Fortunate Wife

Extra 119 Stuttering

The business of the ice cream shop was not settled, and there was another round of nonsense. Li Man was hot and sweaty, but she was lying on the bed, not moving at all.

Li Mo fanned her with a cattail fan, seeing that she was falling asleep again, he got up, went to fetch some hot water himself, and thoughtfully scrubbed her body.

"Hmm." The warm moisture made Li Man feel comfortable, and she slowly opened her eyes, and saw Li Mo with his head down, scrubbing her, and blushed involuntarily.

"Brother." Her voice was hoarse with a trace of waking up, and she sounded extraordinarily cute.

Li Mo stopped moving his hands, and pulled down the thin skirt that was pulled up to her waist, covering her legs, and then said softly, "Okay, you can sleep for a while."

"Don't sleep anymore. The babies should wake up later." Li Man made a gesture to get up, but Li Mo hurriedly bent down to help her.

"Don't be afraid, someone is here when you wake up."

Li Man smiled lightly, but the thin shirt on her body was sticking to her body with dampness, and she felt a little uncomfortable, "Brother, I want to take a bath."

"Oh." Li Mo's face was slightly embarrassed. He knew his daughter-in-law had such a cleanliness habit, so he hurriedly got up and said, "I'll get some water again. Fall"

"Yeah." Li Man leaned against the head of the bed and let out a sigh of satisfaction.

After a while, Li Mo brought a bucket of hot water in person. Li Man took a comfortable bath behind the screen, changed into clean clothes, and felt much more comfortable.

After she cleaned up, Li Mo simply washed himself with the water she had washed in, and changed his clothes.

"Brother, should we ask Li Yan and the others to come over and discuss the matter of the store together. To be honest, I think it might be possible to open an ice cream store." Li Man said with twinkling eyes.

I wanted to freshen up and spend some time comfortably with her on the bed, but seeing her exuberant look, Li Mo got up helplessly, handed her his coat, and said, "You put it on first." , I called them over."

"Well, let's go and see, Dabao and Erbao are awake?" Li Man leaned against the head of the bed, only putting her coat on her chest, not in a hurry to put it on.

In fact, she was also wearing a middle coat and trousers, which were similar to modern pajamas. Besides, on this hot day, she had to wear a long dress outside, which was really hot.

Therefore, as long as she doesn't go out, she doesn't want to wear it.

Li Mo responded and went out.

Soon came back, followed by the three brothers Li Yan, Li Shu and Li Hua.

"Daughter-in-law, you?" As soon as he entered, Li Shu keenly noticed something was wrong.

The daughter-in-law is nestled on the eldest brother's bed, her long hair is not tied up, it is only loosely draped over her shoulders like a waterfall, and she is only wearing underwear and trousers, a pair of small feet are not even wearing socks, just like that. On the outside of the thin quilt, the white and pink color dazzles people's eyes.

"I told you to come here, I have something good to say." Before Li Shu could finish asking, Li Man sat cross-legged excitedly, and said with a smile, "Li Shu, didn't you want to open a restaurant last time? I thought about it. Let's open a restaurant, but this restaurant doesn't sell wine and food, how about we sell some drinks and desserts?"

Her excited words successfully diverted everyone's attention.

"What are drinks and desserts?" Li Hua asked curiously.

Li Man tilted his head, with a somewhat smug face, "Well, it's troublesome to explain, but it's not difficult to make, so I'll go to the kitchen later to see what ingredients are available, and I'll make some for you to try first." Try it, if you think it’s good, let’s talk about other things, how about it?”

"Okay." Li Shule clapped his hands when he heard that his wife was going to cook, and said, how long has it been since he had a good meal cooked by his wife, especially now, there are a lot of maids and women in the Shangguan Mansion, and there is no Li Man needs to do it himself.

However, no matter how delicious the food cooked by outsiders is, he doesn't feel delicious when he eats it. All he misses is the food made by his wife.

But now that the weather is hot, it is definitely a hard job to cook in the kitchen. Besides, there are two children to take care of at home, and he doesn't want to work hard for his wife.

"Just know how to eat." Li Yan glanced at him lightly, then turned to look at Li Man, "You have already discussed this with your elder brother?"

"Huh?" Li Man was taken aback.

Li Mo's face was also slightly embarrassed, "Cai Man'er told me, I think I can try it, and I want to ask you to come over and discuss it."

"Oh." It turned out that he had discussed it with his elder brother, and when he came to them again, Li Yan said in his heart that it was a lie not to be annoyed, but he had a habit, the more annoyed he was, the less it would show on his face, and even the corners of his lips curled up. With the usual smile.

"Not bad, then we will wait and see."

He looked at Li Man and smiled softly.

If it was someone else, they might have thought that this smile was a sign of encouragement and approval, but when Li Man met Li Yan's eyes, her heart sank suddenly, she screamed inwardly, and accidentally overturned the jar of jealousy.

