Fortunate Wife

extra 81 brothers

Facing the worried eyes of the three brothers, Li Man's heart beat suddenly. Although nothing happened last night, she still felt a little hard to say such a thing, and it would make them even more worried.

"Nothing happened? I was injured, except for sleeping. As soon as it was dawn, Zhang Jing came, and the prince, they chatted for a while, and then suddenly asked me to leave, hehe, speaking of it , I am also quite puzzled, but the people of the royal family are different from us ordinary people, who knows what their thoughts are? So, let's go quickly, so as to save them from changing their minds later and embarrassing us again. "

"Really?" Li Yan lifted her chin, lifted her face, and looked into her eyes seriously.

Li Man nodded vigorously, trying not to show any flaws in herself, but she still felt guilty.

She was born unable to tell lies, but these days she kept lying repeatedly, but others didn't care, Li Yan and the others had been sharing the bed with her for two years, and they knew her every move and even every expression, so, It's really not easy to lie in front of them.

But she seemed to be unable to find any flaws in her serious expression.

"Okay, let's go." Li Yan let go of her and went to get the package.

Li Man let out a long breath, secretly thinking that it was dangerous.

The four of them took the package, left a letter and handed it to the housekeeper of the Zhang residence, and left on their own.

On the other side, in Prince Jin's Mansion, after Zhang Jing cleaned up, he went to look for Situ Qing.

After being slapped by Bei Linlang again, Situ Qing felt depressed and went to Yandan and Yanjin for a drink.

As a result, the two people who were going to drink didn't drink much. Instead, Situ Qing sat under the gazebo, holding the wine jar, and poured it on himself. He didn't know whether he was really drunk or made trouble on purpose. He actually dragged a servant girl of the palace to mess around, and was finally ordered to stop by Yan Dan.

And this scene was watched by Bei Linlang again.

After beating Situ Qing, Bei Linlang went back to her room. After thinking about it, she felt that she was too impulsive about this matter today.

After Situ Qing chased her out of the house, he thanked her. Last night, the news of Li Man's injury was spread by her. That's why Yan Dan came so timely today.

He not only thanked her verbally, but also brought her a gift, a box of jasmine ointment, which he said was made by himself, and it was more fine and even than the ones bought from outside. She didn't want to accept it, but he insisted on stuffing it into her hands. They pulled and pulled one by one, not wanting her to fall into his arms.

I can't remember who took the initiative first. In short, at that moment, like dry wood meeting a raging fire, the moment the two lips meet, everything in the world disappears around me, and there is only him in my eyes and my heart.

Just, who knows in the end...

After being disturbed by Li Man and Zhang Jing, she realized later that her clothes were half-faded, and he was leaning against a tree trunk. In a moment of embarrassment, she hit him and ran away alone.

In fact, after running away, she regretted it.

So, she wanted to ask him to apologize, and when she heard that he came to drink with her cousin, she came over, but she saw him flirting with a maidservant in his arms, which reminded her of the scene where he pushed her against a tree trunk before, Surprisingly similar?

In his heart, is she just like those servants who can be teased at will?

Bei Linlang was angry and ashamed, extremely sad, with tears in her eyes, she turned around and ran away.

While running, he almost ran into Zhang Jing who was later.

"Princess." Zhang Jing called out to her, which alarmed Situ Qing in the pavilion. He raised his head suddenly, and saw Bei Linlang's clothes disappear behind a shadow of trees.

"The girl is here?" He asked Yan Dan drunkenly.

Yan Dan nodded lightly, "Come here."

Situ Qing hissed, looking a little displeased, the corner of his mouth was still sore, and he simply poured wine on himself again.

Yan Dan ignored him, just held the cup, and slowly pecked, but Zhang Jing came over and whispered something in Situ Qing's ear, which made the guy's expression change, and he snorted, "She hit someone , does she have the face to cry?"

"I've brought the words, you can do whatever you want." Zhang Jing said coolly, and then reported to Yan Dan about Li Man's departure.

His voice was not low, so Yan Jin, who was seated opposite, could hear it clearly, and couldn't help getting angry, "Does that damn girl want to die? How dare you run away?"

"Sixth brother, calm down." Yan Dan chuckled, motioning Zhang Jing to take Situ Qing to retreat, and then said to Yan Jin slowly, "She's not running away, she's just returning to where she should go."

Yan Jin looked at him coldly, "What is the place she should stay?"

"She also said that if she has a husband and a child, she will naturally have her own family." Yan Dan said calmly.

