Fortunate Wife

Episode 54 Traveling (Second Update)

Regarding Yun Yan's non-response, Li Man was expected and said helplessly, "Of course, Miss Yun is an adult and has the right to decide whether to stay or not. However, you should also think that if Li Mo and the others didn't go out to find you today, I'm afraid that in a few days, there will be an unknown female corpse in the Goddess Valley."

In the middle, Yunyan paused for a while while taking a bath, looking at the injury on her body, she felt aggrieved and sad again for no reason.

She really wanted to go.

Rather than being escorted away at the end, it's better to go first on your own, which is more decent, but who knows you will fall into the pit.

After hastily washing, she put on the clothes Li Man had prepared for her. She opened the door and looked at Li Man who was leaning against the door. .

"I really want to go."

Li Man raised her eyebrows, "Well, I believe that you really want to leave. However, your life is yours, and there is only one life. If the waste is gone, it will be gone."

"I..." Yunyan was speechless.

At this time, Li Hua came over, took a look at Yun Yan, and then said to Li Man, "Everything is ready."

"Oh." Li Man nodded, looking at Yunyan, "Let's go, have breakfast first, and let elder brother and Li Yan take you out of the mountain later."

Yun Yan's face turned pale, but she didn't say anything, and followed Li Man silently.

After hastily eating breakfast, Li Mo and Li Yan set off with Yun Yan.

With two men delivering it, the family finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As for Tian Ningying, who slept late, when it was almost noon, she didn't find Yunyan when she got up, and she was very surprised, but she didn't ask any more questions.

In the evening, Li Mo and Li Yan came back.

They sent Yunyan to the town, hired a carriage to take her there, and then came back.

At dinner, the whole family sat together, without outsiders, the atmosphere was much better.

The next day, the second day of the Lunar New Year, was a good time to visit relatives.

Early in the morning, Li Xiangcao and Zhang Ben came back with gifts. She is almost four months pregnant. Even in winter clothes, her figure can still be seen. It is much rounder than before. My sister Li Xiangyu When I saw it, I was moved and liked it.

Later, Li Xiangyu told Li Xiangcao about Yunyan. After Li Xiangcao heard it, she also sighed, and secretly asked Li Man to ask about it, but Li Man showed a very open-minded look.

Li Xiangcao was relieved now, but she couldn't help teasing a few more words, "Sure enough, Li Yan was accepted by you, otherwise, how could you be so relieved?"

"That's it." Li Man smiled, "It's mine. Others can't take it away. If it can be taken away, I, Li Man, don't take it too seriously."

"Look how proud you are." Li Xiangcao looked at her with a smile, and finally sighed softly, "However, speaking of it, Li Yan is really sorry for you this time, even if he didn't bring the girl back personally, you can still be with him. It just can’t get away from it.”

"Sister-in-law," Li Man said with a sly smile, "If Li Yan knows you're talking about him behind his back, he will secretly punish my little uncle."

Li Xiangcao blushed, "I'm not wrong, this kid has been recruiting girls since he was a child."

"That's not a bad thing. Only if a girl likes it proves that my man is attractive." Li Man smiled happily, but instead comforted Li Xiangcao, "Besides, Yunyan has already been sent away. It's only three things, so what will she do? Whether you are looking for death or life, it has nothing to do with our Li family."

"Yeah." Li Xiangcao nodded, "That's how it should be. However, I think according to your temper, you should call her out from the beginning. Although you didn't chase Zhao Yun'er yourself back then, you didn't act like that. Be so polite to her, and let her stay for these days."

"Hey." Li Man sighed, "People are different."

Zhao Yun'er has parents, as well as an elder brother, and at worst, Li Xiangyu's family will help her.

But Yunyan was alone, and when she arrived at Li's house, she was half dead from the cold. If she was kicked out in such a situation, she would definitely die.

Oh, think about it, Li Man herself feels quite hypocritical, she actually developed sympathy for a woman who wanted to covet her man.

However, in the final analysis, Yunyan is not even a rival in love to her.

Li Yan didn't love her, and it was enough that he didn't pay any attention to her from the beginning to the end.