"Well, I'll make it in a while, I'll be the first one for you to taste." Li Man curled up her lips and showed him a big smile, obviously a bit flattering.

But Li Yan didn't eat her set, just snorted softly and looked away, "The third brother likes to eat what you cook the most, let him eat first."

"Well, thank you second brother." Li Shu, who didn't expect the second brother to be so knowledgeable today, and who didn't know the truth, was quite satisfied.

Li Man's head was full of black lines, and she suddenly felt her eyelids twitching, feeling a bad premonition.

"Li Yan—" She looked at him eagerly.

"The child is awake, I'll go take a look." Li Yan turned around and left.

Are you still arrogant? Li Man pouted aggrievedly.

Li Hua saw all this clearly, and smiled lightly, "Okay, second brother is afraid of heat, and when it's hot today, he will have a bad temper. Man'er, do you want my help later?"

"No, just wait and eat." When it comes to food, Li Man is happy again. If he succeeds, he will not only earn money, but also enjoy himself.

Li Hua smiled slightly.

Li Man picked up her coat, got up and got out of bed.

"Man'er." Li Hua hurriedly grabbed her, "Are you going to run outside like this?"

"Eh?" Li Man looked at her body and sighed helplessly.

Well, in this feudal era, no matter how hot it is, you have to pack yourself tightly.

Depressedly, she put her coat on her body, tied it loosely, and then cast a coquettish look at Li Hua, "Is this okay?"

"Don't you wear these socks?" Li Hua picked up the socks on the bedside table and gave them to her.

Li Man's hair was full of black lines, "My skirt is so long that it can cover my shoes."

So, what does it matter if you wear socks or not? No one could see it anyway.

"Good boy." Li Hua didn't care about her, just squatted down, held her little foot, and was about to put a sock on it.

"Ah, don't." Li Man was really defeated, she quickly grabbed the socks in his hand, sat on the chair, and put them on by herself.

Li Hua watched and smiled softly.

So is Li Mo.

Li Shu is the same, but his smile is extra hearty, "Daughter-in-law, I never thought that a person like you would not like to wear socks."

"It's hot." Li Man pouted and hummed.

Li Mo knows that she is afraid of heat, and the countryside is much cooler than the capital. Thinking about it, Li Man was not used to it when she first came to Li's house. She was not only afraid of heat, but also afraid of mosquitoes. Every time she got hot or was bitten by mosquitoes, she felt pitiful. Looks like you're about to cry.

Later, not only did they buy mosquito nets, but Li Yan also bought some medicine to repel mosquitoes.

Then, every night when it was hot, they would fan her cattail leaf, so that she could sleep soundly through the night.

However, in this capital city, it seems that it has been very hot since the morning. Look, I just took a shower and changed my clothes, and at this moment, I am sweating again.

Seeing the fine sweat on Li Man's forehead, Li Mo felt distressed, and said, "I will wear it when I go out from now on, and I won't wear it when I am indoors."

"Yeah." Li Man felt happy, it was very rare for this rigid man to allow her to do whatever she wanted in the room.

"Okay, I'm going to the kitchen first."

"Daughter-in-law, I will accompany you." Li Shu followed behind her as he spoke.

"The kitchen is hot, you should stay indoors." Li Man said.

Li Shu hurriedly said, "It's because of the heat, I'll fan you."

"Oh, that's good, I'll let you eat more later." Li Man said with a smile.

The two went to the kitchen while talking and laughing.

In the room, Li Hua glanced at Li Mo and smiled slightly, "Brother, you look good today."

"Huh? Ah, is that so?" Li Mo was slightly embarrassed. The fourth brother always spoke in a tactful manner, but no matter how tactful he was, he could still hear the meaning in his words.

Yes, usually he would talk about his younger brothers, but when it was his turn, he forgot everything, and he couldn't hold back in broad daylight, and let his younger brothers laugh at him.

The elder brother didn't tease me, Li Hua pursed his lips and asked, "What exactly is the ice cream that Man'er told you about?"

"I don't know about this." Before, his attention was all on his daughter-in-law herself, so he didn't think about what she said.

Li Hua shrugged, "Brother, don't you want to go and see?"

"This?" The daughter-in-law is cooking, and he is a big man watching from the side? Does it fit?

"I'll ask my second brother." After Li Hua finished speaking, he walked out the door with a smile.

Sure enough, Li Yan was in Li Man's room, playing with the two children.

However, while the children were playing, he was like a grandpa, with his hands behind his head, leaning against the head of the bed, squinting his eyes, watching them play quietly.

The boss pressed the second child under him and ravaged him, but he didn't care.

Li Hua shook his head lightly, this second elder brother, who is usually so smart, is partial to his daughter-in-law, so paranoid that he has gone crazy.

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