Fortunate Wife

Episode 45 Missing (Second Update)

"I want to see Brother Li."

Li Man was taken aback.

Yun Yan bit her lips and turned white, "I'm sorry, I, I..."

"Oh, it's okay, he's upstairs, I'll call him." Li Man said, smiled at her, and went out.

Yun Yan was a little dazed, did she really want Brother Li to see her?

However, Li Man went to the bathroom, and Li Yan was no longer here, so she went upstairs. Sure enough, after Li Yan took a bath, he changed into clean clothes and got into bed first, but his hair was still wet, so he couldn't Lie down, just lean on the head of the bed and close your eyes to rest.

In this day and age, it would be troublesome not to have a hair dryer. Li Man consciously took out a dry towel from the cabinet, walked to the bed, and dried his hair for him.

After just two wipes, a pair of arms wrapped around her waist.

Li Man looked down at him, her eyes were not open, but the corners of her lips were raised, as if she was being served comfortably.

"Every time I wash my hair, I don't know how to do it myself, so I just wait for me to take care of it." She gave him a coquettish look, and kept flicking his hair with her little hands.

The smile on Li Yan's lips deepened, he moved his body, and simply buried his face in her arms, like a coquettish and clingy child.

Li Man was itchy from being rubbed by him, and said with a smile, "Stop making trouble, Miss Yunyan said she wanted to see you, so go down for a while."

"Oh." Li Yan snorted lightly, still clinging to her arms, moving lazily.

Li Man didn't know if he heard clearly, so she said again, "I'll comb your hair for you, go and see her."

"No." Li Yan still didn't look up, but this time, his words were very clear.

Li Man was slightly stunned, "Why didn't you see her? I don't think she's in a good mood, you should see her."

As soon as the words fell, the strength on her waist suddenly increased, and her whole body was crushed on the bed.

"It took you so long to come up, just to talk to her?"

It doesn't feel good to be suppressed by others, Li Man gave her a hard look, "How can she take care of you..."

"So?" Li Yan's eyes flashed a trace of hostility, "I have to be grateful to her, if she wants to give her body, I have to take it?"

"Li Yan." She reached out and touched his face, wondering why he reacted so strongly? "I'm just saying something, why are you so angry?"

"Shouldn't I be angry?" Li Yan stared at her angrily.

The purpose of Yunyan coming here is so clear, it is because of him.

And he is her Li Man's man.

Hey, I really don't know if she is really heartless or heartless. Not only is she not on guard against a woman who is chasing after her to snatch her man, but she even spreads the message for others.

What about after the message? Do you really want him to see you?

And then, that woman's endless pestering?

Li Man blinked innocently, she didn't understand what there was to be angry about.

Based on this point, the two views are very different, but it is understandable.

After all, Li Yan is a native of the ancients. Even if the Goddess Valley is open to men and women again, once a man has a relationship with a woman, it is not easy to get out.

Besides, Yun Yan is the kind of paranoid girl, otherwise, she wouldn't have followed him all the way to Li's house.

Once such a girl is provoked, no matter whether there is anything between them, in the end, it is really hard to say whether they can get rid of.

Although Li Man has lived here for two years, she is still a modern person's soul. It is still difficult to completely change her thinking in a short time.

In her bones, she still thinks that things between men and women are easy to get together and break up. Since they don't love each other, it's enough to make it clear.

Besides, Yunyan doesn't look like an unreasonable woman, she is Li Yan's woman, and she is right in front of her, I believe Yunyan will retreat in spite of difficulties, and get rid of this thought.

However, she forgot the lesson of Peony, forgot the humble thoughts of this ancient woman, not to mention that Li Yan is the only daughter-in-law like her, so what if there are many wives and concubines? Now that she loves her, even if she is his concubine, Yunyan is willing.

Li Man couldn't accept her man's sharing with other women, but this ancient woman thought it was too normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines.

"But they came all the way just to see you." Li Man still couldn't turn the corner, and asked suddenly, "Did you really tell her clearly? For example, my existence?"

If a woman shows love to you, you just tell her that you don't like her, I'm afraid it won't be of much use.

If you don't like it now, maybe you will like it later.

