Fortunate Wife

Extra 48 Deceased

Li Man was concentrating on cooking, when she was stared at by a group of eyes for a long time, she couldn't help but looked up, and met Yun Yan's probing eyes.

"Look at what? Is there something on my face?"

Yun Yan was startled, and hurriedly looked away, "No, it's nothing."

But the moment he lowered his head, for some reason, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and a similar figure suddenly flashed past quickly.

She was taken aback, and suddenly raised her head to look at Li Man's face carefully.

"Huh? What's the matter?" A strand of hair fell to the side of her face, and she used the back of her finger to stroke it behind her ears habitually, then stared at Yunyan suspiciously.

"You." This time, Yun Yan did not avoid her eyes, and the eyes she looked at Li Man became more and more strange.

Li Man took out the vegetables in the pot, then put down the spatula, and looked at her leisurely, "There is no outsider here, so tell me, what's the matter? Quit."

"I suddenly realized that you look very familiar, very much like an old friend of mine who had been lost for many years." Yun Yan stared at her closely, feeling more and more that she did not recognize the wrong person.

However, Li Man laughed, "Really? An old friend? What kind of old friend?"

She came to this other world, and has already been said to be an old friend twice.

However, no matter what her previous status was, she didn't want to pay attention to it. Now she is just Li Man, the daughter-in-law of the Li family brothers, and the mother of two children, it's as simple as that.

Seeing Li Man's disapproval, Yun Yan felt unwilling, stepped forward suddenly, and said, "Can I see your neck?"

"Huh?" Li Man was surprised.

And Yun Yan seemed unable to restrain the excitement in her heart, she grabbed her by the collar suddenly, and wanted to watch.

Li Man was startled, and instinctively stretched out her hand to wave her away, "Oh, it's not good to just grab someone's clothes casually."

Yun Yan hurriedly explained, "That old friend of mine has a plum blossom-shaped birthmark on her neck."

"Is that so, then you are disappointed, I don't." Li Man shrugged slightly, and said to her, "I have no impression of you at all, it can't be an old friend, if you're okay, light the fire for me. "

"Oh." Yun Yan stared straight at her neck, looking unwilling.

Li Man glanced at her lightly, "Don't mess around with me, even if we are really old friends, my man is still my man, you mustn't worry about it."

In recent days, Yunyan has behaved very well, never mentioned Li Yan, and never deliberately went to find Li Yan, as if she was a strange and restrained guest in this family.

But she is not afraid of thieves stealing, but she is afraid of thieves thinking about it. Li Man found that her heart was too small, so small that even if this girl couldn't take her man away, she still didn't want to think about her man. of.

Yun Yan lowered her eyes and smiled wryly, "She is my cousin, her name is Shangguanyu. We used to play together when we were young."

Shangguan Yu? Hearing this name again, Li Man's heart skipped a beat, but instead of looking at Yunyan, she turned around and picked up the gourd ladle, and quickly poured a ladle of cold water into the pot.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Yun Yan was a little disappointed, thinking that she must have admitted the wrong person.

Not to mention that Shangguan's family was the same as Yun's family, and the whole family was punished. Even if Cousin Yu was rescued like her, how could she end up in such a poor mountain valley? How could it be possible to marry the brothers of the Li family as a joint wife?

I remember Cousin Yu at that time, she was as beautiful as a porcelain doll, who would not like it.

The queen mother and her elders also personally made the decision and promised her to the then prince Yanbei.

That's right, Cousin Yu only loves Yanbei with all her heart, and she started to fall in love with her when she was seven or eight years old, all she wanted was to grow up quickly so that she could marry her brother Yanbei.

Unfortunately, things get tricky.

Mou Di, Yun Yan's eyes were astringent, thinking of Yan Bei, that man as gentle as ancient jade, tears rolled in his eyes.

"What's the matter? Your eyes are choked by the smoke? Then I'll ask Xiao Wu to come over and light the fire?" Li Man deliberately ignored the tears in her eyes, turned around, and ran to the kitchen door to call Xiao Wu, but before she could open her mouth, she was standing in front of her. Li Mo by the door was startled.

"Brother?" With a dark face, he just stood straight at the door, like a door god.

"I'll do it." Li Mo took a deep look at her, walked past her, and entered the kitchen.

He went straight to the stove, looked at the smoke from the fire, his eyes turned cold little by little.

Yun Yan's heart trembled from being stared at by him, she got up embarrassingly, and didn't know how to talk to Li Mo, so she left around the wall in a desperation.

"Go back to the house and rest first." Seeing that something was wrong with Li Mo, Li Man gave Yun Yan an order.

