Fortunate Wife

Episode 80 Drinking

Want to domesticate her like an animal? This person is indeed the best in the world, if it falls into his hands, it must be good, especially since she beat him just now.

Li Man's scalp tingled when he thought of this.

On the other side, looking at her ugly face, Yan Dan frowned slightly, and said, "Sixth brother, have you forgotten how Lie Feng died? If you are angry, why don't you find another way to vent it? As for her, just Leave it to Brother Wei to deal with it."

"Brother Sanhuang is trying to protect her?" Yan Jin suddenly felt a headache.

"Brother, I am afraid that you will regret it in the future." Yan Danyu said earnestly.

Yan Jin's eyes gradually darkened, the corners of her lips curled up, and she hummed softly, "What if I don't give it to you?"

"Sixth brother, I hope you think about it seriously." Yan Dan was very patient.

However, Li Man didn't have that kind of patience, and said angrily, "Aren't you afraid of the world's abuse for the dignified prince to rob the housewife?"

"Men's wife?" Yan Jin was very displeased to hear this word, especially after knowing that she was married.

"Yes." Li Man simply confessed honestly, "Not only is the civilian woman already married, but she also has a pair of children."

"Enough!" Yan Jin didn't want to hear this, stared at her fiercely, and raised her eyebrows, "So what? I haven't played with a married woman before, and I just want to play."

"Fuck, do you want to be ashamed?" Li Man was stunned, why is this guy's personality so split? When I sat on the edge of the bed and talked to her in the morning, I looked like a normal person, but now I'm crazy again.

Yan Jin suddenly grabbed her arm and said, "Ugly, don't challenge this king's bottom line again."

"It's because you are too deceitful." Li Man fought back, her arm was so painful that he pinched him, and she couldn't get it off. She just yelled while beating him, "I really pity you. Although you are a prince, you don't understand at all. What is love. I dare say that although there are many beauties in your house, there may not be one who really loves you."

"Joke, who else can they love if they don't love me?" Yan Jin laughed back angrily.

Li Man sneered sarcastically, "Love you? What do you love? A pretty face, a noble status, or endless money? If you're not a prince, do you think those women would follow you and be spoiled by you?"

"Ugly thing, do you know what you're talking about? Believe it or not, I'm tearing you apart right now?" Yan Jin's face was livid, extremely ugly, and the strength in his hands increased, almost wanting to crush her.

"Sixth Brother." Yan Dan stretched out his hand and rescued Li Man from his clutches.

Li Man rubbed his broken arm and glared at Yan Jin angrily, "A man who likes to bully women is not worthy of being a man at all."

If eyes could kill, Li Man was afraid that Yan Jin would tear her body to pieces, so she actually made fun of him for not being a man?

Facing his icy blade-like gaze, Li Man is not afraid, isn't she a man in the first place, bullying women? Bah, think about it, how nice her husbands are.

Seeing the two of them staring and staring at each other, Yan Dan suddenly laughed out loud, "Okay, you two are not children anymore, stop making trouble."

"Who made a fuss with him (her)." The two actually said in unison.

That child-like emotion suddenly made the other people around him feel a lot more relaxed.

It's just that the two parties are still like black-eyed chickens.

"Sixth brother, the weather is nice today. How about I invite you to drink in Zuixianlou as my brother's host?" Yan Dan took the initiative to ease the atmosphere.

This is really the sun coming out from the west, the prince, who has always been ruthless and indifferent, took the initiative to show his favor today, of course Yan Jin knew the reason, and couldn't help but feel sad.

"What's the meaning of Zuixian Tower? There are many people with mixed tastes. If the third brother wants to drink, there is nothing else in my house. There are plenty of good wines."

"Very good." Yan Jin didn't brush off his face, Yan Dan was also surprised, and naturally accepted his proposal with pleasure.

For the harmonious interaction between the two princes, Zhang Jing and Imperial Physician Wang expressed their satisfaction, but Li Man was indifferent. No matter how they were brothers, they were still brothers, but what would she do?

Yan Dan seemed to have noticed Li Man's little mood, and said with a slight smile, "You step back first."

"Oh." Li Man glanced at Zhang Jing and motioned him to go with her.

Zhang Jing smiled, took leave of the crown prince and Yan Jin, and came out with Li Man behind.

As soon as he came out, Li Man tugged at him, "Zhang Jing, let's sneak away."

"Yeah." Yan Dan came, and Zhang Jing felt that there was nothing wrong with sneaking away.

However, unexpectedly, during the process of sneaking out, the two also ran into a romantic incident.

It's all because Situ Qing, the bastard, is too ruthless. In broad daylight, at an intersection where people would pass by at any time, he pressed Bei Linlang against a big tree, and fell in love fiercely.

