Fortunate Wife

Extra 65 Entering Fu

Li Man followed behind him, a little worried, "Can you still do it? How about another day?"

"No need." Zhang Jing turned his head, his eyes gleamed brightly under the light of the corridor, but he was really drunk.

Seeing that he was unstable, Yan'er quickly supported him, but he pushed him away, "Go, find some clothes for her to change into."

Zhang Jing pointed at Li Man.

And Li Man looked at his drunken eyes, and was a little speechless, "Didn't you say that you only drank two glasses? One after another, and now you are drunk, what should you do? Yan'er, I think you should send him back to the room." .fry"

She turned around angrily and wanted to go back to her room, but Zhang Jing stepped forward and grabbed her wrist, "Man'er, don't you believe me?"

He stared at her with burning eyes.

Li Man hurriedly brushed his hand away, "Zhang Jing, I think you're drunk."

"Go, change clothes with Yan'er, I'll wait for you in the carriage first." Zhang Jing left without saying a word.

Li Man looked at his leaving back and was very troubled, but Yan'er reminded her, "Miss Man'er, come with me."

"Okay." Li Man had no choice but to agree.

In the room, the three Li Mo brothers also agreed, and while Li Man and Yan Er were changing clothes, Qi Qi sneaked out.

So, when Li Man changed her clothes and came back to look for them, she couldn't find any of them. She wondered where they had gone, but she thought that Zhang Jing was still waiting outside, so she only told Yan'er to wait for Li Mo and the others to come back. , just tell them that she has gone to work first, so they don't worry.

Yan'er fully agreed and just waited here.

Li Man followed another maid and left the mansion first.

A carriage was parked at the gate of the Zhang residence, followed by two trucks.

Li Man went straight to the carriage, lifted the curtain of the sedan chair, and saw Zhang Jing sitting inside alone with his eyes closed.

Without saying a word, she climbed up and sat on the small stool.

"Let's go." After she sat down, Zhang Jing gave instructions to the driver in front.

Li Man looked at his slightly opened eyes, "Aren't you asleep?"

"Oh." Zhang Jing snorted softly, stretched out two fingers, and gently rubbed the center of his brows. His eyes slowly opened, and his gaze fell on Li Man's face.

Li Man panicked when he stared at her, "What are you looking at? Is there something wrong with me?"

"Aren't you afraid?" Zhang Jing leaned back, with a lazy and sinister look on his face.

Li Man only thought that he was asking about going to King Jin's Mansion, took a deep breath, and sighed, "I don't know, but I don't worry if I can see it with my own eyes. Zhang Jing, you don't know, Li Shu has been missing for half a year Now, these days, I don't know how he lives, whether he eats and sleeps well, and what should he do if he is really murdered by villains?"

"Oh." Zhang Jing smiled wryly, it seemed that she was really relieved of herself.

"You just got into my carriage by yourself, aren't you afraid that I'll sell you?" Are you unwilling? He said with a fake smile.

Li Man was stunned for a moment, then looked at him and hummed, "Your joke is not funny at all."

Are you kidding me? Zhang Jing snorted self-deprecatingly, and closed his eyes, as if tired.

But Li Man looked at him, feeling something was wrong, and cautiously probed, "Zhang Jing, do you have something on your mind? Or are you worried about going to Prince Jin's Mansion?"

"Yeah." Zhang Jing closed his eyes, and snorted softly again, not sure if he was feeling drunk or was responding to her words.

Li Man bit her lip in confusion, a little discouraged, with his appearance, can he go to the palace?

However, the carriage finally stopped at the gate of Prince Jin's Mansion.

Zhang Jing got out of the car first, went in and said something to the guard at the gate, the guard went in, and after a while, a middle-aged man came out to greet him.

The two exchanged a few polite words, and the middle-aged man asked someone to pull the two carts behind into the mansion, while Zhang Jing returned to the carriage and reached out to pick up Li Man, "Let's go, I'll take you in."

"Yeah." Li Man put his hand on his palm and jumped off the carriage with strength. However, when he wanted to withdraw his hand again, Zhang Jing didn't let go. He just tilted his head and smiled at her, "Tonight This drink has a strong aftertaste, please support me."

"Oh." Li Man really stretched out his hand to support his arm, complaining in his heart that he was drinking more than restraint at night, but the fact was already the case, and he could only give up when he reached the gate of the Prince's Mansion.

When they arrived at the gate of the palace, the middle-aged manager looked at Li Man curiously.

Zhang Jing explained first, "I drank two more glasses of wine tonight, which made you laugh. This is the maid of my house. Although she looks a bit ugly, she is clever. It is the same for asking her to deliver goods to the wives. "

"Oh, it doesn't matter, Boss Zhang, why don't you go to the living room and sit down first?" The middle-aged manager suggested quite thoughtfully.

