Fortunate Wife

Extra Story 130 Blacklist

Zhang Jing took it, took a sip, and said pleasantly, "Is this ice cream?"

"Ha, do you think it looks like it?" Li Man was also happy. Although the appearance is not comparable, the taste is still somewhat similar, especially the second time, she added some cheese.

Along the way, Zhang Jing was actually very hot. At this moment, taking two spoonfuls of ice sweet, not only felt comfortable in the stomach, but the cool breath seemed to slowly seep out from the stomach, slowly flowing to every cell in the body.

Plant with comfort!

Seeing Li Man's eyes full of anticipation, like a child wanting a reward, Zhang Jing smiled, and boasted while eating, "Well, the taste is delicious, not worse than the one I brought back from Xizhao."

"Hehe, why don't you praise me? I ate the one you brought back, and it tastes good." Li Man tried hard to recall the deliciousness at that time. There were no modern additives, and the taste was unique and natural, which was great.

Zhang Jing quickly finished a bowl, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "I'm not kidding you, your cooking is very good, I'll eat more."

With that said, he wanted to go to Shengchu himself again.

However, suddenly there were five more people, and the small half pot was not enough.

Li Shu hurriedly took all the bowls away like protecting food, "It's no good, there is only one bowl for each person, and there is no more."

"Stingy." Tian Ningying still wanted to eat after eating, so she glared at Li Shu.

Li Shu hurriedly explained, "It's not much, I have to save some for Xiao Wu, your father, and your brother."

Tian Ningying held back her mouth, and then she was speechless.

Her words also reminded Li Man, and she hurriedly said, "Yes, this thing melts quickly, Ying'er, hurry up and send some to Uncle and Ning An. Li Shu, get a bowl for Xiao Wu."

"Yeah." Li Shu promised, and quickly divided up the rest, and would never leave any for the men who came suddenly to snatch the food.

Fortunately, the men are not greedy, they just don't enjoy eating.

"Xiao Yu'er." Situ Qing remained stubborn, and habitually called him by his favorite title, "I never thought that you still have such a skill? I often hear Xiao Jingzi say that you are good at cooking, or tonight Just show your hands and let the master have a good time?"

He has a romantic nature and is used to it. No matter who he talks to, there is always a hint of frivolity and teasing in his tone.

Therefore, as soon as the words fell, everyone consciously turned cold faces on him, and then chose to ignore him.

However, Yan Jin, who hadn't appeared for many days, could choke to death as soon as she opened her mouth, "Is there no one in your marquis mansion? Are you here to beg for food?"

However, Situ Qing was a slippery and unintentional person, especially after successfully abducting Bei Linlang back from the aunt's nunnery, he was in such a good mood that even if someone jumped in front of him and scolded his mother, he could still be happy.

Slightly pursing his lips, he said with a smile, "Xiao Jinzi, you and I have known each other for many years. You don't know the virtues of the Hou Mansion? No matter how many delicacies there are, you will get tired of eating them all. Just like your palace, I heard that there are cooks from all over the place, but don’t you also come here? Hey, don’t tell me, you don’t want to eat the dishes cooked by this girl.”

Yan Jinjun's face darkened, "I'm not as boring as you."

After speaking, he walked away.

"Heh," Situ Qing curled his lips into a nasty smile, "I left ashamed after being guessed by my master."

Therefore, Yan Jin, who had just walked to the door, paused, gritted his teeth, and said, "Who said this king is going to leave? This king just wants to come out to get some air."

"Oh." Situ Qing shrugged and smiled, watched him go out, and then asked Zhang Jing next to him, "This guy seems to have lost a lot of weight recently, do you see it?"

"Oh. Really?" Zhang Jing gave him a white look, he was not so boring, he would pay attention to a man's fat or thin.

But Situ Qing said seriously, "Really, if you don't believe me, if you take a closer look, I think he's not only thinner, but also emaciated. Hehe, some woman must have hurt his heart."

Hearing this, Zhang Jing glanced at him, "It's probably true as you said, after all, you have the deepest experience of being hurt by a woman."

