Fortunate Wife

Episode 47 Self-Esteem (Second Update)

Yun Yan stared at him dumbfounded, her lips were trembling, and it took a long time before she said a word, "So, in your eyes, I'm just such an unbearable woman?"

But Li Yan didn't speak, turned around and left, walked two steps, found his daughter-in-law was still standing stupidly, didn't follow, returned and grabbed her hand, led her into the house.

"Hey, did you speak too seriously?" Li Man looked at him cautiously, she didn't expect him to be so merciless when he became fierce, and ordinary thin-skinned girls couldn't stand it.

Li Yan squinted at her and hummed softly, "She's not you."

Li Man was taken aback for a moment, but her heart was filled with sweetness. Thinking about it carefully, he really hadn't really been cruel to her.

In the yard, Li Mo took a deep look at Yun Yan, and also felt that the girl's motives were not pure at first, but now she is a little hypocritical, and, the second brother said that, this is his business, and it is inconvenient for him, the eldest brother, to intervene , called Li Hua, and went back to the house together.

Under the eaves, Xiao Wu slightly raised his eyebrows, and happily followed his brothers into the kitchen.

Outside, only Li Xiangyu and Yunyan were left.

I wanted to turn around and leave, but seeing Yunyan seemed to have lost her soul, Li Xiangyu was worried, so she stepped forward and grabbed her arm.

"Okay, the second brother's words are not pleasant, but he is indeed right. You say you are a girl, and people tell you that he has a wife and children, and he has rejected you. What are you going to do? This Aren’t you making trouble? Quit”

Yunyan's eyeballs moved, and tears fell down.

Li Xiangyu sighed softly, "Come on, now that the conversation is over, you know his heart, so don't get on the pole in the future. Stay here first, take care of your body, and then talk about the rest."

"Thank you, auntie, I think it's better for me to go." Yun Yan seemed to have made up her mind to leave, she gently pushed Li Xiangyu's hand away, turned around and walked out of the courtyard, but when she just opened the courtyard door, she felt dizzy and leaned on the wall He slumped to the ground.

Li Xiangyu hurried over to support her, seeing her pale face and the cold sweat on her forehead, she couldn't help frowning, "I said you're not well enough to walk now, but you don't believe me."

"Me." Yun Yan struggled to get up, but she still wanted to go out, as if she decided to get out of Li's house even if she did.

Li Xiangyu was a little angry at this time, and her voice became louder, "You girl, why are you so stubborn? You crawled out of our yard, what would people think if they saw it? Besides, the relationship between you and the second child , if you can’t be a husband and wife, will you become enemies? Could it be that the second child has said that, and you still don’t give up? "

"Me? I didn't." Yun Yan turned her head and replied aggrievedly.

Li Xiangyu snorted, "If you have no ghosts in your heart, what are you rushing to do? If you really want to leave in a hurry, then don't mess around here, go back to the house to rest, take care of your body, and go as far as you can Far."

Yun Yan leaned on the wall, hearing this, she felt more and more wronged and sad.

In the kitchen, several people could hear the words outside clearly, but the men did not express their opinions, so Li Man could only speak first, "I think what Auntie said is good, but in this situation, Miss Yunyan can't leave alone at all. Let her leave like this, and if something goes wrong on the way, our family will feel bad conscience."

"Well, you can do whatever you want." Li Mo knew what she meant and nodded.

Li Man looked at Li Yan again, smiled helplessly, but couldn't say anything, turned around and left the door.

Yunyan supported the courtyard wall, sobbing softly, while Li Xiangyu looked at her helplessly beside her.

Li Man approached and patted Yun Yan's back lightly, "Miss Yun, don't be annoyed, Li Yan's words are a bit harsh, he didn't sleep well at night, and he was a little angry when he woke up, you finally walked so far Yes, come to see us, you can’t just go back sick like this. Let’s go, go back to the house for dinner.”

Yun Yan clasped her hands on the wall, shaking her head constantly, "No."

"You want Li Yan to come over and ask you to stay?" Li Yan raised his eyes and looked at Yun Yan carefully. This girl is very stubborn in her bones.

