Fortunate Wife

Extra Episode 58 Think Longer-Term

"You are more familiar with the capital than we are?" Li Yan looked at her suspiciously, "When have you been to the capital?" Or before arriving at Li's house?

Li Mo and Li Hua also looked at her nervously and suspiciously at the same time. Li Man felt a little guilty after being stared at. There seem to be some blurred images, and the intuition is that it is related to the capital.

"Man'er, did you remember something?" Li Hua came over suddenly, with a strange expression on his face, as if he was still worried.

Li Man shook her head quickly, "No, it's just that I feel familiar when I talk about the capital."

"Oh." The three brothers glanced at each other, as if they realized something from her words. That year, the two weird men they met in other counties were also from the capital. Although their identities were mysterious, they could tell at a glance It can be seen that richness is expensive, and when Li Man first came to Li's family, they felt the same way. Such a smart and handsome character cannot be raised by ordinary people.

"Let's not talk about that, let's talk about the benefits of going with you." Li Man hurriedly diverted their attention, and said, "I can take care of your food and daily life, and I also have some medical skills. If you have a headache, I can take care of it. No matter how bad it is, I am a woman. You have to admit that sometimes it is easier for women to do things than men. Quit"

But the first two are fine, but the last one made the three brothers frown at the same time. What are some things she said? Even if she can do it, they are not at ease.

A beautiful woman can be pleasing to the eye at home, but she might be the root of trouble outside.

And they have to admit that their own daughter-in-law definitely has the alluring beauty that makes men risky and impulsive.

"Careful." Looking at their faces, Li Man knew what her men were thinking, and gave them a slight glance, and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely let you rest assured when I go out with you this time, isn't it okay?" ? Let's go to Auntie's house first."

"Let's go, the children are tired too, it's good to go to Auntie's place to rest first." Li Hua looked at the sleeping child in his arms and said distressedly.

Several people went straight to Li Xiangyu's shop.

Tian's grocery store is not far from Li's clothing store, about half a street away.

Because Tian’s house is gone, the frontage rented by the family is divided into two parts. The front part sells groceries, and the back part is a place to eat and sleep. Fortunately, there is a small yard in the back. Still good.

For the sudden visit of Li Man's family, the Tian family was very surprised and pleasantly surprised, but they were a little disappointed not to see Li Shu who came back together.

"The third child hasn't been found yet?" Li Xiangyu asked with red eyes, and looked at the two sleeping children in Li Man and Li Hua's arms, and hurriedly packed up her things, and asked her to sleep on Tian Ningying's small bed first.

Seeing her brothers and sisters-in-law come back, Tian Ningying hurried to boil water and make tea.

After Li Man and the others were seated, Li Yan acted as the representative and told what had happened along the way, including the matter of wanting to go to the capital.

As soon as the capital city was mentioned, Tian Ningying ran over excitedly, "I want to go too, take me with you?"

"You have business everywhere? Go boil the water." Li Xiangyu shot her daughter a look and told her to do something.

Tian Ningying pouted, "It's ready, and the tea is ready, but it's hot. I'll bring it when it cools down."

"Then see if there is any food left. If there is no food, hurry up and buy some. Your brothers and sisters-in-law must be tired and hungry after a long journey, so you hurry up and buy some food for cooking." Li Xiangyu said again.

"Oh." Tian Ningying snorted, quickly took some money from the small drawer on the cabinet, and carried a basket to the vegetable market.

Here, Tian's father and son are also sitting on the side. Tian's father is an honest person, even if he is doing business, he doesn't talk much.

It was Tian Ning'an who raised his concerns. The capital city is so far away. These people have never thought of going to such a place in their life, and they don't have any acquaintances. If something happens and their family members are far away, I can't help even if I want to.

"You don't have to worry about that," Li Yan told about Shopkeeper Xu's son in the capital, and then said to Li Xiangyu, "There is just one thing, Man'er wants to go with us, but the children are too young to take them with them."

"Man'er following?" Li Xiangyu looked at Li Man in surprise, and wanted to say, what can you do if you follow?

But Li Man didn't wait for her to finish, and said directly, "Auntie, don't persuade me, I will go this time no matter what."

"Aren't you going to burden them?" Li Xiangyu told the truth after all, she always thought that women would only cause trouble to men when they went out.

But Li Man didn't think so, at least, she would feel at ease following along, and Li Mo and the others would worry about their own safety because of her presence.

"Auntie, I want to take her with me." Li Yan said suddenly, which surprised Li Man, and immediately, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Li Xiangyu looked at him, "Second brother, I know you can't do without your wife, but going to the capital is no joke, how convenient is it for you to travel long distances with your wife?"

