Fortunate Wife

Episode 43 Strangers

This time, Li Yan slept very soundly and deeply. It could be seen that he had not had such a good sleep for a long time.

It was getting dark, and he hadn't woken up yet, so Li Man couldn't bear to disturb him, so she got up first, helped him tuck the quilt, and went downstairs first.

It was pitch dark downstairs, the family members were all in the kitchen, and the meals were all ready, but Li Yan and Li Man didn't come down, so they just waited silently.

Li Man went into the kitchen in the dark, and saw these people just sitting stupidly without making a sound, she couldn't help being taken aback, and said with a smile, "What's the matter? Sitting like a statue, not talking, it's scary."

"Where's the second brother?" Xiao Wu quickly got up and looked behind her.

Li Man came in, sat down at the table, and replied, "Your second brother is too tired and hasn't woken up yet."

"Oh." Xiao Wu was a little disappointed.

Li Mo was a little worried, "Is he all right?"

Thinking of the scar on the corner of Li Yan's eye, Li Man's heart suffocated, but she was afraid that her family would worry, so she just shook her head and said, "It's okay. I'm a little hungry, let's eat first. Li Yan's share, put it out and keep it until he wakes up." Give him the heat."

"Yeah." Li Xiangyu nodded, got up and arranged the food.

Li Man also got up to help.

Because of Li Yan's return, the family's heart has finally fallen. Although Li Shu has not returned home, his whereabouts have been found out. When the weather is warmer in the next year, he will go to find him and come back. Live together happily as before.

Thinking of this, Li Man was in a good mood, and her appetite also improved, and she even ate two bowls of rice.

After the meal, I simply washed up and went upstairs.

Before Li Yan woke up, Li Man lit the lamp, sat on the bed, quietly looked at his tired sleeping face, looked at the obvious scar at the corner of his eye, felt sore again, suddenly thought of something, she With a jump in his heart, he hurriedly lifted the quilt lightly, and carefully unbuttoned his shirt.

As expected, he was stunned when he untied it. The three long scars on the strong waist and abdomen seemed to have just grown up, showing a pale pink color.

Li Man only felt that her eyes were burning, hot and stinging.

"Hmm." As if feeling the coolness, Li Yan folded his arms unconsciously.

Li Man woke up with a start, quickly tied his clothes and covered him with a quilt.

At this moment, Li Yan didn't wake up. He didn't open his eyes until the morning sun rose the next day.

His eyes are bright, not as tired as when he just came back yesterday.

"Are you awake?" Li Man lay beside him, looking at him sweetly with bent eyes and a smile.

It seemed that this was the first time she woke up earlier than him when they were together, and it was also the first time he woke up under her gaze.

"What time is it?" Li Yan raised his head and looked out the window.

Under the quilt, Li Man put her hand on his chest and said with a smile, "Have you had enough sleep?"

"Yeah." Li Yan turned sideways and kissed her on the forehead, "When did you wake up?"

"After a while, are you hungry? Do you want to get up and eat something first?" Li Man stared at him flickeringly with her big beautiful eyes open, thinking that he would sleep until now from exhaustion, her eyes were full of water Fog, sparkling.

Li Yan took a deep breath, his nose was filled with the unique fragrance of a daughter-in-law, unconsciously, he hugged her waist and pulled her into his arms.

"do you miss me?"

Pulling her closer, he looked at her tenderly, with a tense expression and a little shortness of breath, but he didn't make any other movements.

If it was in the past, Li Man must have felt weird, but at this moment, her nose was sore, she could see the lust in his eyes, but he didn't move, it was because of the injury on his body, right?

Fool, when he came back yesterday, he still refused to let her see it.

But she still took a peek, and it turns out that the wound at the corner of the eye is not fatal, the three scars on the waist and abdomen are the most fatal, right?

Her hand slipped from his chest unconsciously, and she reached into his clothes, and was about to touch the wound, but Li Yan caught her abruptly, and smiled, "Is that so anxious?"

Before his wicked laughter fell, a fiery kiss landed between her eyebrows, and his body was about to press down on her.

Li Man hurriedly held him down, "Don't move." She was afraid that the wound on his waist and abdomen would open again.

Li Yan squinted his long and narrow eyes, and smiled wickedly, "Are you sure, if I don't move, you can do it alone?"

"Don't hide it from me, I've seen it all." When is it, and you still want to fool her? Li Man stared at him with watery eyes, distressed.

Just like that, big teardrops trickled down his cheeks.

