Fortunate Wife

Episode 57 News (Second Update)

The courtyard where shopkeeper Xu placed Li Yan's family was located in a residential area behind the Jinxiu store, with three huts and a spacious courtyard.

This is the place where Xu's family used to live. Later, when the Xu family's business grew, they moved to a bigger house, and this place has been vacant. Fortunately, someone comes to clean it every day, and the flowers and plants in the yard are also pruned. It was very tidy, but the house seemed a little deserted because no one had lived in it for a long time.

"Whose house is this? Is it unoccupied?" Li Man looked through the three houses curiously, making sure that no one has lived here for a long time. However, it is obvious that the place is well taken care of. Clean it up, get some new bedding, and you can live directly.

Li Yan simply told her, "A family of an acquaintance, they have moved to another place now, and this place is also vacant. It's better than an inn for us to live here."

This is true, at least there is a yard here, and there is a pagoda tree in the yard, the leaves are already in a hurry, and the fragrance of spring flowers and plants is floating all over the yard, which makes it easy for her to think of her home in Shennvou, that yard In the garden, there are also flowers and plants that she has planted so hard. Now, the courtyard will definitely be full of flowers, but it is a pity that they left home to fry.

Li Man also thought it was good to live here, but she was curious, when did the Li family have acquaintances in this strange place?

However, seeing Li Yan busy cleaning the house, she was also responsible for taking care of the two children, without asking for warnings.

Fortunately, not long after, shopkeeper Xu personally brought a few servants and maids, bringing new bedding, tents, pots, pans, rice noodles, vegetables and other things.

Li Yan came out to greet him, saying that shopkeeper Xu was too polite, and then introduced Li Hua and Li Man one by one, and of course, introduced shopkeeper Xu to Li Man.

"So the shopkeeper is my husband's acquaintance?" Li Man looked at the shopkeeper Xu suspiciously, secretly amused, does this mean that the flood has washed away the Dragon King Temple, and the family does not recognize the family?

However, the shopkeeper of Jinxiu is familiar with the Li family, so why didn't he stay here from the beginning instead of staying in the inn for one night?

Li Man couldn't figure it out. Shopkeeper Xu also recognized her and Li Hua at this time. He was slightly taken aback, and smiled, "So this is Mrs. Li. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Li Yan was surprised, looked at Li Man, "Do you know each other?"

"Yeah." Li Man nodded, "I went shopping in Jinxiu in the morning, and the things are super expensive. A Dielianhua stroller costs twenty taels of silver."

Li Yan's eyes flickered, and he glanced at Li Hua. Li Hua shrugged innocently. He didn't know that his second brother didn't tell Li Man about this.

But shopkeeper Xu smiled heartily, "If you know that Mrs. Li likes it, you can just take it wherever you want. By the way, I will send someone to the shop to get it in a while."

Well, the shopkeeper is real. Li Man was amused in her heart, and she also had a happy smile on her face, "I'm sorry, but I still have to pay in silver. Don't be cheap, ask him for it."

She pointed at Li Yan, raised her little head, as if she knew some kind of his secret with a proud expression.

Li Yan smiled helplessly, "It's sold by the shopkeeper in the shop. If you like it, I'll make it for you next time."

"It's just a shake, it's not worth anything, as long as Mrs. Li likes it. Come." Shopkeeper Xu immediately ordered someone to pick it up.

Li Man hurriedly said, "Shopkeeper, I'm just joking with you. To be honest, your step shaker is really good, but I prefer my husband-in-law to do it himself. Before we got married, he did it for me, but after getting married After that, there is no more, today, he is willing to accept me, and it is thanks to you."

Li Yan was ashamed of what he had said, but it was true when he thought about it. When she first came to Li's house, it was to please her. He took advantage of the time when he was working for others, and made her a wooden hairpin with orchids in private. At that time, she still didn't want it, and tried to return it to him, which would make him angry, and finally threatened her, so she took it.

However, since then, he also bought some jewelry for her, but if he said to make one by himself, it would really be gone.

"Man'er." Looking at Li Man's resentful little eyes, Li Yan suddenly felt ashamed and panicked. He claimed to love her to the bottom of his bones, but sometimes he could not help being self-righteous. For example, what she wanted might be It's not a jewelry store, but an ordinary hairpin that he made with his own hands.

Li Man curled her lips, "You answered me, don't go back on your word, do it for me when you get back, make it unique."

"Okay." Li Yan responded without thinking.

Shopkeeper Xu laughed dryly when he saw this. It could be seen that this young master Li was very afraid of guilt. If he wanted to keep him in his shop for a long time, wouldn't he have to try to please this little lady?

"Shopkeeper, the house is cleaned up, why don't you come in and talk." Li Mo keenly noticed that the shopkeeper was staring at Li Man in a wrong way, and quickly diverted his attention.

Shopkeeper Xu waved his hands again and again, saying that he still had to go to the store to do some work, and that he came here to tell them that he had entrusted his nephew to find Li Shu, and there would be news within a few days.

Li Yan thanked him again.

Shopkeeper Xu instructed the servant girl to tidy up the place and take good care of the guests, and then left first.