But if you tell her that you are married and love your wife very much, Li Man thought, most women should tactfully withdraw.

A junior is not what everyone wants to be.

Li Yan's expression was slightly restrained, "I said it."

"Oh." This surprised Li Man, she looked at her man suspiciously, "She wanted to make a promise to you, but you refused and told her that you have a wife, but she still followed me .Could it be that she doesn't believe you?"

"Fool." Li Yan looked at her helplessly. Sometimes, he was really curious about where this girl came from. Sometimes she was astoundingly shrewd, but sometimes she was as naive as a three-year-old girl. children.

Just like back then, Mudan also knew of Li Man's existence, so she still didn't give up on him, and almost took medicine...

"Do you think everyone is like you?"

"But she knows the relationship between you and me,

How can I..." Don't panic? Li Man also sighed, raised her eyes and asked him, "Then she's waiting below, what should I do? I told her, have you rested? "

As she said that, she was about to get up, but Li Yan hugged her, and she simply hugged her onto the bed, stretched out her hand, and took off her shoes and socks neatly.

"What are you doing?" Li Man exclaimed, his coat was also torn off by him, and the whole person was stuffed into the bed by him in a moment.

"Fuck you." Li Yan turned over and pressed her down, with a wicked low smile on his lips, "If you want to care about other women, why not think about yourself."

"Well." The man turned into a wolf in an instant. Li Man couldn't react in time, but she didn't dare to struggle, afraid of touching his wound, so she could only shout, "Li Yan, don't mess around, your injury is still not healed."

"Be careful and nothing will happen." Li Yan kissed her and coaxed her. He hadn't touched her for nearly three months. At this moment, a shallow kiss aroused countless flames in his body.

He couldn't bear it.

Here, the temperature in the room seemed to rise with the heat of the two.

And at that time, in the downstairs room, Yun Yan was sitting on the bed, her eyes were fixed on the closed door, and her heart was churning like a sea, thinking about what she should say when she saw Li Yan, or what she should do. face to face him?

Will he be angry when he sees himself? Will be indifferent? Or will there be a little bit of emotion?

She moved her stiff neck, almost a quarter of an hour passed, and Li Yan hadn't come yet.

Yun Yan waited a little anxiously.

Did Li Man not say what she said? Or did Li Yan not want to see her at all?

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, Yunyan's pupils lit up, but when she saw Li Xiangyu, they dimmed instantly, and the word 'Li' was swallowed back.

"Are you still asleep?" Li Xiangyu locked the door behind her.

Yun Yan panicked, "Don't tie it up."

"What?" Li Xiangyu was puzzled.

Yun Yan bit her lip slightly, and said in a low voice, "Brother Li is coming soon."

"Li Yan?" Li Xiangyu was curious, "He told you he was coming?"

"No." Yun Yan looked at her and said, "Man'er came here just now, and she said she would ask Brother Li to come and see me."

"Man'er said?" Li Xiangyu couldn't help frowning, this dead girl is really careless, how could she push her man into another woman's room? Even if there are many men, they are not so generous.

"Yeah." Yun Yan nodded a little guilty.

Li Xiangyu's face was not very good, and she muttered, "Li Yan went upstairs to rest in the morning, and I'm afraid he won't come down."

"Auntie." Fearing that she would turn off the lights, Yun Yan hurriedly called out, "I want to wait a little longer."

Li Xiangyu glanced at her, "Do you have something to do with him? Can't we talk about it tomorrow? It's so late at night, the husband and wife may have already rested, otherwise, I'll ask Xiao Wu to call."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Yunyan to talk, Li Xiangyu stood at the door and called Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu agreed and ran over.

Li Xiangyu quickly said, "Go up and see if your second brother is asleep, if not, let him come down, Miss Yunyan has something important to tell him."

"Hey." Xiao Wu smiled badly, "What's so important that you can't talk about it tomorrow?"

"Just go and ask, so many questions." Li Xiangyu seemed to think he was talkative.

Xiao Wu immediately lost face and said, "Auntie, I don't dare to call at this time."

"Why?" Li Xiangyu didn't understand.

