Fortunate Wife

Episode 31 Jealousy

"Teacher Man'er, why haven't we seen Xiao Wu in the past two days?"

"Xiao Wu?" Li Man suddenly realized that these little girls came to look for Xiao Wu, no wonder, they have been here for a long time, and they are all out of their minds.

"Xiao Wu has returned to the academy." She replied with a smile.

The big girls looked at each other in blank dismay, "Going back to the academy so soon?"

"He wants to study." Li Man said.

The little girls pouted, looking disappointed.

Li Man suddenly thought of how happy the group of female students were when they sent Xiao Wu to the academy yesterday.

Heh, this kid really has plenty of peach blossoms, even more powerful than his brothers.

However, it was fun yesterday, but at this moment, Li Man felt uncomfortable.

Xiao Wu is still young, so many peach blossoms may not be a good thing.

"When will Xiao Wu come back?" Er Ya asked.

The other little girls immediately looked forward to it.

Li Man frowned slightly, "Go to the academy for vacation."

"Ah, how long will it take?"

The little girls obviously couldn't wait.

Li Man didn't make a sound, just pushed the stroller for a walk in the yard.

The big girls were bored watching, and besides, without their favorite Xiao Wu in this yard, they had no intention of staying here.

He only said that something happened at home, and the little girls dispersed.

Li Man was lost in thought. Yesterday, when she said she was Xiao Wu's sister, Xiao Wu looked annoyed.

She understands.

In fact, she has always understood that kid's mind, but she just pretended to be confused, but she thought that when he grows up, he will meet a girl of his age who has similar interests.

However, if one day, Xiao Wu brings such a girl back, what will happen to her?

Li Man was suddenly not sure what kind of mentality he would have.

She seems to have gotten used to the current home, and is used to being the only hostess in the home.


"Daughter-in-law, why are you sighing?"

Suddenly, Li Shu's voice wafted in her ears. Li Man was startled, and raised her head. Li Shu was standing in front of her, looking at her suspiciously.

"Why are you back?" Li Man looked at him curiously.

Li Shuzhan smiled, "I'm thirsty, come back and drink some water." By the way, he looked at his wife and children again.

"Oh, there's hot food in the kitchen, I'll pour it for you." Li Man gestured to get up.

Li Shu stopped her, "I've already had a drink. You were in a daze just now, what were you thinking?"

"Oh, I didn't think about anything." Li Man said with a smile, "How's the field doing?"

"I cut some thatch in the morning, and I will build a shed in the afternoon." Li Shudao.

"Oh." Li Man nodded.

Seeing the two children sleeping soundly in the small car, Li Shu liked it for a while, and then squatted down beside Li Man's legs, holding her small white hand, with a sweet smile on his face.

Li Man looked weird, "Why are you smirking?"

Li Shu chuckled twice, and said, "No laughing."

"Smiling so treacherously, there must be nothing good." Li Man stretched out her hand and pinched his cheek, and said with a smile.

Li Shu let her pinch her, and when she had had enough, he hugged her violently, buried his head in her chest, and said with emotion, "Daughter-in-law, I like you so much."

"Eh." Li Man was stunned, and laughed, rubbing his head, and said amusedly, "You said this dozens of times last night, don't you get tired of it?"

"Why do you get bored? If you don't get bored, I can keep talking." Li Shu hurriedly raised his head and said seriously.

Li Man quickly waved her hands, "Don't, I don't like to hear too much."

Li Shu giggled, "Then I'll save it for the night." He could tell that his wife liked to listen to it when he said it at night.

"Go, not serious." Li Man poked his forehead with her finger.

At this time, Li Xiangyu was just coming out with a pot of chicken food. Seeing Li Shu and Li Man's intimacy, she shook her head helplessly and said nothing lazily.

For more than half a year, she has been used to it.

However, Xingniang, who just came back from washing in the pond, passed by the door of Li's courtyard, heard the sound of laughter in the courtyard, and couldn't help but glance at it, which made her go crazy with jealousy.

How can Li Man live in such a nice courtyard? Can he be favored by several men in the Li family? Can you have both babies and daughters?

Her Xingniang used to be the top card in the Hualou, held by many rich people, and she was also a performer but not a person. If it wasn't for an accident, she was sold to Goddess Valley at a low price by the old lady, how could she live in such poverty now? And boring life?

A fool and a trash in the family, that's all.

It's a pity that she has been married for so long, but she hasn't even laid an egg. Her spine was almost torn apart, and she was scolded as a chicken that couldn't lay eggs.

Li Man keenly sensed the vicious gaze, and when she glanced at the entrance of the courtyard, she was a little startled.