However, at dinner time, he sent someone over again, saying that he had made a reservation at Yipinxiang, a famous restaurant nearby, and wanted to clean up the Li family.

At night, Li Man is not in the habit of going out, not to mention, there are two children who are only half a year old, which is even more inconvenient.

Therefore, Li Yan declined.

The dinner was cooked by Li Man herself, but it was originally arranged by shopkeeper Xu

The servants and maids who came to serve were also sent back by her.

Because there are all kinds of rice, noodles and vegetables, the dinner is very rich.

The family sat around the room, as warm as usual.

Time flies, and three days have passed.

At noon that day, just after lunch, shopkeeper Xu came over in a hurry, saying that he had some news.

Li Yan hurriedly asked him to sit in the room, and Li Man knew that what he was talking about was about Li Shu, so she also hurried into the room and listened carefully.

However, shopkeeper Xu's face was very bad, and he didn't even drink his saliva, so he said anxiously, "Master Li, I told you, don't worry too much, maybe your third brother is not among them."

"What's the matter?" Li Man's eyes were red with anxiety when she heard his tone.

Shopkeeper Xu glanced at her, sighed heavily, and said, "An incident happened here at the end of last year. I wonder if you have heard of it?"

"What's the matter?" Li Yan already had the worst premonition in his mind. At that time, the inspection of strangers in Yunzhou was very strict, and he escaped the danger of being interrogated because he was at the shopkeeper Xu's house in Jinxiu. From Shopkeeper Xu's tone, it is obvious that this matter is not small, then, it probably has something to do with it, but does it have something to do with the third brother?

Li Yan's heart suddenly tightened.

Shopkeeper Xu said with a serious expression, "I heard from my nephew, Master Li, you also passed by at the end of last year. The government was arresting people everywhere. At that time, it was said that they wanted to catch bandits who escaped from the border, but it was not. It is said that the sixth prince, who is most loved by the emperor today, came to Yunzhou in a micro-clothes and was stabbed by an assassin. The emperor was furious. Secret investigation."

On that day, shopkeeper Xu's nephew was on official business, and when he came to his shop, he secretly informed him of the news, asking him to pay attention to whether there were strangers coming and going.

But Li Yan happened to see it, so he took advantage of his personal relationship with the soldier to go fishing for a long time.

That's why today, I got the news about Li Shu from Shopkeeper Xu.

"Then what does this matter have to do with my third brother?" Li Mo's expression tensed, even though he broke his head, he did not want to believe that his third brother would have anything to do with this matter.

"This." Shopkeeper Xu also hesitated, "We don't know whether it is your third brother or not. I only heard from my nephew that many people were arrested at that time, and there were also a few young ones with foreign accents. , the description is very similar to the third brother you mentioned. However, after the Lantern Festival, all of them were sent to Beijing. Originally, they were supposed to be dealt with on the spot, but the sixth prince is cruel and violent in nature, so he insisted on interrogating these assassins himself do it, so..."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. Li Man felt her calves go weak, but she still couldn't believe it. "Shopkeeper Xu, can you find out the specific name information? His name is Li Shu. Although he usually likes to fight, But someone who is very kind and not very courageous will not do that kind of thing to assassinate the prince, not to mention, why would he assassinate the prince? It is simply impossible."

Shopkeeper Xu was very embarrassed, "There is a list, but it's not something that my nephew can see. Besides, he doesn't dare to reveal it."

"So, is there any other way to know the exact identities of these people?" Li Hua asked nervously.

Shopkeeper Xu shook his head, "That's all, he's making an exception, and he doesn't dare to ask for other news. After all, it involves the royal family, and if he fails, he will be involved."

"Understood, thank you for your trouble." Li Yan said.

Shopkeeper Xu also sighed, and persuaded, "However, your third brother may not be among them."

But these words did not let a single person breathe a sigh of relief.

It would be better not to be there, but if he was, what would Li Shu do?

When everyone was silent, shopkeeper Xu said again, "Why don't I ask my friend in the capital to inquire again?"

"Is this sixth prince cruel and violent?" Li Man asked suddenly.

Shopkeeper Xu nodded. If these assassins fell into his hands, he was afraid that he would not be able to survive.

"Has he done any cruel and violent things?" Li Man asked.

"This?" Shopkeeper Xu is just a peddler, and he only knows about the things in the capital through his nephew or some rumors. He is not very clear about the details. He is related.

It seems that the prince's party at that time, and the several big families involved in it, were all punished, all of which were supervised by him personally. It is said that no one was spared, from the gray-haired old man to the baby in the swaddle.

After everyone listened, they were already in cold sweat. If Li Shu fell into the hands of such a murderous demon king, what would happen?

"What should I do?" Li Man looked at her men with red eyes.

Li Yan glanced at her, then turned to the shopkeeper and said, "Shopkeeper Xu, it doesn't matter whether it's from the capital or Yunzhou. If you have any clues about my third brother, please let us know."

"Naturally." Shopkeeper Xu also sincerely promised.

"Brother, let's go to Beijing." Li Yan made a decisive decision.

