Fortunate Wife

Episode 28 Rewards (Second update)

After finally surviving the night, Li Shu got up early the next morning, didn't even bother to eat breakfast, and went to the town to find a wife.

Li Mo didn't stop him this time, and let him go.

Furious all the way, before reaching the town, they ran into Li Man and the other three who happened to be back on the way.

Li Shu stood where he was, with his arms around him, waiting with a look of resentment.

Until these people approached, he still remained silent, only staring at Li Yan coldly.

The mastermind who abducted his daughter-in-law and did not return overnight is definitely the second brother Li Yan, Li Shu can already conclude.

"Third brother, where are you going?" Li Hua saw that his expression was not good, and hurried over to explain, "I had something to do yesterday, it was too late, and I didn't have time to go back. Did you worry?"

"I'm quite worried." Li Shu bypassed Li Hua and went straight to Li Yan.

Li Yan's eyes twitched slightly, "Is the third brother planning to fight with someone? Ao"

"Second brother, you are too unkind." Li Shu looked at him coldly, but with his wife in front of him, he would not beat the second brother, and he had to change places if he wanted to, "I have something to tell you Let’s talk alone, let’s go to the woods over there.”

"Li Shu." Li Man sat on the small car and read Li Shu for a long time. She never thought that this guy had never looked at her, nor said a word to her. Looking at his whole body, it is indeed true. Is ready to fight with people.

With whom? No need to guess, there is no one other than Li Yan.

Actually, Li Yan couldn't be completely blamed for this matter, she understood his thoughts.

I was afraid that she would not be able to take it anymore, so I thought of a way to keep her in the town for one night, so that she could take a good rest.

But Li Shu had been looking forward to this day for a long time, but on this day, his wife was taken away, and he was so angry that he wanted to beat someone, Li Man could understand.

"Daughter-in-law, sit down first, and it will be ready soon." Li Shu gave her a perfunctory look, and then went to the forest.

Li Yan raised his eyebrows, he had expected this, he put down the car, turned around and went to the forest.

"Li Yan." Li Man grabbed him, "Are you messing around with him too?"

"We have to let him express the breath in his heart." Li Yan said with a helpless smile.

Li Man was speechless, and looked at him with raised eyebrows, "Then how many times are you going to let him punch you?"

"Are you feeling sorry for me?" Li Yan smiled happily.

Li Man was so annoyed that she shook off his hand, "Okay, you go, let him beat him up hard."

Knowing that he couldn't help it, Li Yan rubbed her head again, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, don't let him hit your face."

After finishing speaking, he went straight to the forest.

Seeing the two brothers drowning in the forest, Li Man was a little worried, "Li Hua, let's go in and have a look."

"Not good." Li Hua vetoed in a low voice. With a woman he loves in front of him, men will be distracted when fighting. If the fight is not enjoyable, the knot will not be untied.

Li Manxiu's eyebrows were tied together, "Then let them fight each other?"

Li Hua didn't make a sound, because he was far away and couldn't hear the movement inside, but he thought, the second brother is a man of measure, and he will definitely not let the situation develop to the point where it cannot be handled.

What's more, the relationship between the second brother and the third brother at home is the most delicate. On the surface, the two often bicker and disagree with each other, but in fact, the two should be the closest.

The third brother has worked a lot with the eldest brother since he was a child, but he often talks to the second brother a lot about what he has to do and what he has on his mind.

Therefore, Li Hua concluded that even if the two really fought, it would not be fatal.

He waited patiently, and sure enough, the two brothers came out one after another within a cup of tea.

Li Man hurriedly jumped out of the car and ran towards the two of them.

"Are you all right?" She looked at Li Shu and then at Li Yan.

The faces of both of them are intact, so, are there any injuries?

The clothes are also in good condition, could it be that they were beaten after taking off their clothes?

She hurriedly grabbed Li Yan's clothes again, trying to lift them up.

Li Yan hurriedly pressed down, "Little thing, what are you doing? In broad daylight, the third and fourth younger brothers are all here."

Really thinking about it? Li Man gave him a hard look, but being able to talk and laugh proved to be all right. She turned to look at Li Shu again, but before she could take off her shirt, Li Shu pushed up his shirt, revealing his strong and muscular waist. "Daughter-in-law, it's okay, you look good."