That woman is Xingniang, that's right, but she completely lacked the beauty and enchantment she had when we first met. Even though she was still wearing a bright red jacket with the neckline still loosened, she was as windy, sexy, and piercing as always, but But there is a kind of decadence, the whole person is like a flower that has been trampled and destroyed, only withered and decadent.

"What are you looking at? Shameless little hoof, look again, my old lady will shut your eyeballs

Come down and feed the pigs. "Li Xiangyu came back from feeding the chickens, and saw Xingniang standing at the gate of the courtyard looking in, her expression was dull and vicious, and she couldn't help cursing angrily.

"Who saw it? I'm just tired from walking, why not take a break? This road belongs to your house, so no one is allowed to stand?" Xingniang raised her eyebrows and stared, but because of that rumor Li Man, After being severely beaten up by Li Xiangyu in front of the villagers, she was somewhat afraid of Li Xiangyu.

After finishing talking, he didn't dare to stay for a long time, so he quickly trotted away with the basket in hand.

Li Xiangyu spat fiercely on the ground, "Do things shamelessly."

"How did she become like this?" Li Man asked curiously.

Although she has lived here for almost two years, she doesn't know how to socialize with the villagers, and unlike other women, she likes to gossip and gossip in her spare time. In addition, the Li family is built at the foot of the back mountain She moved out of the house and was far away from the village, so that she would not know what happened in the village.

However, Li Xiangyu is different. She is a girl from this village. After finishing the housework, she always likes to go for a walk with people she knows well.

Hearing Li Man's question, Li Xiangyu pursed her lips and sneered contemptuously, "Then, a dog can't change eating shit. Those who came out of the kiln are born obscene and cheap. One day without a man can kill her. No, the last one Yue Dashun went to the town to help others, and she didn't come back often, so she hooked up with someone, and was found out by his mother-in-law, who brought her mother's family to call."

"Ah." No wonder, listening to Xingniang's words just now seemed a bit leaky, maybe all the teeth were knocked out?

"It's more than that." Li Xiangyu came over at this time and said in a low voice, "This bitch is messing around all day long. I heard that she has a dirty disease. Several men in our village have been infected. The mother-in-law at home is crying every day. of."

"Eh." Li Man was astonished, but thinking about the scene that Li Shu deceived her to see, she felt that it might be true.

"So, you all have to be careful, this stinky bitch is very poisonous. She doesn't stop when she has a heart disease, and she seduces men all day long. But now, everyone in the village knows about it, and no one dares to go with her This is her fault. Just now, I saw her standing at the door for a long time, I'm afraid she has no good intentions." Li Xiangyu said.

Li Man thought that this Xingniang always liked to fight against her before, and just now, she stared at her so hatefully, and she couldn't help but have rice grains all over her body.

"No way. I haven't messed with her all this time. It's her who came to make trouble. "

"Don't be afraid." Li Shu held her cold little hand and said, "She doesn't dare to come. If she dares to come, I will break her leg."

"Well, we should show this bitch a little color, just how many people she has harmed." Li Xiangyu also said viciously.

But Li Man thought of another simple and honest man, and he had a good relationship with Li Mo.

He is Dashun.

"Then what about Dashun?"

Li Xiangyu sighed, "That child is also a coward, just such a daughter-in-law, give up as soon as possible. But he still stays at home, how many cuckolds have been given to him, and he still treats that bitch as a treasure. Then, others won’t listen to what they say. Well, let him go, he will have a lot of hard times in the future.”

Li Man was also speechless.

Not long after, Li Mo and others also came back.

Li Xiangyu thought about it, she hadn't made lunch yet, so she hurried to work in the kitchen.

Here, a few people chatted about what happened just now, and Du Li Mo's expression was not very good, even if the others fell.

Li Man guessed that it was because of his friendship with Da Shun who grew up together, so naturally he didn't want his brother to jump into the fire pit, but because he couldn't help, that's why he was so sad.

When sending the children back to the house, Li Man specially asked Li Mo to help.

After returning to the house, Li Man asked him alone, "Brother, are you worried about Dashun?"

"Man'er, me." I didn't expect her to be so thoughtful, she could see it just as soon as he thought about it, but he couldn't say anything about that matter.

"What's the matter? Do you have something to tell me?" Li Man was almost sure, but it was rare for him to speak so hesitantly.

"Man'er." Li Mo frowned deeply, and said with a rather tangled expression, "I'll just mention this to you, it doesn't matter if you don't agree."

"What's the matter?" Li Man became more and more curious.

Li Mo took a deep breath and said, "I met Dashun this morning."

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