She doesn't hate Yunyan, because compared to Yunyan, she is already very lucky to be loved by Li Yan.

Besides, Yunyan will leave sooner or later, she is just a passing visitor in this family.

"Man'er, you are so kind." Li Xiangcao said sincerely. Even when Shen Runsheng brought Qian Cuier back, she was still sad and complained in her heart, but she was cowardly and had no choice.

Li Man smiled, "It's nothing good or bad. She's gone now, look, don't we still live the same as before? Besides, we're not a strong female novel or some shitty TV series. The heroine and the supporting actress are not. Calculations are fights, and the opponent must be killed."

"What strong woman, what drama?" Li Xiangcao didn't understand.

Li Man explained with a smile, "It's almost like a drama."

"Oh." Li Man half understood.

Li Man just smiled and didn't explain too much. When the children's babbling came from downstairs, Li Xiangcao couldn't sit still.

Li Man went downstairs with her. Li Xiangcao wanted to hold the child, but no one dared to let her do so, for fear that the child would accidentally kick her in the stomach.

In the evening, Li Xiangcao and Zhang Ben also stayed.

On the third day of junior high school, the Zhang family sent people to pay New Year's greetings, and then, Li Man, her husbands, and the children also went to Zhang's house to pay New Year's greetings to the old lady.

The old lady liked it so much that she kept the whole family overnight and let them go back after lunch the next day.

On the fifth day, Tian Ning'an and his son returned to the town first, and the shop was about to open on the sixth day. Tian Ningying didn't go, but stayed at Li's house, wanting to spend the Lantern Festival with her mother.

It's just that time flies by so fast.

In a flash, the year is over.

After the Lantern Festival, Tian Ningying and Li Xiangyu both went back to the shop in the town, and Xiao Wu also went to the academy to study.

Because he planned to find Li Shu, Li Mo arranged some of the properties he bought at the end of last year, mainly by leasing them to nearby villagers, and there were some leftovers. He was afraid that he would not have time to cultivate them. Entrusted to Ershun to take care of.

Er Shun was very grateful, and made a promise that he would plant the Li family's land well.

Since Li Mo lent him money to treat Xingniang last year, he has not saved any money to repay the debt. Fortunately, what Xingniang suffers from is not the dirty disease that people say, but some gynecological diseases common to women. He has recovered after taking some medicine, and he is still taking it now, so he has to work harder to earn money.

As for the others, there is nothing else, just ask Zhang Ben to come and take care of the house at home.

So, on a clear morning, the Li family set off.

Just after the Spring Festival, there are very few people going out here, and there are almost no people on the official road. Therefore, the members of the Li family seem a little deserted. Fortunately, there are two children, babbling, and everyone is also I don't feel bad.

Stopping and stopping all the way, after about 20 days of walking, I arrived at the border of Yunzhou.

Before dark, the family entered the city and first found an inn to stay. They planned to let Li Mo and Li Yan go to inquire about Li Yan first, and then take Li Man with them.

Because there were two children to take care of, and it was the first time he was so far away from home again, Li Mo was not at ease, so he asked for a big room, and the whole family squeezed together.

Fortunately, there is a big bed and two small couches in this room.

In the evening, Li Man took the children and slept on the big bed with Li Hua. Li Mo and Li Yan asked the shopkeeper for a quilt, and they made it on the small couch.

However, it was late at night and the children were put to sleep, but Li Man couldn't fall asleep. Looking out of the dark window, she felt both the melancholy of leaving home and the expectation of seeing Li Shu, and even more worried about whether she could take her with her. Worried about leaving Li Shu.

"What's the matter?" Li Hua was sleeping on the outside of the bed, with a son and daughter sleeping between them, probably sensing Li Man's emotions, he raised his head and looked at her.

Li Man looked at him sideways and muttered softly, "I can't sleep."

"Why can't I sleep? Is the quilt thin?" Li Hua asked softly.

Li Man shook her head, "A little nervous."

"Oh." Li Hua understood. In fact, he felt the same way.

"Go to sleep, I can see my third brother tomorrow." Hearing their voices, Li Mo also said.

Li Man smiled, and gently closed her eyes.

