Fortunate Wife

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Li Yan finally adjusted his posture. To be honest, he looked down at her, "Now you cooperate? Tell me."

"What are you talking about?" Li Man looked at him amusedly, how could she say it so solemnly before chatting.

Li Yan raised his eyebrows, breathed lightly on her ear, then imitated the tone she used before, and said in a low voice, "Just say, "I love Li Yan', 'I miss Li Yan'," I am Li Yan's daughter-in-law',"I want to give birth to Li Yan..."

"Bad guy." Before he could finish speaking, Li Man's head suddenly jumped up, she opened her mouth and bit his chin, and said bitterly, "Don't say it, don't say it. Don't say it."

These embarrassing words were all those times when he forced her to say them.

He still imitates her tone at that time. It's really bad. Could it be that he still wants to remind her that he bullied her less before?

After biting, seeing that he was still giggling unrepentantly, Li Man punched him angrily, "Do you still want to talk to me properly in the future?"

"Why? That's not talking?" Li Yan stretched out his hand and tapped her pouty lips, deliberately teasing her, "Then teach me how to talk well? Like a big brother? Fourth brother, or little five So, huh? Ao"

Forehead? Li Man finally came to his senses, and couldn't help stretching out her hand, pinching his face as well, "You, you are really jealous."

"Who is jealous? I just reminded you." Li Yan would not admit that he was jealous. "Did you say these words? Could it be that I have falsely accused you? Once you say it, you have to do it." .”

"Hey, you still say?"

Li Man blushed and stared at him with a beating heart. The ambiguous images she had had before came back to her mind bit by bit, which made her a little overwhelmed.

Li Yan's slender fingers suddenly came to her lips, slowly outlining her beautiful lips, but his eyes were full of resentment, "You little heartless, you forget what you say once you say it, I don't always Reminder, what can I do?"

Said as if it was her fault.

However, looking at his resentful little woman-like expression, Li Man was both funny and sad. Could it be that she really didn't give him the confidence he should have?

Pulling off his finger that kept rubbing her lips, Li Man looked at him with a helpless smile and teased.

"It's said that I was pregnant for three years and was stupid. How do I feel? I'm fine. You are a cute and silly father."

"How do you say that?" Li Yan bent his lips and smiled.

Li Man raised her eyebrows and said, "Think about it, true love is not necessarily what you want to say, and what you say is not necessarily true love. For example, some people, when their lover is by their side, they can talk all day long. I want you to love you, but when the lover is away, he can turn around and say these words to another person. What's the point of such cheap love words? And there is another kind of person who may not talk much and is stupid , but I think about you all the time, and I always accompany you and take care of you when you need it."

"What about you? Is it the former or the latter?" Li Yan interrupted her solemnly.

Li Man got annoyed by his question, reached out and pinched his face again, this time it was true, Li Yan frowned in pain.

"It deserves it." Li Man then withdrew her hand, seeing that his cheek was pinched with fingerprints, she felt a little distressed, but she blamed him again. Is it because he is stupid, or does he really think that way?

It doesn't matter if he is stupid, if he is really so uncertain, she will be really sad.

"Do you think I'm the former or the latter, huh?" She raised her eyebrows and asked him almost viciously.

Li Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, seeing that she was annoyed like a volcano poised to erupt, but he didn't know where the evil fire came from, so he just poured oil on the fire.


"You." Li Man held her breath in her throat, but suddenly found sadly that she was speechless to refute.

That's right, besides Xiaowu, she has four husbands.

In addition to Li Yan, she also said similar intimate words to Li Mo, Li Shu, and Li Hua.

If you count it, she really looks like the former one she said before.

But it's obviously not like that.

"Okay." Li Man took a deep breath, and after a little tidying up, she could smile like a flower.

Compared with the childishness and fear when she first traveled through time and got the news from her five husbands, she is now able to handle her emotions well.

"I'm the former." She curled her lips and admitted honestly, "But." As soon as the conversation changed, her soft body crawled towards him, directly pressing him under her body, and suddenly bowed her head, just like he once did to her. There was a domineering way, kissed him, kissed him, bit him.

When Li Yan's eyes were blurred and almost fell, Li Man walked away from him, curled his lips, and asked viciously, "Tell me, am I the former or the latter now?"

