Fortunate Wife

Extra Episode 29 Blackmailing People (One Update)

When Li Mo heard that person looking for him, he got up quickly, and the others followed suit.

Others are okay, but when Du Li Xiangcao saw this person's appearance, his expression changed suddenly.

"You are Li Mo? Heh, the younger one's name is Qian San, and he is Qian Cui'er's cousin." The young man introduced Li Mo with a nod and bow.

"Qian San? Qian Cui'er? We don't know each other." Li Mo looked at him carefully. At first glance, he didn't like this person's behavior.

That Qian San still smiled obsequiously, and pointed at Li Xiangcao and said, "You don't recognize the young one, but your aunt and grandma appointed to remember the young one. Stay"

"Sister?" Li Mo turned his head and looked at Li Xiangcao suspiciously.

Everyone was also very surprised, Li Xiangcao got up awkwardly, looked at Qian San, "Why did you come here? Fan"

"Oh, my aunt still remembers the little one, so it's easy to handle. Nuo, this is the IOU that Mr. Shen owes the little one, please take a look." Saying this, Qian San took out an IOU from his pocket, and I want to enter the house and show it to Li Xiangcao.

"Wait." Li Mo suddenly reached out his hand to stop him, "We don't know any Mr. Shen, and we have nothing to do with him."

Qian San laughed and explained, "Why don't you know each other? Master Shen Jiarunsheng, she wasn't your sister-in-law before..."

"We have nothing to do with him, get out of here." When Shen Runsheng was mentioned, Li Mo lost his temper.

"Yes." Qian San nodded, unfolding the IOU to Li Mo, "But this money? Take a look."

Li Mo didn't look at it, didn't even glance at it, and just pushed Qian San into the yard.

"What are you doing? You have to take a look at this IOU no matter what, it's three hundred taels of silver, and there is Mr. Shen's name on it. It's not fake."

Qian San was still about to argue, but seeing Li Mo's suddenly gloomy face, he pursed his lips suddenly, and explained, "It's not that the little one came here on purpose to make trouble, but it was Mr. Shen who asked the young one to come here to get the money, he said. "

"We don't know any young masters from the Shen family. Besides, do you have the name of my Li family on your IOU? Yes, let's go. No, get out." When Qian San approached Li Xiangcao, Li Mo knew this. As a person, he was calm and polite before, but at this moment he became deeply disgusted, and he was already being polite without directly punching someone.

Pushed out of the courtyard by Li Mo, the Qian San quit, and shouted loudly, "Your surname Li, don't go too far, Mr. Shen said that when he married your aunt, he gave a lot of money. As for the dowry gift, now, your little aunt can't give birth to a child and is dismissed and goes home. The matter can be forgotten, but within half a year, she couldn't bear to find a man. It's no wonder that Mr. Shen wants to take back the original the dowry."

"Get out." Li Mo said coldly, and closed the courtyard door.

Everyone else in the room knew that Qian San was the cousin of Qian Cui, the concubine Shen Runsheng brought home, and everyone came out filled with righteous indignation, especially Zhang Ben, who heard Qian San say that Li Xiangcao couldn't bear it. When I was looking for a man, I rushed over and wanted to beat him up, but was stopped by Li Xiangcao holding him.

"Your surname is Qian, hurry up and get out of here, and if you dare to say a word, I will beat you back." Li Shu had already raised his fist and said bluntly.

Qian Sanyi saw that there were so many people coming out of the house, and all of them showed unkind faces. It was not like what Qian Cui'er said, the Li family was just a few mud-legged old men who looked like nothing, and wanted to extort money from them , That's a piece of cake, I can't help but feel annoyed.

He struggled over two mountains to find this place, and returned without success like this?

"Don't bully others because of the number of people. I have a list of betrothal gifts that Mr. Shen gave to your family back then. If you are sensible, return all the things. Otherwise, hey, what are you doing? Hey, you... . Whoops."

Before Qian San finished speaking, Li Shu rushed over, opened the courtyard door, and kicked out, directly onto Qian San's face.

Qian San wailed, two teeth fell out, and there was blood in his mouth.