The clothes were disheveled, panting, and the action was so intense that even Li Man felt hot all over when he watched it, not to mention that Zhang Jing was still a young man, and he sprayed nosebleeds in front of Li Man.

So, I wanted to turn around and slip away secretly, so as not to disturb the couple who were having a good time, but Zhang Jing's nosebleed was too scary. Li Man exclaimed, and quickly covered his nose with her sleeve, and then asked Pull him back to clean up.

Therefore, this commotion alarmed the men and women under the tree.

Bei Linlang pushed Situ Qing away first, then swung his arm violently, slapped him across the face, scolded him asshole, and ran away in shame.

Situ Qing covered his burning cheeks, and spit on the ground in displeasure, then turned his head and looked coldly at Zhang Jing and Li Man, with a very displeased expression on his face.

Li Man knew that he was unhappy, if it was any man, if this kind of moment was interrupted, he might not look good.

"I'm sorry, he has a nosebleed, we're leaving now." She explained apologetically, supported Zhang Jing, and was about to leave immediately.

"Where are you going?" Situ Qingxie walked towards them, looked at the two blood-red noses on Zhang Jing's nose, and smiled, "Usually, I advise you to take a few beautiful girls by your side to be happy, you If you don’t listen, look, isn’t it a big fire now?”

who? Not knowing how to teach others to learn well, Li Man gave him a hard look, supported Zhang Jing and said, "Let's go, let's ignore him."

Zhang Jing also gave him a displeased look, and said this in front of Man'er, shameless.

"Hmph." Situ Qing looked at the backs of the two of them, and smiled faintly, "Jing, do you want that girl from the Mei family? If not, I really want to go home."

Zhang Jing ignored him and didn't look back.

However, Li Man was very curious after hearing this, "Zhang Jing, the girl from the Mei family he mentioned is your fiancée, right?"

"No." Zhang Jing muttered sullenly.

"No? I heard the old lady mention it before, and it seems that the surname is Mei. By the way, why hasn't your marriage been done yet?" Li Man asked curiously.

Zhang Jing gently pushed her away and said, "You go first, I'll just go and wash myself."

"But I don't know the way." Li Man said depressingly.

Zhang Jing covered his nose with his hands, and said sullenly, "Li Mo and the others are at the gate of the palace, you can see them when you go out."

"Really?" Li Man was excited, turned around and ran, ran a few steps, stopped again, and showed a big smile to Zhang Jing, "Thank you, what should I do here?"

"I'm here, don't worry." Zhang Jing gave her a comforting look.

"Yeah." Li Man was relieved, and hurriedly ran outside.

At the gate of the mansion, I met Qiu'er.

Qiu'er asked her where she was going, probably because she was worried that she would run away, so she stopped her.

Li Man had no choice but to explain, "The crown prince is having a drink with the prince, and he sent me out to do some errands."

"Really?" Qiu'er doubted.

"Of course, if you don't believe me, you can ask." After saying that, pushing Qiu'er away, Li Man ran out quickly.

There were few people at the entrance of King Jin's Mansion, so, at a glance, Li Mo and the others were not in sight.

Li Man was in a hurry, but Zhang Jing would not lie to her.

She leaned against the corner of the wall and looked around. Suddenly, someone called her from the front.


As soon as the voice fell, she fell into a warm embrace.

Li Yan hugged her tightly, Li Mo stood beside her, reaching out to caress her shoulder, while Li Hua stood behind her, buried his head on the back of her neck, feeling her breath forcefully.

"Well, I miss you so much." In Li Yan's arms, Li Man's voice was a little choked up. Although it was only a day, it made her feel like parting from life to death.

"We miss you too." Li Yan whispered in her ear.

Suddenly, Li Mo's eyes were sharp, and he caught sight of the injury on her head, "Are you injured?"

A question immediately brought Li Yan and Li Hua to their senses, and only later did they realize that Li Man's head was tied with gauze, and their expressions also changed.

Li Man hurriedly explained, "It doesn't matter, the doctor has already seen it."

"How did you get hurt?" Li Yan asked.

Li Man didn't dare to tell them what happened last night, so she only explained vaguely, "Didn't it rain a lot last night? I accidentally slipped and fell when going down the steps."

"That's it." Li Yan seemed relieved, and stretched out his hand to rub the top of her hair, "Why are you so careless, does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Li Man shook her head hurriedly, then, looking at the three of them, said, "Let's get out of here."

"En." Li Mo nodded hurriedly, took her into Zhang Jing's carriage, and went back to Zhang's mansion first.

As soon as she came back, Li Man hurriedly packed her things and wanted to leave with them. Her eagerness made the Li family brothers feel something was wrong. Li Yan took the package from her hand, hugged her, and asked, "Man'er, Tell us, what happened last night?"


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