Fortunate Wife

Episode 115: Revealed (10,000)

The woman's sleeping appearance is very beautiful, with delicate eyebrows, dense eyelashes, pink cheeks, moist lips, the corners of her lips are slightly raised, as if she is smiling in her sleep.

He liked her smile the most, and couldn't help stretching out his fingers, gently caressing the corner of her smiling mouth, lingering on the soft lips.

Her lips are beautiful, and the color of her lips is a faint pink, like peach petals, with a faintly seductive fragrance.

His whole body froze a bit, he only maintained the posture of bending over, his fingers were almost stiff, and he felt the softness there, he wanted to withdraw his hand, but he couldn't.

He thought, no wonder the elder brothers like their daughter-in-law so much.

It must taste sweet, he thought.

he thinks......

He didn't know what he was thinking at all, his mind was extremely chaotic at the moment, and there was only one thought in his mind, kissing the woman under him.

His head lowered slowly, his lips almost tremblingly pressed against hers.

The long hair fell down and swept gently into her neck.

Feeling itchy, Li Man groaned softly, and instinctively scratched the fall with her hands.

The side of her ear was fiddled with by her little hand, and Xiao Wu was so frightened that he suddenly woke up from a dream, sweating all over his body, afraid of being discovered, panicked and at a loss.

He didn't even dare to look at her, he got up and ran away in a panic, unfortunately when he ran away

Hit the table and broke a teacup.

Li Man was awakened by the crisp sound, and opened her eyes blankly, only to find that there was no one in the room, but the fragment rolled on the ground twice before it stopped.

"Li Hua?" She sat up and called suspiciously.

Is it Li Hua? But if it was him, why did he break the cup, which woke her up and didn't speak?

If not him, then who?

Li Man guessed who just entered the house.

And Xiao Wu, who just ran outside the door, leaned against the pillars under the eaves of the corridor, panting heavily.

What did he do just now?

He secretly kissed his wife? How can he do such a thing?

He was very annoyed, if he wanted to kiss, he would do it aboveboard, why did he act so sneakily?

He was annoyed at his behavior.

However, in the buzzing mind, the beautiful picture in the room just now under the dim light flashed unconsciously.

But, what is the taste of a daughter-in-law's lips? He forgot.

Just now, he was only nervous.


He cursed in a low voice, and unconsciously stroked his lips with two fingers, there seemed to be a lingering fragrance there.

An inexplicable restlessness suddenly burned in his body again, he was a little uncomfortable, but also excited.

He understood what it meant.

In the academy, several boys live in a dormitory. They are all older than him, and one of them is even married and has children.

Every night, the few of them always chatted about Fengyue and women. Although he never participated in it, he learned a lot from it.

He knew that he was slowly becoming a real man.

"Huh." The vigorous emotion made his body tense up, and he could only relieve it by exhaling into the night.

However, he never expected that this scene would be watched by the man the Li family brothers hated the most.

That's right, this person is Yan Jin.

No one called him to come over for dinner, but he came anyway.

Moreover, he came late to show his dignity.

But maybe even he himself didn't expect that as soon as he entered the yard, he saw Xiao Wu fleeing out of the house like a ghost.

At first he just thought it was fun and didn't think of anything else, but soon he saw this kid leaning against the eaves, doing some abnormal behaviors.

The red and blurred eyes, as well as his movement of touching his lips, clearly resembled a man who had stolen.

This scene reminded him of a scene that happened many years ago, and that scene often appeared in his dreams for a long time afterwards, so Yukunexin, what he wanted to forget, but in the end he remembered more clearly.

And Xiao Wu's behavior at this moment is just like him when he was a teenager.

So, there is a woman in that room?

Who is that woman? That's not Li Man's bedroom, but besides Li Man, would this kid fall in love with other women?

Yan Jin was squinting at him, thinking that the woman in this room had better not be Li Man, otherwise——

His eyes were slightly cold, he didn't want to see him under the shadow of the tree when Xiao Wuyi raised his head and exhaled continuously.

My heart shrank in fright.

That's right, kids who have done bad things will almost always have such a reaction.

However, when he found out that it was Yan Jin, Xiao Wu calmed down and became angry, "Hey, what are you doing standing there? You don't make a sound, you look like a ghost, scaring people."