Expose short? If it was in the past, Situ Qing would definitely be anxious, but now, he has successfully embraced the beauty, and all injuries have become a thing of the past, so what does he care about?

"Xiao Jingzi, what about you? Have you ever been hurt by another woman?" Situ Qing asked, and suddenly approached him, whispering in his ear, "Is it our little Yu'er or the little girl named Mei. "

"Get out." Zhang Jing's face changed, and he pushed his head away angrily.

Gossip like this by a big man is either boring or too perverted.

Situ Qing didn't take it seriously, anyway, now that he was bubbling with happiness, he just wanted to feel uncomfortable.

"Xiao Yu'er." Zhang Jing ignored him, and Situ Qing's target was on Li Man. Whoever filled the room, only these two people, he could talk.

As for the brothers of the Li family, hmph, from the beginning until now, he has never been pleasing to the eye. Who told them to become Xiao Yuer's husbands.

Based on this alone, it is impossible for him to be friends with them in his life.

Facing Situ Qing's stubbornness, Li Man supported his forehead and glared at him, "Hey, my name is Li Man, next time I call Xiao Yu'er, I don't care."

"Li Man is better than Xiao Yuer." Situ Qing didn't care about her threats.

Li Man turned her head and ignored him, hmph, is her threat for nothing?

Situ Qing got up, walked to her side, and said with a smile, "OK, OK, I'll call you Xiao Man'er from now on, is that done?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Yan interrupted coldly, "No?"

Still Xiao Man'er, even their brothers are only called 'Man'er', why should he be called Xiao Man'er so affectionately?

The other brothers also had cold faces, obviously displeased with Situ Qing's title.

But this pleased Situ Qing, his radiant eyes slowly glanced at these people, and he smiled, "Okay, you are not allowed to call me, then I will not be called Xiao Man'er. Well, then I will be called Man Man ?”

Pfft, Li Man turned to look at him, "Situ Qing, did you come here today to have fun?"

"Why did Manman say that?" Situ Qing raised an eyebrow and asked.

Li Man's whole body was covered with grains of rice, and she said hastily, "No, you should call me by my first name, Li Man."

"Oh, Li Man." Situ Qing tightened his eyebrows, but still shook his head, "No, it's ugly, why don't I call you sweetheart?"

"Get out." Li Man was furious for a moment, and said the same word as Zhang Jing.

Situ Qing was slightly taken aback, with a hurt expression on his face.

"Sweetheart, you and Xiao Jingzi really have a good understanding."

How provocative are these words?

Zhang Jing lay innocently on the gun, looked at him with a downcast face, "Qing, this is the last time I brought you here, from now on, you don't want to come with me again."

"Hey, what you said, it seems that I won't be able to come if I go to the government?" Situ Qing laughed.

Unexpectedly, Li Yan smiled coolly at him, "Zhang Jing is right, today is the last time you are in the Shangguan Mansion, and from now on, you will be included in the Shangguan Mansion's blacklist."

Li Man was overjoyed when he heard the blacklist. Unexpectedly, the words she often mentioned were learned and used here by Li Yanhuo, which is quite appropriate.

But Situ Qing didn't understand, and asked, "What blacklist?"

"It's the blacklist for people who refuse to enter the mansion." Li Man explained, "In the future, whenever you want to come, the gate of my mansion will be closed and you won't be allowed to enter."

Situ Qing let out an 'ah', and wailed bitterly, "Isn't it? Sweetheart, you and I have always had a good relationship since childhood, why do you have the heart to shut me out?"

Li Man squinted at him, suppressed a smile, and said, "Why are you still shouting? Be careful that our men will throw you out right now."

Situ Qing glanced at Li Mo and the others, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "What's so good about my vinegar? I already have women."

"Haven't you ever had a woman?" Li Man gave him a blank look.

It is precisely because he has many women and likes to hook up with women that the Li family brothers guard against him, even more than Zhang Jing and Yan Jin.

Situ Qing smiled softly, "That's right, when did I ever lack a woman? So, don't worry, I won't be so hungry and want a child."

