Fortunate Wife

Episode 76 Surprise

Li Man jumped out of the window without hesitation. Unexpectedly, the ground was more than one meter high from the window sill, surrounded by flowers and plants. After the wind and rain in the middle of the night, the place was very slippery. It slipped, and the whole person fell backwards, and he didn't know where he knocked his head. Suddenly, his eyes turned black, and he passed out.

But at this moment, at the gate of King Jin's Mansion, Zhang Jing and others rushed over, but they were stopped by guards. It was useless to say it or not. In the end, Li Yan suggested that it is better to find a deserted place and climb the wall to enter.

Before, the three brothers, mixed among Zhang Jing's delivery people, went to the King Jin's Mansion. I still remember the general location inside. Everyone felt that the wall that saved Li Man from before was not bad, not very high. , convenient travel.

Unexpectedly, when a few people arrived, the large wall was surrounded by thorns. Li Mo wanted to tear away these obstacles, but was stopped by Zhang Jing.

"Don't touch them, they're poisonous."

"Poison?" Li Hua looked at these fresh thorns in astonishment. Obviously, they had only been planted there not long ago. It seemed that the prince already knew that Li Man escaped from here last time.

Involuntarily, he began to worry about his daughter-in-law coming. If he knew that his daughter-in-law had escaped, he didn't know what the perverted prince would do.

At this moment, Li Mo's eyelids twitched, and Li Yan also panicked, wondering if it was because the road over the wall was blocked or what? In short, the three brothers felt unwell almost telepathically.

"Brother Zhang, think of a way. Anyway, we must meet Man'er." Li Hua said suddenly and resolutely.

Zhang Jing was really embarrassed, it was not appropriate to forcefully break into the prince's mansion like this, besides, among the four of them, three of them did not know martial arts, so the guards might find out and arrest them before they could find anyone.

"Well, it's because of him, so we can only go to him now." In the end, Zhang Jing decided to take them to Situ Qing.

Li Mo and the others couldn't think of a better way, so they had to follow him to find Situ Qing. In short, no matter what tonight, they had to find a wife.

Fortunately, Situ Qing, who was always erratic, stayed at home obediently tonight, and when the servants informed him, he greeted him personally.

When Li Mo and others saw it was him, they suddenly felt extremely jealous when their enemies met.

"He designed this?" Li Yan pointed to Situ Qing and asked Zhang Jing.

Zhang Jing didn't make a sound, which was tantamount to acquiescing.

Just as Li Yan was about to explode, Li Mo's fist hit Situ Qing's face one step ahead of him.

Situ Qing's handsome cheeks suddenly swelled up, and blood oozes from the corners of his bruised mouth. However, he had expected this, carelessly wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and after spitting out a mouthful of blood, he behaved as evil as ever chuckle.

"Well, I got punched twice in one night, and it was all caused by that damn girl, and I deserve it. How about it, you guys are here too, so go in and have a drink with me."

"Drink?" Zhang Jing looked at the three brothers of the Li family who were about to eat people, and quickly winked at Situ Qing, and pulled him aside, "Qing, my husband came to ask for someone, you can figure it out."

"What can I do?" Situ Qing sneered, "Why don't you go to Dan and ask him to ask for a decree to flatten Prince Jin's mansion and save that girl."

"Have you been drinking?" Zhang Jing felt that what he said was nonsense, how could the prince do this? What's more, will the emperor agree? After the crown prince passed away, the emperor was deeply saddened, and Yan Jin was once the most beloved younger brother of the former crown prince, the emperor empathized, and now treats the current Yan Jin as a treasure, pampering him, and even decreed to flatten Prince Jin's mansion ? I'm afraid that even if the current Prince's Mansion is pacified, King Jin's Mansion will not be pacified.

Situ Qing put his hand on his shoulder and said helplessly, "Let's go, I've already let Lin Lang go."

"Her?" Zhang Jing looked at him suspiciously. Aren't they always rivals?

"Except for her, I'm afraid no one will enter King Jin's mansion again. Don't worry, if that girl does something wrong, I will be the first to suffer." Situ Qing smiled nonchalantly, but the smile was a bit bitter.