Li Yan suffocated, and quickly reached out to help her wipe her tears, "Why are you crying? Is it okay if I don't move? It's up to you, you can do whatever you like?"

"Hmm." Li Man whimpered and hugged him tightly. The soft little hand took the opportunity to slip into his clothes and gently pressed on his wound. The wound was so obvious that it almost pulled her. palm.

Li Yan frowned slightly, and sighed, "I wonder why you are crying? So it's because of this? You girl, when did you see it? Can men's clothes be taken off casually? This time it's me, that's all. But it’s not allowed, this is a bad habit, it’s unacceptable.”

"Bah." Tell her these things at a time like this? "He was also injured by a bear?"

"Yeah." Li Yan snorted lightly, as if he didn't feel anything.

Seeing his calm appearance, Li Man felt more and more annoyed. These three injuries were obviously very deep. Even if he recovered now, she could imagine the severity and pain of his injuries at that time, and, He was away alone, with no relatives around him. At that time, he must have been very sad and desolate.

"In a while, I'll ask my eldest brother to invite Xu Bo to come and have a look at it for you."

"No need, it's fine." Li Yan didn't want his family members to know about this incident. After all, the most dangerous moment had already passed, and he came back alive. That's enough.

But Li Man insisted, getting up from his arms and sitting up, "Lie down for a while, and I will ask Xiao Wu to bring you breakfast later."

"Hey." Li Yan laughed, "Do you think your man is confinement? I'm fine, but can I be served?"

After stretching, Li Yan also sat up, and Li Man hurriedly took the clean padded jacket from the top cabinet and wrapped it around him.

Seeing her being so considerate and careful, Li Yan's heart suddenly swelled, and suddenly, he hugged Li Man into his arms again, hugging her tightly, resting his head on her slender shoulder, breathing almost greedily. breath.

It is undeniable that until now, thinking of those dying days, he is still afraid.

His calmness was actually a faux pas, yes, he was just afraid that he would die, and that he would never see her again.

"Li Yan." Li Man's throat choked up, and she hugged him even tighter.

But at this moment, Xiao Wu hurriedly shouted from the door, "Second brother, there is a woman outside who said she came to see you."

"Huh?" Li Yan paused, but Li Man still hadn't heard clearly, "What's going on?"

Xiao Wu was still shouting at the door, "She passed out from the cold, second brother, you should get up and have a look."

"Is it a woman?" Li Man looked at Li Yan suspiciously.

Li Yan was also puzzled, "Go and see."

"Oh." Li Man hurriedly put on her clothes, and went downstairs with Li Yan.

Li Xiangcao's room was in chaos.

"You big men, don't stay in this room, Li Hua, go and boil some hot water, oh, and, bring some hot noodle soup. Oh, what a crime, this is a good one Girl, why are you so frozen?"

While Li Xiangyu gave instructions, he untied the girl's wet clothes, rubbed her palms and feet vigorously, and took out a hot water bottle to stick to the girl's chest.

"Auntie, what's going on?" Li Man came in and was very surprised when she saw this scene.

Li Xiangyu said while busy with work, "I just went out of the yard to take out the trash, and saw this girl leaning against the gate of our yard. I was startled at the time, and I thought it was a black bear. Looking carefully, it is a person, or a girl." Girl. This girl was still able to talk at first, and she said she was looking for Brother Li Yan, but just as I was about to help her up, she passed out. Looking at her like this, I’m afraid she is very cold. Hurry up, Man’er, You come to help."

"Okay." There was no time to ask other questions, Li Man hurried forward, and together with Li Xiangyu, helped the girl rub her body with snow.

Li Hua and Xiao Wu went to the kitchen to boil water.

In the main room, Li Mo saw that Li Yan's complexion was much better than yesterday, and he calmed down a little, but he also noticed the injury at the corner of his eye.

"Second brother, what's going on in the corner of your eye?"

"It's okay, I bumped into it on the road." Li Yan prevaricated casually.

Li Mo is not Li Man. When he was hunting in the past, he was often wounded and didn't feel anything. What's more, now that Li Yan's wound has healed, he didn't care too much, so he asked, "The girl in the house, what are you doing?" do you know it?"

"Oh." Li Yan frowned subconsciously, "I know."

Li Mo looked at him suspiciously, and vaguely guessed something from his second brother's expression, "How did you know him?"

At this time, Li Man happened to come out of the room, and when she heard the question, she stopped, looked at Li Yan, and wanted to hear his answer.

Li Yan glanced at Li Man, and said, "I told you yesterday, the person I saved is this girl's father."

"Then why did she get here?" Li Man was very surprised.


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