Fortunate Wife

Episode 68 Decision

Zhang Jing left, Li Mo held the note, his heart beating wildly.

Qiu'er suddenly patted her on the shoulder and advised, "Just listen to your son, it's better to be with the prince than him."

"I'm going to the latrine." Li Man suddenly ran down the corridor.

Qiu'er's head was full of black lines, "How many times are you going to the latrine tonight?"

Li Man ignored her, and ran all the way to the hut. With the help of the weak light, she unfolded the note and read only two words: Don't be afraid of frying.

How can she not be afraid? Originally, she wanted to come in to find someone, but she couldn't find him, so she put herself in instead, which was not bad, thinking that Li Mo and the others were still anxiously waiting in Zhang's residence, she felt depressed for a while.

What should I do? She scratched her head hard.

At this time, there was a slight hiss from above her head, she couldn't help but look up, and saw Li Yan lying on the wall, waving at her.

"Hmm." Li Man was extremely surprised, quickly covered her mouth, and ran towards him.

And Li Yan also jumped down, hugged her, and asked worriedly, "How is it? Is there something wrong?"

"No." Li Man shook her head and said eagerly, "But, that perverted prince wants to keep me, what should I do?"

"It doesn't matter, let's go." Li Yan squatted down and let her step on his shoulders.

On the other side of the wall, Li Mo and Li Hua were waiting.

But Li Man pulled him and said anxiously, "No, I have to go, that pervert will trouble Zhang Jing."

"No, Zhang Jing has already left first. You can only blame them for not being able to see people well." Li Yan said, holding Li Man in his arms, and simply lifted her up.

On this side, Li Hua stood on Li Mo's shoulder, half of his body almost leaned over, grabbed Li Man's arm, and lifted her up to the wall.

Then, Li Yan climbed up the wall, hugged Li Man, and jumped out of the wall together.

The family of four escaped from the Wang Mansion and ran towards the Zhang Mansion at high speed, but after only one street passed, there was a carriage in front of them, Zhang Jing lifted the curtain and shouted at them, "Get in the carriage. "

Seeing that it was Zhang Jing, several people got into the car involuntarily.

"Did you know we would pass by here?" Li Yan asked after getting into the carriage, Zhang Jing's carriage was clearly waiting here.

Zhang Jing nodded, his expression was different from the usual seriousness.

"Will it hurt you if we leave like this?" Li Man looked at him worriedly.

Zhang Jing shook his head lightly, but his eyes were tangled, "Man'er, you really don't remember anything?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Li Man asked puzzled.

Zhang Jingdao, "Back then, King Jin personally supervised the Shangguan family's case. I think, if you haven't really forgotten, you should be no stranger to him."

As soon as his voice fell, Li Yan grabbed Li Man's hand suddenly, and said angrily, "Man'er's surname is Li, and it has nothing to do with the Shangguan family you mentioned. Don't you think about her. Big brother, fourth brother, we get off."

"En." Li Mo and Li Hua responded.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, if King Jin is held accountable, you can just say we are brothers." Before getting off the car, Li Mo said to Zhang Jing.

Zhang Jing smiled wryly, Li Man, who was pulled out of the car, followed the husbands for a while, but her mind was in a mess, Yan Jin's face, and some strange pictures rushed into her head uncontrollably.

"Li Yan." Suddenly, she stopped, shook off Li Yan's hand, and said, "I want to hear what he has to say."

"What are you talking about?" Li Yan grabbed her hand again, "Don't worry, the third brother is not in the palace, I and the eldest brother looked for it."

"It's not about Li Shu." Li Man shook her head and looked at him tangled, "I don't know what's wrong, but when I saw that prince, a lot of strange things seemed to come out of my mind, very vague, but I wanted to know the truth. "

She knew that this should be the original owner's memory, and even, her current anxious and confused emotions probably came from the original owner.

Perhaps, the original owner still has an unfulfilled wish, waiting for her to fulfill it.

Mou Di, without waiting for Li Mo and others to speak, Li Yan turned around and ran to Zhang Jing's carriage.

The carriage still parked there quietly, and Zhang Jing was the only one in the carriage.

Li Man lifted the curtain and got in.

Zhang Jing opened his eyes and looked at her, "Why are you back again?"

"Did you do it on purpose tonight?" Li Man sat across from him and looked at him seriously, "Deliberately create this opportunity for me to meet King Jin."

"Oh." Zhang Jing snorted noncommittally.

Li Man was puzzled, "Why?"

