Fortunate Wife

Episode 23 It's Night

Tonight, Li Yan should be in Li Man's room, so his intention to urge him to take a bath is too obvious.

Li Man glared at him, then looked at Li Hua with some embarrassment, and explained with a dry smile, "I went to work in the field in the afternoon, and I was sweating all over."

"Oh." Li Huajun's face flushed slightly, and her explanation became more and more suspicious.

Li Man secretly bit her lip, feeling that her explanation was unnecessary.

But Li Yan was leaning against the door at this moment, waiting for her wholeheartedly.

Li Man had no choice but to get up, walk over, and pull him out together.

"What are you urging? I can't take a bath myself?"

"Who reminded you, but let me tell you that the water is ready." Li Yan pretended to be innocent.

Li Man glanced back at him, "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking? Ao"

"Oh, tell me, what's on my mind?" He suddenly pushed her into the dark corridor, his dark gaze with a hint of danger, tightly twisting her.

Li Man's heart tightened, and she pushed him, "What are you doing? Go back to the room if you have something to say."

"Scared?" Li Yan's voice was low, but it was indescribably sexy.

Li Manchi smiled, "At home, what are you afraid of? You can still eat me?"

"Do you want to be eaten by me? Well, here?" Li Yan suddenly lowered his head and kissed her smooth neck.

Phew, Li Man froze and stared at him in astonishment, "Are you crazy?"

This is the corridor of the house. Although there is no light, if it makes a little noise, people will find it.

"Are you so afraid that they will know that you are making out with me?" Li Yan raised his head slightly, staring at her with a half-smile.

Li Man was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"Who's on top?" Suddenly, Li Xiangyu came in through the gate with an oil lamp in his hand. He probably heard the noise in the corridor, and held up the oil lamp to illuminate it.

Li Man's face became hot, she hurriedly pushed Li Yan away, and replied, "Oh, aunt, I lost the hairpin, and I am asking Li Yan to help me find it."

"Heh." Li Yan chuckled.

Li Xiangyu came over with the lamp in his hand, "The hairpin fell off? How can I find this black lamp? Here..."

She handed the oil lamp to Li Man.

Li Man's head was full of black lines, and she hurriedly said, "I found it, I accidentally dropped it on the ground just now, and I can feel it when I touch it."

"Oh." Li Xiangyu didn't say anything, turned around and entered Li Xiangcao's room.

Here, Li Man breathed a sigh of relief, quickly grabbed Li Yan's arm, and dragged him upstairs.

As soon as he returned to the room, Li Man pushed Li Yan to the edge of the table, lay on his chest, and bit him hard through his clothes, "Bad guy."

"Heh." Her rude behavior completely pleased Li Yan.

He reached out to hug her waist, turned around, and their positions were reversed. She was pressed onto the table, and kisses fell on her chest overwhelmingly.

Through the cloth, he also bit her.

His bite didn't hurt, but it was extremely grueling. After a few rounds, Li Man couldn't stand it anymore, and begged for mercy, "I lost, I can't bite you, let go, let me take a shower."

Only then did Li Yan let go, and his slender fingers twirled his lips triumphantly, "Go and come back quickly, don't let me go down and catch you back."

"Well," Li Man pushed him away, walked to the closet, and took clean clothes for a change.

Li Yan followed behind and wanted to send her downstairs.

Li Man refused, "Okay, your hair hasn't dried yet, stay in the room obediently, and don't come out to blow dry."

"Then hurry up." Standing by the door, Li Yan grabbed her hand and repeatedly instructed her.

Li Man shook off his hand, "Understood."

Li Yan smiled, turned around, looked at the big and tidy bed, filled with joy in his heart.

Lying on the bed obediently, after waiting for a while, Li Man came back slowly.

"Why so long?" Li Yan turned to look at her.

Li Man walked to the bed while wiping her hair. Suddenly, she lowered her head and looked at him with a teasing smile, "Second Master, I have something I want to ask you."

"What's the matter?" Li Yan frowned, feeling that what she was going to ask was not a good thing.

"Dare to ask Second Master, you have nothing else in your mind all day long except for the idea on the bed?" Li Man blinked her big eyes and asked innocently.

It's only a short while before she takes a bath, so he can't wait any longer.

Sure enough... Li Yan's lips were filled with a smile, and a dark light flashed in his eyes.

"This is it."

Suddenly, he jumped up, pulled Li Man, and pressed her onto the bed. He leaned down, met her playful gaze, and said with a wicked smile, "You're right. You have to work hard on this matter.”

"Rogue." Hearing his shameless words, Li Man cursed with a smile.

Li Yan opened his mouth, covered the finger she pushed over, and looked at her lightly.

