Fortunate Wife

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Prince? Is there something wrong with this person's brain, or something wrong with his tongue? Li Man looked at him in astonishment.

"Tell me, who are you?" Yan Jin walked up to her slowly and forced her to a corner of the desk.

Li Man was even more surprised, "I am Man'er, my lord, have you forgotten? You asked me to come and serve you."

"Me? How dare a servant call himself me in front of the prince?" He stretched out his slender fingers, clamped Li Man's chin suddenly, held her face up, and examined her carefully, a trace of doubt came from his eyes. There was a flash in those blood-red eyes, and it was fleeting.

Li Man naturally didn't realize that his strength was too great, and he felt like his jaw would be crushed by him, so she shouted unwillingly, "Your servant is wrong."

She was really wrong, she shouldn't have come to this perverted mansion, she shouldn't have turned back to take care of him, and she shouldn't have thought that he would wake up until dawn, so that even the exits such as doors and windows were blocked.

Woohoo, she was so depressed that she was about to cry, what day is tonight? Why did all the bad luck happen to her?

"Why are you crying? The Crown Prince didn't say he was going to kill you." Seeing her pitiful weeping face, Yan Jin let go of her suddenly, looked down at her, and said, "However, the Crown Prince treats you very badly." , when did you enter my prince's mansion?"

One mouthful and one prince again? Li Man was sure that this person probably had a brain problem. The whole country knew that the current crown prince was the third prince, and he was clearly the sixth prince.

"My lord, are you sure this is the Prince's Mansion?" She asked cautiously.

Unexpectedly, Yan Jin's eyes changed, sharp as an edge, "Everyone thinks that the crown prince is not stable in this position, now, even you, a little servant, dare to question the crown prince?"

Question the prince? This crime is not a small one, but the key point is that he is not the prince.

Li Man carefully observed him, and this observation really shocked her. The person in front of her was indeed Yan Jin, but her tone of voice and expression seemed to be different from before.

The ministry is schizophrenic, right?

"You go." Suddenly, Yan Jin glanced at her indifferently, and then turned his back, only throwing her an indifferent back.

But can you really go? Li Man took small steps, slipped out from beside him, and then strode towards the door with big strides.

"Stop." Suddenly, his low voice came from behind.

Li Man's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly pulled the door, wanting to rush out, however, the door had already been locked by Mei Er from the outside, and it was useless even though it was banging.

When she was in a hurry, Yan Jin had already walked over, gently pushed her away, and pulled the door herself. After a few tries, Fang became angry, "Bastards, who gave you the courage to open the door quickly."

He yelled these words towards the door, but the two girls were not outside the door and couldn't hear them.

Moreover, Yan Jin has a habit, although the entire Prince Jin Mansion is heavily guarded, but only his courtyard, except for a few maids serving at night, he does not allow anyone to approach, including the guards.

Therefore, at this time, no one knows how Yan Jin gets angry.

On the contrary, his appearance frightened Li Man a little.

"Wang, what..." I didn't know whether to call him the prince or the prince, so Li Man simply didn't call him anything, and said softly beside him, "Why don't I go out through the window, Stop shouting, it's so late, they probably all fell asleep."

She is not from ancient times, and she has never been served by others, so I really don't know. There is an absolute distinction between master and servant here. The staring ones, even taking a nap, will be punished if they are discovered.

So, she said that the other people had probably fallen asleep. She wanted to comfort this person and appease his anger, but unexpectedly, she stepped on his sore spot.

"Yeah, I've all gone to sleep." Yan Jin sneered at himself suddenly, his gaze fell on Li Man again, and asked in a strange tone, "Why did you stay here?"

"Me? Numaid..." Li Man didn't know whether he was really schizophrenic, or pretending to be confused, so he had no choice but to reply, "You ordered the servant to stay and serve."

"Really?" Yan Jin often frowned, as if recalling something, and said slowly, "But the prince was sleeping on the ground just now, what happened?"

"Ah? Is there?" Li Man felt that he didn't even remember himself. If he told the story of him sleeping in the closet after the thunder just now, he might not believe it. He had no choice but to pretend to be confused, "I remember you It was sleeping on the bed, why is it on the ground?"

"Don't be afraid, the prince is a useless person now, and he won't do anything to you."