Zhang Jing nodded, "Okay, then bother Master Shen."

"Why do you and I need to be polite?" As he spoke, the middle-aged manager came to help him in person.

Zhang Jing slowly let go of Li Man, took out a list from his pocket, and handed it to her, "Go, the lists of all the wives are already made, you just need to send them one by one."

"Okay." Li Man replied. At this time, the middle-aged manager was worried, so she ordered another maid to light it up.

The backyard of the palace is very big, followed the guards, and the two trucks also walked for a long time, Li Man was also a little anxious, she didn't really come to deliver the goods, she wanted to come in to check on people.

"Girl, don't worry, we'll be there soon." Probably sensing that Li Man was restless,

The maid called Qiu'er took the initiative to comfort her.

Li Man glanced at her gratefully, and smiled softly, "This is my first time entering the palace, so I'm a little nervous."

"Don't be nervous, the wives in the mansion are all very good-natured, they won't make things difficult for you." Qiu'er comforted again softly.

"Oh." Li Man didn't quite believe it. Since ancient times, in the mansion, women had the most affairs, let alone the palace, and I'm afraid house fights are even more cruel.

"That's right, Miss Qiu'er."

"What's the matter?" Looking at Li Man's big black eyes, and then at her half face covered by black spots, Qiu'er sighed in her heart. She was a good-looking beauty, but the black spots ruined her. ,what a pity.

"Hmm..." Li Man hesitated, with a cautious look, deliberately lowered her voice and approached her, and asked, "I heard that King Jin's Mansion is scary, is it true?"

"What's scary?" A strange light flashed in Qiu'er's eyes.

Li Man frowned slightly, with a silly look, and muttered, "It's just rumored by outsiders that Prince Jin likes to abuse people, and often... woo woo..."

Before she finished speaking, Qiu'er's hand covered her mouth.

Qiu'er yelled at her, and whispered, "You don't want to die, you can talk nonsense."

"Well, I didn't say it. I heard it from someone. Is it true?" Li Man blinked her big innocent eyes and asked anxiously.

Qiu'er let go of her hand and looked at her, "You can see for yourself later."

"See for yourself?" Li Man didn't understand.

However, soon, she understood what she meant by looking.

When passing through a small archway, the daylight-like light inside attracted Li Man's attention. She looked in, but saw more than a dozen large iron cages in the huge courtyard, and each cage contained a few black clumps. Huhu stuff.

"What's in it? A bear?" Li Man asked Qiu'er curiously.

Qiu'er sneered, "Human."

"What?" Li Man thought she heard it wrong. From her perspective, how could she tell that the cage was filled with people.

Qiu'er glanced at her and sneered disdainfully, "They're all damn things."

Her cold expression was completely gone from the gentleness she had when she spoke to Li Man at the beginning, especially her eyes, which made Li Man's heart skip a beat.

Probably because she was afraid of scaring Li Man, Qiu'er suddenly smiled, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "You are really timid, are you scared?"

"Hmm." Frightened by her inconsistency, Li Man looked stiff and asked softly, "Are there real people inside? Why put them in cages?"

"You want to know?" Qiu'er raised an eyebrow at her.

Li Man blinked in astonishment, then nodded foolishly, "Are they criminals?"

"You can also say that, but these people will soon be unable to hold on." Qiu'er said.

Li Man was puzzled.

Seeing her silly expression, Qiu'er smiled happily, leaned closer to her, and said in a low voice, "These people dare to offend the prince, they deserve to be captured and raised."

Li Man still didn't understand.

Qiu'er laughed mysteriously, and continued, "These people are locked in iron cages, and they can't get out again. They have no water to drink or food to eat."

"Then won't they starve to death?" Li Man asked in surprise.

Qiu'er didn't take it seriously, "Useless ones will starve to death, even if they don't starve to death, they will be eaten by others."

"Ah?" Li Man's heart shrank suddenly.

Qiu'er laughed at her expression, "What are you? It's the truth. If you're not up to the mark, if you're really hungry, you might even eat people."

"..." Li Man felt chills all over her body, and then looked at the dozens of iron cages in the yard. The dark things inside seemed to be wriggling, and she couldn't help but vomit.

Qiu'er quickly patted her on the back and said with a smile, "Okay, you are so timid, I shouldn't scare you by saying this. Let's go, let's go and deliver the goods to the wives first."

"Oh, good." Li Man responded, followed Qiu'er for a while, and suddenly ouched, bent over and covered her stomach.

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