Yan Jin was so angry that she crushed the cup in her hand, and the wine sprayed out, "How about getting married? So what if you have children? If the king wants her, she has to go back to the king obediently."

"Sixth Brother." Listening to his childish and almost outrageous words, Yan Dan sighed softly, "It's been so long, why are you still obsessed with her?"

Yan Jin shot him coldly, and sneered, "What about you? Why did you come to my palace today? Isn't it because of her?"

"Yes, for her." Yan Dan didn't deny it, "But it's different from you."

"Hmph, that's because you dare not." Yan Jin's eyes burst into mockery, "You are the crown prince now, and you will inherit the throne in the future, so how dare you want a married woman?"

"Sixth Brother." Yan Dan lowered his face and said in a deep voice,

"Don't talk nonsense, I know, you already know her identity, that's why you are so obsessed with her, but, let me tell you, I am here today not only for her, but also for you."

When Yan Jin heard the words, he suddenly laughed, "Okay, I would like to hear, what are you doing for me?"

Yan Dan had no choice but to stare at him quietly for a while before saying, "I know, you have had the deepest relationship with your eldest brother since childhood."

"Shut up." Yan Jinjun's face became gloomy and terrifying, "Don't mention him to me."

I know that these years, Yan Bei has been the thorn in Yan Jin's heart, and Yan Dan actually didn't want to mention the pain in his heart, so he said, "Okay, I won't mention it. But, I want to remind you that it has been so many years, and she also It's not the same Shangguanyu back then, she's doing well now, it's better for us not to bother her anymore."

"How is it not bad? I gave it to a few rural husbands as joint wives, is that good?" Yan Jin snorted contemptuously.

Yan Dan frowned, "Jin'er." It had been many years since she had called this title, and now, calling it out like this brought back a lot of past events from Zeng Jin.

Yes, they are brothers after all, and their relationship is not as rigid as it is now at the beginning.

Yan Bei is the queen's direct descendant and the eldest son of the royal family, so he was established as a prince at birth.

He is the third son of Emperor Yanjin and the sixth son of Emperor Yanjin.

The three of them are not much different in age, and because the prince Yanbei has a shy and gentle personality, he has no airs in front of their younger brothers and sisters, so everyone likes to get close to him.

Especially Yan Jin, he was lively and active since he was a child, and he often caused troubles. Yan Bei always helped him secretly, which also saved him from suffering a lot of flesh and blood.

And he was the most taciturn among the three.

But strangely, the two of them did not reject him, on the contrary, no matter what they did, he was always indispensable.

Yan Bei is an extremely elegant person, proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but Yan Jin is just the opposite, the most impatient, frizzy all day long.

Every time after losing to Yan Bei in playing chess and drawing, he would be called in to help.

Therefore, almost every time Yan Bei was with Yan Jin first, and then he was with Yan Bei again, with Yan Jin messing around.

The three of them are often together, either studying, riding or shooting, or playing around, it's always good for young people to do whatever they want.

However, all these good things seem to end in the selection of the crown princess.

Before the selection of the crown princess, they were happy.

Especially him and Yan Jin, who will help Yan Bei with advice or help him choose beauties all day long.

Yan Jin has the liveliest personality and the widest range of contacts, and soon found out about the number one beauties in the capital, who has a beautiful appearance but a poor figure, who has a good figure and dark skin, and who has a beautiful face but has constant conduct , or, who has a dignified character but grows like a log, boring and so on.

In short, in the end, they felt that no woman in the world was worthy of their prince brother.

Yan Bei himself never cared about this, every time Yan Dan and Yan Jin teased those women, he just smiled with nothing to do with him, but those deep spring-like eyes were always full of sweetness affection.

Yan Dan keenly discovered this point.

Later, the concubine fell on the body of Shangguanyu, the daughter of the Shangguan family. Later, when Yanbei often had a quiet girl beside him, he realized that their brother the prince already had a woman he loved. , That's why he reacted lightly to the girl he and Yan Jin chose.

Yan Bei spends less and less time with him and Yan Jin, but he doesn't feel anything, after all, he has grown up year by year, and he understands that no matter how deep the brothers are, there will be a day when Yan Bei Will sit on the highest position, he is the king, and he and Yan Jin are ministers.

There is a difference between monarch and minister, and the intimacy of youth will never come back.

However, Yan Jin was younger than him and impulsive after all, so he was unwilling to have an extra girl beside Yan Bei, and secretly bullied that girl behind everyone's back.

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