"What's the matter, mother? Situ Qing, do you want to be beaten out with a broom right now?" Li Man suddenly frightened him with a straight face.

Situ Qing was not afraid, instead he smiled happily, "Come on, come on, drive me away with a broom."

"Princess Linlang, are you here?" Suddenly, Zhang Jing's voice came from the door.

Situ Qing's complexion changed, and he hurriedly suppressed his unruly expression, turned his head to look at the door, and asked, "Where is she?"

Zhang Jing shrugged his eyebrows, "Although she didn't come, her heart did. Qing, if she knows you're messing around here, she won't know where she's going next time."

"Xiao Jingzi, you are a man, you won't gossiping in front of her, right?" Situ Qing asked with a bad expression.

Zhang Jing snorted, "That's natural, but if she asks, I can't hide it. After all, I have known her since childhood. Even if we are not childhood sweethearts, our relationship is still close. She is a younger sister, how can this elder brother deceive a younger sister?"

With sharp teeth and sharp mouth, Situ Qing gritted his teeth, "Just don't talk nonsense, I'm just teasing Xiao Yu'er. Let's go, it's boring here, I'll go out for a while. Then what, Xiao Yuer, I'll have dinner Eat here."

After speaking, before Li Man refused, he hurried out.

Seeing this, Li Man smiled helplessly.

Li Mo and the others also shook their heads. In fact, Situ Qing had a mean mouth, but he really didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

However, this Situ Qing, and that Yan Jin, all of them are handsome and distinguished, wandering around the Shangguan Mansion like this, wandering around in front of their own women, trying to gain a sense of presence, still makes Brother Li Mo angry In addition, there is a lot of sense of crisis.

This room is the Li family, and it is not easy for Zhang Jing to stay alone, so he also wants to go out for a walk, and come back when eating.

But Li Man stopped him, "Zhang Jing, don't go, I have something to discuss with you."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Jing was curious.

Li Man smiled and said, "It's the ice cream. We want to open an ice cream shop, but we really can't handle this thing well. So, we just want to ask, do you know the ice cream maker?"

If there is, it will save a lot of trouble if you can invite them.

"Open an ice cream shop?" Zhang Jing frowned slightly, thought for a while, and said, "It's good, but this master is far away in the sunset, even if he wants to invite him, he may not be able to invite him."

"Oh." Li Man also thought about it. This ancient man was very conservative, and he was rarely willing to leave his hometown. "Then do you think it will work? Let's buy his prescriptions and equipment."

Zhang Jingyuan wanted to say that it was inappropriate, but looking at Li Man's big eyes full of expectation, he couldn't bear to refuse, and said, "Well, I met a few people in Xizhao.

A letter of divorce, help to ask. "

"Well, then it's settled." Li Man said with a thankful smile.

Zhang Jing also smiled slightly, "It's nothing more than a little effort, but it may not be possible to do it. However, such exclusive secret recipes are unlikely to be passed on to others."

Li Man nodded, "Yes, but they are far away in Xizhao, and we are in the capital. It is far away, so we may not become competitors. And."

She suddenly narrowed her eyes and smiled at Zhang Jing, "Actually, I know the general formula and the production process, but there is a lack of equipment, and I can't find a suitable replacement for a while, so I feel that if there is Ready-made ones would be better. Of course, if they don't want to, it doesn't matter, I just spend more time researching it."

"Yeah." Zhang Jing liked her confident look very much, but he couldn't help worrying about another level, "But, Man'er, you should know that this ice cream is eaten cool in summer, but once the summer is over, it won't be sold." It's priced up."

"Who said that?" Li Man laughed. In modern times, even in winter, ice cream is still very popular.

"Huh?" Zhang Jing couldn't bear to hurt her self-confidence, so he said euphemistically, "There is only a summer business at Xizhao. And there is no special shop, but..." A certain nobleman's mansion The cook alone cooks for the master to eat.

"Oh?" Li Man thought about it, but thought of another idea, and quickly pulled Zhang Jing and said, "Zhang Jing, listen to me, you can write it in the letter tomorrow, if they are willing to provide the secret recipe and equipment, what about me? They will also provide secret recipes for other delicacies in exchange.”

