Fortunate Wife

Episode 13 Joke

Zhang Ben was taken aback, he knew what Li Man was thinking, and a warm feeling rose in his heart.

However, he looked at Li Xiangyu with some hesitation.

Li Xiangyu knew what he was thinking, put down his chopsticks, and said, "Since Man'er asked you to stay, then stay, so that Vanilla will be less worried."

"Yeah." Zhang Ben's tense expression finally eased down, revealing a pleasant smile.

Li Yan glanced at him with a smile and poured him a glass of wine.

Zhang Ben waved his hand, "I don't want to drink, and I have to help look after the children at night."

"In the evening, put the child upstairs." Li Yan said with a smile.

Zhang Ben still waved his hand, "How about putting it upstairs? Man'er's body hasn't recovered yet, and she has a child here, so she won't be able to rest well."

"Don't let her worry, we have so many brothers." Li Yan said.

Zhang Ben was amused, "There are so many of you, but who will take care of the children? Huh?"

When Li Yan was questioned, he couldn't help but look at Li Mo.

Li Shu also looked at Li Mo at this time, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, the eldest brother will take it."

"Li Mo?" Zhang Ben was suspicious, seeing Li Mo, a thick man with rough hands and feet, can he take care of children?

Without thinking, Li Mozhen nodded, "I'll take it."

Zhang Ben still didn't believe it, so Li Shu pointed to Xiao Wu who was working hard, "No, our Xiao Wu was brought up by the elder brother."

Anyway, he was still young at that time, and he couldn't remember many things clearly. He only vaguely remembered one scene. Once, he didn't know what was going on in the village. Like them, Xiao Wu, who was less than one year old, was carried behind his back with a belt, and he kept carrying it while working.

At that time, he was ridiculed severely.

It is said that there is Li Mo in the Li family, and even a woman is saved, and he does all the work of men and women by himself.

"Okay, when will it happen?" Li Xiangyu cast a sharp glance at Li Shu, "Besides, at that time, I had to do so, but now, the family conditions are good and there are enough people, so just leave it alone and leave the child to me. "

"Auntie." Li Mo was a little worried.

Li Xiangyu glared at him angrily, "What's the matter? I took care of you when you were young, but now this nephew and grandson can't take care of it? Besides, I have given birth to two children anyway. Is the experience of raising children better than yours?"

"Brother didn't mean that, he was afraid that he would tire Auntie." Li Yan explained.

Li Xiangyu smiled, "Well, it's settled like this. In the evening, the children will be put in my place first, and you will pick them up in the morning."

"En." Li Mo thought about it and nodded.

In fact, he had almost forgotten about taking Xiao Wu a long time ago, and he only vaguely remembered that it was very difficult and helpless back then, especially when Xiao Wu was sick, he was really afraid.

But as he grew up day by day, those hardships gradually turned into joys.

Later, he often recalled the bits and pieces of Xiao Wu's childhood, but found that he remembered very little.

Fortunately, seeing Xiao Wu's appearance now, Li Mo finally felt relieved.

Now, let him take care of the child again, and I feel really guilty, especially looking at such a small thing, he hardly dares to touch it with his hands, even, in front of the child, he dare not even breathe hard, for fear of blowing it. Like a child.

Sometimes, he wondered, how did he bring Xiao Wu back then? It’s true that I was young at that time and didn’t understand anything, so I didn’t have any fear.

The matter was settled like this. After the meal, Li Mo, Li Shu and Li Hua sent the child and some supplies to the old house in the village.

Since Li Xiangyu's family had an accident, Li Xiangyu and his wife have lived in the Li family's old house. After a year, his wife and two children still went to the city and started a grocery store business.

Considering that Li Man was going to have a baby, Li Xiangyu insisted on staying. Regardless of whether it was useful or not, she felt that as the child's aunt, she had to do something for the child, even if it could only wash diapers, it was good.

But Zhang Ben washed up in advance and returned to the bedroom.

The room was pitch black, he didn't turn on the lamp, and walked slowly to the bedside. In the dim light, he could vaguely discern Li Xiangcao's quiet silhouette.

He reached out and stroked her soft hair gently. At this moment, his heart was full.

But he didn't dare to make too much noise.

The daughter-in-law is tired.

Ever since Li Man gave birth, Li Xiangcao has never stopped.

When Li Man was in a coma, she not only had to take care of the children, but also worried about the adults in the family.

Li Man is better, she is in a better mood, but it is not enough to take care of the child for several nights.

At this moment, seeing her sleeping so deeply, Zhang Ben liked and felt distressed at the same time, so he lifted the quilt lightly and got into the bed.


On the other side, after returning from the old house, Li Yan took a basin of hot water and went upstairs after washing up.

