Fortunate Wife

Extra Story 120 What a coincidence

Li Hua picked up the eldest from the second, then sat on the side of the bed, looked at Li Yan, and asked with a smile.

"Second brother, Man'er is making that ice cream in the kitchen, it sounds delicious, why don't you go and see?"

Li Yan glanced at him with narrowed eyes, showing a lack of interest.

Li Hua still just smiled, and said, "You also know the temper of Third Brother, if you don't go, I'm afraid he can eat as much as he wants by himself."

"Why don't you go?" Li Yan asked lightly.

Li Hua raised her eyebrows, "Go, why not? I'll take Da Bao and Er Bao with me."

Li Yan's eyes moved slightly, and Li Hua took his hand and pulled him up, "Okay, it's really stuffy in the room, it's better to go out to get some air, the weather isn't as hot as noon at this time."

"Okay." Li Yan immediately hugged his daughter into his arms.

Li Hua hugged his son, and the two went out together.

As soon as he went out, he saw Li Mo was about to walk out of the yard.

Li Hua yelled, "Brother, where are you going?"

Li Mo turned around and saw his two younger brothers, his expression froze slightly, and he smiled, "It's nothing, just walk around."

"Then go to the kitchen and see how Man'er is doing." Li Hua suggested.

Li Mo nodded immediately, "Okay."

The three brothers took the child to the kitchen together.

In the kitchen, because of Li Man's order, several servants and maids avoided, and only she and Li Shu were tossing about.

Li Shu was busy crushing ice cubes, while Li Man made some honey and pearl powder and mixed them together.

It smells weird, and it's not as good as she imagined.

She couldn't help being a little discouraged, and when Li Shu finally finished a bowl of crushed ice, she added the thick paste into the crushed ice bit by bit.

"Daughter-in-law, it looks good." Li Shu gently touched his lower lip, completely attracted by the cool and colorful delicacy.

Li Man lowered her head, "Where is it good?" This is incomparable to modern ice cream, but after glancing at the ingredients in the kitchen, she could only sigh.

"The materials are limited, so it can only be made like this. I'll go to the market tomorrow to see if I can buy some more milk and fresh fruit. Squeeze it into juice and drink it."

"Yeah." Li Shu hummed, couldn't help but took a small spoon, took a spoonful from the bowl and put it in his mouth. It was cool, sweet, smooth and delicious.

"Oh, it's delicious." Li Shu praised exaggeratedly, and stretched out his spoon to dig.

Li Man hid the bowl back and looked at him suspiciously, "Is it really delicious?"

"Really, daughter-in-law, let me taste it again. It's the first time I've eaten such a delicious thing when I grow up so big." Li Shu said, grabbed the bowl from her hand, and ate it by himself .

"It's not finished yet." Li Man rushed to get it back.

Li Shu smiled and said, "That's good, daughter-in-law, you can have a bite too."

"Oh." Li Man took a sip from his spoon. It felt cool, sweet and fragrant, a bit like the five-cent popsicles I ate when I was very young.

Although the taste is not as good as the later ice cream with complicated patterns, it is not bad.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Li Shu took a bite by himself, and then fed another bite to his wife.

While eating, Li Man suddenly thought of something, and exclaimed in surprise, "By the way, I almost forgot, didn't Zhang Jing treat us to ice cream?"

"Zhang Jing? When?" Li Shu frowned slightly, expressing that he had no impression.

Li Man patted his arm and shouted, "You forgot, that year, I fought with someone in the town with you, and later, Mrs. Zhang even specially ordered someone to visit, it seems that since that time Well, she sent someone... Oh, no, it should be later, the old lady invited me to Zhang's mansion to watch a play. It was hot that day, so the old lady invited me to eat this. Later, I brought some back to give What are you eating? Forgot?"

Li Shu shook his head, really forgot.

Li Man glanced at him angrily, but the ice cream was indeed eaten. It seems that Mrs. Zhang said that Zhang Jing brought it back from some other country to honor her.

Forget it, I don't know if Zhang Jing has returned to Shennvgou. Tomorrow, I will send someone to Zhang's mansion to inquire. If he is still in the capital, I invite him to come over for a meal and ask about the ice cream.

Hey, that's it.

Now that she has made up her mind, Li Man is not so serious about the poor-looking, taste-worthy popsicles she makes that are barely called popsicles.

However, seeing Li Shu's addiction to eating mouthful after mouthful, he quickly grabbed the bowl, "That's all I ordered, I have to save some for the eldest brother and the others."

"What do you want to leave for big brother?" Li Yan's voice suddenly appeared at the door.

Li Man turned around in astonishment, and saw Li Yan walking over with his daughter in his arms, and then handed her daughter into her arms.