Li Man's heart trembled, and she hurriedly pulled out her fingers, "Don't make trouble, my hair is still wet, let me get up quickly."

"Yeah." Li Yan pulled her up, and lightly brushed her delicate cheeks with his slender fingertips, "It's settled, listen to me tonight."

"Didn't it count?" Li Man's eyes widened.

"Did the second master promise not to count?" Li Yan smiled lowly, while wrapping her wet hair with a dry towel, so that her delicate neck became more and more beautiful and graceful.


Li Man curled her lips, "It doesn't matter, I regret it, ah."

Before she finished speaking, Li Yan's lips fell on her beautiful neck, and his slender and nimble fingers easily opened her clothes and slipped into the most sensitive part of her body.

"Well, take it easy." Li Man sucked in a breath of air, and limp in his arms.

"Okay." He responded softly, but the movements of his fingertips were just the opposite.

The night has just begun, and round after round of intoxicating and bone-destroying events are slowly going on.

After the children were settled, Li Hua went upstairs slowly. Before reaching the door, he heard the blushing and heartbeating sound in the next room.

The originally quiet heart seemed to be suddenly set on fire by someone, burning with flames.

He frowned unconsciously, stood in the corridor, looked up, looked at the distant night sky, and saw a few shining stars in the dark blue sky.

"Fourth brother, you haven't slept yet?" Xiaowu just came back from Huzi's house, because tomorrow he will go to the academy, so after dinner, he went to the house of Tie Buddy, a few friends talked together, and it was only at this time that they talked. come home.

Li Hua turned her head, saw Xiao Wu approaching, and hummed softly, "Yeah."

"Fourth brother, Hu Zi said, his house will give him..." Xiao Wu walked up to him, and was about to talk about his brother's house, when suddenly there was a muffled groan from the next door, he was slightly taken aback, and decisively closed the door. mouthed.

Li Hua's heart skipped a beat, and then he realized something, and suddenly dragged Xiao Wu back to his room, "Oh, second brother, he is telling ghost stories to Man'er."

"Pfft." Xiao Wu was amused by his far-fetched reason, walked to the bed in the dark, took off his coat, kicked off his shoes, lay down on the bed, and said with a smile, "Fourth brother, you didn't take the mouse this time." Come to coax me, it's an improvement."

"Eh." Li Hua was a little embarrassed, but hearing Xiao Wu's playful voice, she couldn't help frowning, "Xiao Wu, this matter..."

Xiao Wu is still a child in his eyes, and he thinks it's not good for a child to know too much about such things.

"Xiao Wu, go down and sleep with Big Brother." Li Hua walked to the bed, trying to pull him up.

"Don't do it." Xiao Wu hurriedly squeezed into the bed, "Fourth brother, I know what you are afraid of, heh, don't worry, can't I just cover my ears?"

"You?" Li Hua was startled when he heard the words. He sat on the head of the bed and looked at his brother with big black eyes in the dim light. It's better to be bigger."

"But I already understand, what should I do?" Xiao Wu blinked her big innocent eyes, and said with a smile, "Fourth brother, what I wanted to tell you just now, Huzi his mother, has asked someone to find a marriage for him Woolen cloth."

"Oh." Li Hua was not surprised. Boys in the village are usually about fifteen years old, and the family members start to get married. Because, in Shennvgou, it is more difficult to marry a wife than in other places. , often have to go through many twists and turns, and, even if it is confirmed, it will take at least one or two years from the engagement to the marriage, so, after a delay, the boy will basically be seventeen.

This is not small.

So, the family was in a hurry at that time. The eldest brother Li Mo was twenty-three, the second brother was twenty-one, the third brother was nineteen, and even he was seventeen years old.

In the village, they are already past the age of marrying a wife.

However, God is fair to them, even kind.

They have the best woman in the world.

"However, I seem to be a little unhappy looking at him." Xiao Wu said, pursing his lips and smiling, "Huzi said, he went to see that girl secretly, she has a big mouth and is ugly. scolded him."

"Xiao Wu, how are you going to make up for the homework you missed these days?" Li Hua suddenly asked sternly.

Xiao Wu was taken aback, and looked at Li Hua begging for mercy, "Fourth brother, I have been studying at home these days. Besides, I understand everything the master said."

"Really? Then I have to ask in person tomorrow." Li Hua didn't believe it, and Xiao Wu's learning attitude was problematic.

Xiao Wu pouted, "Okay, you can ask."

Suddenly, in the silent darkness, there was a low humming sound from a woman, which sounded particularly provocative.

Li Hua's throat tightened, he took the quilt and threw it on Xiao Wu's head, "Sleep."

Unexpectedly, Xiao Wu pulled down the quilt and looked at Li Hua solemnly, "Fourth brother, I don't want her to be my sister."

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