Zhang Jing stared at her fixedly, and asked after a while, "Why do you want to come back?"

Li Man bit her lower lip slightly, and said softly, "The Shangguan family you mentioned seems to have something to do with me."

Zhang Jing didn't say anything.

Li Man looked at him depressedly, and could only say, "So, tell me your purpose for doing this."

"All the answers you want are with King Jin." Zhang Jing said directly.

Li Man was suspicious, "You mean, you want me to go back to that pervert again?"

"He won't kill you." Zhang Jing said, according to his investigation, it was King Jin who let Li Man go back then, so this also made them puzzled.

Li Man snorted, "How do you know he won't kill me? You don't know that tonight, he threatened me with a sword several times."

"But you're still sitting here and talking to me." Zhang Jing suddenly smiled.


p\u003eLi Man choked, "Could it be that you have to make me lack arms and legs in order to like me?"

"You'd better go, go back to Shennvgou, live your life well, don't worry, no one will disturb you." Zhang Jing said suddenly and seriously.

When he said this, Li Man felt even more uncomfortable, "Zhang Jing..."

It seemed that it was just such a moment, Li Man suddenly made a decision, "I'll go back."

"Where?" Zhang Jing hesitated.

"As you wish, Prince Jin's Mansion." Li Man said and got out of the car.

Zhang Jing wanted to call her, but he opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

Outside the car, Li Yan and others were furious. According to his temper, he wanted to carry Li Man home directly.

But Li Mo stopped him.

When Li Man came to Li's house, she had no memory, but Li Mo would never forget the first time he met him. In the market, this beautiful girl was beaten by traffickers.

Later, in their home, she lived comfortably and happily.

Their brothers also gave her everything as much as possible.

However, for a person who has no memory and no past, his life is doomed to be incomplete.

They can't make that decision for her.

If she wants to get back the past, Li Mo thought, no matter what her past is, the only thing he can do is to be with her and respect her.

But in fact, they can more or less guess about Li Man's past.

Therefore, Li Yan is talented, Li Hua is anxious, and Li Mo is also full of conflicts.

Finally, Li Man got out of the car, and the three brothers rushed forward.

"Man'er, let's go home." Li Yan grabbed her hand and said.

Li Man looked at him, and suddenly regretted agreeing to Zhang Jing, but only for a moment, she felt that there were some things she had to figure out and do.

"Li Yan, I want to go back to King Jin's Mansion."

"What?" Li Yan's eyes were about to burst into flames, "Did you drink alcohol at night too? You're talking nonsense."

"No, Li Yan, listen to me." Li Man hurriedly explained, "Actually, I also want to know what my past is."

"The past is over, what do you want to do about it? Are you unhappy with us?" Li Yan asked.

Li Man shook her head, "No, I'm very happy. However, I don't know what to say. There seems to be something in my heart that is always pulling me to seek answers, to..."

She couldn't say it well, she seemed to feel that there was still someone in this world waiting for her, waiting for her to go...

"Li Yan, brother, Li Hua, I assure you that nothing you don't want will happen. If there is danger, I will run away immediately." Li Man raised her right hand and said.

"Escape?" Li Yan stared at her, "That's the palace, you can escape if you want? What's more, what kind of prince is not a good person at first sight, you are by his side, in case... In short, Neither of us agreed."

"I know what you are worried about." Li Man looked at him, pretending to smile relaxedly, "But, you also look at my face now, who would be interested in such a face?"

She hadn't forgotten that the perverted prince took every ugly thing in his mouth, and the disgusted look in his eyes.

"Just in case." Li Hua said worriedly.

Li Man looked at him and comforted him, "Don't worry, I will put a medicine on my body. If he dares to cheat on me, I will make him unable to be a man for the rest of his life."

"What medicine?" Li Yan asked in shock.

Li Man glanced at the three brothers, then pursed her lips and smiled, "It's medicine for men to be eunuchs."

"You?" Sure enough, the faces of the three Li family brothers twitched at the same time.

"How do you know that kind of thing?" Li Yan asked with an eyebrow.

Li Man raised her small head, "There are many bad people in this world, I must have some self-defense skills, so, don't mess with me in the future, otherwise, hehe..."

The three brothers of the Li family have black lines all over their heads.

However, the tension eased a lot because of her episode.

At the other end, suddenly there was an extra person in the carriage.

Zhang Jing looked at Situ Qing with an evil face, and suddenly became worried, "Qing, tell me, if the prince knows that you secretly sent Man'er to King Jin, will he kill you alive?"

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