"My daughter misses you and is crying to come, so I brought her here in my arms."

"Ah?" Li Man hurriedly put down the bowl, hugged her daughter and coaxed her, but her eyes were clean and bright, she didn't look like she had cried at all.

Li Hua and Li Mo who came in later, after hearing Li Yan's words, all smiled helplessly.

"Ah, you're all here." Li Shu was very excited, and quickly picked up the bowl of popsicles, digging out a spoonful and handing it to his son as if offering a treasure.

"Come on, son, try your mother's ice cream, it's delicious."

Er Bao took a look at the tempting delicacy in the spoon

, immediately stuck out his tongue and licked it, probably feeling that it was too cold, his little brows wrinkled into a ball.

Li Shu laughed out loud, and turned to tease his daughter again.

Li Man didn't let him succeed.

Li Shu shrugged his eyebrows, and asked his eldest brother to try it too.

I don't do much, one scoop per person is obviously not enough.

What's more, in these hot summers, even if you have a piece of ice in your mouth, it is refreshing, and what's more, there is something delicious in the ice.

The brothers immediately fell in love with this smell.

"Man'er, is it just such a small bowl?" Li Hua obviously had something to say.

The same is true for Li Yan. He stared at Li Shu gloomyly, which made Li Shu feel terrified, and hurriedly said, "I didn't take a few bites, it's just such a small bowl, really."

"Who told you to only make so much crushed ice?" Li Man blamed him.

Li Shu felt aggrieved, "Daughter-in-law, this ice cube is too difficult to make, and it has to be so broken."

"Crush the ice? Let's do it." Li Hua quickly rolled up his sleeves, and was about to crush the ice. In short, he only took one bite, and he was unwilling to eat more.

As soon as he took the lead, others also became interested.

Li Man is funny, dare to love, her men are also a bunch of foodies?

"Okay, you guys get more crushed ice, I'll make some more, this time it will definitely taste better than the one I made just now." With the first experience, Li Man can guarantee that it will be even better.

So she handed over her daughter to Li Mo and rejoined her work.

In the small kitchen, the whole family is crowded here. It is a bit hot, but it doesn't feel stuffy. On the contrary, it feels very warm.

Before he knew it, Li Yan's eyes softened a lot as he watched this scene.

This time, because of extra help, Li Man suddenly had half a bowl of crushed ice, plus the ingredients she prepared, enough to make ten bowls of ice cream.

As the saying goes, it's better to come early than to come early, just when Li Man was distributing ice cream to the men in small bowls.

Tian Ningying's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Sister-in-law Man'er, what good food is your family stealing here? Don't call me."

As soon as he said that, several people squeezed into the room.

The small kitchen suddenly became crowded.

Li Man took a look, ho, it's quite complete.

Zhang Jing, Situ Qing, Tian Ningying, Shangguan Xue, and Yan Jin.

"Why did you five come together?" Li Man was very curious.

Shangguan Xue lowered her head, a little shy.

Li Man knew that wherever Yan Jin was, she always looked like this little daughter-in-law.

Then he looked at Tian Ningying.

Those grown men didn't know where the kitchen was, so these two little girls must have led the way.

Tian Ningying grinned and said cheerfully, "Sister-in-law, what a coincidence, Xue'er and I were about to talk to you, and we ran into the three of them. Because you were not there, I asked the servants, and they said they were all in the kitchen." By the side. Oh, I knew that my sister-in-law must have cooked delicious food again, so I brought Xueer over. The three of them probably heard that there was delicious food, so they also followed. I didn’t bring it Oh."

"Is there anything delicious? This?" Situ Qing turned his face and glanced into Li Shuwan, but couldn't see anything, so he grabbed it, dug a small piece with his fingers, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Hey, brat, are you looking for death?" Li Shu reacted, grabbed the bowl back immediately, and kicked him fiercely.

Situ Qing flashed swiftly, and praised, "Oh, it tastes good, what is it? It's so refreshing. Xiao Yu'er, go and get me a bowl too."

When he called Xiao Yu'er, the expressions of the other people in the room changed immediately.

Especially Yan Jin, whose originally cold eyes looked at him even colder.

Situ Qing chuckled, and didn't feel sorry because this title almost caused a gang fight.

"I have to eat it myself." Li Man gave him an angry look, then picked up two bowls and handed them to Tian Ningying and Shangguanxue.

"Hehe, it's okay to mess around, as long as everyone feels good after eating."

When it was over, he filled another bowl and handed it to Zhang Jing.

"Zhang Jing, this is for you. Try it quickly. How is it different from the one you used to honor the old lady?"

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