Fortunate Wife

Extra 51 Sashishin

The sky gradually darkened, and the sound of festive firecrackers sounded from time to time over the Shennvgou.

In the Li family, after worshiping the ancestors, the whole family gathered around the big table to have a New Year’s Eve dinner, but this year, due to the lack of a Li Shu, the atmosphere of the New Year’s Eve was obviously much weaker, and everyone’s emotions were not very high. Although, Li Man Tete took out the wine he had prepared long ago, but Li Mo and Li Yan accompanied Tian's father and son to drink a few glasses, just a few glasses, and then ate in silence.

After the meal, only the men were left to watch the year. Li Man washed up early, and then went upstairs to rest with her two children.

The children played ruthlessly during the day, so they put them in the crib, and they slept soundly without being coaxed by Li Man.

After tucking the quilt for them, Li Man got into bed without incident, leaned against the head of the bed, picked up some miscellaneous notes and unofficial history that Xiao Wu brought back for her, and looked at them casually.

But after looking at it for a while, I really couldn't see it, and my mind was full of the shadow of Li Shu.

She simply put down the book and went to sleep with her head covered, but she still missed Li Shu in her heart.

Today's Chinese New Year's Eve, he is the only one missing in the family, and I always feel sour in my heart, thinking about how he is doing outside these days? How are you eating? How are you living? Will you also be homesick and unable to sleep? At this moment, are you also thinking about the discomfort she thinks?

"Sister-in-law Man'er." Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and Li Man nervously glanced at the children in the small bed. Seeing that they were not disturbed, she quickly put on a coat and got out of bed to open the door.

At the door, Tian Ningying took Yun Yan's hand and looked at her with a smile on her face, "Sister-in-law, let's sleep with you tonight, okay?"

"Ah?" Li Man was very surprised, but, this... Will Li Mo and the others agree?

Seeing her hesitation, Tian Ningying grabbed her arm and acted coquettishly, "Sister-in-law, just for one night, I have already agreed with my elder brother and the others. By the way, there is also Sister Yun, let's talk together, how many times?" OK?"

Glancing at Yunyan, Li Man wasn't sure if it was Ying'er who she had instigated, because as far as she knew, Ying'er didn't say she was going to sleep with her, and she didn't dare to come upstairs even when it was dark.

Not knowing what she had to say, Li Man had no choice but to agree, "Okay, then come in quickly."

She didn't wear much, and after standing at the door for a while, she felt cold, and hurriedly got into bed again.

It's just that she's not used to sharing a quilt with someone she doesn't know very well, so she quickly told Tian Ningying, "There is still a clean quilt in this closet, take it out."

"Yeah." Tian Ningying took out the quilt excitedly, then looked at Yun Yan who was embarrassed and silent, and said with a smile, "Sister Yun, didn't you say that you wanted to have a good talk with Sister-in-law Man'er? How did you enter the door? Didn't say a word?"

Sure enough, Li Man guessed right, she couldn't help looking at Yun Yan, and smiled, "If Miss Yun has anything to say, just say it, there are no outsiders here."

"Yes, my brothers are all downstairs, and my mother's nagging woman is not here, hehe, we can talk freely if we have anything to say." Tian Ningying looked very excited, put the quilt on the bed, and turned And he began to take off his clothes, while urging Yun Yan, "Sister Yun, don't stand still, let's go to bed quickly. Lying down and talking are the most interesting."

Yun Yan's expression was a little stiff, and after listening to the words, she took off her coat slowly, folded it and put it on the bedside table.

Li Man quietly watched her every move, because the whole family made new clothes for the New Year, and Yun Yan was naturally indispensable. The suit she was wearing was the material Li Man chose for her and let her sew it herself.

It can be seen that Yunyan likes and cherishes this set of clothes very much.

Seeing that the two of them could get into the bed, Li Man had no choice but to move into the bed. Fortunately, the bed was big enough for three of them to lie down, and there was still plenty of space.

"Sister Yun, if you have anything to say, tell Sister-in-Law Man'er first. After finishing speaking, I also have a lot to say."

"Me." Yun Yan hesitated, and couldn't help but tilt her head, but there was Tian Ningying in the middle, she couldn't see Li Man who was huddled under the blanket, so she had no way of knowing her emotions.

"Say it." Her hesitation made Tian Ningying wait a little anxiously.

Yun Yan pursed her lips, and said with some difficulty, "Actually, there is nothing to say, but I feel really sorry for bothering you at your house these days."