Zhang Jing knew that if something happened to Li Man, Yan Dan would definitely not let Situ Qing go, but what about Situ Qing himself? He clearly saw his own shadow from this fellow.

However, Yandan didn't move at all when he heard about it?

"A few of them, you are in charge." Without waiting for Zhang Jing's words, Situ Qing turned around and went to the mansion, throwing the trouble of the Li family brothers to Zhang Jing.

"What did he say?" Li Yan came over and asked.

Zhang Jing had no choice but to answer honestly, "He sent Princess Linlang to King Jin's Mansion."

"What's the use?" Li Hua was a little anxious.

Zhang Jing looked at him and explained, "Princess Linlang is King Jin's aunt and cousin. The two have a close relationship. If Qing asks her to take care of Li Man, there will be no mistakes."

"But how can we rest assured of an outsider?" Li Hua thought of what he saw on the street that day. Princess Linlang chased and beat Situ Qing on horseback. The two were clearly like enemies. Would the girl listen to Situ Qing? What if he vented his hatred on Li Man?

"Zhang Jing, we don't want anything else, we just want to see Man'er as soon as possible." Li Yan felt anxious before, but now, that bad feeling is getting stronger and stronger, he is very worried, is Man'er already problem occurs.

Li Mo also said, "What the second brother said is that the third brother was not found, so we can no longer take Man'er in. If she wants to find her past, we can accompany her. Or, Zhang Jing, you can find a way to send it to me. Let's go to the palace."

Hey, Zhang Jing was said to be one head and two big, and finally, helplessly said,

"Well, how about, let me tell you something about her first, and after you listen to it, decide whether you want to take her back?"

"Man'er's past? Do you know?" Li Hua was suspicious.

Zhang Jingshen frowned and sighed softly, "I know a little bit."

Li Hua looked at his two elder brothers, Li Mo and Li Yan also met each other, reached a tacit understanding, and nodded.

"Let's go. In fact, Qing is not a bad person. He has his own reasons for doing this." Zhang Jing still hoped that they could reconcile.

However, when Situ Qing was mentioned, the three brothers of the Li family all expressed displeasure. Leaving aside this incident, the matter of being banned for drowning back then is still an unbearable thorn in their hearts.

"Zhang Jing, if you go with him, that's all. We brothers will find a way to save Man'er." Li Yan said bluntly.

Zhang Jing was depressed, "Come on, we'll talk about the matter with him later, I'll tell you what I know first."

Situ Qing didn't go far, just leaned against the corner of the corridor, quietly listening to Zhang Jing's story.

Those things, thinking about it now, are too far away, and the distant ones really seem to be listening to a touching story.

However, Li Man, the protagonist of the story, really has the characteristics of a heroine. Her family was rebellious, she escaped from death, married as a wife, and was made things difficult by others.

However, being able to be a heroine naturally has the advantage of being a heroine, just like weeds that can't be stepped on to death, after being abused hundreds of times, there will be a chance to turn around.

Unfortunately, Li Man fell into a coma by jumping out of the window, but when she woke up, she was in a clean and warm room. Sitting there is a man who is as beautiful as a city.

man? Li Man's slightly opened eyes suddenly widened.

"Are you the prince or the prince?"

Yan Jin leaned on the head of the bed, also fell asleep, when she asked this, she woke up suddenly, only looked at her in a daze, "Are you awake?"

"You? Recognize me?" Li Man looked at him suspiciously. At this moment, he had clear eyebrows and clear eyes, like a normal person.

"Ugly thing, did you fall so stupid?" Yan Jin suddenly reached out to pat her head, "Does it still hurt? This king will send someone to call the imperial doctor over."

"Wait." He called himself ugly, so he is the prince? When Li Man thought about it, her head really hurt, and she frowned.

Yan Jin hurriedly got up, "It hurts?"

"What's wrong with me?" Li Man stretched out her hand and rubbed her head, and found that her head was wrapped in gauze, and she was a little confused. Last night, she remembered that she jumped from the window, and then she didn't remember anything.

