Fortunate Wife

Episode 49 Annoyed

When Li Man went back to the house, she saw the eldest daughter playing happily in Xiao Wu's arms, while the youngest son was crying in Li Xiangyu's arms, kicking and kicking his calves, which made Li Xiangyu almost unable to hold him.

Seeing Li Man approaching, Li Xiangyu could be regarded as seeing a savior.

And this child is also, as soon as he sees his mother, his little hands flutter towards her, and he keeps yelling 'M' in his mouth. Li Man is stunned, and then hears his son yelling 'mm', still like a baby bird When he seemed to flutter his little hands towards him, his eyes suddenly became moist, and he hurriedly hugged his son into his arms, and excitedly shouted to the people beside him, "My son will call mommy now. Fry"

For the word mother, Li Xiangyu and others were obviously not as excited as Li Man.

Seeing that they couldn't react, Li Man explained eagerly, "Mom means mother."

"Ah?" Everyone was surprised.

Li Man shrugged her eyebrows, regardless of them, just kissed her son's pink and tender cheeks enough, "Baby is awesome, you can call mommy, haha."

The son was kissed hard by her, and smiled happily.

The girl in Xiaowu's arms at the side saw it, and also yelled, waving her hands at Li Man, asking her to hold the ring.

Li Man hurriedly freed up a hand, and hugged the little girl into her arms.

A pair of children were giggling in her arms, rushing to hug her neck like a baby, which made Li Man's heart almost melt.

"These two little things are still with my mother. Look, they are crying like something when they wake up without seeing you. No matter how I hug or coax them, it's useless. Once you come, it will be fine."

Li Xiangyu said it sourly, and even patted the little boy's butt with his hands, and sighed helplessly, "Little heartless."

However, her actions made Li Man very useful. When the children kissed her, which mother would be unhappy.

"Okay, sit down for a while, and I'll make the bed for your uncle."

Li Xiangyu went downstairs after speaking.

In this room, Li Man hugged the children and sat on the head of the bed, then laid them side by side on the bed, and picked up the small toys on the bedside table to play with them.

Seeing her having fun with the children, Li Yan sat next to her, watched her play with the children, and heard her giggling like the children.

Suddenly, Xiao Wu cried out.

Li Yan and Li Man both looked back, and saw Xiao Wu tugging at his clothes with an aggrieved expression on his face, the two of them realized that the skirt of Xiao Wu's chest was wet, and couldn't help laughing.

"Man'er, you want to wash it for me." Seeing the two of them smiling happily, Xiao Wu said depressedly, while looking at Zheng Huan's daughter who was playing on the bed, she couldn't help complaining, "Why does she love to pee on me? ? When the fourth brother hugged him, he never urinated. Too much, I just changed it this morning, and I haven't had time to wash that one yet."

"Then don't wash it. I made two sets of new clothes in total. Who told you to be in such a hurry? Before the first day of junior high school, you pulled all over your body. If you wash this one again, you will have to wear it tomorrow. Yes." Li Man looked at his constipated handsome face, and smiled more wantonly.

Xiao Wu groaned, took off his coat depressedly, and planned to wash the place where the child urinated, so it should be done quickly, right?

He did what he said, he ran downstairs in a hurry, he didn't care about letting Li Man wash it for him, he rubbed it casually and forgot.

He fetched water in the yard and carefully washed the new clothes.

Coincidentally, Yun Yan was bored alone in the room, so she stood by the window in a daze, and saw Xiao Wu doing laundry, and for some reason, she suddenly changed her mind.

In this family, this boy is the most hostile to him.

Yunyan suddenly wanted to change.

The other men in this family are not very convenient for her, and if they get too close, it will appear that she has bad intentions.

But Xiao Wu is different, he is still a half-grown child at all, so Yun Yan feels that getting close to him shouldn't have any bad influence, not to mention, every time she touches the young man's hostile eyes, she also feels really uncomfortable, no If so, take this opportunity to improve.

Thinking of this, Yun Yan quickly left the room, came to the yard, squatted beside Xiao Wu, and stretched out her hand to grab the clothes in his hand.

"You are a boy who can't do laundry, let me do it."

She moved so fast that Xiao Wu was caught off guard, and she snatched the clothes, and threw them all into the basin, soaking through.

Xiao Wu was a little dumbfounded for a moment, then annoyed, he pushed Yun Yan away abruptly, and shouted, "Who told you to come here?"

Yun Yan was originally squatting, but after being pushed so hard by him, she couldn't stabilize and fell to the ground with her buttocks.

She blushed, and looked at Xiao Wu innocently, "I, I just want to help you do your laundry."

"Who are you to me? Do I need you to wash it?" Xiao Wu glared at her angrily, looked at the wet clothes in the eye basin, his handsome face was even darker, it's all right now, don't even think about doing it tomorrow up.

Depressedly, he rubbed the clothes a few times, squeezed them dry, poured water, took the clothes in a basin, turned around and left.

