Fortunate Wife

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"A joke? Yan Jin snorted softly, "Do you think this king is someone who can joke with you? "

It's not a joke, it's just that he is still in a state of madness, Li Man thought to herself, but her mouth was tightly pursed and she didn't say a word.

Yan Jin shrugged his eyebrows, as if he thought it was boring to tease her like this, so he got up and walked to the desk, and leisurely read the book.

Li Man didn't have that leisurely mind, and she didn't know what time it was, only that it was already daybreak, and the clothes she had obviously changed made her very depressed, did he change them? Better not.

She lifted the quilt and got out of bed, but she couldn't find her clothes, and now she was only wearing her middle clothes, so she couldn't go out.

She didn't even have any shoes, she only wore socks, stood on the ground depressed, looked at Yan Jin, and said, "My lord, can you ask someone to send me a set of clothes and shoes? Quit"

Yan Jin turned her head, looked her up and down, and asked amusedly, "Are you talking to me?"

Is there anyone else in the room besides him? Li Man gave him a blank look in her heart, with a weak expression on her face, "Yes, my lord, can someone send me a suit and shoes?"

"What do you want to do?" Yan Jin asked without answering.

Li Man bit her lip, "I want to go out for a walk."

"Let's go? Do you think the king's palace is a small vegetable garden? Can you just wander around?" Yan Jin deliberately made things difficult for her.

"No." Li Man explained, "My lord, you kept me just to serve you? Now, you are reading, how can I lie on the bed and sleep peacefully?"

"So?" Yan Jin's eyes flashed with interest.

Li Man lowered her head and said in a low voice, "I can wait on the sidelines, serving tea and water."

Yan Jin slightly pursed her lower lip, probably also thought that the idea was good, so she readily agreed, "Okay, you go to Meier, let her take you to freshen up, and then come to serve the king."

"Oh." Mei'er is a woman, so there is nothing wrong with her looking for her like this.

But when she just walked to the door, Yan Jin suddenly called to her, "Don't play tricks with me, let alone try to escape, otherwise, I will have a lot of ways to catch you."

Who wants to play tricks, who wants to escape? Being threatened by him like this, Li Man felt furious, opened the door abruptly, rushed out with her head buried, and accidentally bumped into someone.

"Ouch." After an exclamation, Bei Linlang rubbed her nose and stared at Li Man in astonishment, "Girl, are you awake?"

Li Man also stared at the beautiful and flamboyant little girl in front of her, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, did I hurt you?"

"It's okay." Bei Linlang put down her hands, the tip of her nose was still red, she just smiled and looked at Li Man, and suddenly felt that this girl has a pair of clean and beautiful eyes, if there is no spot on her face, she must be a girl Such a beautiful woman, no wonder her cousin would keep her at his house, no wonder Situ Qing made an exception to invite her to come forward.

Thinking of Situ Qing, the smile on Bei Linlang's face froze, she asked suspiciously, "Girl, where are you going?"

"Go and change clothes." Li Man was a little embarrassed.

It was only then that Bei Linlang noticed that her clothes were thin and she didn't wear shoes on her feet, so she slapped her head and said apologetically, "I'm really sorry, I should have thought of it when I changed your clothes last night, just wait, I Send someone to bring it to you."

After finishing speaking, she immediately turned to leave, but was stopped by Li Man.

"Girl, wait."

"What?" Bei Linlang turned around.

Li Man took a few steps towards her, and asked suspiciously, "You changed my clothes last night?"

"Oh." Bei Linlang was also a little embarrassed. This was the first time she did something for a servant, and it was all because of her cousin, "You passed out last night, and your clothes were all soaked, so my cousin called I'll come over."

In fact, the cousin is also unwilling to touch Li Man with the hands of other servants.

Li Man breathed a sigh of relief. Although she was not familiar with Bei Linlang, she was better than Yan Jin.

"Thank you, miss. Are you looking for the prince? He's inside. I'll take care of the clothes myself." Li Man said with a smile.

