Fortunate Wife

Episode 44 Warning (one update)

For some reason, Li Man smelled the gorgeous aura of peach blossoms on Li Yan again.

However, Li Yan didn't intend to hide anything. Under the gaze of Li Mo and Li Man, he said it quite frankly.

"I saved her father, but she was also injured. She probably felt sorry for her, and really wanted to promise her with her body, but I refused."

"That's it?" Li Man stared at him suspiciously. If it was really that simple, why would the girl follow him all the way home through the wind and snow? This is obviously handing over his wealth and life to him.

"You were injured, she took care of it?" Suddenly, Li Man's eyes became hot, and complex feelings welled up in her heart.

Li Yan pursed his lips tightly and did not deny her words.

At that time, he fell into a coma, and his consciousness was very unconscious. Later, when he got better, he left.

Before leaving, he also spoke clearly to the girl.

But now, the girl fell at the door of his house, which he did not expect.

He didn't think he had done anything wrong, and he didn't.


"You don't need to explain, I believe you." Li Man suddenly spread her lips and smiled, Li Yan can come back safely, other things are not important to her, and even if the sky will fall, she will not believe that Li Yan will betray her.

The corners of Li Yan's lips curled up slightly, and he smiled softly, with a satisfied smile.

Li Mo also breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Second brother, you didn't eat anything last night, go eat first, and leave it to us."

"Yeah." Li Yan didn't think about it, and went straight to the kitchen.

After careful care by Li Xiangyu and others, the girl woke up in the evening, and after eating a large bowl of hot noodle soup, her energy improved a lot. She struggled to sit up from the bed, looked at Li Xiangyu, and thanked her.

"Auntie, thank you for saving me."

Li Xiangyu sat on the head of the bed, staring at her with a rather serious expression. For a long time, she also knew the origin of this girl, and she was also a little annoyed at the same time. At this moment, seeing that she woke up, she couldn't hold back, said.

"Girl, you are too bold. It's freezing and snowy outside, and you just ran around by yourself? Fortunately, our family discovered this in time. If it freezes for another day, your little life will be gone."

"Me." The girl lowered her eyes in shame, her eyes were red.

Seeing this, Li Xiangyu sighed and didn't say anything, just thinking that when the snow melts and the weather is better, he will send her away.

The girl was silent for a while, and seeing that Li Xiangyu was silent, she raised her head and asked, "Auntie, is this the home of Brother Li Yan?"

"What do you want from him?" Li Xiangyu couldn't help but frowned, looking at the girl carefully.

Her appearance is not bad, her features are delicate and her body is also strong. If it is an ordinary person, if she is frozen like that all night, she may be gone by now, but she really recovered after resting for a long time.

If in the past, there was such a healthy and strong girl who liked her nephew, she would have been too happy, but since she introduced the lotus and Zhao Yun'er who made her teeth itch even now, she has seen through a fact , her nephew's house, except for Li Man, no woman can get in.

And she also gradually accepted this situation. Now, they are loving husband and wife, and they have a pair of children, and their life is happy and nourishing. As an aunt, she also likes it in her heart. Li Man's welcome.

Beautiful daughter-in-law, which man doesn't love her? As far as Li Man's beauty is concerned, she has never seen anyone better than her so far. This is also one of the reasons why the Li family brothers look down on other women except her.

Besides, Li Man is kind, not to mention anything else, at least to her big aunt, hey, thinking of the foolish things she did before, now, Li Man has abandoned the previous suspicions and only takes care of her as if she is her own elder, so she beats her. I was moved.

Of course, what moved her the most as an aunt was her sincere kindness to her nephews.

Although the way she gets along with her nephews is sometimes so boring that the old man can't get used to it, but I have to say that as a man, being able to have such a woman is satisfying both in heart and body Merry.

Looking at those nephews, you can tell by the strong and indelible eyes that stick to Li Man's body every time.

Therefore, Li Man is the source of happiness for her nephews. After Li Xiangyu confirmed this point, she became hostile to anyone who might destroy the happiness of her nephews and her family.

And the girl obviously felt Li Xiangyu's hostility, her heart ached, and she choked up, "I'm sorry, auntie, I, I really have nowhere to go."

Li Xiangyu only frowned, stared at her closely, and didn't speak.

After going through that time with Zhao Yun'er, she understood a lot of things.

There is no real corner in this world, unless you intentionally close all your roads, otherwise, there will always be a road waiting for you.

She didn't believe that without Li Yan, she would die?

So, how did she get here without Li Yan for so many years?

"Auntie?" Seeing Li Xiangyu's cold eyes, the girl's heart skipped a beat, and she looked a little terrified.

Li Xiangyu said in a deep voice, "Girl, you are not in good health now, and I don't want to say anything about you. Take care of yourself, and I will send you home when you are better."

"Auntie." The girl burst into tears when she heard the words, "I don't have a home anymore."

Li Xiang

Yu was startled, "What?"

"Auntie." Li Man came in at this time, looked at the empty bowl on the bedside table, and asked, "There is still noodles in the pot, can I have another bowl for you?"

The girl was taken aback, and saw Li Man standing by the door through her fingers, and slowly lowered her hand, but after she shed tears, she looked a little dumbfounded.

Is this Brother Li's wife? It was so beautiful.

In almost an instant, all the expectations and excitement in her heart were knocked down to the bottom. No wonder, Brother Li didn't even look at her, and even when she offered to sacrifice himself, he pushed her away without mercy. Regardless of the injury on his body, he left her.

She just thought that Brother Li had a wife in his family, and he would not do anything out of bounds because he cared about the relationship between husband and wife. She respected his character even more, and felt that this man was the man she had been looking for for many years. .

So, since he left with injuries, she quietly followed him all the way.