"Pull it off quickly." As if afraid of being peeped, Li Man hastily pulled up his clothes for him.

However, it became more and more strange, "Did you two go in just now, were you fighting?"

"You really want us to fight?" Li Yan looked at her with a condescending smile.

Li Manbai glanced at him, and said deliberately, "Yeah, I wish you two hit like pigs' heads."

"Daughter-in-law, are you angry?" As soon as Li Shu heard that her tone was wrong, he quickly leaned over and wanted to hug her.

Li Man patted his hand away and pulled Li Hua closer, "Let's go home."

Li Shu hurriedly followed, "Daughter-in-law, and me."

He was like a flattering child, Li Man smiled and took his hand, and the couple walked ahead.

Li Yan let out a sigh of relief and pushed the car behind.

When the four of them arrived at home, Li Xiangyu was taken aback by their amicable looks. Li Shu was so jealous last night that he was like a bull about to fight early in the morning. A docile little sheep, she can only shake her head. \u003c/p


Li Mo had expected this to happen a long time ago. Seeing them come back, he only asked about Xiao Wu's situation, and didn't ask about anything else.

I didn't see the children all night, Li Man panicked, left everyone behind, and went to the room, unexpectedly Li Xiangcao was there.

"Sister-in-law, when did you come?" Li Man was delighted.

Li Xiangcao blushed and said with a smile, "I came early in the morning, please keep your voice down, the children fell asleep."

"Oh." Li Man lay on the side of the crib, looking at the two sleeping babies, her heart was filled with happiness.

After watching for a while, he suddenly thought of something, hurriedly pulled Li Xiangcao, sat on the side of the bed, and asked, "Little sister, how are you doing these days?"

Li Xiangcao naturally knew what she was asking, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, she nodded slightly and said, "I did everything according to your method, and I don't know what will happen?"

"It depends on man's effort. As for the result, it depends on God." Li Man said with a smile, "Sister-in-law, I think you will definitely be able to conceive this time."

"I hope." Li Xiangcao lowered her eyes, full of anticipation.

"Man'er." Not long after, Li Mo's voice came from outside.

Li Man came out in a hurry, and saw Li Mo standing in the yard with a thatched quilt at his feet, "Look, is this okay?"

For the vegetable greenhouse, he had no other materials, so he thought of weaving thatch into a quilt.

Li Man squatted down, weighed the grass quilt, and felt very satisfied, "Brother, in the afternoon, let's go to the field to try it out, and use this to build it first."

"Yeah." Li Mo nodded, picked up the finished sample grass, leaned it against the corner, then walked up to Li Man, looked at her pretty little face, with a faint look of tiredness between her brows, I couldn't help but feel distressed, "In the afternoon, you should rest at home, and you can go and see after we set up the shed."

"Staying at home is also sleeping. I'm either eating or sleeping all day long. I'm going to be a little pig." Li Man muttered.

Even if it is a little pig, it is best to look at the cute little pig, Li Mo thought so from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing him looking at himself with a silly smile, the love in his eyes was too obvious, Li Man blushed, and rubbed her head in his arms twice coquettishly, "Brother, bring me with you if you want to work in the future." Well, although the little girl can't stand her shoulders and lift her hands, she can serve her husband tea and water, squeeze her waist and beat her back, wipe her sweat and tell jokes, it's still fine."

"Heh." Her eyes were smiling, her voice was soft, and her words were so sweet and caring. For a moment, Li Mo forgot everything except his smirk, and his eyes were full of his daughter-in-law's softness and provocativeness. look like.

"Brother, I'm going to cook two dishes." Thinking that she hasn't cooked for a long time, Li Man suddenly had a whim, and wanted to get some delicious food for her brothers.

In other words, Li Xiangyu's cooking skills are also good, but they are all the same, and they are all home-cooked dishes. The most important thing is that she is reluctant to put oil and salt.

Today, I happened to buy some fish and half a chicken at the vegetable market in the town. Li Man thought that it would be enough to cook a table of good dishes.

My sister-in-law is also here, let my uncle come over at noon, and the brothers will have some wine, it must be beautiful.