"Why is it inconvenient? I can change into Xiao Wu's clothes." Li Man had already planned this way, and women disguised themselves as men since ancient times.

The corner of Li Xiangyu's mouth twitched, this niece and daughter-in-law are really so whimsical, even thought of a way to pretend to be a man?

"Let her go." Li Mo also chimed in at this time, not because he thought it would be useful for Li Man to follow him, but because his daughter-in-law had even thought of such a trick, which showed that she really wanted to go out. They are all used to her, as long as they are not too outrageous, basically they can't go against her wishes.

Rejoiced, Li Man turned to

Li Hua took a look, and Li Hua nodded helplessly, "Okay, from now on you will be Xiao Wu."

"En." Li Man nodded vigorously.

The whole family has discussed it properly, what else can Li Xiangyu do, he just muttered, "Okay, whatever you like, I'll cook first."

She went straight to the small courtyard behind to cook. Here, Tian Ning'an exchanged looks with his father, then got up, poured all the money in the drawer of the cabinet onto the table, and then deducted a few pieces of silver from no one knew where.

They didn't count, just wrapped them all together with a piece of floral cloth, and handed them to Li Mo.

"Brother, this time you go to the capital, you will definitely spend a lot of money. I don't have much money here, but you should bring our family's heart first."

How could Li Mo be willing to accept it? Looking around, his family of four lived in such a narrow and crowded place, and there were piles of groceries. It was said that their life was very difficult, not to mention, how did they live when all the money was given to them? Still need to buy goods to do business.

He put the package on the table and said, "Don't worry, we have already prepared for the money. You should pack it up quickly. The only thing is that Auntie and Ying'er are going back to live with me. I'm afraid you will suffer a lot here." I'm sorry."

Among other things, just washing and cooking, these two big men are enough.

Tian Ning'an smiled heartily, "My father and I are two old men. Without them, I feel more at ease, and how can I be wronged. But, you must accept this money. It is difficult to go out, and an extra penny is there It’s better than nothing. We’re at home, so it’s easier.”

"Anzi." Li Yan got up at this moment, poured all the money in the cloth bag into their small drawer, and said, "Our brothers have written down your heart, you really don't need money, just take care of it." Just take care of yourself. Another point is that Dagu and Yinger live with their children in my house, so you have to go back and take a look when you find time."

"Naturally." Tian Ning'an nodded, seeing that they didn't want money, he had to give up.

Not long after, Tian Ningying bought vegetables and came back, and Zi and Li Xiangyu started cooking behind.

After everyone had eaten, it was getting late.

Li Xiangyu's mother and daughter packed up and saluted, and followed Li Mo and others back to Shennvgou.

No one lived there for more than half a month, and the front of Li's house looked a bit depressed. The weeds and the flowers raised by Li Man were growing wildly together.

After returning, the women cleaned up the house, and Li Mo and Li Yan went to find his little uncle Zhang Ben.

For nothing else, Zhang Ben's house is close, so even if something happens, it's easier for him to take care of him.

Unexpectedly, when Li Xiangcao heard that they were going to the capital, only her sister and niece would take the children at home, she was worried, so she also packed up and saluted, and urged Zhang Ben to move back together.

Zhang Ben is also very happy.

Li Xiangcao is almost six months pregnant now, and he has to go out to work every day, so he seldom spends time with her. When he arrives at Li's house, he has a sister, a niece, and a pair of children to accompany him, so he can rest assured too much.

Moreover, Li Xiangcao's body is much heavier now, here, at least she doesn't need to eat by herself, and with Li Xiangyu taking care of her, he feels more at ease.

And with him as a man, the women and children of the Li family would be much more secure.

Li Man is very grateful. When it is difficult, there are people close to her to help her.

Even at night, she also packed up some of Xiao Wu's old clothes, preparing to go out tomorrow morning.

Waking up early the next morning, she changed into Xiao Wu's clothes, tied up her black hair, and appeared in front of everyone like a handsome young man.

"Sister-in-law, you want to go out like this?" Tian Ningying circled around her curiously, then stared at her handsome face, and couldn't help shaking her head, "You will catch people's eyes when you go out like that before, but It's even more unsafe to go out like this now."

"Why?" Li Man was puzzled. These were Xiao Wu's old clothes, some of which were still patched. She was already wearing a very low-key dress, but it was also because of Xiao Wu's new clothes, which were too big for her.

Tian Ningying didn't explain, but only looked at the brothers of the Li family. Sure enough, their brows became more and more wrinkled. Hey, they probably thought the same as me.

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