was stunned, and then smiled, "You know everything?"

"This kind of story is almost the same. By the way, tell me something, um, novel? The plot needs to be twisted." Li Man made a request.

Li Hua was a little embarrassed, "How should I say this?"

"That's a joke." Li Man said.

"Cough." It's better to talk about novel and twisted stories.

Seeing him in a difficult situation, Li Man had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, "Why don't you just read to me."


"Yeah, go get your textbook, I like to hear you read."

Li Hua smiled, "Then I'll get it."

"Yeah." Li Man nodded, watched him get up, walked out like this, and hurriedly said, "Put on your clothes before going out."

Otherwise, it is easy to be misunderstood by others.

Li Hua smiled awkwardly, hurriedly put on her coat again, and then went to the next room to find a book.

After returning, he lay down next to Li Man again, letting her lean on him comfortably, while he read a book softly.

His voice is very nice, and those words read out of his mouth have a unique classical beauty.

Therefore, Li Man fell asleep unknowingly while listening.

Seeing the peaceful sleeping face of his daughter-in-law in his arms, Li Hua's lips curled up, his eyes were full of tenderness, and he gently put the book aside, then, he stretched out his hand and pulled the quilt up, covering Li Man well.

Gently placed a kiss on her soft hair, then closed her eyes, embraced her, and fell into a dream happily.

During this sleep, the two of them slept very soundly, until the knock on the door sounded, and they woke up in a daze.

It turned out that Aunt Xu and Bo Xu had come.

Knowing that Li Man woke up, Xu Bo came here on purpose, wanting to check on her to see if she was really fine.

In the room, hearing knocking on the door and voices outside, Li Hua got out of bed in a panic, and hurriedly put on his coat.

Under the quilt, Li Man watched, Zhi Le's eyebrows and eyes curved.

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