Fortunate Wife

Episode 12 Please

When the child came over, Li Man really listened to Li Yan's words, carefully identifying the faces of the two children, but felt that the child was a little fairer than yesterday, and there was no other change.

Moreover, in terms of appearance, these two children are really too young. With those wrinkled facial features, how can you tell who they look like?

Well, she felt like she was different.

Especially the boss's lips, as moist as a peach with morning dew, so pretty, when he smiled, the corners of his lips curled up, very playful.

That's right, Li Yan probably thought that this smile resembled him.

Involuntarily, Li Man raised her eyes to look at Li Yan, who was also staring at her with burning eyes at this moment. Seeing her looking towards him, she raised her lips and smiled, as if to say, look, isn't it similar?

Li Man smiled, picked up the eldest child, kissed his forehead lovingly, and then picked up the second child again.

The second child was very lethargic, so he kept his big eyes open and looked around. After a while, when he reached his mother's arms, he closed his eyes quietly, as if he had fallen asleep again.

"Brother, please give the children a name." Li Man put the child beside her, lay down herself, and then looked at Li Moao.

"Yeah." Li Mo looked at the child with deep love in his eyes.

Here, the Li family and his wife were discussing the matter of naming the child. Downstairs, in Li Xiangcao's bedroom, Zhang Ben finally got a chance to be alone with his wife, and quickly pushed the door from the inside.

"What are you doing? Close the door in broad daylight." Li Xiangcao blushed and annoyed him.

Zhang Ben turned around and hugged Li Xiangcao into his arms, buried his face in her neck, and sucked in her breath deeply and greedily.

"Release quickly, people will see it soon." Li Xiangcao pushed him anxiously.

"The door is closed." Zhang Ben didn't let go, "Daughter-in-law, you've lost weight."

"Yeah." Li Xiangcao snorted. She didn't have much feeling about fat and thin, but she was a little tired, taking care of the children, and other things were okay, but she didn't sleep at night. Such a small child, especially the eldest, almost every day I have to breastfeed every other hour.

She needs to heat milk and feed her baby, and she has to change the baby's diaper from time to time. Sometimes, if she oversleep, the baby's feces and urine will stick to her pants. She has to clean and change the baby's clothes in time.

In this way, I couldn't sleep almost all night.

Fortunately, during the day, there are many people taking care of the children, so she has time to sleep for a while.

At this moment, being hugged so tightly by Zhang Ben, Li Xiangcao suddenly felt sleepy.

"Daughter-in-law, let me stay with you?" Zhang Ben worried that Li Xiangcao would not be able to bear it when he saw Li Xiangcao's thinner body.

She likes children so much that she forgets herself when she takes care of them. She has lost weight in just a few days. If she really passes confinement, she still doesn't know what she has made of herself.

"No, you will disturb the child." Li Xiangcao said hastily.

Zhang Ben let go of her, and looked at her with distressed eyes, "Daughter-in-law, children sleep better than adults. If they really fall asleep, even thunder won't wake them up. Besides, I don't snore much. Wasn't I too tired that day?"

"But..." Li Xiangcao hesitated, and blushed, "Even if you stay, you can't sleep in my house."

"Why?" Zhang Ben was so depressed, didn't he stay here just to take care of his wife? At night, babysitting can also help.

Li Xiangcao glanced at him, feeling helpless.

This is the custom here. The son-in-law follows his daughter back to his natal family and cannot live in the same house, otherwise it will be detrimental to the owner of the family.

Although it is a feudal superstition, the more obscure things are, the more people dare not easily surpass them, especially because they are afraid of having a bad influence on the Li family brothers. Therefore, no matter what, Li Xiangcao will not let Zhang Ben slept with himself.

Zhang Ben was a little discouraged, and sat on the bed with Li Xiangcao in his arms. Looking at Li Xiangcao's haggard eye circles, he gently rubbed her temples with his hands in distress, and then slowly massaged her neck and shoulders.

"It's really comfortable." The moderate force made Li Xiangcao close her eyes comfortably, and lay down on his chest.

Zhang Ben said with a smile, "I learned from Li Yan. He said..."

"What?" Li Xiangcao closed her eyes and asked lazily.

Zhang Ben was a little embarrassed, but he still said, "He said, if you want to please your wife, you must learn this."

"Heh." Li Xiangcao also giggled when she heard the words, "He, this is what he thinks about all day long."

Zhang Ben thought about it, and felt the same way, so he couldn't help but also laughed, and asked, "Then, daughter-in-law, how do you do it for your husband?"

Li Xiangcao's heart beat a little faster when she said it, and her heart was sweet, but she pursed her lips and didn't answer.

"Daughter-in-law." Seeing that she should not respond, Zhang Ben asked again.

Like a child who can't eat candy, there is obvious loss in that voice.