When he said this, there was still a slight smile on his face, but Li Man only felt that the smile was bitter and astringent, and it made her feel familiar for no reason.

"You are the prince, how can you be a useless person?" So, for no reason, she went crazy with him, following his words to comfort him.

Yan Jin's eyes were dark, "Have you ever seen a prince locked in a room?"

"..." Li Man was taken aback, and quickly said, "They didn't do it on purpose, maybe, it was just a little joke, just wait, I will settle accounts with them tomorrow."

"Me again?" Yan Jin raised her eyebrows.

Li Man said 'oh', biting her lips annoyed, "Slave."

"Oh, that's all, you can do whatever you want." Yan Jin was lazy to care about these things with her suddenly, he just looked up, looked at the blurry night outside the window through the window, and murmured, "I know, you must be my mother." The concubine sent it.


"Ah? Oh." Who is his mother and concubine? Li Man didn't know it, she just lowered her head nonchalantly.

Yan Jin didn't look at her, but said to herself, "Tell her, I won't seek death, but I don't want to see her again."

"..." What kind of situation is this? Li Man was at a loss, there were so many things going on among the royal family.

"If she wants you to stay, then stay." She didn't seem to hear her utter a word, Yan Jin turned her head to look at her at this moment, and said with a smile, "You are very different from the previous ones, she finally knows what I like That's right, it's just that, except for these eyes, you don't look like her at all."

"Her?" Who? Li Man keenly recalled that when Yan Jin pointed his sword at her before, his eyes seemed to have a familiar feeling.

Yan Jin didn't answer her at all, but when talking about her, he was full of unspeakable sadness, "She must hate me very much, she hasn't come to me for a long time. She..."

Suddenly, he turned his head, a strange beast glow shot out from his blood-red eyes, and he grabbed Li Man's slender neck viciously with one hand.

Woo hoo, no? Just said it well, and pinched someone again?

The feeling of suffocation was overwhelmed in an instant, Li Man squeezed his hands hard with both hands, and kicked him hard with both feet.

However, this person's strength is really great, and her strength is undoubtedly a tickle for him.

"You bitch, it's all your deluded prince brother, you're the one who killed him, this king is going to send you to hell today."

Li Man, who was extremely suffocated, naturally didn't notice the change of address. When she almost fainted, her body was thrown out by him like a dilapidated doll.

Just fell on the big bed without the sheet.

Her internal organs were about to fall out, but the pain made her conscious a little bit.

However, before she could react, the man's strong body pressed up and roughly tore her clothes.

This person is really insane, Li Man was sure, and tried her best to block her evil hand, but, even so, the thin clothes were quickly torn to pieces by him.

She cried, and the sobbing sound made the man on her body stiff, and then he bent down fiercely to bite her neck.

At that moment, Li Man was suffocated, no, no, no one can touch her except her husbands, no...

She also opened her mouth and bit his shoulder.

As soon as the man was in pain, he stood up suddenly and raised his hand to hit her. However, before the palm of his hand touched her face, his whole body seemed to have been immobilized, and he stood still in a daze. If you look closely, you will find that, A fierce battle was going on in the man's blood-red eyes.

"No." Suddenly, he shouted and ran away from her.

Li Man hurriedly took advantage of the situation to get up, and saw this person standing in the middle of the hall, talking angrily, there seemed to be a person standing opposite him, but it was more like he was talking to herself, and what was even more unbelievable was that, He actually fought with himself, and finally, one of them rolled to the ground, as if fighting with another invisible self.

"Yu'er, go quickly." Suddenly, the man on the ground looked up at her and shouted anxiously.

But in the next moment, his eyes changed, and he was extremely fierce, "Bitch, I won't make it easy for you."

"Ajin, don't be like this, Yu'er, run." The man on the ground seemed to be struggling to get up, and then suddenly fell hard again.

Li Man's mind became a mess. If it wasn't for the pain in her body, she would definitely think that the scene in front of her was an illusion. Otherwise, she was obviously alone, why would she feel like two people, even if she was schizophrenic, she could appear in the same place On an individual?

She is so confused!

However, her mind was confused, but her body became more agile. Based on the instinct of escape, she no longer cared about the crazy man on the ground, and hurried to the window, regardless of what was going on outside. She opened the window and climbed up. Knowing that, he hurriedly jumped down.

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