Yun Yan was still sitting on the ground, wanting to cry but no tears.

"Miss Yun, what's the matter with you?" Tian Ningying just came out of the room, saw Yun Yan sitting on the ground like that, her expression was extremely ugly, she couldn't help coming over, and asked with concern.

Yun Yan shook her head, got up silently, and patted the ashes off her body.

"Oh, is it Xiao Wu?" Tian Ningying heard Xiao Wu's voice just now, guessing that the little devil must have done something good, she couldn't help turning her head to look at Xiao Wu who was drying clothes in the corner of the room, then smiled and comforted Yun Yan, "Don't be familiar with this kid, he

, I used to be very obedient, but in the past two years, my sister-in-law Man'er got used to it, and it became more and more outrageous. "

"Is she used to me?" Xiao Wu came over suddenly, staring at Tian Ningying with an unpredictable expression.

"Of course, I think, if Sister-in-law Man'er is not used to you every day, hey, just like you are now, big brother will definitely beat you up."

Tian Ningying is two years older than Xiao Wu, so although she is not as tall as Xiao Wu, she considers herself her elder sister, so she looks down on Xiao Wu very much.

"What about me?" Xiao Wu raised her eyebrows, but she was thinking about her words, did Man'er get used to him? If it is said that she entered Li's house at the beginning, it was true, and she liked to take him with her in everything she did. However, she gradually changed, especially after he went to the academy. Not only was she not allowed to follow him, she even often deliberately avoided Look at him, pissed him off.

Tian Ningying glanced at him, "Did you push Miss Yun down just now?"

"Sister Ning Ying, stop talking, I'm fine, Xiao Wu is playing with me." Yun Yan quickly explained.

Xiao Wu glanced at Yun Yan coolly, then snorted at Tian Ningying, "I pushed it, so what?"

"You are neither big nor small, and you don't know how to be polite." Tian Ningying said.

Xiao Wu curled her lips, "You should tell her that no matter how young I am, I am still a man, so I rush to wash men's clothes without thinking about it, who knows what she will feel at ease?"

After speaking, Yun Yan's face turned red.

Tian Ningying had only reached Ji last year, and she also knew a little about men and women. Hearing him say this, her little face blushed, and she glared at him angrily, "How old are you, you're just a man, and you're not afraid of being laughed at when you say it? "

At least, in her eyes, he is just an ignorant younger brother, man? It's still early.

Xiao Wu's face changed when he heard this, he hated others treating him like a child.

With a cold snort, he ignored the two women, turned around and entered the room.

Yunyan was secretly annoyed, why was she so stupid, she wanted to repair the relationship, but didn't want to make it more rigid, hey.

"Miss Yun, I cut some window grilles, come and help me see, let's paste them together, okay?" Tian Ningying took the initiative to pull Yunyan, and ran into the house excitedly.

There are not enough bedrooms at home, and the three of Tian's father and son came back again, and the bedroom is even more crowded.

Li Xiangyu and Yunyan lived in Li Xiangcao's room, but when Tian Ningying came back, she had to make another bed with a bamboo couch.

And the house of Li Mo and Xiao Wu was given to Tian's father and son.

Li Mo and Xiao Wu all went upstairs and shared a room with Li Hua.

Li Xiangyu was making the bed for her daughter in the room, when she saw Tian Ningying enthusiastically dragging Yunyan into the room, she was stunned for a moment, with a hint of displeasure on her face.

After all, Yunyan entered Li's house with intentions, so she didn't want anyone in the family to get close to her.

"Ying'er, you child, your own bed is not made properly, and you can't stop whining as soon as you come back. Miss Yun is a guest, so you are not allowed to make trouble with her."

Yun Yan heard the alienation in her words, her face froze slightly.

Tian Ningying is a simple girl, she didn't think too much about it, she just took out the window grilles from the drawer and put them on the table one by one for Yunyan to see.

Yun Yan took a look, these window grilles were really beautifully cut, especially the ones of the twelve zodiac signs, they were so lifelike.

"Did you cut these? It's so beautiful."

Tian Ningying smiled with satisfaction, "Miss Yun, let's paste it up. I want to cover all the windows, so that it will be festive. By the way, these two couples are reserved for Sister-in-law Man'er."

"What is it?" Yun Yan didn't see clearly, and asked with a smile.

Tian Ningying took out a pair, unfolded them for her to see, squinted her eyes and smiled, "Have you seen it clearly?"

"This?" Yun Yan took a closer look, and immediately recognized the paper-cut as a beauty with fluttering skirts. Looking at her posture, she actually looked eight or nine times like Li Man.

Tian Ningying smiled happily and explained, "I cut this according to the appearance of my sister-in-law Man'er. How about it? Isn't it beautiful?"

"Beautiful." Looking at the wonderful figure on the paper-cut, Yun Yan felt envious and jealous.

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