Fortunate Wife

Episode 11 Naming

She ate a lot in the morning, Li Man was not very hungry at the moment, she only ate two poached eggs, and let Li Hua eat the remaining four.

Li Hua was not willing to eat, so he coaxed her to eat another one, seeing that she really couldn't eat any more, so she gave it away for Xiao Wu to eat.

Xiao Wu is growing up, and five meals a day is not too much. In addition, this guy is eager to grow up. Even if he is not hungry, he still has to eat hard, so he looks forward to eating a fat man. It differs.

Aunt Xu Boxu left after lunch, and before leaving, Aunt Xu came up and told her that men should not be allowed to mess around during the confinement period.

Li Man knew that they had misunderstood Li Hua.

However, having said that, Li Hua opened the door late, and his tired and flustered expression was indeed easily misunderstood.

Li Man blushed, and explained to Aunt Xu helplessly for a long time, but she didn't believe it. After all, Li Hua had a criminal record, and his first time was at Aunt Xu's house.

In the end, Li Man promised that men would not be allowed to go to her kang in the future. Then Aunt Xu laughed and said, "It's not that you can't go on the kang all the time, at least you have to recover. If you don't know, just There are those silly daughters-in-law who just gave birth, and because the men couldn't hold it back, they did it again. No, the children here are still breastfeeding, and there will be another in their stomachs soon. You say this is Not suffering?"

"Hee hee." Li Man bared her teeth, wanting to say that she is not a stupid daughter-in-law.

Aunt Xu thought of something, she quickly stopped talking, said she would come back tomorrow, let her rest, and left.

As soon as Aunt Xu left, Li Yan's figure flashed into the room in an instant. Under Li Man's astonished eyes, he closed the door tightly and walked towards her suspiciously.

"You, you wouldn't just hide in the next room, would you?" Li Man looked at him amusedly, not afraid of his cannibalistic eyes, hey, she is a child's mother now, does he dare to really eat her?

"Little heartless, you don't listen to the words of the second master?" Li Yan sat up, stretched out his hand, and squeezed her delicate cheeks fiercely, turning the white skin red, which shows that he is really angry up.

Li Man was in pain, groaned twice, and stared at him resentfully, "Are you trying to tear the flesh off my face?"

"Tear it off? I want to bite it off." As he spoke, Li Yan leaned forward and really opened his mouth to bite.

Li Man screamed in fright, shrunk into the bed, and explained, "I know I was wrong, don't bite, just listen to me."

"What did you say? You said you wanted your fourth brother to accompany you, that you missed him more?" Li Yan gritted his teeth and stared at her.

Jealous of the jar, Li Man glanced at him with a smile, but because of his jealousy, she felt flattered in her heart.

Reaching out, she hugged his neck, leaned her soft body into his arms, and explained with a slight sigh, "He is your fourth brother, are you jealous too? Besides, he stayed here just to study for me." tell a story."

"I can do it too." Li Yan looked at her in his arms, still dissatisfied.

Li Man looked up at him, blinking her big innocent eyes, "But you still have one night to spend with me."

"Little villain." Li Yan lowered his head, and lightly bit the tip of her nose.

Li Man giggled, stretched out her hand and pushed him, "Are you here alone? What about them?"

"Heh, the eldest brother is talking with the little uncle. The third and fourth brothers are holding the baby." Li Yan said.

Li Man's eyes lit up, "Little uncle is here? To pick up my sister?"

Li Yan shrugged, "He brought the bedding."

"Pfft." Li Man laughed out loud, "It's probably because I can't stand alone at home with an empty room."

Li Yan also bent the corners of his lips, and gently stroked the hair that had slid down her cheeks behind her ears.

"Ninety-four days."

"What?" He said this suddenly, which made Li Man a little puzzled.

Li Yan chuckled and hugged her into his arms, "Fool."

"What?" Li Man rested her head on his chest, thought for a moment, felt the meaning of his words, moved her heart, stretched out her hand on his chest, and pinched him lightly, "Seqian, you know how to miss him all day long." this."

"Which one do you miss?" He looked at her, smiled wickedly, and asked knowingly.

Li Man looked at him, "Which one are you talking about? Scoundrel."

"Hehe, if I don't miss it, you are the one crying." Li Yan looked at her tense little face, suddenly lowered his head, buried his head in the hollow of her shoulder, and sucked hard, the fair skin was immediately planted. Beautiful strawberries.

She didn't shyly refuse like before, Li Man only felt a little itchy, but her heart was filled with sweetness.

That's right, he is his own man, if he doesn't think about himself anymore, then something bad will happen.

