Fortunate Wife

Episode 67 stay

Li Man looked at him in surprise, her eyes sparkled, her lips were smiling, she didn't know, she thought he was talking about touching love just now.

But how could he be satisfied? Can you really let her go if you are satisfied?

Why is she so distrustful?

But it's really weird, why didn't anyone come over? Could it be that the movement just now was quiet? The guards of the palace are not as strict as expected.

"The tongue was taken away by the wild cat? You can't speak anymore?" Seeing her beautiful eyeballs turn and turn, Yan Jin couldn't help laughing, and it was rare to tease her.

Li Man lowered her eyes and gave a blank look to herself. How would she know what to say? However, if he is really the king of Jin, then he should pick up nice words, who in this world doesn't like to hear nice things?

"Our lord, he is chic and handsome, majestic, personable, wise and outstanding, capable of both civil and military skills, and a noble tree like the wind."

After saying a lot of flattering words in one breath, and then looking at Yan Jin's half-smile face, Li Man suddenly felt a little guilty, and didn't know whether her bet was right or not.

Just as she was stealing glances at him, his smiling eyes looked at her, "No more? Quit"

"Huh?" Li Man was taken aback.

"Continue." Yan Jin said.

Li Man has a chill, so continue? Does this guy rarely listen to praise? She said so much in one breath, isn't it enough?

"Then what, people have three urgencies, can you trouble me to untie the acupoints for me, I'll go to the latrine first, and I'll talk to you later?"

Yan Jin's eyes flickered, and she looked at her sinisterly, without saying a word, Li Man felt chills just looking at her.

"Well, what exactly do you want to know about our lord? If you ask me, can't I tell you everything?"

Seeing her annoyed and helpless expression, Yan Jin became more patient, and asked slowly, "Well, first tell me what's your name?"

"Black girl." Li Man said something nonsense.

The corners of Yan Jin's eyes twitched, and she looked at her half-black face, but she had accepted such a unique name.

"Steal into the palace, what is the purpose?"

"Huh?" Sneak in? Li Man's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly said, "Who stole in? You just sneaked in."

"Don't tell me?" Yan Jin drew out his sword again, carelessly gesticulating on her face.

Li Man's eyelids twitched, and she hurriedly said, "Don't, swords have no eyes, can you put the sword away first? I say it's still not possible?"

"Do you still dare to bargain?" Yan Jin said, and pressed the sword edge to her half of her intact face, chuckling, "If you scratch a few times here, your face will be completely useless." It's shown."

"So, please be a hero." Li Man was dripping with cold sweat. If her face was hurt, let alone herself, the men in the family would cry to death first.

"I recruit everything. I'm not from this mansion. I'm here with my young master to deliver goods to the wives in the mansion."

Just then, Qiu'er ran over in a hurry, seeing Li Man slumped on the ground, her master was holding a long sword and gesticulating on her face, she was also startled, and hurriedly saluted , "The servant has seen the prince."

"My lord, my lord?" Li Man pretended to be surprised.

Qiu'er didn't dare to answer, but secretly gave her a wink to tell her not to talk nonsense.

Li Man hurriedly bowed her head, pretending to be scared.

Yan Jin looked at it really funny, put away the sword, and asked Qiu'er, "Do you know this ugly thing?"

"Back to the lord, she is the maid who delivered the goods with Mr. Zhang." Qiu'er replied.

Li Man breathed a sigh of relief, and then heard the question again.

"Oh? What's it called?"

"Man'er." Qiu'er replied.

Yan Jin narrowed her eyes and stared at Li Man.

Even if Li Man didn't raise her head, she could still feel the piercing gaze, and hurriedly said, "Man'er is a big name, and Hei Niu is a nickname."

"Oh." Yan Jin nodded, "The name Hei Niu is more suitable for you, so I will call you this name from now on."

black girl? Li Man's small face twisted, but, anyway, she is not from the palace, so why not listen to him?

"My young master must be waiting impatiently. I beg the lord for mercy, let the young one go?"

"It's okay to untie the acupuncture points for you, but I'm afraid I can't if I let you go." Yan Jin tapped her fingertips to help Liman untie the acupuncture points, and then told Qiu'er, "Go, tell Mr. Zhang, another day, The king gave him ten beautiful maidservants, and this ugly thing will stay with the king to relieve the boredom."

"Ah?" Li Man and Qiu'er exclaimed in unison.

"What are you still standing there for?" Seeing Qiu'er in a daze, Yan Jin's expression became a little colder.

Qiu'er hurriedly turned around to leave, but Li Man grabbed her and said with a bitter face, "Don't, my lord, this servant is ugly and stupid, staying by your side will only make you angry, let this servant go back."

"You dare to disobey this king?" Yan Jin suddenly changed his face, his eyes were very frightening.

