Fortunate Wife

Episode 22 Going to the ground (second update)

"I'm not afraid. It's not the first time I've taken this road." Xiao Wu retorted, looking at Li Man again with red eyes. He knew that in this family, the elder brother only listened to Li Man.

However, this time, Li Man also expressed that there was nothing she could do. She felt that the child really came back too often, so he was not focused on studying at all.

"Xiao Wu, the holiday is coming soon. Every time you come back, you stay at home for a few days. If you fall behind in your classes, who will help you make up for it?" Li Man also persuaded.

Xiao Wu pursed her lips, "I'll ask Fourth Brother later."

"That's not okay. Sending you to the academy is not only about reading and reading, but also the ability to be independent, the ability to get along with others, etc." Li Man said.

Xiao Wu bit her lower lip, "You all wish I wasn't home."

"Nonsense." Li Mo's face darkened, "I owe you for sending you to study? Pack up your things later, and ask your second brother to send you away tomorrow morning."

"Understood." When the elder brother got angry, Xiao Wu had to be obedient, but this time Li Man didn't speak for him, which made him very disappointed.

Probably feeling unhappy, Xiao Wu turned around and went out.

Li Mo looked at it, and sighed softly, "This child, it's hard to manage when he grows up. Ao"

"He's not used to it, just get used to it." Li Man said with a smile, just like children who go to kindergarten and have to cry for a week or two before they can get back to normal.

"En." Li Mo didn't say anything more.

Li Yan asked, "Just now, what did my sister ask you to do?"

"Oh, sister-in-law wants to go back." Li Man told about Li Xiangcao's going back.

Everyone was prepared in their hearts, and they didn't think much of it.

After chatting for a while, the few of them went to the field together.

For the land, Li Man felt very fond of and kind to her, especially when she stepped on the soft soil and smelled the fragrance of the grass and soil, she felt her whole body was grounded, and she was indescribably relaxed.

"Daughter-in-law, sit and rest on the ridge of the field." Seeing Li Man walking back and forth in the field, Li Shu said, afraid that she might accidentally fall.

"Don't sit down." Li Man simply came over, snatched the tool from Li Shu's hand, turned the soil twice, and felt that it would be more beautiful if he could sweat a little.

It's a pity that she has never done farm work, and the shovel shoveled into the soil, but it couldn't get in.

Li Shu looked at Zhi Le, "Daughter-in-law, please work harder."

"Exercise." Li Man exerted so much force that her face turned red.

Li Mo couldn't see it, so he walked over, took the shovel in Li Man's hand, and showed her an exemplary action, "This saves effort."

"Oh." Li Man suddenly realized, and then, she gave Li Shu a dissatisfied look, knowing that she was joking, but not teaching her.

Li Shu probably also knew that his behavior of making fun of his wife just now was very bad, so he hurried over, "Daughter-in-law, brother's actions just now were not standard, I will teach you how to do it."

"Come on, I'll listen to big brother." Li Man took the shovel and refused to give it to him.

Hearing what she said, Li Mo smiled slightly, and went to the side to do his own work.

Li Man pushed Li Shu away, "You stay and go, I will do the meeting first."

Unexpectedly, before he did it, the shovel in his hand was snatched away again, this time it was Li Yan who snatched it, but he took Li Shu's shovel and threw his own to Li Man, "This shovel Smaller, it suits you."

"Oh." Li Man weighed it and found that it was much lighter, so she proudly used the shovel to dig the soil.

The first time she worked, Li Man worked very hard, lowered her head, and shoveled a dozen times in a row, and then... she couldn't straighten up.

"Li Yan, let me help you."

"What's wrong?" Li Yan stood up and stretched out his arm for her to support.

Li Man rubbed her waist and looked at him bitterly, "This waist is very sore."

"Heh, it's like this the first time you work. Take a break first, or you won't be able to sleep at night." Li Yan wanted to help her sit on the ridge of the field.

But Li Man has not yet fully experienced the joy of labor, and she is a little unwilling.

"Take a break, I'm not done yet."

"Daughter-in-law, this is not a woman's job." Li Shu said hurriedly.

Li Mo also looked at her, apparently disagreeing with her working with that heavy shovel. There is a lot of labor in the house, and there is no shortage of her work. If she is curious, it is okay to play, but the premise is not Tired, not hurt.

