Tian Ningying didn't sleep honestly, once she got into the bed, she moved back and forth like a loach, which made Li Man uncomfortable, so she had to hold her hands and feet, and said angrily, "It's good to fall asleep, otherwise, go back to your own bed."

"Hehe, sister-in-law, your bed is so comfortable, I want to move around as soon as I come in." Tian Ningying smiled silly at her.

Li Man was annoyed, "That's uncomfortable, okay? How can you move around when you're comfortable?"

"Then I won't move." Tian Ningying quickly straightened her body and said solemnly.

Li Man looked at her like that, and smiled, "Okay, just relax naturally, it's like a log, you don't feel bad, I look awkward."

Tian Ningying breathed a sigh of relief, her whole body softened, and she hugged Li Man's arm warmly, talking to her affectionately.

"Sister-in-law, my father said that I have to go back to the shop on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. Huh, I really don't want to go. I miss you, Dabao and Erbao."

"Then wait until after the Lantern Festival." Li Man said.

Tian Ningying showed a happy expression on her small face, "Really? My mother said, I'm too chatty, and I'll annoy you if I stay for a long time. I can't wait to drive me away."

"How come, I wish you would stay every day, so that someone can talk to me." Li Man said sincerely, in Shennvgou, she didn't have many friends, and she didn't go out often. Can we often chat together, can Li Xiang? Haha, there is still a generation gap, so she really likes Tian Ningying to stay.

Tian Ningying couldn't be happier, "Then it's settled, sister-in-law, you can talk to my mother later, otherwise, she won't agree."

"Okay." Li Man readily agreed.

Immediately afterwards, Tian Ningying said mysteriously, "Sister-in-law, just before dinner, Mrs. Xu from the village came to look for my mother. Quit"

"Mr. Xu? Who is it?" Li Man said that she didn't recognize her. In fact, apart from Xingniang, Aunt Li and Dayongniang, she was a little familiar with the women in this village. She hadn't seen any of the others. Pass.

"It's the one at the end of the village, with a big locust tree in front of the door." Tian Ningying explained.

Li Man pursed her lips. She had been to this village many times at the head of the village, but she had never been to the end of the village.

She shook her head, Tian Ningying raised her eyebrows helplessly, "Sister-in-law, you have been here for so long, why are there still so many people you don't know?"

"Tell me, what's the matter with her coming?" Li Man returned to the main topic.

Tian Ningying hurriedly said, "I eavesdropped. Hey, she is here to be a matchmaker for her daughter."

"Who do you want to tell?" After a long night, Li Man simply began to gossip, even though she didn't know the daughter of Mrs. Xu's family at all.

"My brother." Tian Ningying shouted proudly, "Speaking of which, my brother's appearance is not bad, and it's not surprising that some people look at it, but it's all because of the money-greedy man who has plagued my brother for so many years. , and even kicked my brother, otherwise, how could my brother be like today, only left to be picked by others?"

Although the days of the Tian family were not considered wealthy, they were able to live well.

The Tian family has an ancestral house, although it is a bit old, but it is very good to have a house of their own in the town, not to mention, the Tian family also has a shop.

Therefore, at that time, Tian Ning'an's marriage was easy to talk about.

However, he just fell in love with the girl from the Shen family who grew up with him.

That girl looks good too, but her temper is softer and weaker, and her family decides everything. In the end, the Tian family was defrauded of all their property by Zhao Yun'er's family. If the relationship was broken, he was afraid that they would lose their connection, so he eagerly married her off.

This hit Tian Ning'an very hard, and he still doesn't want to mention women, and he doesn't even want to get married.

Li Xiangyu was also very worried, but last night someone took the initiative to kiss her, which moved her very much.

Under her care, a pair of nephews and grandchildren grow up day by day, becoming more lively and lovely every day.

She also wants to have a grandson of her own.

"Nonsense, who picked your brother?" Li Man felt that after all, Tian Ning'an had been doing business with his uncle for so many years. Apart from being prudent in doing things, he also had calculations that ordinary people didn't have. He was a very good and promising young man. .

Tian Ningying curled her lips and said, "Sister-in-law, you don't know, Mrs. Xu's family is the most snobbish, except for Qiqiao who is an honest person, her father, mother, and her two elder brothers all took advantage of it. People, so, my father doesn't really want to marry her family. But my mother said that my brother is not young, and the family is in the current situation. It is difficult to find a good one. Besides, Qiqiao My sister herself is really nice."

