Fortunate Wife

Episode 69 Scared

Situ Qing leaned back and raised his eyebrows helplessly, "I'm helping him, okay?"

"But the prince doesn't necessarily think so." Zhang Jing was very worried.

"Don't worry, I'm here for everything, and I won't let that girl suffer any harm." Situ Qing patted him on the shoulder.

Zhang Jing smiled helplessly, his brows still unfurled, "Is it really okay to let her recover her memory? Fry"

If her past was only full of blood and pain, he thinks that she is living a simple life with the Li family brothers now.

"She chose it herself, didn't she?" Situ Qing pursed his lips. He felt that it was fate that Li Man could come to the capital this time.

Li Mo and others personally sent Li Man to the gate of King Jin's Mansion.

"Go back, I promise you'll be fine." Li Man comforted them.

However, such a guarantee is meaningless to them.

"Man'er, think about it again, if you go in like this, is there still a chance to come out?" Li Hua said.

"Fourth brother." Li Mo held his younger brother, and then said to his wife, "Man'er, if you think about it, go, we'll wait for you, you have to be good."

Li Man's nose was sour, she almost gave up, she wanted to follow the husbands back to Shennvgou, and even hoped that nothing happened, and they never left home.

However, inexplicably, there seemed to be something in the palace that could attract her, forcing her to find some truths that she didn't know.

She doesn't know what to do? Her mind was like a muddy mess at the moment, she was already standing at the gate of the palace, but she didn't know whether to advance or retreat.

She only wanted to be Li Man, and she was just Li Man, but she chose to use Shangguan Yu's body, and after arriving in the capital, the consciousness of this body was gradually increasing, and this feeling was particularly strong.

Li Man panicked. Will her ghost from another world be squeezed out again? No, she doesn't want to.

So, following those consciousnesses, she wanted to do something, even if it was to comfort the original owner.

I hope her wish is fulfilled, she can leave completely, and she can be herself again.

While struggling, the gate of the palace suddenly opened, and a group of guards hurried out.

Li Man hurriedly dodged to the side, at this moment, she suddenly heard someone shout, "Man'er."

She saw Qiu'er running out of the door, took her hand, and then shouted at the team of guards, "Commander Wang, he's here, he didn't escape."

The guards stopped, and one of them, a young man with a square face, walked towards them, his gaze fell on Li Man sternly, and asked Qiu'er, "Is that her?"

"Yes, yes." Qiu'er looked at Li Man complaining, "Where did you go? Didn't you go to the latrine? Why did you disappear as soon as you went?"

"Oh." Li Man hurriedly explained, "I thought I would stay in this mansion in the future, but all my belongings are still with our young master, so I have to go back and get them. I don't think so, my young master saw me go back. After scolding me, he sent me back immediately. I'm sorry, Qiu'er, did you worry?"

"So that's how it is." Qiu'er breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at her helplessly, "You, you really haven't seen the world. After following the prince, are you afraid that there will be no benefit? You are still thinking about your belongings. what?"

While speaking, he pulled Li Man into the mansion.

Li Man glanced back, but Li Mo and the others were nowhere to be seen. She guessed that when the guards came out just now, they should have avoided them by themselves. In this way, her heart sank a little.

However, the moment the gate of the palace closed, the three brothers at the corner raised their hearts at the same time.

"Brother, Man'er is so innocent, I'm afraid she's alone." Li Hua looked at her elder brother with red eye circles, secretly regretting that she shouldn't have softened her heart at the beginning, if she had hardened her heart and kept her at home, today's incident would probably not happen up.

Li Yan clenched his fists and stared at the door tightly. It took him a lot of effort to control himself from rushing in to snatch people.

Li Mo, on the other hand, was calmer than ever, "Second brother, fourth brother, I understand your thoughts, but Man'er has her own thoughts."

Li Yan glanced at him and pursed his thin lips. He wanted to refute, but he also agreed with his elder brother's words in his heart.

That's right, his daughter-in-law has always had her own ideas. Even if they forced her to stay, her past will definitely become a demon that hinders her happiness.

"Let's go back and find Zhang Jing." Li Hua suggested suddenly, Li Yan thought of something, nodded, and the three brothers hurried back to Zhang's residence.

On the other side, Qiu'er took Li Man all the way, and trotted to Yan Jin's residence.

Li Man was puzzled, "Why are you in such a hurry? It's almost midnight, isn't your prince sleeping?"

"Man'er, you don't know. I thought you escaped just now, and the prince was so angry that he sent Commander Wang to fetch him in person. Fortunately, you came back. Otherwise, your son and you will definitely not live until tomorrow." Come out." Qiu'er said half seriously and half threateningly, "What are you going to do in the future, you must tell me first, do you understand?"