In modern times, how many families break up because of a woman giving birth to a child. During pregnancy, a man cheats and cheats, and after having a child, the couple quarrels over trivial matters. What's more, men feel that they are not the same as before because a woman gave birth to a child. Well, I'm disgusted and tired, and I even don't want to touch some of them.


Thinking about the moment she was pregnant, she can still vividly remember the kindness they have treated her from the moment she was pregnant.

"Li Yan." Suddenly, Li Man hugged his neck and stared at him affectionately, "Do you know? If I hadn't met you in this life, I think my life would be like a pool of stagnant water, with no hope at all." No. Do you know how lucky I am to have you in my life?"

Looking at her watery eyes, Li Yan's heart seemed to be overflowing with something, he just smiled and said, "It's our brother who is lucky. If there is no

With you, maybe we are still bachelors now, let alone children. "

"Cut~" Li Man didn't believe it.

Others don't talk about it, but Li Yan alone said that the most beautiful girl in the village, Mudan, was chasing after him and wanted to marry him. Even after the Li family had her own daughter-in-law, she still refused to give up.

How could he be a bachelor?

And Li Hua, what about Chunni and Lianhua, the two girls are jealous of him, can't she see it?

The others, Li Mo, she doesn't know, as for Li Shu? In addition to being a bit irritable, he is handsome, has a lot of strength, and is cute and cute. I don't know how many son-in-laws like him in this village want to recruit him.

Oh, let's die.

Perhaps, destiny has tied them together long ago.

She even thought that if the Li family had been a little richer back then, Li Man would have nothing to do with her.

Speaking of which, she should be grateful for the poor days.

"By the way, Li Yan, the child hasn't been named yet, right?" Li Man leaned in his arms and suddenly thought of this important question.

Li Yan said 'oh'. These days, everyone's thoughts are on her, and no one has time to think about the child.

"Why don't we give the child a name while we're free?" Li Man suggested excitedly.

Seeing her enthusiasm, Li Yan couldn't help laughing, and said casually, "It's not easy to pick a name, it's just a cat and a dog."

Li Man's head was full of black lines, "You are just a cat and a dog. There is a girl in our family. You want her to be called a cat and a dog. Be careful when she grows up and bites you."

"Like you." Li Yan looked at her viciously... The moist little mouth, perhaps because of the bright light, made the already pink lips even more beautiful and seductive against the background. people.

"You're bad." Li Man thumped him on the shoulder, "If you don't take it, I'll find my elder brother."

"Yeah." Li Yan agreed, which made Li Man a little astonished.

Li Yan smiled heartily, "Fool, I have to let my elder brother do the naming."

Li Man suddenly thought about it and understood what he meant.

This place pays attention to the order of seniority, Li Mo is the eldest son of Li, and he chooses the child's name, which is an affirmation of his parental status and respect for him.

Just now, she was negligent. She thought that choosing a name for the child was just an impromptu choice, so that everyone could refer to it when the time came.

Fortunately, Li Yan reminded me.

"What about you? You don't want to name the child?" After thinking about Li Mo, Li Man looked at Li Yan again, as if she felt sorry for him again.

Li Yan smiled indifferently, "Whoever names it, the child is mine."

"How do you know?" Li Man's eyes widened. Actually, the others thought the child belonged to them, but only Li Yan's overly confident tone made her jump.

The corners of Li Yan's lips curved beautifully, and he winked at her, "Look carefully." He pointed to his face.

Li Man looked at his face carefully, but couldn't find the answer, so she couldn't help shaking her head.

"Idiot, didn't you see that our girl has the same smile as me?"

"She laughed?" Li Man's head was full of black lines.

Li Yanjun's face darkened, "Of course, if you don't believe me, you should pay attention next time."

"Oh." Li Man shrunk her neck and thought to herself, Li Mo also said that the second child's eyebrows and eyes resembled him that night.

Huh, let them go. Anyway, there are only two children, and among the four of them, one of them is always the father of the child. The ratio is half and half, which is not low.

In short, she is the child's mother, so she didn't run away.

She is at ease.

At this time, there was a knock on the door. It turned out that Li Shu and the others knew that Li Man might not be asleep at the moment, so they hugged the children who had just eaten and hadn't fallen asleep yet.

Li Man hurriedly pushed Li Yan to let him open the door.

Li Yan looked at her and reminded, "The child will come later, you have to watch carefully."

"Understood." Li Man was speechless. It would be great if there was a personal identification these days, otherwise, they are brothers, and their appearance is five points similar. How can they tell the difference?

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