"He won't." Yun Yan smiled wryly as if mocking herself.

Li Man winked at Li Xiangyu, "Auntie, you should go have breakfast first."

"En." Li Xiangyu glanced at Yunyan again, sighed, and went back to the house.

In this room, Li Man also took a deep breath, leaned against the wall, and snorted helplessly.

"Miss Yunyan, you must think I'm easy to bully, right?"

"Huh?" Yun Yan raised her head in surprise and looked at her blankly.

The corners of Li Man's lips curled up, and she laughed mockingly, "Otherwise, how dare you be so presumptuous in my house?"

Yun Yan trembled, her body seemed to be unsteady and about to fall, "You, what do you mean by that?"

Li Man looked at her deeply, and paused every word, "Li Yan is my man."

"..." Yun Yan's expression was stifled, she lowered her head, not daring to look her in the eyes.

Li Man continued, "I think your act of bowing your head is not because you are ashamed, but because you are unwilling."

"I didn't." Yun Yan suddenly raised her head, her eagerness to deny betrayed her heart.

Li Man raised her eyebrows, "Actually, I also think I'm pretty good-natured. You came all the way here just to provoke my man. But I'm still here, trying to keep you here, heh."

Yun Yan bit her lip, she looked like she wanted to keep people, it was clearly to stimulate her.

"However, I am really kind. Really, if you set your mind on Li Yan, you are really wrong.

Wrong, he won't like you, not because you are bad, but because he already has me by his side, do you understand? "

"You?" Yun Yan's eyes showed anger, "I know you are the one he loves. You don't need to tell me again."

"You don't understand at first glance. Let me tell you, first of all, Li Yan is not the kind of man who sees things differently and changes his mind. His feelings for me are definitely deeper than you can imagine. I can tell you without shame, even if I'm gone. , there will never be another woman in this world who can replace me in his heart, understand? So, if I were you, I would rather find a man who loves me wholeheartedly than a woman who pretends to be another woman in his heart man."

Yunyan bit her lips and turned white. In front of Li Man, she had no right to speak at all, and she had already lost to her in terms of identity, didn't she? She was his wife, and she was nothing at all.

"Also." Li Man could see clearly the unwillingness in her eyes, so she spoke directly, "I said that Li Yan is my man, and I will never let him have a second woman by his side. .”

"You?" Now, Yun Yan was not only surprised, but also felt that Li Man was too confident?

It's normal for this man to have three wives and four concubines. Even his father, besides his mother, had several concubines. Not only did his mother not complain about this, but she tried her best to win them over.

"It's not a good thing for a woman to be jealous." She seemed to have finally grasped the weakness that could attack Li Man.

However, when Li Man heard this, she smiled nonchalantly, "I don't know about others, but my man, heh, if something like this happens, if I don't show a little jealousy, he will be upset."

The corner of Yunyan's mouth twitched, feeling that Li Man was too arrogant, but she had to bow her head under the eaves, and she also knew that it would not be good to confront Li Man head-on, so she didn't make a sound.

"Okay, I've said everything I need to say. If you insist on leaving, I think it's too hypocritical." Li Man stared at her directly and said.

Yun Yan looked embarrassed, bit her lip and remained silent, appearing very hesitant.

Li Man sighed softly, and reached out to support her, "Let's go, it's actually very easy for a girl to leave home for love and travel so far."

If it wasn't for the fact that the man she was looking at was her own, she would almost praise her crazy behavior.

Having said all this, Yun Yan had no other choice, just like what Li Man said, it would be too hypocritical to waste it any longer, so she obediently followed Li Man back to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, a few people sat around the table and did not eat.

Li Man supported Yun Yan to sit down, and then helped the family serve the meal.

After Yunyan sat down, she didn't dare to raise her head. She was not a thick-skinned woman, and this behavior was the most daring thing she ever did in her life.

However, she didn't expect this to be the result. She didn't dare to imagine that when she got better in the future, she left the Li family, what would she do?

A breakfast will pass quickly.

Yunyan consciously went back to her room, afraid of obstructing other people's eyes.