"You, you hit someone?"

"You were the one who hit him, get out of here." Li Shu kicked his ass, and Qian San fell straight into the mud.

After finally getting up, he covered his face and wanted to say something, but Li Yan had already swung his shovel and rushed over, scaring him and running away.

After running for a while, seeing no one chasing him, he stood and cursed again, "You surnamed Li, don't be crazy, pay back the debt, I have an IOU, and the Shen family..."

Before he could finish speaking, Li Yan swung his shovel and threw it at him, scaring him so much that he froze and ran away.

The villain was beaten away, but the good atmosphere of the family eating was destroyed, especially Li Xiangcao, with red eye circles, looked very wronged and humiliated.

"Back then, our family did not accept the dowry from the Shen family." She kept saying.

In fact, the Shen family disliked her at all back then, and at first they obstructed her marriage with Shen Runsheng in every possible way. Later, even if they agreed, they just let her go through the door. As for the betrothal gift, the Shen family did not offer it at all, but Shen Runsheng loved her at that time , I used my body to buy her two new sets of clothes and some jewelry, but nothing else.

But she went to Shen's house wearing new clothes, and brought some jewelry with her.

When Heli returned to Li's house, she took nothing but herself.

Now, ask her for a bride price? This is not only bullying her, but also humiliating her.

"It's okay, that scoundrel is gone." Zhang Ben quickly comforted his wife.

But Li Xiangcao didn't think so, "Then Qian San is a rascal, and he won't let go so easily."

"Sister-in-law, don't be afraid, no matter how rascal you are, you can't make something out of nothing." Li Man also persuaded, suddenly, a picture flashed in her mind, she grabbed Li Yan and said, "By the way, I met you at the restaurant in the town yesterday. , isn’t it the same person just now. So they are cousins.”

Cousins ​​and cousins ​​are a natural pair, but this pair of cousins ​​is really a scumbag match, a saboteur's family, and a hooligan extorting money.

By the way, I met those two people sneaking around yesterday, maybe they were discussing to extort money, right?

The Li family's clothing store in the town has a good business. It is not difficult for the Shen family to know. Could it be that seeing that the Li family's business is doing well, they have evil thoughts?

Li Xiangcao wept silently, and Li Xiangyu was anxious and angry, "That Shen Runsheng who suffered a thousand knives owed money himself, and asked our family to pay it back. Thanks to him being a scholar, how could he be so shameless? Next time I meet him, old lady I have to cut his heart out to see if it is black."

"Auntie, don't be annoyed." Li Hua persuaded, "If you want money, you can't just ask for it. The IOU was not written by our family. Even if he comes a hundred times, it's useless."

"It's true." Li Man nodded and smiled, "Okay, don't be angry, it's not worth it for such a bastard. Go back to the room, the food should be cold."

Everyone went back to the house and continued to eat, but their emotions were not too high. After all, this matter was indeed quite irritating.

After lunch, Li Xiangcao went home with Zhang Ben.

When Li Man returned to the room, several people sat together and talked.

Li Man felt that it must be Shen Runsheng who knew that the Li family was well off now, so he instigated Qian San to come and extort money for three hundred years, and he was so bad that he could open his mouth.

He thought again, this Shen Runsheng is really a scumbag, it's a good thing that Li Xiangcao made peace with him back then, otherwise, it would be even more unclear now.

Everyone thought about it, and felt relieved for Li Xiangcao's present.

Aside from mentioning Qian San, they sat and idled for a while, and Li Mo and the others were about to go to the ground.

Li Man also wanted to go with her, but when the two children woke up, she and Li Xiangyu nursed the children. After the feeding was finished, when they were coaxing the two children to play, she suddenly thought of taking them to play in the field as well.

It's not yet the middle of winter, the weather is limited, and besides, there is still sunshine.

It is also good to take the children out to get some fresh air, bask in the sun, and feel some breath of nature.

Just do what you say, put the two children in the stroller, and Li Man will push them over.

Li Xiangyu saw that she couldn't stop her, so she took two small quilts and followed, fearing that the strong wind in the field would blow the child.

But when they arrived, they found that there was no wind at all, and the sun was just right.