To be honest, Li Man's smile is very pretty, just like the clear sky after the rain, clean and beautiful, plus she speaks in a natural and generous way, without the humbleness and flattery of other servants, which makes Bei Linlang even more Curious about her identity.

"Well, my name is Bei Linlang, and I'm King Jin's cousin. I will live in this mansion for a while, so if you need anything in the future, you can come to me. If your cousin bullies you, just tell me and I will teach you a lesson. Him." Bei Linlang also said cheerfully.

"Well, thank you." Li Man nodded with a smile, and suddenly felt that this bright and enthusiastic girl looked familiar, but for a while, she couldn't remember where she had seen her before.

However, Bei Linlang quickly entered the study, and she didn't investigate further, only looking for Mei'er.

First of all, Bei Linlang entered the study and saw Yan Jin sitting by the window reading a book, the corners of her eyes twitched, and she jokingly said, "Is the sun coming out from the west today? Cousin is actually reading?"

You know, this cousin of hers, from childhood to adulthood, only loves to play with guns and sticks, is extremely naughty, and studies and reads books? That is really a rare thing, even though he has such a big study room, it is also full of books, but how often he will touch the book, who knows.

Anyway, since she was a child, she hadn't seen him read a lot.

Hearing this, Yan Jin turned around, and the page was facing Bei Linlang.

Bei Linlang's eyes were very good, and she saw clearly the four large characters on the page at a glance - "Secret History of Fragrant Boudoir", and almost choked herself to death with a mouthful of saliva.

"Cousin, you, you actually read such banned books?"

"Have you seen it?" Yan Jin raised an eyebrow and asked.

Bei Linlang blushed and said hastily, "Who has seen it? I haven't."

"Really? Then how do you know it's a forbidden book?" Yan Jin smiled lowly.

Bei Linlang's face was scalded, "In short, this is a banned book. If the emperor knows that you like to read these books, you will definitely be angry."

"Just be angry if you are angry. Isn't this a normal thing for him?" Yan Jin threw the book on the table indifferently and asked her, "Why are you here so early?"

"Well, look at you." Bei Linlang collected her emotions and looked at him with concern, "Cousin, I think you seem to have lost weight recently. Is the food cooked by the cook in the house not delicious? Or , I’ll pick a few more good ones for you.”

"Don't talk about anything else, tell me honestly, what is the purpose of coming here this time?" Yan Jin didn't believe that she would be so kind. This girl belongs to the white-eyed wolf. Don't talk about coming to the mansion to play, it's just that he searched for good things and sent them to her several times, but she sent them back several times. It seemed that he deliberately wanted to draw a line with him for that prodigal son Situ. Fortunately, he actually came to his house in the middle of the night, even willingly doing such servant work as serving people and changing clothes, this is too fake.

Faced with Yan Jin's scrutinizing eyes, Bei Linlang felt very guilty. This cousin has very poisonous eyes, and he is the most sensitive and annoying.

"Okay, let me say, I had a fight with my mother, and I have nowhere to go, so I'll come to you to hide for a few days."

"Really?" Yan Jin's face softened, and his serious look really looked like a calm elder brother, "Lin Lang, let me tell you, you have grown up too, and my aunt can't be too strict, how about it, after a while I'll send someone to go, and I might as well bring my aunt to come and stay for a while, and you two will be together, and then explain things clearly."

"Ah, don't." Bei Linlang went out in the middle of the night, but no one in the house knew about it except her confidant maid. If someone said this, it would be revealed.

"What?" Yan Jin was puzzled.

Bei Linlang hurriedly said, "Cousin, I'm only staying for a few days, don't look for my mother, it's not like you don't know that when she comes, she will be nagging non-stop, hum, it will not only be me, Even you have to suffer, hey, the concubine's sister-in-law has been in the house for two years, and you haven't even touched anyone, right? If my mother knows about this, do you think your life will be clean in the future?"

"You girl, are you going to threaten your cousin?" Yan Jin smiled softly, but her expression was very happy, as if she was not affected by her words at all.