"What kind of food?" Zhang Jing became more and more curious. Li Man knows how to cook, and he has eaten it. It is indeed very good. If she wants to open a restaurant, the ones made by herself will surely attract many customers. .

However, these dishes are common after all, even if they are not as good as hers, they may not be willing to exchange their exclusive secret recipes.

Li Man looked at him, her eyes were bright, but she put it off on purpose, and said, "Come back tomorrow, and I'll make it for you to try it myself. If you feel good, then talk about it?"

Can you still come tomorrow? Can I still eat her delicious food?

Zhang Jing naturally readily agreed, "Okay, I'll come back tomorrow."

"That's it." Li Man said with a cheerful smile.

Zhang Jing nodded, turned and went out the door.

In the small kitchen, Li Hua was curious, "Man'er, what are you going to do tomorrow?"

"Snacks." Li Man replied.

"Dim sum?" Li Hua smiled, "There are quite a few dim sum shops in the capital."

"But they absolutely don't have the dim sum I made." Li Man was full of confidence.

When I was in Shennvgou, there were few materials, and I couldn't make anything good.

However, this capital is different. Good things from all over the world can be gathered here. Tomorrow, she will go to the market to find useful materials.

Thinking of going out for a stroll tomorrow, Li Man was very excited, but for now, she decided to arrange dinner first.

Even if he said that Situ Qing and Yan Jin were not welcome, they really couldn't afford to offend them.

So, Li Man put on her apron, and really cooked for herself. In fact, she also wanted to cook for a long time, so that she could cook a good meal and feed her men.

There was heavy oily smoke in the room, so Li Hua and Li Mo left with the child in their arms.

Li Yan naturally stayed to help.

It was probably late, and the light in the kitchen was also dimmed. Li Man couldn't get used to the bad light, so she asked Li Yan to light the lamp.

Unexpectedly, Li Yan came up from behind, hugged her waist, bit the back of her neck, and asked in a low voice, "What do you want? If you can't see it, I'll get it for you."

"Don't make trouble." Being tickled by him, Li Man could only hide to the side.

Li Yan didn't let her go, and in the end, he imprisoned her in a corner beside the pot. Under the dim light, his gaze was scorching hot.

Li Man couldn't help feeling flustered, and even her voice softened a little, "Li Yan, what are you doing?"

"What do you think?" Li Yan smiled, lowered his head slowly, and kissed her lips domineeringly.

Li Man actually knew that he had been awkward all day, especially when he saw her in Li Mo's room in the afternoon, something was wrong with him.

She knew better that his jealousy had to be vented, otherwise, the more he saved, the more she would suffer in the end.

Ever since, she didn't refuse, but accepted his passionate kiss obediently.

It's just that Li Yan is a person who shines brightly when given a little sunshine, and once he gets her response, he can't control it. Not only did the kiss get deeper and deeper, but the hand around her waist also became dishonest.

Li Man became anxious and struggled to push him.

"Man'er." He let go of her slightly, and stared at her with eyes full of lust and lust.

Li Man pursed her lower lip and said angrily, "Don't you even look at this place? What if someone comes in later?"

"Then let's stop cooking and go back to the room with me." Li Yan pulled her to leave.

Li Man almost lost her temper from laughing, so she made him so anxious? Now that she's going back to the room with him like this, does she still want to see anyone?

Probably also felt that he was reckless, Li Yanjun blushed slightly, and asked with unsteady breath, "Then what do you think should be done? Or, let me do it quickly?"

"Go." Li Man pushed him away, no matter how fast he was, she would not dare to be here.

Li Yan disagreed, "I promise you, I'm not here, but you go to my room at night

. "

"What about the children?" Li Man was stunned.

"Let Xue'er and Ying'er take care of it," Li Yan said.

Li Man's head was full of black lines, "How did this happen?"

"I don't care, you have to come over at night." Li Yan said domineeringly and arrogantly.

Meeting his gaze, Li Man was full of helplessness, "This way, I won't be laughed to death by them."