This is what Li Mo thinks, no matter whether it is true or not, the third brother is always looking for him, and if he is really in a desperate situation in the capital, they must be saved, otherwise, this life will rest in peace.

Li Hua also nodded, "Second Brother, I'll listen to you."

However, he looked at Li Man and the sweet children sleeping on the bed. The fatigue of traveling and traveling was still secondary, what if he was in danger again?

"I want to go." Li Man understood from Li Hua's eyes that he wanted to keep her or send her back to Shennvgou, but she didn't want to.

For some reason, I never thought of Beijing

The matter of the city, but when the word "capital" was mentioned today, even when shopkeeper Xu mentioned the case of the sixth prince and the prince many years ago, her heart seemed to be involved in something, densely aching, even, for returning Jing desires more than herself.

Li Man felt that maybe it was because the original owner was from the capital, or else it was because of the spiritual connection between her and Li Shu and his wife.

"Man'er." Li Hua wanted to persuade her, but the shopkeeper Xu said, "Everyone, don't worry. In this case, I will ask someone to inquire first. If he is really in the capital, you can go there later. During the period, you can also discuss and negotiate again."

"Okay." Li Yan felt that shopkeeper Xu's suggestion was very appropriate.

Li Mo also nodded. In addition, he was thinking whether to send Li Man and his fourth brother back to Shennvgou first, and let him and his second brother go to the capital.

"By the way, the old man also has a semicolon in the capital. The dog is mainly in charge. If you insist on going, the old man can write a book and ask him to help you find it. It's better than you who are new here." Shopkeeper Xu said.

Li Yan and the others were very grateful for hearing this.

Shopkeeper Xu also sighed, "Anyone who encounters such a thing will be sad, and they can help if they can. Besides, the jewelry samples you gave me have also made me a lot of money. I always love this kind of love." I have to pay it back."

"But I took the two hundred taels of red envelope." Li Yan was also desperate at the time, and when he came out with Li Mo, he only brought more than a dozen taels of silver, and it cost him food and lodging along the way.

Shopkeeper Xu said with a smile, "What is that? Compared with what you gave, it is too worthless. Well, the matter is settled like this. I will go back and write to the people in my capital immediately. Don't be too concerned about it." Worry, auspicious people have their own signs of heaven, I believe your third brother will be fine."

"En." Li Yan waited to see shopkeeper Xu away, and the family sat in the room with a very dignified atmosphere.

"If." In the end, it was Li Man who spoke first, and said, "I mean, if it is found that Li Shuzhen is in the capital, none of you are allowed to stop me, I will go."

"Man'er, it's not easy to go to the capital, and there are children." Li Mo looked solemn, "I thought, if I don't know, I will send you and Hua'er home first in the morning. There must be someone at home."

"No." Li Man objected immediately, "Will you wait at home? I can't stand it."

The capital city is no different than other places, it is the root of the imperial city, where life and death can be seen when moving, it seems that when she thinks of that place, her heart jumps up with fear.

"Man'er, it's inconvenient for us to go. Besides, if you and the child have a problem, what should we do?" Li Hua also persuaded.

Only Li Yan didn't say anything, just looked at her quietly.

Li Man's nose was sore, and tears welled up in her eyes, "But, I don't trust you either."

It is indeed impossible for her children, her pair of children, to be taken to the capital.

"Wait for news from Shopkeeper Xu first." Finally, Li Yan finally spoke.

Li Man didn't say a word, and when the children woke up, she carried the children to the yard alone to get some air.

Li Mo and Li Yan went out to investigate again, and they didn't come back until dark.

The first decision when I came back was to send Li Man back to Shennvgou early in the morning, and then take another shortcut to the capital.

That meant that they believed that Li Shu was really in the capital, and in the hands of the sixth prince?

Li Man was startled, and secretly made a decision.

On the surface, she didn't say anything, and she was very obedient and docile along the way, until she arrived in the town, but she insisted on going to the shop of the aunt's house first.

Li Yan guessed what she wanted to do.

"Man'er, in fact, it's not just about the children, but also about you. This trip to the capital is not to play, but to save people." Li Yan also persuaded.

Li Man nodded stubbornly, "I know, that's why I'm going."

At least subconsciously, she is somewhat familiar with the imperial city that everyone fears.

"But we don't want you to go." Li Yan insisted, "Let's not talk about the danger on the road, any accidents may happen, even if we arrive in the capital, if we want to save the third younger brother, that is the prince's mansion, how can it be so easy?"

"So, you and the eldest brother are going to take risks? What if Li Shu can't be rescued and you two are brought in again? What should I do? What about the children?" Li Man asked fiercely.

Li Yan was very helpless, and in the end, he forcibly carried Li Man into the car and insisted on sending her home.

Li Man tore with him, yelling, "Li Yan, whether you agree or not, I just want to go. I feel that Li Shu needs me, and you need me too. Seriously, trust me once, it's better to be here than not to be here." .”

"How about it?" Li Yan didn't know whether he was tired of being beaten by her or moved by her words, and finally he was willing to rest and listen to her.

Li Man took a deep breath, looked at him seriously, and said, "First of all, I am more familiar with the capital than you."

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