Compared to the indifference and numbness of the other brothers towards this guy, Xiao Wu's hostility towards him is still very obvious.

Yan Jin walked towards him with a smile that was not a smile. He was taller than Xiao Wu and more imposing than him, and only looked down at him.

"I want to ask you, what did you do in that room just now?"

"What did you do?" Xiao Wu was indeed younger, and when he asked him, he seemed a little flustered. He glanced at the room uneasily, and saw that it was already lit inside.

After turning on the light, it was obvious that Li Man had woken up.

His heartbeat couldn't help but quicken, he was afraid that Li Man would find out that it was him, he was afraid that Li Man would know about secretly kissing her.

Will she think he is a bad man, will she ignore him?

Seeing his expression, Yan Jin frowned and walked towards the house.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Wu instinctively reached out to stop him.

Yan Jin squinted at him, "This king wants to see what kind of beauty is hidden inside."

Xiao Wu's face burned, and he secretly scolded this damned man for peeking?

"This is my fourth brother's room, you cannot enter." He grabbed Yan Jin, trying to drag him away.

But he is no match for Yan Jin.

With a wave of Yan Jin's long arm, he was thrown out.

And this scene happened to be tidied up, and Li Man, who was going out, took a good look at it.

"What are you doing?" She rushed over and grabbed Yan Jin, but Xiao Wu had already been thrown out by Yan Jin and fell heavily to the ground.

"Xiao Wu." Li Man was horrified, and hurried over to help Xiao Wu, her eyes full of worry, "Are you okay? Did you fall?"

The light in the corridor was dimly yellow, reflecting her face more and more beautifully.

Thinking of the scene in the room just now, Xiao Wu didn't open his eyes, not daring to look at her, and only muttered softly, "I'm fine."

"It's fine." Li Man helped him up, and turned to Yan Jin with a sullen face, "Hey, what's the matter with you? Xiao Wu is still a child. What reason do you have to beat him? Are you still human?" ?”

"Child?" A boy who was about to catch up to him, can he still be called a child? Yan Jin sneered, I really don't know whether to laugh at this woman for being stupid, or to say that she is just pretending to be stupid, "It's not human for the king to beat him, so if someone wants to seduce and sleep with a child, isn't he even more of a beast? , oh no, it should be called a slut."

Li Man was startled, her expression changed a little, "What did you say? Please speak clearly."

Could it be that there is a woman playing Xiao Wu's idea?

But Xiao Wu obviously only came to Shangguan Mansion today, or is he in the academy?

"Do you want me to explain more clearly? Do you want me to tell you what you did in the house just now?" Yan Jin stared at her coldly like an ice pick.

Li Man's heart sank, and she looked at him suspiciously, "What did we do in the house just now?"

"Man'er, don't listen to his nonsense, big brother and the others are waiting for you to eat in the house, let's go in." Afraid that Yan Jin would say something else, Xiao Wu hurriedly dragged Li Man into the house.

Li Man didn't do it, she pushed Xiao Wu away, and questioned Yan Jin with sharp eyes, "Yan, if you don't speak clearly today, I will be rude to you."

Damn it, did he actually slander her and Xiao Wu for doing something messy in the house?

That's all for her, Xiaowu is still young, still in school, and will fall in love and get married in the future, this reputation is not bad.

By the way, her reputation can't be bad.

"You should ask him that. Child?" Yan Jin stared at Xiao Wu evilly.

Xiao Wu gritted his teeth secretly, and said, "This is Shangguan's mansion, and Man'er's home, and you, an outsider, can't stand talking nonsense here."

"Hmph. Do you think this king likes to talk nonsense?" Yan Jin suddenly approached Li Man.

The cold aura exuding from her body made Li Man's heart shrink, "You, what are you doing?"

"Why?" Panicked by her defensive posture, Yan Jin sneered, "Do you think that if this king really wanted to touch you, you would still be able to survive until now? In terms of face and figure, you are the third-class in this king's house." Even concubines are better than you, what do you think this king wants from you?"

Who knows? Blind, Li Man murmured in her heart, in fact, she was so happy that he didn't care about her.