Hearing her mention Qiqiao a few times, Li Man suddenly felt that the name sounded very familiar, but she couldn't quite remember it.

"Sister-in-law, don't you remember Qiqiao? She mentioned you to me. She said that when she first saw you, she thought you were like a fairy who fell from the sky." Tian Ningying reminded.

Li Man was curious, "She recognizes me?"

"Well, she said, when you first came, you went to the town to sell fish with your third and fourth brothers. At that time, she and Chunni wanted to help, but your third brother refused." Tian Ningying explained clearly.

Li Man instantly remembered the scene back then, but she still had some impressions of Chunni in the floral dress, but Qiqiao? She doesn't quite remember what she looked like, but at that time there was such a young girl of the same age next to Chunni, she did have an impression.

"It turned out to be her. She hasn't married yet?" Li Man asked curiously.

They have also been married for two years.

Tian Ningying laughed mockingly, "How can she get married? She was born in such a family, and her parents are determined to exchange her for another daughter-in-law."

Li Man was startled, "Ying'er, aren't they planning to let you go to his house as a wife?"

"Well, how is it possible?" Tian Ningying immediately changed her face and said, "If they have that kind of thought, let them die badly. Besides, my parents will not marry me into their family."

"Oh, I'm teasing you." Since the Xu family has such a bad reputation, how could they let Ying'er marry and suffer? But then again, Li Man asked her, "If your brother's marriage is settled, it's your turn, Ying'er, do you have a boy you like?"

Tian Ningying blushed, coquettishly, "Sister-in-law, you are talking about my brother, why did you involve me?"

"You are old enough to get married." Li Man teased her.

Tian Ningying was very shy, and when she turned her head and saw the silent Yunyan, she suddenly laughed, and decided to take a back seat.

"When it comes to marrying, it should be Sister Yun first."

Yunyan was dull at first, and the conversations of the sister-in-law could be heard from time to time, which seemed to have nothing to do with her, and she interrupted lazily, but Tian Ningying suddenly turned the conversation to her, which shocked her.

"Sister Yun." Seeing her silent, Tian Ningying was a little puzzled, "I see that you are older than my sister-in-law, are you really not married yet?"

"Ah, um." Yun Yan snorted softly, looking a little embarrassed, she is nineteen years old, a woman at this age is not married, it is really embarrassing.

Tian Ningying was surprised, "Why?"

"I..." Yun Yan couldn't answer this question, she could only attribute it to the fact that she hadn't met a man who made her heart flutter.

Li Man touched Tian Ningying lightly, "Your sister Yun is older than you, she has her own opinions about her affairs. But you, you are very active in worrying about your brother, and when you talk about yourself, you will be sluggish? According to me, you should too. I have an idea, if you meet a boy who is close to your eyes, you should use some snacks."

"En." Tian Ningying nodded seriously. In her heart, Li Man is her idol. In this life, even if she can't have a few husbands who love her like her, but she can be as happy and casual as she is. Life is enough.

"Miss Yun." Suddenly, Li Man called Yun Yan from the air.

Yun Yan was taken aback for a moment, then hummed softly, "Huh?"

Li Man said softly, "This is also suitable for you. It's not yours. You can't force it, but the one that belongs to you will come to you one day. Don't give up."

Yun Yan paused, bitterness seemed to spread in her chest, the one that belongs to her? Will there be?

Once, she liked that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who was praised by everyone, but that was the fiancé of her cousin Shangguanyu.

Now, she likes Li Yan who is kind to her, but he is Li Man's man.

"Thank you." She gave a wry smile and thanked him softly.

Tian Ningying looked at Yunyan, and she didn't notice anything wrong with Yunyan, but she suddenly thought of a good idea, so she shouted in joy.

"Sister Yun, why don't you be my sister-in-law?"

"Ah?" Yun Yan was stunned. The first reaction in her mind to her sister-in-law was Li Man's position, because Tian Ningying treated her like a sister-in-law, right?

Li Man was also shocked, and almost thought so.

Fortunately, Tian Ningying added later, "Look, my brother is not married, and you are not married. You two are a natural couple."

Having said that, both Li Man and Yun Yan became embarrassed.

"It's getting late, Ying'er, go to sleep." Li Man said, propped up half of her body, and looked at the children in the crib again, heh, the children are so caring, the adults talk like this Lively, they can sleep so soundly and sweetly?

Tian Ningying couldn't sleep, she looked at Yunyan with burning eyes, thinking that if she married her elder brother, all the problems would be solved.

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