Yunyan nodded knowingly and left the kitchen.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Li Man walked to the pot and asked.

Li Mo sat under the stove and lit the fire without making a sound.

Li Man had no choice but to poke her head out again, "You don't look right, why are you so annoyed?"

"No." Li Mo handed a firewood into the pot hole, his face became more gloomy reflected by the red stove fire.

Li Man pouted, walked towards him, squatted beside him, and stared at him carefully with her small face up, "You still want to lie to me, what's the matter? Suddenly become so scary?"

Scary? Scared her? Li Mo quickly restrained his emotions, quietly looked at his daughter-in-law's beautiful face, and suddenly, his throat choked, and he hugged her tightly.

"What's wrong?" Li Man became more and more surprised.

Li Mo said softly, "Man'er

, I think Miss Yun's body has almost recovered. She is an unmarried girl, and it's not reasonable for her to stay in our house all the time. I think, the second year of junior high school and the fourth brother sent her away. "

"Leave?" Li Man was stunned for a moment, and immediately thought of something, she broke away from Li Mo's embrace and asked, "Did you listen to what I said to her just now?"

Li Mo nodded, Yun Yan actually knew Li Man, even a relative, which made him suddenly feel threatened, just like the two strange men he met in other counties back then, they seemed to say that Li Man was their old friend.

And although he didn't want to believe it, his reason still told him that what they said was true.

His daughter-in-law may have a life experience that they dare not even imagine. He is really afraid that one day, a group of people will come to snatch his wife from him.

Li Man sighed softly, looked into his eyes, and said, "I can't remember a single thing about the past. Really, even if I do remember, it's all in the past tense. I'm yours now." Daughter-in-law, for the rest of my life, I will never leave you."

Li Mo smiled because of her words, but the smile was somewhat forced.

Yes, she couldn't remember, and it was because she couldn't remember that it made him nervous. What if she remembered one day? Will you live happily with them like you are now?

Even more nervous, did she already have a man she liked before them?

Back then, that goblin-like man, as well as that noble and extraordinary man, seemed to have special feelings for her.

"Fool." Pecking Li Mo's lips lightly, Li Man smiled and said, "Are you so unconfident? I'm already yours, and I've already given birth to two children for you. Afraid that I will be snatched away?"

These words touched Li Mo's heart, yes, she is already his woman, and she also gave birth to a child for him, so what are you worried about?

Seeing that his expression had softened, Li Man curled her lips and said, "It's you, don't take the dubious woman home again."

"No." Li Mo replied seriously, but thinking that this was not enough, he added, "Second brother also didn't bring the woman home. This time someone else found her by himself, so he was also very annoyed."

"Exactly. If he dared to lead the woman home by himself, I would have broken his leg." Li Man said viciously, but added in her heart that it was the third leg that would keep him alive for the rest of his life. No sex, hum.

Amused by her vicious voice, Li Mo smiled slightly, "If the second brother is really like that, you don't need to do anything, I will abolish him first."

"Yeah." Li Man smiled, hugged Li Mo's neck, and flirted in his arms for a while. Suddenly, there was a burnt smell from the end of her nose. jumped out.

No, the water in the pot boiled dry and burnt.

Probably because of the smell of paste, Li Hua came over to take a look, and saw Li Man hastily poured two ladles of water into the pot, and then scrubbed vigorously.

"Why is it burnt?" Li Hua looked at his daughter-in-law suspiciously, and then at his elder brother under the stove.

There are two people, can the pot burn? What were they doing just now?

Li Mojun's face was embarrassed, but fortunately, the fire in the stove was covering him, so he couldn't see anything else.

Li Man replied casually, "It's too hot, I can't watch it."

Li Hua looked at her slightly disheveled hair, and looked at the embarrassment of his elder brother who was silent, how could he not guess what happened just now.

However, even the eldest brother who has always been prudent and conservative can...

Alright, Li Hua took a deep breath and stopped thinking about it, "Make some paste, Xiao Wu and I will paste the Spring Festival couplets first."

"It's already ready, it's on the big table." Li Man pouted towards the big table.

Li Hua walked over, took a bowl of paste, and went straight out of the kitchen.

He just went out when Li Yan came in, seeing Li Mo burning the fire, he was slightly taken aback, but didn't say anything, only said to Li Man, "The child is awake."

"Oh, are you crying?" Li Man washed the rice and put it into the pot.

Li Yan nodded, "The second child is crying a lot, the eldest aunt can't coax her well, she says she misses her mother, go and have a look."

"Okay." Li Man put the lid on the pot, told Li Mo not to burn it, and went out with Li Yan.

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