Facing her indifferent expression, Yan Jin gritted her teeth and said in a deep voice, "I remind you that not everyone is a gentleman like this king. Sometimes you think it's a child or something harmless, but when you don't notice it, I will eat you so that there is not even a bone left."

As he said that, his cold gaze pointedly glanced at Xiao Wu.

This glance made Xiao Wu's heart shrink, and he wished to tear up the Yan brocade.

You bastard, don't you just want to provoke the relationship between him and his wife?

Li Man glanced at Xiao Wu, then looked at Yan Jin solemnly, and said, "Okay, thank you for your reminder. However, as Xiao Wu said just now, this is the Shangguan Mansion, and you are an outsider after all. Well, it’s fine if you’re homeless, but your Jinwang’s mansion is several times the size of Shangguan’s mansion. There are your concubine and your woman in the mansion, who are waiting day and night for you to favor. In our house, it's not good."

"Okay, I will wait for the day when you regret it." Yan Jin flicked his sleeves with a cold face, and walked away proudly.

Growing up so big, it was Li Man who hit the wall the most.

This time, he was really annoyed.

He didn't believe that if his words were so obvious, Li Man wouldn't notice anything, but she could let the boy go, but she didn't allow him to get any closer.

It is tolerable or unbearable!

It's not that no one wants his Yan Jin, the most indispensable thing in his house is women, especially women who throw themselves into his arms.

After Yan Jin's stern figure was submerged in the night, Li Man withdrew her gaze and glanced at Xiao Wu faintly.

Xiao Wu's heart tightened again, and his voice was weak, "Man'er, why are you looking at me like this?"

"Did you go to your fourth brother's house just now?" Li Man raised her beautiful chin with a serious expression.

Xiao Wu didn't want to talk about the embarrassing thing just now, but under Li Man's eyes, he didn't want to lie.

"Yeah." He slowly lowered his head, as if he had done something wrong.

Seeing him like this, Li Man became suspicious, "What did you do in the house?"

"No, I didn't do anything." Xiao Wu hurriedly defended, even if it was a bad thing, he didn't succeed in doing it. He was so nervous that in the end there was only nervousness, and he didn't even remember the smell.

So what did it do? Li Man narrowed her eyes and looked at him carefully, without saying a word, intending to defeat him psychologically and make this kid subdued and tell the truth.

"I, I really didn't do anything." Xiao Wu drooped his head and clenched his hands tightly, "That's right, I, I... If you are angry, hit me."

He suddenly put his face close to her chest, and said decisively.

Li Man was taken aback, and slapped him on the head in a funny way, and said angrily, "Boy, so you were the one who went into the house just now and scared me to death. I thought it was a thief? By the way, the cup You broke it too, right?"

"Huh?" Shouldn't she scold him, or even beat him? Why such a reaction?

Seeing Xiao Wu's unbelievable eyes, Li Man glanced at him, "Okay, sister, I'm not that stingy, and I won't hit someone just because of a cup. But, you really are, why didn't you call me when you entered the house?"

"Me?" Xiao Wu bit his lip and muttered, "Brother called you to eat."

"Oh." Li Man nodded, thinking in her heart, it must be Li Mo who sent Xiao Wu to call her to eat. Xiao Wu entered the room and saw that she was asleep, so she came out. When we got to the cup, Yan Jin happened to see these things, so he said those inexplicable words just now.

Hey, in fact, Li Man understands Xiao Wu's feelings for her.

It is normal for a child in the ignorant period of youth to be curious and obsessed with the opposite sex. Just like when she was a child, when she was in kindergarten, she would like the curly-haired brother sitting next to her. He is fascinated by people. When he was in college, he would like those boys with good athletic cells, but as time passed, they all faded away. Moreover, he is the closest opposite sex to him, so now he has a special feeling for himself. Emotions are also normal.

She thought, the older he is, the more sensible he is, even if it's not Shangguanxue, he will still meet a girl he likes, and then his feelings for her will gradually fade away.

"Let's go, let's go eat." Li Man walked forward.

Xiao Wu froze for a moment, and instinctively rushed to grab her, his eyes became a little evil under the reflection of the lantern, not like a boy's naughty, but like a man's evil.

"Man'er, you don't want to know what I did to you in the house just now?"