These people all looked at her eagerly, but Li Man felt a little embarrassed, "Okay, you guys do it, I'll take a rest."

Hey, what a shame.

She walked to the field ridge alone, and sat down carelessly like that, without a clean cloth under it, which surprised others.

The daughter-in-law who always loves cleanliness is not afraid of getting her clothes dirty this time.

However, they just like such a daughter-in-law more in their hearts.

Li Man looked at the three big men working in full swing, and she was blindsided, so she just sat on the edge of the field and pulled weeds to play. After pulling the weeds, she played with the little ants.

I was idle and bored to relieve boredom. I didn’t want to. I found it interesting to play, especially when watching a dozen little ants, carrying her torn grass leaves, moving mightily into the ant hole, she It's more interesting.

Unconsciously, I was a little stunned.

In the field, Li Shu saw her half-kneeling on the ground, with her little butt pouted, and she didn't know what she was looking at. He was suddenly curious, and he winked at Li Yan, and the two quietly leaned over from behind.

"Daughter-in-law." Li Shu lowered his head and didn't see anything unusual, but seeing Li Man's fascination, he couldn't help but shouted into her ear as a prank.

Li Man was startled, and fell to her knees on the ground with a plop, almost gnawed on the mud.

Li Shu was taken aback for a moment, seeing Li Man's embarrassed appearance, he couldn't help laughing again.

Li Yan glanced at him and hugged Li Man.

"What are you doing?" Li Man wiped her mouth, stared at Li Shu fiercely, and ran to scare her for what?

"Daughter-in-law, what are you looking at? We didn't even know we were here?" Li Shu asked with a smile.

Li Yan was also sitting on the ridge of the field, squinting at her.

Li Man saw where he was sitting, quickly pushed him away, and shouted, "It's over."

"What happened?" Li Yan was startled.

At this time, Li Mo also came over with a shovel, "What's going on?"

"The little ants are crushed." Li Man pointed to the small ant hole on the edge of the field ridge, and there were still a few small ants haunting the edge of the hole from time to time.

Hearing the words, the three of them had black lines all over their heads, you looked at me and I looked at you, all with helpless and doting expressions.

"Daughter-in-law, you've just been watching this stuff for a long time?" Li Shu asked amusedly with a twitch of his mouth.

Li Man didn't find it strange, but the expressions of the three of them were strange.

"What's the problem? Ants are very interesting and capable. You don't know. The grass leaves I picked just now were all moved into the hole by them. I was thinking that they wanted the leaves to make delicious food. What about the soup, or use it to decorate their home?" Li Man thought with a beautiful expression.

When the three Li Mo brothers heard this, their expressions became even more distorted.

Li Shu finally couldn't hold back his laughter, and laughed loudly, "Daughter-in-law, don't you think these ants are like us?"

"Well, ants are very capable. It is said that they are the greatest architects, and they are also very hardworking. Look, these little things are coming out for food again?" Li Man said and pointed to one of them. Ants crawling in a formation.

Moreover, more and more ants crawled along the place where I sat just now.

Li Man suddenly felt strange, so she picked up the grass that she had picked just now, put it in her nose and sniffed it, there was a strong fragrance, she put it in her mouth curiously and chewed it lightly, it really had a hint of sweetness.

"What are you doing?" Li Yan looked at her, trying to take the unwashed grass out of her mouth.

Li Man smiled in surprise, "This grass is sweet, no wonder the little ants like it so much? Tell me, should I pick more for them?"

"Daughter-in-law, why don't I teach you how to loosen the soil." Li Shu grabbed her hand and led her into the field.

It's okay to watch the ants, if you say it, you will be laughed at as silly.

Li Man still wanted to say no, Li Yan also took her other arm and led her to the field, "Don't you want to work? Come, let me teach you."

"Oh, that's fine." Li Man clapped her hands, took Li Yan's shovel, and started to work with a half-playful attitude.

This time, no one said that she did a bad job. Anyway, she was better than her at watching ants.

Doing and playing, Li Man enjoyed the joy of working.

As the sun set, I followed Li Mo and the others, carrying tools home together, walking on the field ridges in the countryside, humming a little song, feeling that this is enough for life.