"Then do you want to be laughed to death by them, or do you want to be laughed at by me..." He suddenly lowered his head and whispered a threat into her ear.

Li Man's ears burned, and he spat out pantingly, "You bastard."

"Ahem." Suddenly, there were two soft coughs from the door.

When they turned their heads, they saw the girl Tian Ningying standing by the door, pursing her lips and smiling.

"What are you doing there?" Li Yan's expression was not very good.

Tian Ningying chuckled, "Second Cousin, I'm sorry to disturb you making out with Man'er's sister-in-law, but don't worry, I'll take care of Dabao and Erbao at night, you have plenty of time to make out."

Did this girl overhear what you said just now? Li Man's face became even hotter, and she secretly glanced at Li Yan, complaining.

Li Yan pursed his lips, and stared at Tian Ningying with displeasure, "You girl, when did you learn to listen to the walls? Don't learn well."

"Oh, it's not my fault, Second Cousin, it's because you were too affectionate. You didn't notice when I came in. I was afraid of disturbing you, so I went out again, but after waiting for a while, you still haven't recovered. " Tian Ningying said innocently.

Li Yan was annoyed, "I've been waiting, why can't I wait a little longer?"

"Impossible." Tian Ningying ran into the room, pushed Li Yan away, leaned towards Li Man, and said with flickering eyes, "Sister-in-law Man'er, I have a big secret to tell you."

"What secret?" Li Man asked curiously.

Tian Ningying glanced at Li Yan and said with a smile, "Second Cousin, this is a secret between me and Sister-in-law Man'er, can you go out first?"

Li Yan glanced at her, but went out without saying anything.

As soon as he went out, Tian Ningying pulled Li Man and said, "Sister-in-law, I just found Xue Er and Prince Jin."

"Ah?" Li Man was surprised, "Are they together?"

"Yeah." Tian Ningying had a gossiping smile on her face, "That's not all, I even saw the two of them kissing."

"Ah?" Li Man's startled eyeballs almost fell out, "Ying'er, did you see it right?"

"How could it be wrong?" Tian Ningying hurriedly said, "It's just behind the rockery in the backyard. I didn't see it at first, but I heard some movement there from afar. I thought it was a wild duck or something. I wanted to play around. Did you see it?"

Li Man was very depressed, defending left and right, the two of them finally got together.

What can I do?

"Sister-in-law Man'er, don't you want to?" Seeing her ugly expression, Tian Ningying said worriedly.

In fact, during this period of time, Shangguanxue was full of worries all day long, crying and laughing at other times.

She felt that there was a problem, and it turned out that she had such an affair with King Jin.

But she thinks it's a good thing.

Isn't a handsome and dignified man like Jin Wang the man of women's dreams?

"Ying'er, don't tell anyone about this, just pretend you didn't see it." Li Man came back to her senses and told her.

Tian Ningying nodded, this matter is related to a woman's reputation, she naturally understands.

It's just that she is very optimistic, and she also hopes that Man'er's sister-in-law will agree.

"Sister-in-law, I think they match well together."

"Then you haven't seen any other women in his palace. If you did, you might think they are a good match." Li Man said depressingly.

Other women in the palace? Tian Ningying paused, but she hadn't thought about it, "So, if Xue'er marries, she has to share Prince Jin with other women?"

"Share?" Li Man's eyes showed sarcasm, "Well thought out, he has a concubine, a side concubine, and many concubines in his palace, so I'm afraid that Xue'er will enter the mansion, and once the freshness wears off, there will be no bright future. Think about how many women in his mansion are waiting for his favor every day, but has he taken it into consideration?"

"This?" Tian Ningying drooped her head, how could the originally beautiful love become so unbearable when her sister-in-law talked about it.

Could it be that Prince Jin was only greedy for Xueer for a while?

"I think Lord Jin likes Xue'er." Otherwise, why would he kiss her alone? Isn't she Tian Ningying also a woman, why don't you kiss her.

Li Man shook her head slightly, and sighed helplessly, "So what if I like it? In this world, love is the only thing that can't tolerate any impurities. Xue'er is still young, and they are the only ones in her world right now, but when she knows, this In a man's world, besides her, there are many other women. At that time, the happiness that love can give her will gradually fade away, and even slowly wear her away."