Such evil eyes, evil tone, misleading words, and Yan Jin's sarcastic words before made Li Man's heart sink for a moment.

"What did you do in the house just now?" Didn't you just break the glass? Could it be that she really underestimated the child.

Or, she has always regarded him as a child, but he has actually grown up under her nose?

Only she, always self-righteous thought that he was the original Xiao Wu, a little thing who would shyly lie on the door frame and peep at her, and if she said a word, he would run away in shame.

He lowered his head abruptly, and leaned closer to her face, narrowing his long and narrow phoenix eyes slightly, with a vengeful vigor, he said in a low voice.

"I kissed you."

He suddenly stretched out his finger, stroked her lips, raised the corners of his mouth, and said with a smile, "Here, it's very fragrant and sweet."

As if struck by lightning, Li Man froze in place, staring at him with wide eyes.

That's right, Xiao Wu looked at her eyes that were first stunned and then reddened with satisfaction.

Get angry, get annoyed, hate, it's best to slap him twice.

That would make him feel that his actions had an impact on her.

Compared with being ignored by her and always being treated like a child by her, he would rather she spoil him than treat him harder.

Seeing the boy's resoluteness before, and his complacent expression afterwards, Li Man's anger calmed down little by little.

Yes, he grew up, and she couldn't deal with him more and more.

Just because she can't, doesn't mean others can't.

"You wait, I'll ask my elder brother to deal with you." Li Man threw a killer move at him.

That's right, in this family, Xiao Wu dared to beat his second brother with a stick, and dared to be arrogant with his third brother, and he was not afraid of talking to Li Hua.

But for Li Mo, the elder brother in name, who actually took the place of his father in his mind, besides respect, Xiao Wu was born to be afraid.

Yes, a kind of fear that the son is afraid of the father.

Sure enough, as soon as Li Man's words came out, Xiao Wu's face changed. The evil expression he had just now changed in an instant, and he became an unlucky child who was afraid of being beaten again.

"You can't tell Big Brother." Xiao Wu tugged on her sleeve half-threateningly and half-pleadingly.

The eldest brother may not beat him or scold him, but the eldest brother will definitely be disappointed in him.

Growing up, the last thing he wanted was to disappoint his elder brother.

"Why not? I told him, you are teasing my sister-in-law." Li Man said coolly, her lips curled up.

"Don't tell me." Xiao Wu suddenly issued a harsh warning, and he didn't know whether he was angry that she wanted to tell Li Mo about this, or because of what his sister-in-law said.

Li Man was stunned, but

The momentum is not weak, seeing that he is in a hurry, he took the opportunity to threaten, "If you want me to say nothing, you have to promise me a few conditions."

"Say." Xiao Wu gritted his teeth.

Li Man raised her eyebrows and said with a light smile, "First, don't call me Man'er from now on, only sister-in-law, not sister."

Sister-in-law is used to it, and he will agree with this title and identity from his heart in the future.

With a gloomy face, Xiao Wu nodded heavily.

"Good boy." Li Man smiled very satisfied, "Call sister-in-law to listen first."

"You?" Xiao Wu lowered his eyes, staring at her suspiciously.

This look frightened Li Man's little heart, and she hurriedly said, "Okay, the future will last forever, just remember to call me in the future. This is one or two. What happened in the house today is not allowed to be done again in the future, you know?"

Xiao Wu lowered his head again, and the thin bangs on his forehead drooped down, blocking his eyes, making Li Man unable to see his eyes clearly at the moment.

However, he acquiesced without saying a word.

Li Man made the third request, "Third, Xue'er and Ying'er haven't studied much, so, starting tomorrow, you will be responsible for teaching them how to read and write."

Suddenly, Xiao Wu raised his head, staring at her with red eyes, like a wounded little animal.

"What are you doing? Don't you want to?" Li Man didn't find it difficult to do these three things.

"Ying'er doesn't like studying at all, are you just using her as a cover? Don't you just want me to get closer to your sister?" Xiao Wu stared at her mockingly.

