Fortunate Wife

Episode 64 Drinking

Li Man took the list, unfolded it, and saw that it was just some home-cooked dishes, and she often made them, so she smiled, "It's easy, I'll cook it myself in a while. Fry"

"That's hard work." Zhang Jing said with a smile. Li Man cooked these dishes for Mrs. Zhang when she was in the Zhang residence. Mrs. Zhang praised every one of them. Now, he can finally Got a chance to try it.

Li Man folded the list, put it in his arms, and said with a smile, "It's not hard, logically, I should also cook a delicious meal to thank you."

"Because of thanks?" Zhang Jing suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

Seeing his hurt look, Li Man felt very strange, did she say something wrong? Originally, she was grateful for his repeated help to the Li family.

"However." She turned and smiled again, "Of course it's not just because of gratitude, even if you didn't do these things for us, based on the friendship between our two families, whatever you want to eat in the future, just tell me, and I will make it for you."

Zhang Jing looked at her small face with half bright and half dark spots. She looked funny but warm, and the corners of her lips curled up, and she also smiled, "Well, what I'm saying to you, everything I do is worth it."

Li Man was taken aback by what he said, and the faces of the Li family brothers froze slightly. However, thinking about it, Zhang Jing had just had an addiction to his mouth. Now he can no longer threaten them, because Li Man is playing In my heart, I regard him as my elder brother, besides, isn't he going to get married?

"Man'er, let me accompany you to the kitchen." Li Hua got up suddenly and said.

"Well, okay." Li Man got up, and said to Zhang Jing and the others, "You guys talk for a while, at most an hour, and I can let you eat good food. Quit"

"Okay." Zhang Jing and others said yes, and then watched her go out with a smile. The atmosphere was surprisingly good.

Selfish, as soon as Li Man left, there were only three men left in the room, who were strangely silent.

Li Mo didn't talk much at first, so he didn't think much of it, but between Li Yan and Zhang Jing, there were obviously some unusual sparks flickering in each other's eyes.

Even though this young master is going to get married, but he can hide it from others, but he can't hide it from Li Yan.

Li Yan felt that until now, the young master's heart towards Li Man hadn't died out, and even seemed to have a tendency to revive in the past few days, which surprised him and felt strange.

"Master Zhang, this time, about my third brother, thank you very much." Probably feeling that the atmosphere was really wrong, Li Mo spoke first, breaking the deadlock politely.

Zhang Jing's handsome face showed a round of laughter, "Where is it, as Man'er said, based on the friendship between our two families, your business is my business."

"It's just that if my third brother isn't in King Jin's Mansion, then we might have to leave Beijing today." Li Mo said.

Zhang Jing was slightly surprised, "So fast?"

"Oh." Li Mo nodded, if Li Shu wasn't in the capital, there was no need for them to stay.

Zhang Jing said, "That's fine."

Next, the two chatted casually.

Li Mo talked about the purchase of land at home, and said that the older the two children, the cuter they are, and they can already call mother.

Zhang Jing talked about some trivial matters at home and some interesting things encountered in the business field.

Chatting and chatting, the sky gradually dimmed, and the time passed without embarrassment or embarrassment.

In the kitchen, only Li Man and Li Hua were busy. This reminded her of when she was at home, whenever she cooked herself, one of their brothers would always help her, either helping her with the vegetables or lighting the fire. , There is a tacit understanding between the couple, and they can always cook the most delicious dishes.

This time, it was no exception. All the dishes on the menu were ready, and Li Man placed them all on the long table, and then asked Li Hua, "How do I send them over?"

Li Hua searched in the kitchen, only found a tray, and put two dishes in it, "I'll send it there first, and then I'll come back."

"Oh." Fearing that the road would be cooled by the wind, Li Man put a bowl on the plate again.

However, after the two were busy, Yan'er came over, holding the food box in her hand, and asked with a smile, "Miss Man'er, the young master asked me to come and ask, is the food ready?"

"Well, it's done." Li Man hurriedly brought the food box in her hand, and put the dishes in from the tray one by one.

This food box is quite big, with a total of three layers, which can fit all the dishes she cooked in it.

Just as she was about to pick it up, Yan'er said, "Girl, let me do it."

"You can't carry it, let Li Hua carry it." Li Man handed the food box to Li Hua. Putting together such a few dishes is quite heavy.

Yan'er smiled gratefully, and then walked behind with her.

As if intending to talk to Li Man, she walked very slowly.

Li Man is a perceptive person, so she noticed it and asked, "Miss Yan'er, do you have something to tell me?"

"Yeah." Yan'er bit her lips slightly, as if she was a little bit embarrassed.

Li Man said, "If you have anything to say, just say it, do you want my help?"