Li Mo was very happy to hear that she wanted to cook, but he was afraid that she would be tired.

"I'm not tired." Li Man also dragged Li Mo into the kitchen together.

Li Xiangyu was packing up the dishes in the kitchen, and when she saw the two of them coming in, she was a little stunned, "The meal isn't ready yet."

"Auntie, you go back to the house and have a conversation with my sister. I will make lunch with my brothers today." Li Man rolled up her sleeves with a smile, picked up the fish on the bench neatly, put it on the cutting board and began to clean it.

"Both of you?" Li Xiangyu felt at ease with Li Man, but Li Mo said that he was a tall man with rough hands and feet, and she felt it was inappropriate to do the work in the kitchen.

"Auntie, you can do your work." Li Mo simply pushed Li Xiangyu out, came back, stood next to Li Man, and asked softly, "Man'er, then shall I... light the fire?"

It seems that the only thing in the kitchen is to light the fire, and he does it most handily.

"It will take a while to start the fire, you..." Li Man looked up at him, thinking of the dark dishes Li Mo fried, and the water all over the place when he was washing the vegetables, she changed her words, "You Just stand here and talk to me."

"Oh." Li Mo snorted, but, "What did you say?"

"Whatever you want." Li Man quickly cleaned up a fish, turned her face and asked Li Mo, "Would you like braised or sweet and sour?"

"Anything is fine." Li Mo said with a smile, he was not picky, besides, everything made by his wife was delicious.

"Okay, let's have sweet and sour, and half a chicken, and cook a braised chicken nugget later." Li Man made arrangements for herself, and her serious and natural expression caught Li Mo's eyes.

He just likes to see Li Man when he is busy in the kitchen.

"Brother, do you have any more wine in the wine jar under the cupboard? If not, ask Li Yan to buy some more. It would be a pity not to drink some wine after cooking so many delicious dishes at noon." Li Man chopped again Chicken nuggets, while ordering.

Li Mo went to get the wine obediently, "There are still some, but not much."

"Then let Li Yan buy some more, by the way, and ask my little uncle to come over for lunch."

"Okay." Li Mo went out according to his words, and came in again after a while.

Li Yan also came in. Seeing Li Man wearing an apron busy at the pot, with a smile on her lips, she walked up to her, approached her and smiled, "Why do you cook by yourself?"

"I want to reward you." Li Man raised her eyes and smiled.

Li Yan nodded,

His chin suddenly drooped to her shoulder, and he said in a low voice, "Daughter-in-law is so kind. Speaking of which, I'm really tired these days."

That scorching breath, and his meaningful words made Li Man's heart skip a beat, and she turned her head to stare at him, "You deserve it, who made you..."

"How?" Li Yan waited for her next words, but Li Man gave him a blushing look, "Sexy."

"I'm talking about pushing you two times, what did you think of?" Li Yan suddenly smiled.

Li Man paused, and glared at him angrily, "I'm not going to get a drink, I won't give you lunch at noon."

"Daughter-in-law calm down, I'm going to get some wine for my husband." Li Yan quickly ran away with the jug in hand.

Li Mo stood by the table, a little embarrassed, the casual intimacy between his wife and his second brother always made him a little envious, but he couldn't do it.

"What are you doing standing there?" Li Man turned her head and looked at Li Mo coquettishly.

Li Mo hurried over, "I'll wash the fish."

"Wait." Li Man stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the cheek.

"Man'er." Li Mojun's face was black and red, and his eyes were bright.

"Go." Li Man smiled, what a silly brother.

She feels that she is like the head of the family now, and she has to work hard to balance the relationship between the men in this family, and she can't be partial or oriented.

Li Mo nodded and went out with the small basket.

Not long after, Li Yan came back, together with Zhang Ben.

At noon, the whole family sat around together, the men drank, the women ate vegetables, and each chatted about their favorite topics. It was very lively.

However, just as the Li family was eating happily, a person who surprised everyone came to the yard.

This person wandered around the Li family's yard, then walked to the door of the kitchen and looked inside.

"Who?" Li Yan saw this person first and stood up suddenly.

The man was taken aback for a moment, and then asked with a smile on his face, "Dare to ask, is this the Li family? Is the owner Li Mo?"

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