Ga? Seen out, Li Man was a little embarrassed, and said with a sneer, "Then you can say that I am doing business for my own benefit. In fact, I also hate you. Xiao Wu, think about it, Xueer is about the same age as you, has a good temperament, grows up Where can I find such a cute little girl? If I hadn't watched you grow up, I would not be willing to leave her to you. I can guarantee that in two years, she will definitely grow into a beautiful girl. The beauty of the city. At that time, I am afraid that many princes and nobles will want it. You, take advantage of the present, you are close to the water, you are childhood sweethearts, cultivate more relationships, and the little daughter-in-law will settle down first, that would be great."

The more she talked, the more she felt that the future was bright. If Xue'er really followed Xiao Wu, then their family would really be complete.

But seeing her joyful expression, and every word she said, like a knife cutting out her heart, Xiao Wu only felt pain in his heart.

How much did she wish to throw away his burden, and she did not hesitate to get her own sister?

Does she hate him that much?

"Xiao Wu, what do you think? Actually, it's good to talk about it, but Xue'er has a low face, it's good for you to know it alone, but you must not show the slightest in front of her."

Li Man warned in a low voice, she was actually afraid that Xueer was thinking about Yan Jin in her heart, if Xiaowu showed it now, not only would she not be able to please her, but she would be rejected by Xueer.

She is someone who has been there, she understands.

"By the way, although Ying'er is difficult to learn, she has to be called, otherwise, Xue'er will definitely not want to. So, Xiao Wu, you... ah, um."

She was trying to teach Xiao Wu a few ways to get along with girls, but she didn't want to be pushed heavily by someone, and her back hit the pillar, before she could shout, her lips were sealed.

She stared at the boy on her body in astonishment, and the boy's red eyes, full of anger and fierceness, were also tightly twisting her.

And with ruthlessness, there was also his raging lips on her lips.

Sure enough, it was softer, sweeter, and more delicious than he had imagined.

The first touch made him stick out his tongue excitedly to taste it.

"Hmm." The wet thing slipped between her lips and teeth, and Li Man's whole body trembled, as if awakened from a nightmare, she hurriedly pushed him hard, her lips tightly closed, not allowing him to enter.

But this young man didn't know to go in at all, he just sucked and bit her lips fiercely with his lips, as if it was the best delicacy in the world.

Li Man couldn't push him, his body was firmly pressed against the pillar, and his hands were cut back to his sides by him, unable to move.

Embarrassed and annoyed, she wanted to kick her, but she didn't want the kid's legs to be very flexible, so he managed to avoid it. Instead, he circled her legs and suppressed them.

She could only whine, shaking her head, trying to avoid his lips, but she didn't want to, his lips were like a shadow, so she couldn't escape, she just felt that his lips were like jelly, and they were about to be bitten and swollen by him.

Brat, bastard, dare to insult her?

Are there dead people in this house? Didn't you hear the movement outside? And what about the serving maids? Why is there no one here?

She couldn't bear it any longer, and she became dizzy and softened a little.

When she closed her eyes, she really pretended to be dead, and sank involuntarily from his arms.

Xiao Wu's eyelids were slightly lifted, and when he saw Li Man's tightly closed eyes, he suddenly panicked and quickly supported her waist.


"Stinky boy." Following this curse, Li Man raised her hand and slapped Xiao Wu hard on the face.

When the people in the room heard the sound, they hurried out to look, and saw Li Man's hand still raised in the air, and Xiao Wu's face hanging to one side.

Li Man hit Xiao Wu? Everyone was stunned.

"What's going on?" Li Yan rushed over, hugged Li Man, and asked nervously.

Li Mo and others hurried over, looked at Li Man's red eyes, and at Xiao Wu's red and swollen cheeks.

"Xiao Wu, what did you do to her?" Li Yan's eyes were like a storm.

Xiao Wu slightly curled his lips, glanced at him, and sneered, "What can you do? It's just doing what you all love to do."

"Xiao Wu." Li Man's mind was buzzing. Everything happened so fast that she couldn't react clearly at all.

He kissed her forcefully, and she hit him, all out of instinct.

However, in the blink of an eye, she was surrounded by people, but she was dumbfounded. She didn't want to mess with everyone and make it irreparable.

"Then what, there are mosquitoes." She hurriedly covered it up, even if no one would believe her words, it was better than letting others know that she was kissed forcibly.

However, Xiao Wu looked at her with a sneer, "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that they will know that I kissed you just now? Are you afraid that they will know that I like you and that I also want you to be my wife?"

