Fortunate Wife

Episode 114 Uncontrollable

Li Man froze, a little frightened by Li Hua's words of 'washing together'.

"Li Hua, stop joking. You can wash it first. I'll go out." She grumbled.

But obviously, Li Hua is not joking, he usually looks quite weak, but in fact, he is quite strong.

What's more, if a woman compares her strength in front of a man, she will suffer anyway.

Therefore, Li Man's struggle not only failed to bring relief, but also made her sweaty and tired.

"Heh." Looking at the kitten-like woman in her arms, Li Hua smiled lowly, and the laughter was a bit narrow and triumphant.

This is rare for him.

In fact, such a domineering Li Hua is rare.

"Li Hua." Turning around in his arms, Li Man faced him with some embarrassment, "You wash first, after washing, I'll come back to accompany you later."

"It's not good." He was as stubborn as a brat.

Li Man had a headache, no matter how big the bathtub was, it was not easy for the two of them to wash.

Her face was burning hot.

At this time, there was a servant girl knocking on the door outside.

Li Man struggled again, "Don't let go yet."

Li Hua's skin was so thin after all, and she let go of her a little.

The door was opened, and two maidservants came in carrying water.

Taking advantage of the time, Li Man wanted to slip away, but she didn't want to. Before she could step out of the door, Li Hua grabbed her by the wrist.

"Where are you going?" Li Hua's eyes darkened a lot, and he was slightly displeased.

Li Man knew that he was unhappy, so she laughed dryly and coaxed, "I'll go back to the room to get my clothes."

"No rush." ​​Li Hua didn't believe it.

After the two servant girls finished the water, he closed the door and tied it up from the inside.

Now, Li Man never thought of slipping away.

However, looking at Li Hua's downcast face, Li Man felt that if he left, the boy would still be sad for some reason.

Unlike Li Yan, he has a temper with her and will try his best to vent it out.

Li Hua's temperament will only make him hold back in his heart and pester himself.

Hey, all of her men are good to her, but all of them are difficult to serve.

"Okay then, if I don't leave, I'll rub your back for you?" Li Man smiled and looked at him flatteringly.

Li Hua's face finally warmed up a little, he held her hand, and led her behind the screen.

Seeing the wisps of steam rising from the big tub, Li Man swallowed secretly.

Li Hua had already reached out to help her untie her belt.

"No need." Li Man hurriedly grabbed the clothes to prevent him from touching them, and helped him untie them neatly and attentively.

"This matter, it should be a lady to serve the husband."

She looked at him with a soft voice.

The water vapor was lingering, and Li Hua's face also had a nice blush.

It was the first time he was so domineering to her. He thought she would refuse, but what she gave was a surprise.

He took off his coat, revealing his strong chest.

Li Man's eyes were a little red, but she unconsciously glanced at him, saying that after not seeing him for a long time, the young man's body has become much stronger.

Probably noticed Li Man's eyes, and Li Hua smiled uncomfortably, "These days when you were away, my second brother and I couldn't sleep at night, so we went out for a run, and practiced some boxing with Bo."

"Oh, not bad." Li Man was very satisfied.

"It's my turn." Li Hua suddenly looked at her with burning eyes.

"What should you do?" Li Man was stunned for a moment, and his fingers had already pinched the belt around her waist and gently pulled it apart.

Li Man was startled, she had already been brought into his arms, and kissed her with warm lips, not giving her a chance to deny it.

Only when she was gasping for breath and her body became weak, did she let go, he whispered in a low voice, still panting in her ear.

"Man'er, I miss you. I miss you as much as my second brother. No, I miss you more than my second brother. So, you should love me too."

His slightly aggrieved and pleading words made Li Man give up the last resistance. She only half-closed her eyes, wrapped her arms around his neck, let him hug her, and stepped into the warm water.


The daughter-in-law went out and didn't come back most of the afternoon.

It was dusk, Li Mo and the others took a nap in the room, and the children were all awake, but Li Man hadn't come back for a long time.

Li Shu was a little anxious, the second brother, that unrestrained guy, didn't know how to torment his wife, no, he had to go and see.

"Third brother." Li Mo stopped him, feeling that Li Shu would not make a fuss about this kind of thing, "Go and call fourth brother, let him find your second brother."

"Oh." Li Shu snorted depressingly, strode out the door, walked to the next door, and knocked on the door lightly.

Li Hua was fast asleep, so he couldn't hear it.

Li Shu had no choice but to knock again and again, shouting, "Fourth brother."

Inside, there seemed to be a little noise at this time.

However, before Li Hua came to open the door, Li Yan came out from the next room, "Third brother, what are you doing?"

