Fortunate Wife

Episode 53 Sneaking (one more)

Yun Yan was very uncomfortable being stared at by her, even a little annoyed, bit her lips slightly, and emphasized in a very blunt tone, "Sister Ying, I don't want to marry."

"Ah, why?" Tian Ningying was very surprised, "Women have to marry when they reach their age. Look at my sister-in-law, she has two children. Sister Yun, don't you worry? Fry"

Yun Yan's face became even uglier.

Li Man gently tugged Tian Ningying's arm, and said angrily, "You are really busy, first your brother, this will be Miss Yun, who will be next? Huh?"

"Didn't I suddenly feel that Sister Yun and my brother are suitable? You are relatives, so why don't you just kiss and get closer?" Tian Ningying thought it was a good idea, why didn't they think so?

"Okay, about your brother's marriage, I believe he will have his own ideas. You are talking nonsense here. If your brother thinks differently from you, how will you explain to your elder sister Yun?" Li Man said.

Tian Ningying thought about it, she was right, and said angrily, "I was negligent, sister Yun, don't you blame me? However, my brother is really a good person, and you will know after getting along a lot in the future. In this way, as long as you From now on, if you like my brother even a little bit, I welcome you to be my sister-in-law, is that okay?"

Yun Yan was originally tired of her words, but her last sentence made her suddenly a little happy, at least, this girl must like her, otherwise, she would not have matched herself and her brother so well.

As a result, all the unhappiness disappeared, and Yunyan nodded slightly, "Okay."

Tian Ningying smiled with satisfaction.

Li Man was shocked when she heard the words, she didn't want Yunyan to have anything to do with the Li family or the Tian family, but she didn't say much, because she felt that Yunyan was just perfunctory Tian Ningying.

Later, the three talked about the conversation indiscriminately again, it seems that Yunyan talked a lot this time.

She talked about a dream she had most often since she was a child. The sky in the dream was so high and far away, the house in the dream was so big and beautiful, and the family members in the dream would appear one by one.

In the end, Li Man didn't know what else she said. She was so sleepy that she also fell asleep in a daze.

And Tian Ningying beside her was already snoring slightly.

From night to dawn, Li Man opened his eyes again, and the sun had already shone into the room through the front window.

She looked sideways, Tian Ningying was still sleeping soundly, but the quilt on the other side of Yunyan had collapsed, she half propped herself up to see, how could there be anyone under the quilt?

Today's New Year's Day, there is no need to get up so early.

"Sister-in-law." In a daze, Tian Ningying also opened her eyes, glanced at Li Man, and then turned over and fell into a deep sleep again, most of which was wrapped in the quilt by her.

Li Man smiled helplessly. She was swept away by this girl several times last night, causing her to wake up from the cold. Later, she couldn't help it. She pressed the corner of the quilt with her legs hard, so she didn't let her be rolled up, and she fell asleep. Warm feeling.

In the crib, the son kicked his legs in discomfort, and lifted the kicked bag high.

Stop peeing? Li Man hurriedly got out of bed, touched his son's bed, and it was really wet. It turned out that the small chamber pot was kicked over by him when he kicked his legs.

She quickly took out the small chamber pot, removed the wet diaper, and re-applied a clean one. Then she touched the little thing's pants, which were also wet a lot. She simply took off the pants and changed into another one neatly. Then, help him tuck the quilt.

Sure enough, the son slept soundly again.

Then, Li Man looked at her daughter's hair again, and it was also wet, with black lines all over her head.

However, this girl is very nervous, even if her body is wet, she can still sleep soundly and soundly.

But Li Man tidied her up neatly.

After taking care of her son and daughter, she was free to dress.

After getting dressed, he went downstairs first.

Li Xiangyu got up early and was already busy preparing the family's breakfast in the kitchen.

And the others didn't get up yet.

Li Man then walked around the yard, turned back to the kitchen, saw only Li Xiangyu, and couldn't help wondering, "Auntie, have you seen Miss Yun?"

"No, what's the matter?" Li Xiangyu was putting the stewed chicken last night into the big pot.