"Oh." Li Man responded, and ran with Qiu'er, and when she arrived at Yan Jin's place, she was already out of breath.

Qiu'er is not Yan Jin's personal maid, she only waits outside, but because she is a relative of Shen Guanshi, she has a lot of face in the palace, so when she brought Li Man over, the two beautiful women waiting at the door All the maids greeted her with smiles.

"Sister Qiu'er, is there something to do here at this time?" Meier asked.

Qiu'er glanced at Li Man next to her, and replied,

"It's something, please let me know and say Miss Man'er is back."

"Miss Man'er?" Mei'er and Ju'er looked at Li Man at the same time, with astonishment in their eyes.

Li Man thought, we will be colleagues in the future, and it is time to build a good relationship, so she took the initiative to say hello with a smile, "Hello, two sisters."

"Heh." Mei'er chuckled and didn't respond to her, while the other Ju'er simply ignored Li Man's enthusiasm, and asked Qiu'er directly, "You're not mistaken? The prince was angry before because of her? "

Just for her? This question brought a lot of contempt and doubt.

Li Man lowered her head and rolled her eyes secretly.

Qiu'er glanced at Ju'er and urged, "Go and report it, otherwise, how many people will suffer."

"I dare not." Ju'er suddenly lowered her voice, pointed to the room with her finger, and said, "Mrs. Ru is inside."

"Oh." Qiu'er's face collapsed, "Then what should I do?"

"Well, it's so late, my sister should go back and rest first, if she asks, I'll leave it first, if the prince asks, I'll come back later." Meier said.

Qiu'er thought about it, and it could only be like this. This Madam Ru is a ruthless character and jealous, not to mention the concubines and maidservants in this mansion, she doesn't even pay attention to the real princess. Dominating Jin Wang's Mansion for several years, if her good deeds are disturbed, then don't even think about messing around in this world.

"Man'er, just follow Mei'er Ju'er, listen to them about everything, and don't make up your own mind, you know?" Qiu'er ordered and was about to leave.

In other words, Li Man is really reluctant to part with her. Compared with these two, Qiu'er is much gentler and kinder.

But Qiu'er left anyway, and Meier and Juer's complexions also changed. Both pairs of eyes kept looking at Li Man, and finally fell on her face again.

"What's the matter with your face? Is it in the womb, or is it the day after tomorrow?" Mei'er asked.

Li Man sighed and said, "It's in the womb."

"Oh, it's a pity, if this large birthmark is a rare beauty." Ju'er glanced at Meier, gloating a bit.

The same is true for Mei Er, she and Ju Er are two of the six maidservants around King Jin, and they are not outstanding in appearance and talent, but now that Li Man has come, they feel better about themselves in an instant.

"How did you get the lord to take a fancy to you?" Ju'er asked again, logically, their lord is so picky about women to an almost perverted level, how could he have such an ugly face with a birthmark? Where is the woman serving?

You must know that apart from the concubine who was given a marriage by the emperor, all other women in this mansion, including side concubines, concubines, and even maids, have to go through strict inspections before entering the mansion. The first condition is: outstanding appearance, clean, It is best not to have even a scar or even a mole on this body.

But look at Li Man, both Mei Er and Ju Er are suspicious, could it be that the manager is waiting for someone to operate in secret? Otherwise, why are they so harsh on them? And it was too easy for Li Man to come in, right? The birthmark on half of the face, even if you want to pretend to be blind.

Qiu'er had asked this question before, but this time she was asked again, Li Man only felt depressed and innocent, "I have to ask your lord, I was forced."

"What?" Mei'er and Ju'er said in unison, her eyes widened, looking like she was about to eat someone.

Li Man nodded, "It's true, my master is Mr. Zhang Jingzhang, but your lord must keep me, otherwise, you will chop my son into meat sauce and feed it to the dogs."

"Drink." Mei'er and Ju'er heard the words, their expressions were very ugly.

At this time, I heard a woman screaming inside, and then saw a woman in thin clothes running out, scrambling and shouting, "Someone is here, help me."

"Mrs. Ru." Mei'er Ju'er hurried over to help her, but she didn't want to. At this time, a man with only panties and a bare upper body came out with a sword, and mercilessly pointed at Mrs. Ru's buttocks. Just cut it down.

Mrs. Ru screamed again, Meier and Ju'er were also frightened, they let go of Mrs. Ru, and ran away with their heads in their arms.

Li Man also turned around and ran away at the first time, but this man aimed at her, flew down in front of her, and put a sword on her neck.

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