"Miss Man'er, I can tell that your family is very familiar with the young master, and the young master treats you very differently, especially you." Yan'er stared at Li Man closely, although she couldn't see what Li Man was saying. There was something strange about her face, but she keenly noticed that the young master liked to look at her very much, almost whenever she was around, the young master's eyes would always unconsciously glance at her.

Therefore, Yan'er boldly believes that the young master treats Miss Li Man differently.

Li Man smiled, "That's natural, I'm Mrs. Zhang

My god-granddaughter, logically speaking, is his sister, of course he wants to treat me better, otherwise, the old lady will not do it, haha. "

Is that so? Yan'er didn't think so, but no matter what the truth was, only Li Man could help her with what she wanted.

"Miss Man'er, can you mention it to the young master and take me back with you when you leave Beijing next time?"

"You don't want to stay here?" Li Man asked.

Yan'er nodded, "My parents are Goddess Mountain, and I'm not used to being here alone."

"Miss your parents?" Li Man asked with a smile, and Yan'er hummed. In fact, there was still a small thought in her heart, that is, the young master is coming to Beijing less and less. After living for less than a few days, this phenomenon is just the opposite of previous years.

"Then tell your young master yourself, he doesn't usually live here, and he doesn't need many people to take care of him. It should be no problem to lose you." Li Man thought, why should I help myself in this kind of thing? What's more, Yan'er has been with Zhang Jing for these years, such a small matter, should be said to get his grace.

"Here." Yan'er bit her lip, with a slightly embarrassed look on her face, "Miss Man'er, you don't know, I was the one who begged the young master to come here. Now, I begged to go back , the young master still doesn't know what to think of me."

"What can you think? It's normal for you to miss your parents. Let's go." As he spoke, Li Man took Yan'er's hand and said, "After we have dinner, you can tell your young master, he Will definitely agree."

"Miss Man'er, it's better for you to tell me." Yan'er wanted her to help wholeheartedly.

Li Man glanced at her and snorted, "Well, that's fine, I'll talk to you later. However, he may not listen to me, you have to be mentally prepared."

"Yeah." Yan'er smiled, and immediately said a lot of words of gratitude.

When the two came to the small hall again, the food was already on the table, and Li Hua was pouring wine.

When Li Man saw that they were going to drink, she became a little anxious, "Zhang Jing, don't you have to deliver goods at night? Can you drink?"

"Just a few drinks, it's okay, you want to drink some too?" Zhang Jing ordered Yan'er to fetch another glass.

Li Man stopped, "Don't, I won't drink, so you should drink less."

"Well." Li Mo and the others didn't really want to drink too much, but Zhang Jing said that this meal was just a welcome for them, and they could only do what they wanted and drink with them.

As soon as she was seated, Li Man glanced at Yan'er, and said what she had asked her to do, "Zhang Jing, Yan'er said that she misses her parents, can you take her back with you when you leave Beijing this time?"

"Go back?" Zhang Jing paused with his hand holding the cup, and slightly swept his eyes towards Yan'er.

Yan'er quickly bowed her head, and said nonuo, "Master, last month, my servant received a letter from my elder brother, saying that my mother was seriously ill, and this servant..."

"Well, then you can tell Uncle Fu that you will be granted a one-month family leave." Zhang Jing said lightly, while toasting Li Mo and others.

Yan'er looked disappointed, what she wanted was not a family leave, but to go back to Zhang's house.

She glanced at Li Man again, but Li Man smiled at her, "Let me tell you, your young master is very talkative."

Li Man didn't notice Yan'er's thoughts, but thought that she missed her parents, but she had a month's leave to visit her parents, so she could just go home and see her parents. If she thought about it later, she could still ask for leave.

Yan'er secretly bit her lip, a little unwilling.

Li Man's cooking skills have been professionally trained, and the color and aroma are excellent. Therefore, even Zhang Jing, who is used to eating all kinds of food, is full of praise for it. Drinking and eating food is a joy.

Seeing that it was getting late, Li Man couldn't sit still and had to remind, "Zhang Jing, do you still want to go to King Jin's Mansion?"

She really wanted to say, didn't she mean to deliver the goods to the back residence of the palace? There are women all over there, will it be better when it gets dark?

Unexpectedly, Zhang Jing was not in a hurry, waved his hand at her, and said, "It's still early, you should eat more."

On the one hand, he helped her pick up the food consciously.

Li Man looked outside the house, "Where is it early? It's dark outside."

"Well, if you're in such a hurry, let's go now." Zhang Jing was easy to talk, put down his chopsticks and stood up, but, once the alcohol was strong, his movements were a bit awkward, and he staggered when he walked, which made people anxious .

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