After returning home, Li Yan called hot water to wash her hands.

Li Man hummed happily as before, but Li Yan took her hand to see if her palm was blistered, but it was okay, it was just a little red, nothing else.

"Other women can't wait to rest at home every day. How about you, who love working in the fields?" Thinking of Li Man saying that he would go to work in the fields tomorrow, Li Yan couldn't express the feeling in his heart.

I feel sorry for her as a woman who is tired from work, but when he sees her working, she has a happy expression, and the look in her eyes, I don't want to lie, he really likes it so much.

Li Man washed her hands, wiped them with a towel and said with a smile, "What's wrong with working? It can not only make you happy, but also exercise your body. The most important thing is."

She squinted and smiled, and glanced affectionately at Li Yan and the others, "I can still be with you all the time."

"Daughter-in-law." Li Shu came over after hearing the words, the daughter-in-law likes being with them.

A gentle smile appeared on Li Mo's face.

With a smile on the corner of Li Yan's lips, he fondled her hair and said, "As long as you have a sweet mouth, you can go tomorrow if you want."

"Yeah." Li Man suddenly smiled happily.

When she came back in the afternoon, she said that she would go with her tomorrow, and Li Mo and the others were hesitant. She was not afraid to go, it was this winter, it was windy outside, and sometimes it hurt to cut her face, and this sunshine , although it is not strong, but after a long time in the sun, it still feels uncomfortable.

The daughter-in-law is such a delicate little woman. They hold her in their hands for fear of melting, so how can she be willing to let her go out to be exposed to the sun and the wind? Besides, she couldn't stay idle anymore, and she still wanted to work hard.

If you do too much work, your hands will become rough. The daughter-in-law's hands are white and tender, with slender fingers, like ten tender green onions. None of them can bear such a small hand to become rough.

Therefore, everyone did not agree.

But at this time, Li Man said that he could be with them all the time, and his sweet words made them like it from the bottom of their hearts. When they were hit by sugar-coated bullets, they surrendered.

After getting the permission, Li Man felt even happier. She hummed a song and began to set the dishes. Li Xiangyu and Li Xiangcao also packed up, and went into the kitchen. Seeing her like this

Happy, all a little curious.

"Are you happy to see that I'm leaving?" Li Xiangcao teased, during this period of getting along, she and Li Man are not like aunts and nephews, but more like girlfriends.

Li Man stuck out her tongue playfully at her, "Hey, you don't know, I've been working all afternoon, and I'm in a good mood. By the way, little uncle isn't here?"

"Oh, he had dinner at someone else's house, and then he came to pick me up." Li Xiangcao said, while saying, "The children have just been fed, and now they are asleep, and they probably have to wake up later. At night, before you go to bed, you can go to sleep again." Feed once, and it will probably be dawn."

"Well, okay, don't worry, we will take care of it." Li Man patted Li Xiangcao's shoulder.

Everyone sat down to eat together.

After dinner, Li Hua came back at night, his eyes were a little red, it seemed that he had used his eyes too much today.

Li Man hurriedly took a hot towel and applied it to him, "If your eyes are tired, take a break, why did you suffer like this?"

"Grandpa Wang's genealogy has been soaked in water, and many characters are hard to read." Li Hua said, his eyes hurt and his arms hurt after working for a long time. At this moment, let Li Man hold a hot towel to cover his eyes, The hot temperature pressed against the eyelids, and I felt much better.

After applying it to him for a while, Li Man washed her hands again, stood in front of him, and rubbed his eyes for him.

"Man'er?" She rubbed her soft and plump fingertips between her eyebrows, feeling indescribably comfortable. Li Hua felt his whole body go stiff, and opened his eyes in surprise.

Li Man hurriedly said, "Close your eyes, I'll help you do eye exercises."

"Oh." Li Hua closed her eyes obediently, with a happy smile on her lips.

Everyone chatted for a while, and after a while, Zhang Ben came to pick Li Xiangcao home.

Li Mo and Li Shu sent the young couple to the entrance of the village.

At home, Li Man went to the house to look after the child, and Li Hua also closed his eyes to rest his mind. Suddenly, Li Yan came in, covered in moisture, obviously he had just taken a shower.

When he came in, he called Li Man, "Hot water is ready for you, I've already washed it, you go wash it."

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