The oil lamp was lit in the room, and the hazy yellow light enveloped the whole room. Li Man was leaning against the head of the bed, squinting her eyes slightly, listening to what Xiao Wu said with a smile.

"Second brother." Seeing him come in with a basin, Xiao Wu immediately got up and greeted him.

"Hmm." Li Yan put the basin on the stool, took out a towel from the water, handed it to Li Man to wipe his face, and asked, "What were you talking about just now? Are you smiling so happily?"

"Heh, Xiao Wu told me something about their school." Li Man explained with a smile.

"Oh." Li Yan

He nodded, and then asked Xiao Wu, "By the way, it's been a while since you came back, so it's time to go back to school, right?"

Because Li Man was going to have a baby, Xiao Wu insisted on asking the college for leave to go home despite everyone's obstruction.

It was originally said that Li Man would go back to the academy after he gave birth safely, but what happened later made him stay home.

Li Yan's words obviously made Xiao Wu leave home to go to school, but how could Xiao Wu have the heart to go to school now? The two children in the family are fine, but he is worried about the daughter-in-law in the family.

But you can't just refute the second brother so bluntly, otherwise, if the second brother is annoyed, he will definitely have the ability to make him leave the house early in the morning.

So, he pouted at the corner of his mouth, frowned his pretty face like Li Hua, and looked at Li Man pitifully.

Li Man smiled, knowing that he wanted to intercede with Li Yan himself, so she said, "Learning is endless, this book can't be read well in a day or two. Besides, I was special in those few days, and it hurt me." You suffer accordingly, look at Xiao Wu's face, it's not as bright as before..."

"Cough." Xiao Wu coughed violently, he is a man, to describe him as a water spirit, he is too motherly.

Li Man only smiled to himself, and continued, "Let him rest at home for a while, at least, wait until I'm out of confinement."

When Xiao Wu heard this, he smiled.

Li Man looked at his pretty face like a blooming flower, and couldn't help joking, "Our little five is getting better and better, I'll raise her at home for another month, and then I'll go back to the academy at that time, a bunch of little girls who are going to be fascinated Can't find North."

"No way." Xiao Wucai's gorgeous little face, which was still smiling, darkened in an instant, "The academy separates men and women."

"What are you afraid of? Don't you boys secretly climb walls to peek at girls?" Li Man asked teasingly. They were all experienced people. Everyone has experienced those absurd things about young men and women. Who doesn't know.

Sure enough, Xiao Wu blushed, but hurriedly explained, "Well, it's someone else, me, I don't have it."

"That's it," Li Man continued with a smile, "Who is our little five? It's the only school girl in your academy. It's no use for you to peek at other people. It's all girls who squeezed their heads out." , come to peek at you?"

Xiao Wu's face turned even redder, his eyes flickered, and he hesitated to explain, "But I never looked at them, really, trust me."

"Pfft, what are you in a hurry for?" Seeing him like this, Li Man knew what the child was thinking. She couldn't help but sighed softly, but she still pretended to be stupid, stretched out her hand to pinch his red cheek, and said with a smile, "Okay , I won’t say. However, it’s not a bad thing to look at it once in a while, maybe you’ll meet someone who matches your eyes.”

"No, it's impossible." Xiao Wu raised his head sharply and said almost viciously.

Li Man was slightly stunned, but Xiao Wu quickly restrained his emotions and said, "I'm still young, I just want to study hard, other things are not suitable for me."

"Oh." Seeing his serious appearance, Li Man rubbed her nose and said with a smile, "Okay, my elementary school bully, my sister is waiting for you one day, to be named on the gold list, and to shine on the Li family."

"There will be that day." She said the words jokingly, but Xiao Wu actually nodded seriously.

After Li Yan poured out Li Man's face wash water, he also walked over and patted Xiao Wu on the shoulder, "Okay, our Xiao Wu has ambition. However, it's getting dark now, shouldn't you go back to your room? "

Xiao Wu broke away from his hand, and looked at Li Man reluctantly, "I haven't finished talking about that just now."

"Tomorrow, okay?" Seeing that Li Yan was about to lose his temper, Li Man had no choice but to coax Xiao Wu softly.

Xiao Wu pursed his lips, but it was a pleasant surprise to be able to live at home until his wife's full moon, not to mention, it was his wife who helped him fight for it, hehe.

Xiao Wu obediently went out, Li Yan closed the door tightly, took off his coat, and climbed onto the bed.

"Daughter-in-law, you stay with me too, let's have a good talk." As soon as he got under the covers, he pulled her into his arms, and kissed her forehead with his soft lips naturally.

Li Manbai glanced at him, feeling a little itchy from him, and giggled, "Then you have to cooperate."

Every time she comes, it's either a kiss or a hug, so where is the chance for her to speak seriously?

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