Li Hua glanced at her, lay down again, moved her body a little, and put her feet into her feet, sure enough, her feet were very cold.

Li Man opened his eyes and glanced at him.

Li Hua was also looking at her, didn't speak, just smiled.

Li Man then understood that his feet were very hot, and he stretched them to her side to give her warmth, so she was not polite, and rubbed her cold feet against his feet, absorbing what he had learned from him. The warmth from him.

Unknowingly, the night got deeper, and Li Man gradually fell asleep.

Probably because he was close to Li Shu. That night, Li Man dreamed of him.

In the dream, he was still the big boy who liked to smile at her and call her daughter-in-law. They were running around in the fields and playing games together, but for some reason, she tripped on her foot and fell down. It fell on top of him and crashed head-on into his eyes that were always full of sunshine.

"Man'er." Li Huaban sat on the bed and called out to her.

"Li Shu." Li Man opened her eyes sleepily, and called out in a daze.

Li Hua smiled slightly, "It's not Third Brother, it's me."

"Huh?" Recognizing that it was Li Hua's voice, Li Man suddenly opened her eyes wide, and sure enough, the one in front of her was Li Hua.

"Where's Li Shu?" She was still in a dream, still a little confused.

Li Yan came over at this time, stretched out his hand to pull her up from the bed, rubbed her hair, and said with a smile, "Did you dream about the third brother?"

"Dream?" Li Man looked at the strange environment around her, and thought she was still in the inn, she couldn't help being disappointed, "It's a dream."

"Heh, are you getting up?" Li Hua had already brought her clothes over.

Li Man took a look, Li Mo was sitting on the couch by the window, coaxing the two children to play, and said, "Get up."

"Yeah." Li Hua nodded, and then said to Li Yan, "Second brother, it's getting late, you and elder brother go first, Man'er is here with me."

"Yes." Li Man looked at the sky outside the window while putting on her clothes, "Li Yan, is it far from Li Shu?"

"It's not too far outside the city, but I'm afraid that if we go there, we may not be able to meet the third younger brother." Li Yan said honestly.

Li Man took a deep breath, "It's okay, we're here anyway, if we can't find it today, there's still tomorrow.


As he said, he got out of bed, walked to the small couch, and took the two children so that Li Mo and Li Yan could get down to business.

Li Mo glanced at her and the children, and then told Li Hua, "Just ask Xiao Er to bring it up for lunch. If you are bored, you can only go downstairs for a stroll at most. Don't go to far away places. I'll come back with your second brother."

"I know, we're in the inn, and we won't run around." Li Hua smiled.

Li Man also said, "Don't worry, Li Hua and I will take good care of the babies. You should also be careful, the military camp is no different."

"I know." Li Yan replied, and then went out with Li Mo.

Li Hua went out with him, and seemed to say something, but came back soon, and brought two breakfasts and a pot of hot water.

Li Man took a bowl of porridge and said to Li Hua, "You eat first, and I will feed the child."

"Yeah." Li Hua was a little hungry, so he didn't refuse, and ate the steamed buns first.

This white porridge was made by Li Hua in the kitchen on purpose early in the morning. Because it is also the off-season, there are no guests in the inn, and the kitchen is very busy. Therefore, we try our best to satisfy the guests' requests.

The porridge was cooked very well. Li Hua personally watched the heat, and then boiled two eggs.

Li Man fed the children two mouthfuls of porridge, and when the eggs cooled down, he broke the egg whites into small pieces and fed them, and then mixed the egg yolks with the white porridge. The two children loved it very much.

A large bowl of porridge, two children eat together, as if comparing each other, you eat one mouthful, but eat very quickly.

When it was over, the son still felt that it was not enough, and stretched out his chubby little hand to reach for the bowl in Li Man's hand.

Li Man stretched out her hand and gently rubbed his fleshy little face, "Little Greedy Cat, Mommy asked if your father is still there?"

She looked back at Li Hua.

Li Hua got up and said, "Also, I'm afraid it will be cold when brought together, and it's still simmering on the stove, I'll get it."

"Yeah." Li Man handed him the bowl, then walked to the table, took a steamed bun and gnawed on it.

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