Fortunate Wife

Episode 27 Overnight (one more)

After coaxing Li Hua, the family of four happily set off again.

When we arrived at the academy, it was mid-afternoon. After lunch, the students all went to the dormitory one after another, probably to take a lunch break.

Ordinarily, this time is the time when the academy is the cleanest.

No, the four members of the Li family stood at the door of the dormitory building, and they didn't know who would call out "Li Ji" first. His scientific name.

Almost instantly, more than a dozen female students appeared from nowhere, and surrounded them in a swarm.

"Li Ji, you're finally back? Ao"

"Li Ji, you haven't eaten yet, have you? This is the meal I just ordered back. You can eat."

"Li Ji, these are the notes from the past few days, I have memorized them all clearly, here you are."


More than a dozen female students were chattering. Li Ji's face darkened in an instant, and he couldn't help looking past the crowd, aiming at Li Man's face. Excited, he whispered something into Li Yan's ear.

The mood suddenly turned bad.

"Xiao Wu, you go back to the dormitory first." Li Hua saw that his younger brother didn't look like he was surrounded by so many girls' homes, so he helped him out.

A few girls turned their faces away, and when they saw Li Hua again, their eyes lit up a little more: "Elegant and elegant, aren't you talking about the young man in front of you?"

"Li Ji, is this your elder brother?" A more courageous girl asked Xiao Wu directly.

Xiao Wu gave an 'hmm' and introduced, "It's my fourth brother."

"Hello fourth brother."

As soon as Xiao Wu finished speaking, immediately the girls saluted Li Hua playfully in unison, which made Li Hua feel embarrassed for a while.

"It seems that we have nothing to do here." Li Man curled her lips and said to Li Yan amusedly.

Li Yan also agreed, "Fourth brother, I will leave the matter on Xiao Wu to you, and Man'er and I will go to the store to have a look first."

"Second brother." Li Hua hurriedly called to stop Li Yan, and pulled Xiao Wu over, "Do you want to go back to the dormitory first, or come with us and meet your husband first?"

"Go see Mr. first." Xiao Wu muttered.

At this time, a few more female students gathered around, and asked Xiao Wu's situation with concern, is there something wrong at home, why did you come back these geniuses? Then, someone even asked about Li Man.

Li Mansheng was beautiful and young, even if he didn't speak, he just stood aside, regardless of his appearance and temperament, he immediately compared this group of young girls who were in their prime.

Unlike women looking at men, this woman's eyes are more critical and even hostile when she looks at women.

Therefore, when he asked Li Man, he looked like he was looking at a rival in love.

Li Man blinked innocently, and replied with a smile, "My name is Li Man, Xiao Wu's older sister."

The simple introduction immediately made the little girls smile, let go of their defenses, and affectionately called her sister around her.

Li Man didn't mind, instead she talked to them enthusiastically, thanking them for taking care of Xiao Wu.

Yes, helping with cooking and taking notes, isn't that good care?

It's just that Xiao Wu was ungrateful for her paternalistic style, and suddenly pushed the girls away rudely, and dragged out Li Man who was surrounded.

"It's enough of you." He yelled at a few girls who didn't know where he was, "She's not my sister."

"Why?" The girls were at a loss.

Xiao Wu dragged Li Man away, and Li Yan and Li Hua had to follow behind.

"Hey, Xiaowu, why are you so fierce? They are all your classmates." Li Man was dragged and jogged for a few steps, and struggled twice, but she couldn't break free, and her thin wrists hurt from being pinched by him. .

"Xiao Wu, let go, you hurt me."

Only then did Xiao Wu let go of her, and stared at her angrily, "You are not my sister."

"I'm older than you, what is it if I'm not a sister? You don't like to call you sister-in-law." Li Man looked at her wrist depressedly, and she was really reddened by this little thing.

Li Yan came over, took her hand, looked at her red wrist, and stared at Xiao Wu, "Okay, what's the matter with you?"