Li Man rubbed her nose with a bad feeling, "She got up, but I turned around and didn't see her."

"Are you up?" Li Xiangyu put the lid on the pot, turned to look at her, and said, "I've been up for a while, but I haven't seen her? Did you go out for a walk?"

"Probably not." Ever since Yunyan arrived at Li's house, she almost never left the gate.

Seeing that she seemed worried, Li Xiangyu couldn't help but smiled and said, "Don't worry, the village is so big, can she be lost when she's so big? She'll be back after dinner."

"Yeah." Li Man nodded, scooped up some hot water, and went to wash herself.

After she finished, she went upstairs to watch the children, not wanting a letter on the bedside table to catch her attention.

Unfolding it, it turned out that it was left by Yunyan.

The content of the letter is very simple. I am grateful to the Li family for taking her in and taking care of her these days. She is gone, so that the Li family don't have to worry, let alone go to her.

However, on the first day of the new year, almost no one will go out of the mountain, and she is a girl, how can she go home alone?

Thinking about Yunyan's identity, and listening to her intermittent narration these days, Li Man can almost conclude that although she doesn't know if she is close to the owner, Shangguanyu, it must be related.

Immediately to the next room, ring


"Brother, Yunyan is gone." The brothers inside were sound asleep. Li Man knocked on the door several times, but no one answered, so she had to shout.

Sure enough, after a while, rustling voices and voices came from inside.

"Who's gone?" Xiao Wu asked in a daze.

"Yunyan." Li Hua seemed to be answering.

"Let's go." Xiao Wu fell down again with his head covered.

Li Mo was sitting on the bed, as if lost in thought.

"Brother," Li Hua reminded, "Man'er is calling you."

"En." Li Mo came back to his senses, took the clothes, put them on, and opened the door.

As soon as he opened the door, Li Man looked at him complainingly, "Why is it taking so long? Yunyan is gone, this is a letter from her."

"When did you leave?" Li Mo didn't take the letter, and couldn't understand it.

Li Man shook her head, "I don't know either. I didn't see her when I woke up in the morning, so I was a little suspicious. I found this letter just now. She said that she went home alone, so let's not look for her."

While speaking, she glanced in again. The three brothers were still lying on the bed, as if no one was disturbed by this sudden incident.

Li Man couldn't help but lamented for Yun Yan. In fact, it is really not easy for such a girl to leave her hometown. If she fell in love with a man other than her own...

"Brother, what should we do?" She asked Li Mo, at this moment, she had no idea.

Speaking of Yunyan, the purpose of coming here is very clear, to snatch her man, now that she is gone, she should be happy.

But she couldn't be happy, and even worried that she was a girl, what would she do if she was in danger outside?

There is a shortage of women in Shennvgou.

Even after she gave birth to a child, the Li family brothers never dared to let her go out alone, for fear of being tricked by someone with malicious intentions.

Li Mo took a deep look at her. In fact, Yunyan's departure is the most suitable for him, but this situation is not what he wants.

After all, if her family is in danger, the whole family will not feel at ease.

"You guys, don't sleep, get up quickly, and go out with me to find someone." Without answering Li Man's words, Li Mo directly instructed his younger brothers who were still lazy under the covers.

Xiao Wu quit, "Brother, that woman left by herself, who cares about her? Wouldn't it be better to leave."

"Bastard, get up quickly." Li Mo turned around and scolded. He, like Xiao Wu, didn't like cloud smoke, but he didn't want his brother to lack even the most basic sympathy and sense of responsibility.

Xiao Wu was reprimanded by his elder brother, and his little mouth was shrunken, and he didn't dare to say anything.

Li Hua handed him his clothes, "Put it on quickly."

"Oh." Xiao Wu muttered reluctantly, but his movements were swift, and he quickly put on his clothes.

Li Yan walked to the door, looked at Li Man and said, "Don't worry too much, if she leaves the mountain, she won't go too far."

"Yeah." Li Man nodded.

Li Mo ordered, "Second brother, follow me up the mountain to look for it, and fourth brother and Xiaowu, look for it along the village."

