Fortunate Wife

Episode 32 Private House

Li Mo took a deep breath and said, "I met Dashun this morning."

Sure enough, it's that person's business, "And then?"

Li Mo let out a long breath and sighed, "He just came back from the town a few days ago, and the money he gave to help others has not been settled yet."

So, do you want to borrow money? Li Man suddenly thought of Xingniang's heart disease, but if she only borrowed money, she could breathe a sigh of relief.

No, but Li Mo said, "He wants to help our family."

"Our family? Is there anything I can do for you?" Li Man was stunned.

Li Mo hurriedly said, "Didn't you talk about buying land last time? Later, it was delayed because of many things. I thought that I would first finish the land purchase while I have nothing to do at the end of the year."

"Then let Dashun come over to help?" Li Man stared at him in astonishment, "Could it be that you are in a hurry to buy land because you want to help Dashun?"

Otherwise, I haven't seen him mention it for more than half a year, and today I'm just talking about it.

Seeing her expression, Li Mo's heart sank. He knew that there was little hope, but he still fought for it.

"It's not entirely because of him, but if you really bought the land, can you let him come over?"

"Doesn't he own land?" Li Man muttered.

Li Mo lowered his head and explained, "You also know that his mother-in-law is sick. Da Shun is a conscientious person and doesn't want to see his mother-in-law suffer, so he wants to earn more money to see her doctor."

"Is she really suffering from that kind of dirty disease?" Li Man asked hurriedly. If it is true, it is a bottomless pit, and it is not easy to cure in modern times, not to mention the ancient times where the medical conditions are extremely poor.

Li Mo's face darkened, "Man'er, let's leave this matter alone, Dashun just wants to make more money."

"I understand." Li Man turned around and took out a small box from the closet, which contained her private money.

It is said that it is private money, but in fact it is only saved near the end. It is mainly for the gifts of each household after giving birth, and it is mainly Zhang's.

She took out five taels of silver and handed it to him, then took two bolts of high-quality silk from the cabinet and handed them to him.

"You are?" Li Mo stared at her closely.

Li Man curled her lips, and showed him the empty box, "Here, that's all I have, you can give it to Dashun, he sold the silk in the town, it's worth a lot of money, let him give it to Dashun first. Let's see the sickness."

"Man'er." Li Mo's eyes turned hot, he put down his things, and hugged Li Man, deeply moved.

He knew that his daughter-in-law was not an indifferent person.

However, Li Man pushed him lightly, "I can tell you, I did it for your sake. His mother-in-law is sick, so I should lend him some money for medical treatment. However, what you just said We still need to think long-term about buying land and asking him to help others. We can’t just throw our family’s wealth into it just to help others? Don’t forget, our family has two babies to raise now .”

"Heh." Li Mo looked at her sour look with a funny face, "I know, actually, I've thought about buying the land a long time ago, and I've seen a few places, but I haven't made up my mind. It’s not a little money spent.”

"Then why did you suddenly make up your mind today?" Li Man asked curiously.

Li Mowaner, "Speaking of it, it's because of you. In the morning, my second and third brothers cut thatch and built a shed in the field. The more I thought about it, the more I felt that the vegetable greenhouse plan you mentioned was feasible. Our brothers also planned it." , if this vegetable greenhouse is successful, then it would be good to buy more land.”

"Oh, that's it." Li Man nodded, "So, it's not because of Dashun that you suddenly want to buy land?"

"No." Li Mo replied with certainty, "However, Dashun is a good method in the crop field. If we want to buy our land, we must hire someone. I think it doesn't matter who you hire. Dashun's family only has one mu. There is not enough food in the poor land, and he is also working outside all year round. If our land is really ready, he can come to help and save traveling around all the year round, so that his wife can be more peaceful at home. "

"Oh." Li Man raised her eyebrows, thinking to herself that he really had a lot to worry about, "Okay, let's talk about it after you buy the land."

As for whether Dashun would come over to help, she thought, the whole family had to pass it.

In essence, she still doesn't want him to come, even if she feels sorry for that man, but that woman, Xingniang, is too cunning to get along with, and she doesn't want to cause trouble in the future.

"Hmm." Li Man didn't explicitly deny it, which already made Li Mo very happy, not to mention, she showed all her self, Li Mo had nothing to say, only grateful to his wife.

Knowing that Dashun has been racking his brains over the matter of money these past few days, otherwise, he would not have come to find him.