Li Man trembled, looked at the sword in his hand with a cold light, fell silent, and began to think about how to get out in his mind.

"My lord, this servant wants to go to a latrine." She was all to blame for being nervous, and this was the only way she could think of.

Yan Jin smiled lightly, "Go."

Li Man was overjoyed, and hurriedly ran towards the latrine, but unexpectedly, a man's gloomy and evil voice came from behind, "If you dare to escape, this king will chop your son into meat paste and feed it to the dogs."

Bang—— Li Man staggered, her left foot tripped over her right foot, and she fell out.


p\u003eIt's really stupid, the smile on the corners of Yan Jin's lips deepened, "Qiu'er, send her directly to the king's room in a while."

"Yes." Qiu'er replied, and only after Yan Jin left did she dare to go to help Li Man, staring straight at Li Man's crippled face, amazed, "Tell me, what happened just now?"

"Miss Qiu'er, help me." Li Man grabbed her and begged, "My son treats me as much as a mountain, and I can't betray him. Besides, my parents and elder brothers are all in Zhang's house, so I went to the palace alone. What's the matter? I don't want it."

"You don't want to enter the palace?" Qiu'er looked at her in surprise, as if she didn't believe it, "This is a good thing that many people can't even ask for if they break their heads."

"Then leave it to others. Anyway, I want to follow my son." Li Man said firmly.

Seeing her decisive expression, Qiu'er believed her, but she was still very curious, "What happened just now? The lord wants to keep you as his personal servant?"

"Me." Li Man said with a bitter face, "I came out of the hut just now and heard some noises in the yard, so I went over to look curiously, not wanting to be tapped by someone, and almost given to me by the person in the cage." I dragged it in, it was your lord who saved me."

"My lord, save you?" Qiu'er was stunned. Looking at Li Man's ugly face, she couldn't figure it out. The moonlight is bright tonight. Besides, the light in the yard is so bright. Is it because the lord's eyesight is bad, or is it just a matter of fact? blind? Can't you see how ugly this girl is?

Or, the prince is used to seeing all kinds of beauties, and suddenly wants to change to an ugly one?

Thinking of this, Qiu'er felt a chill.

Li Man was very depressed, "What can I do? He is simply a pervert."


"Ah, no." Anyway, that person is Qiu'er's master, and Li Man didn't dare to say nonsense, "He saved me, and then questioned my identity. That's it, and here you come."

"Oh, the lord said he wanted to scratch your face?" Qiu'er was relieved now, it seems that the lord is only suspicious of her, not interested in her, so this is normal.

"Miss Qiu'er, take me to find my son." Li Man thought, and quickly met Zhang Jing, and then found a countermeasure with him, or they both left the palace and the capital as soon as possible. Will you chase out of the capital in pain?

"En." Qiu'er agreed, and took her all the way to find the manager. Zhang Jing was in a small hall, drinking tea and playing chess leisurely. When he saw Li Man came back, he only raised his eyes to look at her. He asked lightly, "Are you done?"

"It's a mess." Li Man walked up to him with a droopy face, muttering softly.

Zhang Jing's eyebrows twitched, the white piece in his hand hadn't fallen yet, and he only looked at Li Man.

Qiu'er answered for her, "Young Master Zhang, the prince said that he wants to keep Miss Man'er by his side to serve him. He will give you ten beautiful maids someday."

Hearing this, Zhang Jing chuckled softly, "King Jin is really generous."

Qiu'er pursed her lips, Li Man hurriedly bent over, and asked anxiously in his ear, "What should we do? Let's run away quickly."

"Have you ever heard a word?" Zhang Jing asked her, looking back.

"What?" Li Man asked.

Zhang Jing replied, "Under the whole world, is it the king's land?"

"Eh?" Li Man was shocked, "You really asked me to stay?"

"It's rare for the prince to see it, and it's also your blessing." Zhang Jing replied with a slight smile, and while dropping the white piece, the situation of the chess game changed immediately. The manager frowned, thought for a while, and finally shook his head and sighed, "Zhang The young master's chess skills are superb, and the old man is willing to bow down."

Zhang Jing smiled humbly, "Uncle Shen is too modest. If you hadn't made the move just now, this junior would have lost."

Manager Shen laughed.

Zhang Jing got up and said that it was getting late and he had to go back to the house first.

Manager Shen sent them off in person.

Li Man was in a hurry, and quickly chased after him, pulling Zhang Jing's sleeve, "You don't care about me anymore?"

"Be obedient and serve the prince so well, naturally your benefits are indispensable." Zhang Jing gently brushed her hand away.

Li Man's heart felt cold, and she was about to say something, but something was stuffed into her hand, and her heart started beating wildly.

Zhang Jing winked at her, and then left the palace all the way under the escort of Shen Guanshi.

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