Even disregarding the shame, followed this home.

She didn't think about destroying his family, and secretly swore in her heart that she would never take away other women's status in this family. She just wanted to stay by his side and serve him. Even his woman, she would treat him as Treat like a sister.

They live in harmony and work together.

But Li Man's sudden appearance, such a beauty beyond her imagination, actually crushed her always proud heart and threw her into the ditch.

For the first time in her life, she felt inferior because of her looks.

"Girl? Are you okay?" Seeing her staring blankly at him, Li Man blinked, and curiously reached out her hand and shook it twice in front of her eyes.

"Ah, I'm fine." The girl said quickly.

Li Man pursed her lips and smiled, "As long as it's okay, let me ask, there is still flour in the pot, do you want more?"

"Ah, no, I don't want it anymore." The girl hurriedly said, a little afraid to look Li Man directly in the eyes.

Such a pair of clear and clean baby-like eyes seemed to reflect her despicable thoughts.

"Oh." This girl is quite shy, Li Man smiled slightly, and walked away with an empty bowl.

Looking at her back, the girl still couldn't recover.

Li Xiangyu looked at it and snorted softly, "This is Man'er, Li Yan's daughter-in-law."

Even if she didn't say it, the girl could guess it, and a dejected look appeared on her face unconsciously.

"It's good to rest, wait, go home, find a good man to marry, live a good life is serious." Li Xiangyu helped her tuck the quilt, then got up and left.

The girl was the only one left in the room, leaning against the head of the bed, staring at the pink and white wall, feeling a burst of sadness in her heart.

She has a beautiful name, Yunyan. My mother once said that she was born on an evening in autumn, when a haze rose from the sky, it was very beautiful, so my father named her Yunyan.

As the name suggests, she was indeed as beautiful as the mist.

Even after many years, she still remembers a very good and happy time.

In my memory, their family has a huge house with many servants.

She also stretched out her hands and opened her mouth, she has also read and read, and she is also proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

However, a sudden great change changed her life.

Mother is gone, brother is gone, her family is gone.

Only her father took her to the desolate and dilapidated small mountain village, and she lived a life of hunger and cold ever since.

She and her father depended on each other for life. Dad hunted every day, and she also learned to wash and cook, and even grow vegetables to feed pigs.

Her body has grown stronger, her skin has turned darker, her hands have become thicker, and even, like the women in the village, she has become preoccupied and able to speak ill of others for little things.

She has become nothing like her. The beautiful little girl in her memory seems to be a beautiful dream of hers.

Until the appearance of Li Yan, the man who could risk his life under the bear's claws to save his father, because she had no money to seek medical treatment, she had to dig herbal medicine and apply it to his wound. His clothes were soaked, but he didn't say a word.

That's it, she was attracted by him, even a little caught off guard, and before she had time to react, her heart was filled with him.

When she realized it, this person couldn't be erased from his heart.


In the kitchen, the Li family is sitting at the table and having dinner together.

Everyone asked Li Xiangyu about the girl's situation, and they were relieved knowing that there was no problem.

However, looking at Li Man's heartless look, Li Xiangyu was worried for her, "You girl, you have a big heart. A girl came to the house suddenly, and your food is more delicious than usual."

"Eh?" Li Man was taken aback, bit her chopsticks on her lips, and stared at her suspiciously, "Auntie, do you think I eat too much?"

As soon as these words came out, the Li Mo brothers all shot their eyes at Li Xiangyu. The meaning was obvious, the daughter-in-law belonged to them, who would dare to think that she ate too much?

Li Xiangyu's head was full of black lines, "Damn girl, who thinks you eat too much, I'm telling you to be careful, and Li Yan, you said you went out to find your brother, but the brother didn't bring back, so you recruited a girl to come back , thanks to Man'er's big heart, if she wants to put someone else's house, she must fight with you."

Li Yan put down the bowl, and glanced at Auntie quietly, "Auntie, if I remember correctly, you carried him home."

Li Xiangyu choked, "I still

I didn't hear people say they were looking for you. "

"So what? I don't know her very well." Li Yan disregarded the relationship coldly. To be honest, the girl's behavior disgusted him, and he didn't think that he could accept anyone. If she is sensible, she will leave on her own when she is healthy, otherwise, he will personally throw her out of the Goddess Ditch.

Seeing Li Yan's increasingly cold expression, Li Man hurriedly said, "Eat, eat."

In fact, she should be the one who should be depressed the most, but look at this aunt and nephew who started to make trouble first, huh.

After the meal, Li Man went to look at Yunyan again. In fact, she didn't have much feelings for this girl. Maybe after experiencing Peony, she suddenly felt better.

It's hers, no one else can take it away.

And, no matter what, she was the one who took care of Li Yan when he was seriously injured.

From the bottom of her heart, Li Man was very grateful that there was such a girl who took good care of Li Yan when he was most dangerous and helpless.

"Is it better? Do you want some water? I'll pour it for you."

Yun Yan leaned against the head of the bed, her eyes were a little swollen, she just shook her head slightly when she heard the words, looking very depressed.

"Oh." Seeing that she was silent, Li Man shrugged her eyebrows and got up and said, "Then you rest first, and if you have something to call, Auntie is still busy in the kitchen and will be here in a while."

The room where Yunyan slept belonged to Li Xiangcao. Later, when Li Xiangcao went home, only Li Xiangyu lived there.

Now, there is no spare room at home, so Yun Yan has to stay with Li Xiangyu at night.

Seeing Li Man turned to leave, Yun Yan suddenly called her, "Wait."

"Huh?" Li Man looked back at her.

Yun Yan bit her lip, she knew that her request was too much, but she just couldn't control it and wanted to see him.

"I want to see Brother Li."

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