However, Bei Linlang was curious about his attitude, her cousin had never been so easy to talk to.

"Cousin, who is that girl last night?" Not only Yan Jin's attitude towards Li Man, but also Situ Qing, so she was eager to know something.

"What girl?" Yan Jin was pretending to be stupid.

Bei Lin glanced at him, "Still pretending to be with me? She called me in the middle of the night to wipe her body and change her clothes. Don't tell me, she is really a new girl? If you want to do this, I'm afraid they will come to you This palace is a girl, and the treatment is too good."

"Oh, you mean her?" Yan Jin smiled, met her excited eyes, changed the subject, and said suddenly, "Such an ugly thing, what can I say, it's just a servant."

"Servant?" Bei Linlang wanted to ask, "Why don't you treat other servants like this? Even, let her sleep on the bed you usually sleep in?"

Just as she was talking, Li Man had already come in, her hair combed, her clothes changed, and a pot of freshly brewed tea was still in her hand.

She didn't know the ancient etiquette, she just stood at the door and knocked lightly a few times like the modern ones.

"My lord, the tea is ready, can I bring it in?"

Her appearance explained everything very well, Yan Jin spread her hands and said, "Nuo, you have seen it too, she is a servant."

Bei Linlang watched Li Man come in, watched her carefully pour tea, and handed a cup to Yan Jin, and then handed a cup to herself, "Princess, please drink tea."

When changing clothes just now, Li Man finally remembered where she saw Bei Linlang. It turned out to be the girl who chased that enchanting girl last time. When she remembered that time, when she was riding a horse and brandishing a whip to call Situ Qing, the old thief Situ, she I just find it funny.

"Thank you." Bei Linlang said politely, even though Yan Jin said she was a servant, she couldn't treat her like a servant.

"You're welcome." After serving them tea, Li Man obediently stepped aside, "My lord, if there is nothing wrong, I will wait outside first. If you need something..."

"Wait." Yan Jin keenly sensed that something was wrong in her words, "Slave?"

Didn't she always call herself mine?

"Yeah." Li Man was also helpless, just now Meier and the others had to teach her some rules.

Seeing her obedient appearance, Yan Jin suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, but because Bei Linlang was here, she couldn't get angry, so she just waved at her, "Go out."

"Yes." Li Man retreated obediently to the door, and she felt a pang in her heart. Sure enough, what Mei Er and the others taught was useful, as long as the eyebrows were lowered and the eyes were pleasing to the eye, the prince would be fine.

"Cousin, are you interested in her?" Bei Linlang asked suddenly.

Unexpectedly, Yan Jin spit out all the tea, and then stared at her coldly, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Otherwise, what are you keeping her for?" Bei Linlang didn't understand, but she was very familiar with this Prince Jin's Mansion.

In addition to beauty, beauties of all colors are also eye-catching, from princesses to concubines and maids, they can be said to be fat, swallows and thin, each with its own merits.

If Li Man lost that plaque, it would be possible to keep her, but now that plaque has ruined the beauty, making her inconspicuous in this mansion.

Yan Jin was stunned, as if he hadn't even thought about this issue, anyway, the first time he saw her, he wanted to keep her.

Wanting to keep her, the consciousness is so clear and strong.

"You came here for her?" Yan Jin stared at her suddenly.

Bei Linlang's heart skipped a beat, and a feeling of embarrassment that had been seen through her mind appeared, "Oh, cousin, you are so smart, you can see it all, well, I'm just curious, so I came here overnight to have a look, but, The result really surprised me. Are you going to keep her as a maid, or take the house?"

"How do you know that there is such a person in my house?" Yan Jin was not swayed by her words, and only asked what she cared about. After all, Li Man only came to his house last night, and Bei Linlang came in the middle of the night up? The news came so fast, someone must have told her on purpose.

Bei Linlang was speechless, "I, I didn't know until I came here."

In fact, even if she didn't tell him, he could guess who was behind the scenes.

"Then what do you think? If the king takes her into the house, okay?" Yan Jin seemed to be asking for her opinion.

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