"Second brother, are you willing to go out? Where's your wife?" Li Shu eagerly left him and was about to enter his room.

"Man'er?" Li Yan was startled, his eyes fell on Li Hua's room, and then he also knocked on the door.

Twice the door.

Li Shu didn't see his wife when he went to the second brother's house, but when he saw Li Yan knocking on Li Hua's door, he couldn't help being stunned, "Is the daughter-in-law at the fourth brother's place?"

"Otherwise?" Li Yanbai gave him a look.

Li Shu said 'oh', and suddenly realized, no wonder, the fourth brother kicked out Xiao Wu, and he didn't show up for most of the afternoon.

The two of them knocked on the door several times together, and finally Li Hua in the room couldn't take it anymore. Afraid they would wake Li Man up, she had to get dressed and came to open the door.

"Second brother, third brother, what are you doing?" Li Hua's eyelids were a little heavy, and he looked very tired.

"Why? I told you to have dinner." Li Shu said angrily, "Where's your wife?"

Pushing away Li Hua and entering the room, Li Yan also followed.

"Oh, you—" Li Hua hurriedly tried to stop them, "Man'er is still asleep, don't disturb her."

"How long have you slept?" Li Yan turned his head and asked.

Li Hua rubbed her eyes and muttered, "I haven't slept for long."

Li Yan's face immediately darkened.

At this moment, Li Shu exclaimed in surprise, "Fourth brother, why is your room so wet? Could it be that you and your daughter-in-law had a water fight in the room just now?"

Li Hua's face turned red.

Water fight? Li Yan thought of something keenly, and then looked at his younger brother's expression, the association became a fact, and he couldn't help but feel a little suffocated.

He even regretted letting Li Man come over. If he had known, he would have dominated alone.

He gave Li Hua a cold look.

Li Hua didn't know whether it was a guilty conscience or something, but he turned his eyes away and explained, "It's hot in the room, so I sprinkled some water, and my wife said it can dissipate heat."

Li Yan didn't believe what he said, maybe his daughter-in-law did say such a thing, but the water on the ground was definitely not spilled for this reason.

What's more, the place with the most water comes from the edge of the screen, where the bathtub is placed, and there are scattered clothes beside it.

It's all too easy to imagine.

Li Shu is not a fool, even if he is not as perceptive as Li Yan, but he is someone who has been there and understands what happened in this room.

Can't help but feel a little envious.

"Fourth brother, you really can't see it." Li Shupi looked at Li Hua with a nonchalant smile.

Li Hua has a thin skin, and the one who acted arrogantly and arrogantly in front of Li Man just now was actually forced to do so. After months of torment and longing, he no longer looks like himself.

However, when all these were satisfied, his nature returned.

Gentle and courteous, but also shy.

"Third brother, if you have anything to say, go out and let Man'er sleep more." Li Hua said softly.

Li Shu snorted coldly, looked at the sleeping daughter-in-law on the bed, feeling sour in his heart.

"Fourth brother." Xiao Wu came in at this time and saw the three brothers standing like wooden stakes, very strange, "What's the matter with you? The eldest uncle and eldest cousin are here, the eldest brother said, waiting for you to have dinner together. "

"Well, go ahead, we'll be here soon." Li Hua said.

Xiao Wu has sharp eyes, not only keenly aware that the brothers are in a bad mood, but also spotted the daughter-in-law on the bed, who seems to be sleeping soundly and soundly.

The little guy's brain was bright, and he thought of something in an instant, and then he remembered what the fourth brother said before. It turns out that everyone is really the same.

Before, when the daughter-in-law was in the second brother's room, the fourth brother was so dejected that he didn't even have the strength to speak. Now he was happy to see the expression on the second brother and the third brother who wanted to eat people.

Sure enough, Feng Shui took turns.

"Second brother and third brother, are you going?" Xiao Wu deliberately called them.

Li Yan turned and left without saying a word.

Li Shu pulled Li Hua, "Fourth brother, you've been tired for a long time, come with us for dinner."

Li Hua didn't want to go out at first, but how could Li Shu bear this tone and let him get along with his wife alone? no way.

But the three brothers left, but no one noticed the youngest one—Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu didn't leave, he was reluctant to leave, there was someone on this bed that was attracting him, or rather some kind of strange feelings were tempting and tempting him.

The window was not open, the light in the room was very dark, and there was a certain restless atmosphere faintly exuding.

As if he had been enchanted, he walked towards the bed uncontrollably, slowly sat on the bed, and leaned over to look at the sleeping sweet woman.

It was the first time he looked at her so closely.


Happy Dragon Boat Festival haha.

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