Li Hua knew where Xiao Wu's awkwardness came from. He patted Xiao Wu's shoulder lightly and said, "Xiao Wu, you forgot to answer me last night? Your current task is to study hard. Think about other things. Besides, it's useless for you to think about it now."

"Me." Xiao Wu pouted, feeling extremely wronged.

To say it was his sister in front of so many people was to deny what he meant.

Li Man had also vaguely guessed the reason for the child's awkwardness, and couldn't help but get upset. It wasn't long before she coaxed Li Hua, and this happened again?

"Xiao Wu, if you don't like people knowing that I'm your sister, I won't say anything in the future, okay?"

Xiao Wu glanced at her, this is not the point, okay?

But at this moment, I couldn't tell clearly, so I had to nod, "Don't say anything in the future."

"Yes." Li Man smiled helplessly, turned her head, looked at a group of girls who followed but didn't dare to approach, she laughed again.

Thinking that Xiaowu is in the academy, why is he so popular with women?

She took a look, woohoo, there are quite a few girls with good looks.

Her gaze was a bit like a mother-in-law picking a daughter-in-law, but the girls who came with her

The girls looked ashamed, but they were happy in their hearts.

Today I saw Li Ji's brothers and sisters all of a sudden, they are all close relatives, it is necessary to make a good impression on them.

"Let's go, go to Mr.'s first, and then rest for a while, you have to go to class in the afternoon?" Li Hua said.

Xiao Wu nodded and obediently followed behind his two brothers and his wife.

After finding the gentleman in charge of Xiaowu, Li Hua had a good talk with him, mainly about Xiaowu's study status in the past six months, and discussed the reasons why Xiaowu didn't fit in well. Finally, I would like to ask my master for more Taking care of Xiao Wu, especially this child, is the first time he has been away from home for such a long time, and I am afraid that he will not adapt.

The husband likes Xiao Wu very much and praises him for being smart. Even without Li Hua, he would take extra care of him.

Therefore, after some conversation, both parties are happy.

Later, Xiao Wu insisted that only Li Hua enter his dormitory alone. There was no other reason. Li Man was a woman, and she was too beautiful. When he was young and passionate, he didn't want his daughter-in-law to be watched by others, let alone, in the days to come, he would listen to his classmates gossiping about his woman every day to satisfy his greed.

So, Li Man and Li Yan waited outside.

Li Hua went into the dormitory and helped Xiaowu make the bed. Seeing that the bedding and other things were clean and tidy, the clothes and so on were also checked, and he would not be cold. When he came again, he left some money for him, enough for him maintained until the end of the term.

But it's not too much. It's no problem to eat enough and wear warm clothes, but if you want to live a more luxurious life, don't even think about it.

With regard to money, there were two schools of thought in the family.

One belongs to the eldest brother Li Mo. He has been used to frugality since he was a child. He is reluctant to spend a copper coin for himself, but for his younger brothers, he can spend one more for fear of wronging them.

Now, the family is well-off, especially for him, especially for Xiao Wu. I don't know if he wants to make up for the suffering the child has suffered since he was a child. Li Mo is extra lenient in piling up money on Xiao Wu.

Of course, the second and third brothers in the family don't care much about money, so they don't have much opinion on it.

Only Li Hua felt that elder brother's approach was inappropriate. It was easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. Besides, Xiao Wu's only task in entering the academy was to study, and he didn't need to spend much money.

And he, fundamentally speaking, is still a half-grown child with poor self-control. Once he has money in hand, will he imitate others?

As far as he knew, there were quite a few children from good families in this academy, but they were also bastards who used money to eat and drink. They came to study just to earn some prestige, nothing else.

Therefore, Li Hua also intentionally controlled money.

After making arrangements for Xiao Wu, the three of Li Man wanted to visit their own store and find a restaurant for lunch.

But when turning the corner of the street, Li Man suddenly caught sight of a familiar figure, and couldn't help tugging at Li Yan, "Is that woman the mistress Shen?"