"Oh, this." Tian Ningying snorted with some disappointment, "What's the matter, aren't you a distant cousin of Man'er's sister-in-law? Accompanying Sister-in-Law Man'er, our whole family is very happy."

It turned out that Li Xiangyu couldn't explain Yunyan's identity to this girl who hadn't left the court, so she vaguely said that she was a relative of Li Man's family, and Tian Ningying believed it.

However, as soon as this remark came out, both Li Man and Yun Yan were surprised.



Yun Yan's face was a little red, and she said awkwardly, "It's not exactly like this. That. I, I think I went back in the second year of junior high school."

"Second year of junior high school? What are you in such a hurry for?" Tian Ningying asked.

Li Man thought of Li Mo's words during the day, could it be that he had already mentioned it to Yun Yan?

Yun Yan said softly, "It's really been a few days since I came here, and I feel a little homesick."

"Oh." Tian Ningying nodded, "Okay, let's play again when I have free time. But, Sister Yun, how did you find my sister-in-law Man'er again?"

Because, how did Li Man get to Li's house, she knew very well, what she said was bad, it was bought by her eldest cousin, but if Yunyan was Man'er's cousin, then she knew the situation of Man'er being sold , still don't know?

If you know, you will be punished by God if you allow your close relatives to be betrayed. Even though Man'er is doing well now, her brothers love her dearly.

If you don't know it, how do you know it now?

She secretly asked Li Xiangyu about this, but Mother only told her that it was the second cousin who met the third cousin by accident when they went out to look for the third cousin. As a result, the two of them talked about each other and knew each other's identities.

Hey, Tian Ningying won't believe this.

Because, these days, looking at the attitude of the second cousin towards Yun Yan, it is completely indifferent, so the two of them are in a strange place, can they talk? Can you still talk about each other's identity and family? Even if she was beaten to death, she would not believe that second cousin was that kind of careless person.

However, Tian Ningying thought she was very smart, but she never doubted Yunyan's relative status, because she thought, if she wasn't a relative, why would she live here for no reason?

She tilted her head, looking at Li Man for a while, and Yun Yan for a while.

However, speaking of it, there are some things about Yun Yan that are quite similar to Li Man. For example, she also speaks slowly and gently, and she can also read, make clothes by herself, and know many things that she doesn't know. Something that seems to have seen some of the world.

Being stared at by her was a bit unbearable, Yun Yan could only reply with a dry smile, "Fate."

"Fate?" Tian Ningying was stunned for a moment, Li Man touched her lightly with her hand, "Okay, let's get to the bottom of it, you've become a little sparrow."

"How to say?" Tian Ningying didn't understand.

Li Man explained, "Twittering, noisy."

"Sister-in-law." Tian Ningying leaned towards Li Man coquettishly. As she approached, she felt a pleasant fragrance wafting up her nostrils. What kind of fragrance is it? It smells even better than the finest snowflake dew.”

Li Man herself sniffed it vigorously with her nose, but she didn't feel any fragrance. She couldn't help wondering, "Is your nose broken? What kind of fragrance did I use?"

Let's not say that this thing is not easy to buy, even if you can buy it, she doesn't dare to use it. After all, the shops in the town are all handmade by some small workshops. Yes, I have to take care of my children every day, and I am afraid that the too strong aroma will smoke my children.

However, in the end, she didn't like to use those things, just like Li Yan and the others bought her a piece of soap, she only used it twice when washing her hands, then put it away and never used it again.

Fortunately, she is now taking advantage of her young age. Even without using any skin care products, her skin is still supple and firm.

"Is it really useless?" Tian Ningying couldn't believe it, and she simply sniffed at Li Man's neck, and sighed enviously, "No wonder brothers like to sleep with sister-in-law so much, it smells so good, it's so good Smell, I like it too."

"What are you talking about?" Li Man blushed from her childish words, and reached out to pinch her pink and tender cheeks, which made Tian Ningying even more aggressive. She simply lifted the quilt and burrowed like a loach After getting into Li Man's bed, he hugged her with both hands.

"Sister-in-law, I share the quilt with you. Well, it's so comfortable. Even the quilt is fragrant and warm."

In order to be able to stay in Li Man's bed, what Tian Ningying said was an exaggeration, but she didn't expect that these words were especially heart-piercing in Yunyan's ears.

Yunyan is a sensitive and suspicious girl. At this moment, she was left alone, and Tian Ningying said that again.

It made her think of herself involuntarily, she even pulled the quilt lightly, covered half of her face, and secretly sniffed her own scent.

She just thought, could it be that the smell on her body was bad, which made Tian Ningying go?

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