The flame in her body was aroused by her, but it couldn't be extinguished. Li Yan hugged her tightly, gritted his teeth, and said, "Continue."

"No." Li Man was sitting on his waist at this moment, resting her chin on one hand, and wrestled with him leisurely, "If you don't make it clear, you can do it yourself."

After speaking, she rolled over from him and lay down on the bed.

Li Yan swallowed sharply and took two deep breaths to feel better. When he turned his head, he saw the back of her head, feeling depressed for a while, but men are like this.

When your daughter-in-law is soft on you, you tend to be tough, but when your daughter-in-law is hard, you have no choice but to coax her again when you feel soft.

Li Yan thought she was still in the confinement period, and was afraid that she would be really annoyed, and holding it in her heart would be bad for her health, so she had to soften up, and from now on

Wrapping her waist, coaxing, "Okay, it's my fault, I'm stupid, you are a good person."

Poof, nice guy? the word...

Li Man was amused, and turned around to face him, the corners of her lips raised uncontrollably.

"I'm not a villain in the first place. And, in my opinion, you are the villain, a big villain."

She poked hard on his strong chest twice with her slender fingers, sucked her nose, and said very aggrieved, "Is it a day or two with you? You still ask me that, you Do you know how heartbreaking it is?"

"Yeah." Looking at her red eye circles, Li Yan felt extremely regretful.

That's right, he is jealous.

From the day she woke up, from the time she called Li Mo, hugged Li Mo's neck and said she missed him, from the time she woke up early, let Li Shu kiss wantonly, and she knew how much he missed her, How much she wanted to be alone with her, even to talk, but she left her fourth brother behind.

She said that the fourth brother just read to her.

He also knew that they didn't do anything, but he didn't feel good about it.

Could it be that, she thought, what else could he do to her in her current situation?

Could it be that, in her heart, besides persecuting and bullying, he couldn't do anything else?

He also wanted to talk to her, about his emotions during her coma, and about their children and their future.

Even if he can't study, he can entertain her in other ways.

Even, thinking about it now, he is not as good as Xiao Wu.

In front of Xiao Wu, she can speak enthusiastically.

But she never seemed to have spoken to herself so earnestly and enthusiastically.

Well, he admitted that he was jealous, very jealous.

"However, I was also at fault." Seeing the disappointment hidden in the depths of his eyes, Li Man said seriously, her little hand gently stroking his cheek, "Does it still hurt?"

Li Yan was taken aback.

Li Man looked at him tenderly, "I was not well just now, I shouldn't have pinched you too hard."

Li Yan bent his lips and smiled again, "With your strength, you can still pinch me."

"Then I'll pinch it again. Anyway, it doesn't hurt." Li Man said, and then started again.

Li Yan really didn't move, let her pinch.

However, when she asked her to pinch, Li Man couldn't pinch her hand anymore. The plump fingertips gently stroked his cheeks, and said with a smile, "You asked me to pinch, but I didn't pinch, it made my fingers sore. Who is responsible?"

"I'm in charge." Li Yan grabbed her little hand and greeted his face.

The two just chatted and scratched, having fun.

Suddenly, Li Yan hugged her into his arms, and kissed her affectionately on the forehead, "Man'er, I love you."

Li Man's heart twitched, her eye sockets felt a little hot, she raised her eyes, and stared at him with affectionate eyes.

Gently and slowly, she raised her head and kissed him softly on the lips, expressing her thoughts while kissing.

"Li Yan, I love you too. I have always loved you. What I have told you is also true. There is no..."

"How?" Li Yan's throat was hoarse, and his deep eyes were fixed on the shy but bold woman in his arms, recalling the experience of persecuting her in his mind over and over again.

In front of her, he is not confident, because he has a calm elder brother and a likable younger brother, but she seems to have disliked him from the beginning and avoided him everywhere.

There was no other way, so he persecuted her, even when she was unable to hold back and begged for mercy while taking advantage of others.

Only when she personally said the words of loving him, would he feel satisfied and less flustered.

Li Man's face was a little hot and her heart was beating, but the man's hot and expectant eyes made her not want to escape, so she boldly said, "It's not because you forced me like that."

"Really?" Li Yan's voice was full of surprise.

Li Man nodded slightly, and hugged him tightly, "Really. Li Yan, I thought you could feel my love all this time, but today I found out that you lack self-confidence. I'm sorry, it's all I was negligent."

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