The concubine's room in the eyes of outsiders, in Li Man's mouth, is the mistress.

After all, Li Xiangcao used to be the wife of Shen Runsheng's matchmaker, but this woman stepped in. Later, she coaxed a concubine surnamed Shen to destroy his wife. Still a fire.

However, what I didn't expect was that even a scum like Shen Runsheng would have an offspring?

Seeing the little woman named Tweet holding a one-year-old boy in her arms, Li Man couldn't help but spat, "Let's change."

"Okay." Li Yan also said, the three of them were about to turn around and leave.

Unexpectedly, that Cui'er also carried the child, and hurried into the alley next to her. Soon, there was another young man who looked left and right, and followed.

Out of a woman's intuition, Li Man felt that there was something unusual between this Tweety and that young man.

"Shall we take a look?" She had a gossipy face.

But Li Yan knocked on her forehead, "What's so interesting?" It's better for Li Man not to see women stealing men.

"Let's eat first." Li Hua also pulled Li Man and turned to go to another house.

Li Man had no choice but to agree, and turned her head to look at the alley, but she didn't see anyone, she felt that something must be going on inside, but the two men obviously didn't want her to gossip.

Well, it's better for her to keep her hands off other people's messes.

The three of them chose a clean restaurant, ate something, then got up and went to the store.

In the evening, the business in the store was pretty good, and several groups of people came to look at the clothes, but there were more shoppers and less purchases.

The shopkeeper felt a little ashamed when he saw the owner, and explained for a long time, saying that the women were regular customers in the store, but because the styles in the store hadn't been changed for a long time, they didn't buy them.

This is true, ever since Li Man became pregnant and gave birth to a child, the store has been deserted a lot.

Li Yan and Li Hua reconciled the accounts of several months with the shopkeeper, and then let the shopkeeper go back.

"Aren't we going back?" Li Man asked suspiciously as the sky darkened.

Li Yan looked at her with a smile while tidying up the small room inside, "What do you think?"

"Huh." Li Man took a deep breath, looked at the only big piece in the hut - the Big Kang, and couldn't help frowning, "Could it be that we sleep here at night?"

At the very beginning, I was afraid that the store would be too busy, so I made a big kang and put two quilts in the small room behind the facade.

, In the evening, if they are too busy, they will rest here.

However, at that time, Li Yan and Li Shu were mostly living here.

But tonight, there are three?

What's more, how long has this quilt not been exposed to the sun or used?

Li Man looked at Li Hua, "Are we really not going home?"

Li Hua didn't make a sound, just leaned against the door, quietly watching the second brother make the bed.

Li Man was silent, and sat down on the newly made bed, "I want to go home."

The bedding and the like are secondary. The key point is, there is only one big kang, the two brothers, and her, how will they sleep?

At that time, Li Mo and Li Shu, who had returned home from working in the fields, changed their expressions when they learned that Li Man and the others hadn't returned.

"Don't worry, Li Yan said, I'm going to the store to reconcile the account, and I won't come back if it's late. There is a place to rest in the store, so don't worry." Li Xiangyu thought that the two brothers were worried about the safety of Li Man and others. Just persuaded.

Unexpectedly, Li Shu became even more angry, "Second brother did this on purpose."

Knowing that the daughter-in-law belonged to him tonight, he secretly took her away and didn't send her back at night.

"Third brother." Li Mo scolded him with a serious face, "Perhaps something happened, and he will be back tomorrow."

"Minger?" Li Shu clenched his fists violently, "Then how will I spend tonight?"

Li Mo glanced at him, "How do you usually live?"

"Me?" Li Shu wanted to say, he endured very hard, okay?

"I'll go find them and come back." Li Shu walked out angrily, not fighting for steamed buns.

Li Xiangyu was stunned, "What's wrong with the third child? Want to fight with someone?"

"I'll go and pull him back." Li Mo put down his hoe and chased him out.

Under the night, the two brothers fought for a while. In the end, they were no match for Li Mo, and Li Shu was dragged back.

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