In fact, since Li Man entered the Li family, the relationship between Dashun and him has gradually faded.

Li Mo didn't know why at first, but later, he gradually realized it.

He and Dashun grew up together, and the circumstances of the two families were similar.

Both of their parents died, their families were poor, and each of them was the eldest son of the family.

Li Mo has four younger brothers. Dashun doesn't have so many younger brothers to take care of, but his only younger brother is a fool, so he doesn't worry too much.

The two families are neighbors in the front and back rooms. During those difficult and difficult days, the two big boys encouraged each other and supported each other.

But later, Dashun's family bought Apricot, and Li's family had Li Man again.

Xingniang is a well-known scum in the village, but Li Man is the envy of men in the Goddess Valley.

Mu, the goddess who women are jealous of.

This made Dashun somewhat unable to hold his head up in front of Li Mo.

Later, the life of the Li family got better day by day, they built such a nice house, and they had a couple of children.

It can be said that Li Mo is like living in heaven now, with houses, fields, women, children, he has everything.

But Dashun still lives in the three small earthen huts left by his parents, his younger brother is still stupid, his daughter-in-law still looks down on him, flirts with him all day long, and has a whole body of illnesses. Pointing at the nose and scolding the turtle bastard.

Compared to Li Mo, Dashun is living in hell.

He envied Li Mo, but he didn't have the courage to get close to him like before.

Had it not been for Xingniang's illness this time, he would have been desperate and would not have found Li Mo.

Before lunch was ready, taking advantage of the time, Li Mo took the silver and went to the village with the silk and satin.

Walking to the door of Dashun's house, he didn't enter the house, but stood outside the courtyard and called out, "Dashun."

Da Shun was washing Er Shun's body at the side of the well in the backyard.

In the morning, after seeing Li Mo, Da Shun went home, but unexpectedly saw Er Shun lying on the ground crying, and asked him why he couldn't tell.

He had to take his younger brother and wash his body with well water.

Before it was ready, he heard Li Mo's shout, he quickly put down the wooden bucket, let Ershun fetch water to wash it by himself, and then came out by himself.

At this time, probably hearing Li Mo's voice, Xingniang ran out of the kitchen in a hurry.

"What are you doing out here? Go into the house." Er Shun immediately reprimanded in a low voice when he saw his daughter-in-law making a show.

"I pretend you didn't hear, come out and have a look." Xing Niang curled her lips, but obediently went back to the kitchen to work. Since she got sick, she has become a lot more honest. If you drive her out, then she really has nowhere to go.

However, returning to the kitchen didn't mean she could work with peace of mind. She quietly walked to the small window and peeked out.

It really was Li Mo.

This was unprecedented, and it was the first time Li Mo came to their house on his own initiative, but he didn't know why.

Across the courtyard wall, looking at Li Mo's handsome eyebrows and calm demeanor, Xingniang's heart was beating again, and she couldn't help but lamented her own life.

The brothers of the Li family were all good looking, even if it wasn't Li Mo, whoever it was, if it was given to her, her fate would definitely not be what it is now.

Thinking about it, he hated Li Man again for no reason.

Outside, Li Mo handed over the silver and silk to Er Shun.

Er Shun's expression was a little unnatural, "Li Mo, is this too much?"

Five taels of silver, it would take him a year to save up, and this satin, he had never seen such a fine satin.

How will he pay it back in the future?

"Take it, you can sell this satin in the town, and it can be worth some money, first let her get well."

"Here." Er Shun was holding something, his eyes were hot. These days, he asked people to borrow money everywhere, but when he heard that it was for the treatment of the prodigal daughter in the family, no one was willing to lend a helping hand. Scold him for being dishonest.

Li Mo patted him on the shoulder lightly, "Don't worry too much, if you have any difficulties, you can find a solution then."

"Yeah." Er Shun couldn't stop nodding.

Seeing the dodging figure by the small window, Li Mojun's face darkened, "Er Shun, you go back, I'll go first."

"After dinner..." Er Shun wanted to politely let him eat, but when he thought of his wife at home, he nodded in embarrassment.

Li Mo glanced at him, and he couldn't hold back what he didn't want to say, "Er Shun, do what you can. Not everyone is worthy of you."

Er Shun opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

He knew that his current behavior must be stupid in the eyes of others.

However, no matter how bad this woman was, he was the one who brought her home and was also his mother-in-law. He had no way of watching her wither day by day like a stranger.

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