Tian Ningying didn't understand it very well, but when she thought that there were many women in Prince Jin's mansion, she felt a little uncomfortable.

"Hey, what should I do?"

"Don't worry about it." Li Man instructed, "There is nothing else, just wash the vegetables for me."

"Oh, okay." Tian Ningying was obedient, and she really didn't ask about it.

Li Man also decided to put this matter aside for the time being, and seriously prepared a large table of delicious dishes.

In the evening, men sit at one table to eat and drink, while women sit at another table, eating

while joking.

During the dinner, Li Man paid attention to Shangguan Xue, and found that this girl's face was always red, and she was not keen on the topic between her and Tian Ningying. Yan Jin, who was drinking so much, lowered her head, pursed her lips and smiled foolishly.

Woohoo, the poisoning is very deep.

Li Man doesn't know what to do? She only has such a younger sister, and she wants to protect her and let her live happily and carefree.

However, things were obviously far from what she thought.

She didn't dare to tell Shang Guan Xue about the matter again, for fear of hurting the little girl's face, but if she didn't make it clear, the girl didn't know how dangerous it would be to fall into it.

It was very entangled. At night, after turning off the lights, Li Man really handed over the children to Tian Ningying, and went to Li Yan's side by herself.

The door of Li Yan's room was not bolted, obviously it was reserved for her.

Li Man frowned slightly, is this guy so sure that he will come?

For some reason, there was a trace of tension and excitement in her heart. She gently pushed the door open and walked in. Then, before the door could close, her body was already wrapped in a warm embrace.

Li Yan picked her up with one hand, closed the door and bolted it with the other.

The room was pitch-black, and Li Man could vaguely make out his outline, and said angrily, "You're not waiting for me by the door, are you?"

"I knew you would come." Li Yan hugged her by the waist and kissed her face excitedly.

"Well, wait a minute." Li Man thumped him.

It's just like this, how anxious is he?

Li Yan bit her chin lightly, gave a low laugh, and carried her to bed.

"Wait, Li Yan, I have something to tell you." Li Man came here with something on her mind, and if the problem was not resolved, she would not be in the mood to do anything else.

However, Li Yan didn't care, he suppressed his emotions for a long time, if he didn't vent his emotions, he would go crazy.

So, in a half-forced and half-coaxed state, she finally let her compromise first, let him show off his glory, and was really happy. Then he hugged her and allowed her to talk about things.

Li Man rested for a long time before sighing, "Isn't it about Xue'er? Li Yan, what do you think should I do? Ying'er said that she and Yan Jin kissed each other in the evening. "

"Oh." Li Yan snorted softly, not surprised to hear this.

Li Man was very surprised, "Don't you think it's wrong?"

"It's normal for a man to have sex with a woman." Li Yan rubbed her waist heavily with his big palm and said with a smile.

Li Man froze and glared at him, "I'm telling you seriously, you know Yan Jin has so many women, how sincere can he be to Xue'er? If the freshness wears off, I'll throw it away." , What should Xueer do then?"

"Have you told Xue'er about this?" Li Yan looked a little serious.

"Yeah." Li Man nodded, "As I said, she also promised me that she has nothing to do with Yan Jin."

However, this girl obviously didn't mean what she said, and even started to hide it from her.

"Then it's up to her." Li Yan comforted her, "You are just her sister, but you can't make decisions for her. If she knows that Yan Jin is a fire pit, but she still insists on jumping down, then there is nothing we can do about it." .”

"But I have to give her a hand." Li Man said unwillingly.

Li Yan shook his head helplessly, "Love is different from others. Sometimes the more you take care of it, the worse it will be. Have you ever thought about it, perhaps it is because of your every possible way to stop Xue'er that she is more determined?" To Yan Jin's heart."

Li Man was dumbfounded.

Li Yan explained, "In other words, you want to pull her and prevent her from falling into the fire pit. However, children of this age are naturally rebellious. The more you try to pull her, the more she wants to jump down."

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