Xiao Wu stomped her feet depressed, "Auntie, Man'er is on top."

Li Xiangyu was taken aback for a moment, and then said angrily, "You bastard, you're a big kid."

Xiao Wu made a grimace, turned around and ran away.

Li Xiangyu went back to the room and glanced at the pale Yunyan, "Let me tell you, Li Yan won't come over, this kid, out of several, he is the most clingy to his wife, he came back after drifting outside these days, and came back to hug his wife I was reluctant to let go, at this time, I must have already entered the bed, girl, don’t sit still, I’m blowing the lamp.”

As soon as the lights went out, Yun Yan's clenched lips loosened, and tears welled up in her eyes.

She risked her life to find him. He didn't see each other, but he was loving and tender with his woman.

Yunyan didn't sleep well all night, and when she woke up the next morning, her eyes were swollen like rabbits, and Li Xiangyu was shocked when she saw it.

"Hey, my darling, what's wrong with you? Bitten by a bug?"

Yunyan's throat choked up, her voice was hoarse, "I'm fine." Wiping her eyes gently with her sleeve.

Li Xiangyu knew she was crying, sighed lightly, but acted suspiciously, "It's winter, where did the bugs come from? My quilt is also new, and there are no fleas."

"Auntie, I..." Yun Yan didn't know how to answer her words, she thought that seeing her like this, she should have a little pity, but who would have thought that when the worm said it, it instantly made her a sad joke.

"It's okay, just apply it with water later." Li Xiangyu went out without waiting for her to finish speaking.

Yun Yan stared at the door in a daze, he still didn't come.

At the door, a figure suddenly swayed past, Yun Yan's heart choked, but she didn't want to be a young man with clear eyebrows. The young man folded his hands and leaned against the door, with the corners of his lips slightly curled up, staring at him maliciously.

Yun Yan became nervous for no reason, "You are?"

"Li Yan is my second elder brother." Xiao Wu raised his eyebrows slightly, hummed softly, and looked up and down Yunyan with Xie Xie's eyes, seeing that her neck turned red, so she stopped. \u003c


"You like my second brother?"

"Eh?" Yun Yan was taken aback, did not expect this young man to be so straightforward? However, the way he looked at himself just now was because he wanted to...

Before the joy welled up in her heart, Xiao Wu's words dealt another blow to her already injured heart.

"It can be regarded as somewhat beautiful, but it is still a bit worse than Sister Mudan."

"What? Sister Peony." Yun Yan was puzzled.

Xiao Wu curled her lips, "Peony is the prettiest girl in the village, and she has liked my second brother since she was a child."

"..." Yun Yan was stunned, "Then what about her now."

"Married." Xiao Wu raised her eyebrows, "My second brother didn't want her."

"Why?" Yun Yan almost blurted out, and then, feeling that something was wrong, she added in a low voice, "Isn't she the most beautiful girl here?" She still liked Li Yan since she was a child.

Xiao Wu sighed with an 'ah', "That depends on who you compare with, compared with Man'er, she is naturally not considered beautiful."

"Eh." Yun Yan choked, and naturally connected the boy's words together in her mind.

He said that he was pretty, but not as good as Mudan. However, this peony was not as good as Li Man.

He was telling her euphemistically that she didn't have Li Manmei?

Phew, even though this is a fact that can be seen by people with eyes, Yunyan's heart is still very blocked when this young man expresses it in this way.

"Your second brother loves her very much." Her words were a little sour.

Xiao Wu nodded, "Well, we all love her, not just the second brother."

"You?" Yun Yan seemed to sense something was wrong.

Xiao Wu suddenly suppressed the smile on his lips, and stared at her suspiciously, "Except for Man'er, my second brother would not like any other women. Of course, except for Man'er, we will not accept any other women in this family." woman."

Yun Yan was stunned, he told himself clearly, don't think about Li Yan, don't think about entering Li's house?

"It's better to do it yourself, otherwise, you have good fruit to eat." Hearing the light footsteps from the stairs, Xiao Wu heard that Li Man had come down, and threatened Yun Yan with a sneer, turned around, and walked away from the door, When he reached the stairs, he looked like he was about to go upstairs.

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