Li Xiangcao smiled, "Okay, okay?"

"Hey, that's enough." Zhang Ben was satisfied at this point. He felt that she was lying in his arms like this, and he was afraid that it would be uncomfortable, and the strength of his massage was not easy to control, so he said, "Daughter-in-law, you lie down."

"Why?" Li Xiangcao's heart skipped a beat, and she looked at him warily.

Knowing that she was thinking wrong, Zhang Ben also had a warm face, licked his dry lips, and said, "Get down on the ground, and I will rub your waist for you, so that the children are not here, so you just take advantage of the time Let's sleep."

"Me?" Li Xiangcao wanted to say, since he is here, she shouldn't spend more time with him.

accompany him? "how about you?"

Zhang Ben grinned brightly, "I'll give you a massage, so you can sleep more soundly. Come on, hurry up, or you won't be able to sleep as soon as the children are delivered."

"Yeah." Li Xiangcao obediently lay down on the pillow.

Zhang Ben pulled the quilt and covered her lower body, then sat cross-legged on her body, giving her a gentle and powerful Zhang massage.

Although his technique was still far behind Li Yan's, but his intentions were a little bit less.

Perhaps with him around, Li Xiangcao relaxed, and soon fell asleep with this relaxation, and even let out a slight snoring sound.

Zhang Ben knew that she was extremely tired, so when she fell asleep, he helped her cover the quilt, and he also took the opportunity to get into the bed, and fell asleep with her in his arms.

This time, unexpectedly, he slept until dark.

Li Xiangyu felt sorry for her sister and didn't want to shout, but dinner was ready, so she had to knock on the door lightly.

Zhang Ben felt shallow, and when he heard the knock on the door, he opened his eyes, and the light in the room was dim.

Unexpectedly, he was a little embarrassed after sleeping for such a long time, but when he saw the woman in his arms who was still immersed in a sweet dream, he couldn't bear to wake her up.

He only gently let go of her, got out of bed slowly, and opened the door carefully without making any sound.

"Hush." ​​Before Li Xiangyu at the door could speak, Zhang Ben made a small gesture to her, and then came out to talk to her.

"Sister, Vanilla is still asleep. These days, she doesn't sleep much. Let her sleep more."

Li Xiangyu glanced into the room, the light was dim, and she couldn't see very clearly, but she could vaguely discern the person sleeping soundly on the bed.

"Well, that's good, you go out and eat first. I'll save the vanilla portion for a while, and when she wakes up, I'll heat it up for her to eat." Li Xiangyu said.

Zhang Ben gave an 'um', turned his head, and looked at his sleeping wife gently on the bed, then slowly opened the door and followed Li Xiangyu to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Xiao Wu diligently prepared the meals.

After a while, Li Mo and others also went downstairs.

Seeing Zhang Ben's appearance of just waking up, Li Shu chuckled secretly.

Li Yan patted Zhang Ben on the shoulder, "Where's sister-in-law?"

"I haven't woken up yet." Zhang Ben answered honestly.

Li Yan shrugged his eyebrows, let out an 'oh', and wisely stopped asking.

But everyone's ambiguous eyes told him clearly that they had misunderstood.

"Vanilla is just tired. She slept too deeply and hasn't woken up yet." After sitting down, Zhang Ben couldn't help explaining.

But this explanation is suspected of being more and more black.

Li Yan said while eating, "We all know that sister-in-law is very hard."

"Yeah." Zhang Ben also had a mouthful of food, but soon realized that this hard work was not his hard work, and hurriedly said, "I didn't do it."

Pfft——Li Yan almost couldn't hold back his rants, pointed at Zhang Ben, and said with a smile, "You, since you've been with my sister-in-law, you even talk like her."

How can it be so funny?

Zhang Ben was also embarrassed, and smiled naively twice.

"Okay, let's eat." Li Xiangyu couldn't help talking when he saw him bullying Zhang Ben, and asked Li Mo, "What's the child's name?"

Li Mo glanced at his brothers and shook his head with a dark face.

"Didn't take it?" Li Xiangyu asked again.

"I've taken it. There are too many opinions, and I haven't decided yet." Li Shudao.

"Oh." Li Xiangyu muttered to himself, "It's called Hongbao, Hongfu, how nice, happy and auspicious."

"Hey." Li Shu laughed lowly, and didn't dare to say it. After he reported the two names mentioned by his aunt, the strange look in his wife's eyes, what kind of treasure and rich is it, it's too vulgar.

"That's right." Suddenly, Li Mo said to Zhang Ben, "Don't go back at night, stay here."

"Ah?" Zhang Ben was taken aback, looked at Li Xiangyu, and said, "I'm afraid it's not right?"

Li Xiangyu didn't speak this time, Li Mo said again, "Man'er said, either you stay or let my sister go back with you."

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