It's just that the two little guys, who were still babbling at home because they were wandering on the road, fell asleep when they got to the ground.

Li Man sat on the ridge of the field, watching the children while watching Li Mo and the others work.

Li Xiangyu couldn't sit still, so when she touched the ground, she took the hoe from Li Hua's hand and went to hoe the ground.

In other words, Li Xiangyu hasn't been in the field for more than ten years, but when he starts working again, his posture is much stronger than that of Li Hua.

Seeing how hard Auntie was working, Li Hua felt a little ashamed, and stepped aside wisely, looked at it for a while, and then silently walked to Li Man's side.

Li Man patted the grass beside him, beckoning him to sit down, and then talked with him about the future results of the two lands.

Seeing the excitement she said, Li Hua was also in a happy mood, and then told her about himself.

He loves calligraphy very much, but he has never had many opportunities to practice it. After listening to Li Man's encouraging words yesterday, he suddenly became interested in learning calligraphy again.

When Li Man heard this, she was really happy for him, and then they discussed several calligraphy schools together, but she hoped that it would be best for Li Hua to form a family of his own in the future.

It was probably because the conversation between the two was too excited, which affected the two children.

Not long after, the boss woke up, opened his eyes and looked around curiously.

Li Man picked her up with a smile, pointed to the people working over there, and said with a smile, "Hey, look, it's your father and the others working."

After he just said a word, the second child in the small car closed his eyes and started moaning.

"Well, Li Hua, quickly hug him up."

Usually in this case, the little thing either pulls or pees.

Sure enough, Li Hua picked up the second child, put his hands on the little butt, and the diaper was soaked.

"I've peed." Li Hua smiled and took off the wet diaper, then put the second child on the cart, took out two clean diapers from the small basket at the bottom of the cart, and put them on again.

After such a toss, the second child also woke up.

Li Hua hugged him and paced leisurely on the field ridge, pointing to the green grass on the ground and the birds in the sky from time to time to show him.

Although the little guy didn't understand, he also happily cooperated with him, his little head was shaking from side to side, so cute.

Li Man put on the boss' hat, got up too, and carried her to the field.

As soon as the children came, the adults were not in the mood to work.

Li Shu simply threw away the hoe, moved close to her, and stretched out his arms to hug his daughter.

The boss had a particularly cheerful personality. As soon as Li Shu stretched out his hand, she knew that she would lean towards him, which made Li Shu jump up happily.

But with him like this, Li Man didn't dare to let him hug her. The child was young, but he couldn't stand him jumping up and down.

Li Yan hugged and kissed for a while, then handed it to Li Mo.

Li Mo

Steady, but when it comes to holding a child, he is a complete layman. Once the child is in his hands, he feels something wrong, his body is stiff, and he seems to dare not even move.

Look at him, he is such a strong man, holding such a delicate little thing in his arms, he is so loving.

Especially the little thing's big black eyes, which were exactly the same as Li Man's, were staring at Li Mo curiously.

Li Mo's face was flushed, and he looked at her full of love and affection, that love almost melted away.

It's so loving.

It's a pity that there is no camera, otherwise, it would be great if this picture could be photographed.

How wonderful!

Li Man regretted that Li Shu could no longer hold back, and urged Li Mo to give him the child.

"Be calm, don't hug and fall." Li Mo asked worriedly.

Li Shu took the child, thinking happily in his arms, the funny little thing actually giggled, "Look, my daughter likes me."

Li Shu was very unhappy.

After a while, Li Hua hugged the second child, walked around the field ridge, and came over.

As soon as the two children came, everyone became lively and teased the children one after another, this job was left behind.

Li Xiangyu worked for a while, straightened up, frowned and looked at those few, "I've been watching and playing all day, isn't it enough? I don't look like I'm working."

However, after all, I like it in my heart.

Especially Li Mansheng's sons and daughters are really gratifying.

Thinking about it, she also put down the hoe, walked over unconsciously, took the second child from Li Hua's hand, and started teasing her too.

The sky is high and the clouds are clear, and in the field, the Li family is happy and happy, with constant laughter.

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