"Xiao Wu." Li Man wanted to cover his mouth with her hands angrily, but after what happened just now, she couldn't touch him at all, so she could only sternly scold him.

"What are you talking about?"

"The mouth is swollen, do you think they can't see it?" Xiao Wuxie's lips curled up, and suddenly, Li Yan punched him.

Li Mo pulled Xiao Wu away with one hand, and blocked Li Yan's fist with the other.

"Second brother." Li Mo scolded Li Yan with a sullen face, "He is still a child."

"Child? Didn't you hear what he said just now?" Li Yan only felt angry.

Li Mo let go of his hand, turned around and stared at Xiao Wu closely, with anger and pain in his eyes, and slowly raised his clenched fist.

Xiao Wu was not afraid of being beaten by Li Yan, but he was afraid of being beaten by his elder brother. When he saw his clenched fist raised, his heart trembled slightly, but he still stubbornly straightened his back, held his head high, and acted generously. look like.

Let's fight, let's fight, he feels better after being beaten, anyway, he doesn't think he did anything wrong.

He just wanted her to be his wife, and wanted to push him to another woman, but there was no way.

In this life, he will rely on her, even with force.

Not tonight, but sooner or later.

However, Li Mo's fist didn't hit him in the end, but slowly let go, caressing his swollen cheek.

In fact, Xiao Wu was the child he brought up with his own hands. He was said to be a younger brother, and he was no different from Dabao and Erbao. From childhood to adulthood, he was even more reluctant to touch him.

Even if he gets angry again, he is determined not to give up hitting him.

"Xiao Wu, you go back to the house first."

Xiao Wu was stunned for a moment, looking at the darkened eyes of his elder brother, he felt a little suffocated in his heart, but he was unwilling.

"Man'er." He didn't look at his elder brother, afraid that if he looked at him, the courage he had accumulated so hard would be gone. He just turned his head, stared at Li Man as if he was bound to win, and said, "I won't give up, you just now I don’t agree to any request.”

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards Li's painting room in a very stern and free-spirited manner.

In the corridor, all the people were a little dazed.

The Tian family father and son felt a little embarrassed. After all, this was a matter of the Li family. Therefore, Tian father said that he had something to go back to the house to discuss with Tian Ning'an. Then, Tian Ning'an pushed the girl who was watching the show, and pulled her away with her.

"Hey, where's Xue'er?" Tian Ningying realized that Shangguan Xue was not there when Tian Ningying was about to leave, and only then did she realize that the girl said she was looking for her sister to eat, and she never went back when she came out.

However, Li Man is here, where has she gone?

Tian Ningying couldn't allow Tian Ningying to pursue it clearly, so Tian Ningan dragged her out of the yard.

In the corridor, only Li Mo, Li Yan, Li Shu, Li Hua, and Li Man were left, and the atmosphere was awkward and condensed.

"Where are the children?" Suddenly, Li Man thought that they were all outside and the two children were still in the house, so she hurriedly ran to the house.

The two children were sitting in the baby's small car, desperately reaching for the dishes on the table.

This scene made Li Man feel very comforting, she could not let go of her unhappiness, she sat down, picked up the bowls and chopsticks to eat silently.

The others also returned to the house one after another, eating in silence.

At the dinner table, no one said a word.

After the meal, Li Man drove everyone away, and alone with the maids, helped the two wash up, and slept with the two children at night.

The next day, she didn't ask anyone to come over for dinner.

When they came, they ate and sat down, but she ignored them and just played with the two children.

It was like this for several days.

Li Mo finally couldn't bear it anymore. That evening, when Li Man was pushing the two children for a walk in the yard, he finally had a showdown with her.

"Man'er, Xiao Wu did something wrong that day, and he knows he was wrong, so please forgive him?"

Li Man ignored her, turned around with the child, and turned her back to Li Mo.

"Man'er." Li Mo chased after her, followed her, and said solemnly, "I know, what he did should not be done, if you don't like it, I will send him home tomorrow."

Is this a bitter trick? Li Man didn't believe that Li Mo was willing.

Seeing that she was still ignoring her, Li Mo sighed heavily and said nothing.

He was a man of few words, not to mention that he didn't know what to say when something like this happened.