The Li family members didn't bother her anymore. Li Man took the children to play in his own room after dinner. Li Yan leaned against the bed, squinting his eyes, looking at her for a moment. On the chair, Li Hua was also holding the child, and kept teaching him how to play the rattle, while Xiao Wu leaned on the desk, embracing his arms, like this rebellious boy.

"Sister-in-law has been sick for a long time. Brother, you pick some vegetables from our greenhouse tomorrow morning and give her more." Li Man told Li Mo while playing with her daughter.

Li Mo snorted, "I just delivered it the day before yesterday. I'm afraid I haven't finished eating yet. I'll go there in two days, just in time for Xiaonian."

"Yeah." Time passed so quickly, and it was almost the new year, Li Man was very emotional, "Why haven't uncles and the others come back?"

"The closer you get to the edge of the year, the busier the shop is. It's less than thirty years old, and at least it won't be back until twenty-nine." Li Hua hugged his son, shaking the rattle, and looked up at Li Man .

Li Man let out an 'oh', and said again, "Our house needs to be refurbished. My uncle's family of three will come back to celebrate the New Year, and I'm afraid there won't be enough rooms. The old house hasn't been lived in for more than half a year, so I definitely can't live in it now. "

"It's okay, just squeeze it when the time comes." Li Mo said, but it's not easy to handle one more cloud.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and it is even worse to let the girl go away alone at this time.

However, seeing his face darken, Li Man thought of another person, and that was Li Shu.

The originally bustling year, without one Li Shu, is destined to be incomplete.

Fortunately, however, they could go to him as soon as the new year was over.

When she finds him, she must give him a good beating, and ask him if he will dare to leave her and run away alone in the future?

The whole family was chatting in the house, but no one mentioned Yunyan.

But Yunyan sat in the room by herself, but shed tears of sorrow for what happened to her.

This is really good, the weather is fine for a few days at the end of the year, which makes people feel warm from the bottom of their hearts.

Everything that needs to be washed and dried at home is done, and all the necessities for the New Year are prepared, just waiting for the day of family reunion to come soon.

After crying secretly for a few times, Yun Yan gradually opened up and started to walk out of the house, and even started to work actively on New Year's Eve.

She is good at killing chickens and fish, and chopping firewood, but she is not good at cooking.

Therefore, when Li Man was cooking, Yun Yan was a little dumbfounded watching.

Such a fair and clean beauty, but she stood by the pot, holding the spatula in those small white hands, stirring frying in the pot, she was not unfamiliar at all, and her neat workmanship was not inferior to her at all. Those women who circle the pot all day long.

But she obviously doesn't look like it.

From the first time she saw Li Man, Yun Yan felt that she was not like an ordinary woman, at least not like the village women she had come into contact with.

Her face is too beautiful, her temperament is too clean, she looks like a distinguished official lady.

Yes, Miss Official is a bit more honorable than the daughters of ordinary wealthy families.

But she married the Li family and became the joint wife of the Li family brothers.

This is not surprising to Yunyan. Speaking of which, this phenomenon is also common in the small mountain village where she lives, but none of those women is as rude as Li Man.

Even she felt that she was many times stronger than those women.

She was also an official lady, but she ended up degraded, but after all, she lived such a life, and the self-esteem and stubbornness in her bones cannot be changed. Therefore, when a matchmaker approached her, she didn't have any one who liked her, even if some She is not willing to live in a family that is rich enough for her to live comfortably.

In her heart, she felt that she was different from those village women. Even though she was degraded now, she still felt that she was more noble than those people in her bones.

So, after meeting Li Yan, she abandoned her self-esteem for the first time and was willing to be with him.

After hearing that he had a wife and children, she was embarrassed and painful, but after that, she couldn't forget him.

That's why she secretly followed him again.

He thought that his wife, just like the village women she usually comes into contact with, has no good looks or talent, she can do nothing but work hard.

So, she was relieved again, she felt that she was different, and she would definitely give him a different life, as long as she gave her some more time, she would definitely make this man fall in love with her.

But who would have thought that Li Man's appearance trampled all her arrogance and self-esteem under her feet.

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