"Okay." Everyone agreed.

They went downstairs together, and Brother Li Mo went out to look for someone.

In the kitchen, Li Xiangyu saw it, and she was amazed.

Fortunately, Li Man explained the situation to her in time.

Li Xiangyu sighed after hearing this, and poured the noodles into the pot again.

"What's this called? Let me just say it. This girl doesn't seem to talk much, and she will cause trouble. I have already agreed with her. After the first day of the new year, I will let their brothers take her home. But it is tomorrow. It's a matter of course, she's fine, she's rushing to celebrate the New Year today, so she ran away first."

"Auntie, don't worry, brother and the others have found it, and they should be able to find it back." Li Man comforted.

Li Xiangyu glanced at her, "Who is in a hurry for her? I just finished a big pot of noodles, two old hens, and now their brothers are all going out to find someone, and they don't know when they will come back. The noodles are going to be mushy. ?”

"Eh?" So that's it, Li Man's expression was a little distorted, "Look, why don't we eat first and save it for them."

"Where is the leftover noodles and leftover soup delicious? Let's wait." Li Xiangyu felt sorry for his nephews, and he would not eat easily without them.

Li Man didn't raise any objection either, since no one was found, Li Mo and the others were not there, and she couldn't eat by herself.

Fortunately, within an hour, the brothers brought Yunyan back.

And she was covered in mud, and she was very embarrassed.

"Where did you go? You made all this mud?" In the yard, Li Xiangyu looked at Yunyan who had almost become a clay figurine, and asked angrily.

Yunyan was trembling all over, she didn't know whether it was cold or frightened, her head was drooping, and she was choking with sobs.

"Man'er, take her to wash first." Li Mo ordered.

"Oh." Li Man hurriedly stepped forward to pull Yunyan.

Yun Yan was stunned, and instinctively shook off Li Man's hand. When Xiao Wu saw her, she immediately exploded, "Stupid woman, what are you still throwing your temper at?"

"Little Wu." Li Mo scolded Xiao Wu in a low voice, and then said, "Miss Yunyan, if you want to leave, our brothers will send you out of the mountain after you wash up."

"Okay, you're covered in mud, go wash it off, let's go." Li Man grabbed her arm again and dragged her to the bathroom.

Here Li Xiangyu was very curious and asked Li Mo what happened.


p\u003eLi Mo remained silent, but Li Hua told what happened.

It turned out that Yunyan sneaked out in the middle of the night, wanting to leave Shennvgou, but when she didn't want to, she went to the foot of the mountain and fell into an abandoned cellar. She couldn't climb up, so she sat in the muddy water and cried.

They searched back and forth twice, and finally found her when they heard the crying, pulled her up, and brought her home.

After hearing this, Li Xiangyu sighed helplessly, "That's it, and she said she was going home alone, hey, I really doubt it, how did she come here?"

"It's the right time, follow the second brother, at least you won't go the wrong way." Xiao Wu explained.

Li Yan's eyes turned cold, and he gave Xiao Wu a cold look.

Xiao Wu shrinks his neck and keeps silent. He also knows that the second brother is very tired of Yun Yan these days.

There is always a woman who says she loves herself and hangs around in front of her when she has nothing to do, but he doesn't like it. Xiao Wu can understand this kind of feeling, just three words: bored.

"Second brother." Li Mo said suddenly, "Clean up and send her away later."

"So soon?" Li Xiangyu still thinks tomorrow is better, and today is the first day of the Chinese New Year, so it's better to stay at home no matter what.

But Li Yan went upstairs involuntarily.

On the other end, Yun Yan changed her dirty clothes in the bathroom, and Li Man brought her hot water and took clean clothes.

Then, through the small door, talk to Yun Yan inside.

"Miss Yun, didn't you say that you have a cousin who looks very similar to me?"

As soon as there was a sound of teasing water inside, Li Man knew that she was listening to her own words, so she said slowly, "Actually, it's fate that you and I know each other. You should also be clear about how we get along these days. no offence."

The sound of water inside could be heard again, probably because of Li Man's words, she was not moved.

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