According to the previous agreement, Xiao Wu should be Man'er's husband.

Li Mo left, Li Yan came again, but he didn't say anything, he just hugged her and kissed her.

She was annoyed, so she drove him away.

Li Shu also came, saying that he also wanted to beat that brat Xiaowu, but he was afraid of being beaten by his elder brother. \u003c/p


Finally, Li Hua came over at night and helped her carry the child back to the house.

"Man'er." Li Hua also acted as a lobbyist, "Are you still angry about Xiao Wu?"

"Shouldn't it?" Li Man glanced at him angrily, and she didn't know what trick Xiao Wu used to make several brothers stand on his side at the same time. Obviously something has changed.

Li Hua hurriedly apologized with a smile, "Why shouldn't it? Your slap was so right, who told him to be so frizzy."

"Are you blaming him for doing something to me, or blaming me for slapping him?" Li Man glared at him.

Li Hua quickly held her hand, sat on the bedside with her, and sighed softly, "Man'er, he is naturally to blame for this. He used force regardless of your wishes, so he deserves to be beaten."

"Really?" Li Man asked with red eye circles. In fact, she had a deep affection for Xiao Wu, she loved him too, and she regretted hitting him afterwards.

In the past few days, she ignored people, partly because after this incident, she didn't know how to deal with it, how to face it, so she simply didn't face it.

"Hmm." Li Hua rubbed her head, and said softly, "Actually, our brother was sorry for you and made you feel wronged."

Li Man's face burned, and she lowered her head, "What does this have to do with you?"

Li Hua raised her hand, held her face up, looked into her eyes, and said seriously, "If our brothers hadn't decided to marry each other in the first place, such a thing would not have happened. In other words, you are a gift from heaven to our brothers." gift, but also the cruelest gift."

"What do you mean?" Li Man broke free from his hand and said angrily, "You think I'm not good?"

"Fool." Li Hua pulled her into his arms, rubbed her chin against her soft hair, and smiled wryly, "How could you be so kind, you are so kind. So good that our brothers almost couldn't do it."

"I made you brothers discord?" Li Man glared at him.

Li Hua smiled lightly, and pinched her chin lightly with two fingers, "Isn't it? Whenever someone comes out of your room, the others would want to pick him up."

"Pfft." Li Man laughed out loud, "That's really the way to go. But aren't you all doing well now?"

"Little thing with no conscience, are you hoping that something will happen to our brother?" Li Hua said, biting the back of her neck annoyed.

It didn't hurt, but Li Man was very ticklish, so she writhed in his arms, "Li Hua, don't, it's so itchy."

"Do you still dare to be heartless?" Li Hua stopped her mouth, but didn't stop her hands. Knowing that she was ticklish, those hands scratched her sensitive places viciously.

The provoked Li Man fell on the bed, rolling all over the bed regardless of her image.

The two children in the trolley under the bed all stared wide-eyed, watching their parents rolling and messing around on the bed.

It seems very interesting.

And no one noticed the person standing at the door—Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu didn't expect to see such a scene when he came in. The fourth brother, who has always been the most gentle and elegant, actually rode on his daughter-in-law, with his hands wrapped around her armpits, tickling her non-stop, while Li Man's smiling branches trembled wildly. Stop softly begging for mercy.

That soft posture makes people melt in their hearts just looking at it.

It's a pity that the man is the fourth brother, not him.

"You guys are having a lot of fun." Xiao Wu probably felt that this scene was too glaring, so Xiao Wu couldn't help but sneer.

Both of them were stunned on the bed, and looked at him in unison.

Li Hua got off her body instinctively, with an embarrassed expression, "Xiao Wu, why are you here?"

"I'm really sorry for interrupting Fourth Brother's good business." Although the words were addressed to Li Hua, Xiao Wu's red eyes were fixed on Li Man.

He would like to see how partial she can go?

Li Man also noticed his eyes, but she didn't look at him. The child has become too uncontrollable now.

Li Man no longer dared to be self-righteous and treat him as the child he used to be.

Just like what Yan Jin warned, she began to fear that she would be eaten by him without any bones remaining.

So, it's better to keep your distance.


It's better if the electricity is cut off for a day, sorry, it's too late.

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