Yan Jin glanced at her, "I would like to ask you this question, okay, why did you go behind the house? If Meower hadn't found you, you probably wouldn't know even if you were dead now."

"You don't know why I'm behind the house?" Li Man was stunned, so he didn't remember, last night he told him to run away, but he wanted to chase and kill him? "My lord, do you remember what happened last night?"

"Last night?" Yan Jin's complexion changed, and he snorted, "You mean you, an ugly girl, suddenly passed out under my king's window? This made me sleepless in the middle of the night, and even invited an imperial physician to treat you ?”

"..." He really doesn't remember, or is he acting?

Suddenly, Yan Jin's handsome face suddenly magnified in front of her eyes, he turned over, and Li Man's heart almost stopped beating in shock, "What are you doing?" The scene of him tearing her clothes frantically last night appeared in her mind again , so real.

Yan Jin narrowed her eyes and examined her carefully, "Ugly thing, tell me, what did you see last night?"

"Ah?" He was really acting, Li Man's thoughts changed quickly, and she pretended to be confused, "I came over last night and saw you fell asleep, my lord."

"That's all?" Yan Jin pursed her lips, and a cold smile overflowed from the corner of her lips.

Li Man's heart sank. She must have discovered his perverted schizophrenia and would have been killed by him, right?

"I, I promise, I will never reveal to the outside world that the prince slept dishonestly and rolled to the ground." She avoided the serious and made a solemn vow.

Seeing her like this, Yan Jin smiled lightly, gently stroked half of her dark-spotted cheek with one hand, and said softly, "Okay, if you think about this king so much, this king will not treat you badly."

"Oh." Li Man struggled to remember, this person changed his face several times in one night, who knows what he wants to do in the next second? "My lord, I want to go back to my room and rest, okay?"

"This is your room." Yan Jin said.

Li Man looked around, it wasn't Yan Jin's bedroom, but it wasn't the one that Ju'er took her to, "Where is this?"

"My king's study." Yan Jin replied with a smile.

"Isn't it?" Li Man was startled, and sat up abruptly, her head dizzy again.

Yan Jin frowned in displeasure, "Why are you so excited? This king has some important matters to deal with recently, and you, with such an ugly face, just refresh your mind."

"..." What the hell kind of reason is this.

"Why? Don't you like it?" Yan Jin sat on the bed again, looked into her eyes, and asked gently. At that moment, Li Man had the illusion that his eyes and words were possessed by the Li family brothers. .

But, no, Li Man quickly realized that the Li family brothers were her husbands, and it was normal to treat her like this, but this man?

Reminiscing about last night, Li Man quickly thought, could it be that the other half of this person belonged to the former prince, and then they all regarded her as their lover at the same time?

But it's too weird, right? A prince, a prince, the lover in his heart is she like this? With a birthmark on her face?

"Why don't you talk?" Yan Jin suddenly smiled again, with a gorgeous and charming smile, "This king is going to tell you another more surprising thing."

"What's the matter?" Li Man instinctively felt that it was not a good thing.

Yan Jin stared at her face closely, and said word by word, "I have let the imperial physician see your face, and said it can be cured, how about it? Are you happy to get rid of this ugly face?"

Happy you big-headed ghost, Li Man almost blurted out cursing, she did it on purpose, okay?

"My lord, I'm just a girl who waits on people. Appearance is a thing, okay. This birthmark has been with me for more than ten years, and I'm used to it. It's going to come off suddenly, okay." She said as calmly as possible. .

Yan Jin stretched out his hand to stroke her hair, and asked with a smile, "Can't you be more beautiful?"

"What's so good?" Li Man snorted sullenly.

"Perhaps, without this piece, you can get into the eyes of this king, isn't it a good thing?" Yan Jin raised her eyebrows and asked.

Li Man's heart trembled, and she really wanted to say that if she fell in love with him, it would be the scariest thing in the world.

However, looking at his eyes, he is more inquisitive, less affectionate, and he likes her? I'm afraid that's not possible.

"My lord is really good at joking." She lowered her head and muttered depressingly, thinking in her heart, she must not let the husbands know about this, otherwise, this jealous jar will be overturned, and there will be no way to live in the future up.

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