Fortunate Wife

Episode 147 The Aroma of Wine

"Don't dare." Li Man exclaimed, begging for mercy.

There was too much movement in the room, so the people outside rushed in to find out what was going on. As a result, they saw Li Man nestled in Li Yan's arms, and both of them blushed.

"Sister-in-law, are you too affectionate with my second brother? It's not dark yet." Tian Ningying said with a smile.

"Damn girl, who let you in?" Li Man quickly broke free from Li Yan's arms, went to the door and said to Tian Ningying angrily, "In the future, you and your husband may be hotter than me."

"Oh, you can talk about me then." Tian Ningying made a face at Li Man, and said in a low voice, "Big cousin and the others also came over just now, and when they saw you like that, they all ran away in fright."

"Oh." Li Man didn't believe that they would be frightened, so she went out of the room and smiled when she saw everyone enjoying the cool in the yard, "How about eating dinner in the yard? Fall."

"Okay." Everyone agreed.

Although it was dark, there were lights in the yard, and the light was very good. In addition, the weather tonight was really good, with stars all over the sky, and a gentle breeze, which made it cool.

So, Li Man and the maids got busy, setting the table, setting the meals, and the most important thing was to move out the children's cars. out of the house.

"Would you like some wine?" Li Man asked enthusiastically.

"Yes." Li Shu was the first to raise his hands in favor.

"Okay, then follow me to the kitchen to get some wine. Today, I'll let you try something new." Li Man said, pulling Li Shu along.

Li Shu was curious, "Daughter-in-law, what are you trying?"

"I made the wine myself." Li Man raised her eyebrows proudly at him.

Li Shu was very surprised, "Daughter-in-law, do you know how to make wine?"

"Yeah." Li Man was a little guilty, and honestly confessed, "It's not the kind of wine you usually drink, I brew fruit wine."

"What fruit wine?" Li Shu didn't understand.

Li Man then explained, "It's wine made from fruit."

"Fruit can also be made into wine? Daughter-in-law, why have I never seen it before? When did you make wine?" Li Shu was very surprised.

Li Man smiled a little embarrassedly, "Do you still remember when we first arrived at the Shangguan Mansion? The prince sent a lot of fresh melons and fruits, didn't they have two baskets of red bayberry? You don't like to eat it because you think it's sour. I want to let it go." It would be a pity if it broke, so I secretly brewed wine."

"Ah, no wonder? We thought someone secretly threw it away." Li Shu suddenly realized.

During that time, they were quite resistant to the prince. Even though he gave the Shangguan a lot of favors, they still feared him, especially his thoughts on Li Man.

Those fresh melons and fruits, in their view, are just tricks to please women.

They wouldn't be fooled by sugar-coated shells, so the brothers almost unanimously thought that the things the prince sent were not good, and they didn't want to taste any of them.

Later, those melons and fruits disappeared somehow, and they all thought that the other party had secretly thrown them away, but who knew that the daughter-in-law had secretly hidden them?

"Why throw it away? It's such a good thing." Li Man rolled his eyes at him, and then said, "Try it later, I haven't made this thing for a long time, it's very raw, and I don't know how it tastes. Tell you."

"Oh, the wine brewed by my wife must be delicious." Li Shu hurriedly comforted him.

Li Man hurriedly dodged and ran out of his arms.

Li Shu ran after him with his long legs, "Daughter-in-law, what are you running for?"

"If you don't run, I'll let you catch it, it's so hot." Li Man turned her head and gave him a sharp look, then continued to run.

Li Shu then cooperated with her in the little game, chasing after her to play leisurely.

The two ran to the kitchen laughing and laughing all the way, and Li Man moved out a large jar from under the cabinet.

"Daughter-in-law, I'll come." Li Shu was afraid that she wouldn't be able to move it and break it, so he hurried over to help.

"Yes." Li Man handed the jar to him.

Li Shu moved the big jar to the table, opened the lid eagerly, and a scent of red bayberry wafted into his nostrils.

"Wow, it smells so good." Li Shu took a deep breath, and couldn't help reaching out to dip some wine to taste.

Li Man hurriedly slapped his hands away, "Pay attention to hygiene."

"Hehe, daughter-in-law, just have a taste." Li Shu looked at her fawningly.

Li Man gouged him out, then turned around and took a clean bowl from the cupboard.

Li Shu poured some into the bowl, and the dark red liquid slowly seeped into the porcelain white bowl, becoming more translucent and attractive to taste.

Putting down the jar in a hurry, Li Shu impatiently picked up the bowl and took a sip.

"How is it?" Li Man looked at him expectantly.

Li Shu drank it all in one breath, "It's delicious."

"Let me have a taste." Li Man was very excited.

Li Shu poured some more, Li Man picked it up, and took a sip. The bayberry wine tasted mellow and rich, and it was really good.

"That's it, move it away." Li Man covered the jar and instructed Li Shu.

Li Shu gave an 'hmm' and happily followed behind his wife.

The meals in the yard have been set up long ago, and they are waiting for Li Man's wine. Everyone can't wait, and they have to go to the gate of the yard to watch from time to time.

But looking at it, he actually saw Zhang Jing and Yan Jin.

"Why are you here again?" Even Tian Ningying felt that the two of them came for the first time.

Counting is too frequent, let alone several times a day, there must be once a day.

Zhang Jing smiled, "What? Are you not welcome?"

The handsome man smiled, the beauty was too beautiful to behold, Tian Ningying would not welcome him, and immediately grinned and said, "Please hurry up."

Seeing Yan Jin, Shangguan Xue's heart skipped a beat, and an unnatural expression of joy and joy appeared on that fair little face.

She didn't speak, but quietly moved a chair for Yan Jin to sit on.

Then, she said softly, "My sister is going to get the wine."

"Oh." Yan Jin snorted casually.

The two of them greeted each other.

Not long after, Li Shu and Li Man finally came back.

As soon as he entered the yard, Li Shu yelled, "Brother, we are lucky tonight. The wine made by my wife is fruit wine."

But as soon as the words fell, Li Shu's expression sank when he saw two men suddenly appearing in the yard.

"Why are you here?"

Yan Jin has always been aloof and cold, even though Li Shu was furious, he didn't change his face and didn't respond.

Zhang Jing, on the other hand, had a good temper and said with a smile on his face, "Of course I came here because I smelled the aroma of wine."

What Li Man said was very useful, "It just so happens that you are here, and you should also try the wine I made. Just now Li Shu said it was delicious."

After speaking, he set up clean small porcelain bowls and asked Li Shu to pour wine for everyone.

The crimson liquid is rippling in the small porcelain white bowl, which is very beautiful.

Li Mo and the others were stunned, "Daughter-in-law, is this really wine? Why doesn't it look like it?"

"It's really wine, try it." Li Man said with a smile.

Not only Li Mo and others, but Shangguanxue and Tian Ningying saw the beauty of the wine, and couldn't wait to drink it.

"Where is this wine? It's clearly sweet water." Tian Ningying said, licking her lips after drinking.

Li Man warned with a smile, "This is really wine, I can't drink it like you, otherwise, I don't care if I'm drunk."

"Is this enough to get drunk? I don't believe it, but it's really delicious." Tian Ningying held out the bowl to Li Shu as she spoke.

Li Shu filled her again.

Li Man shook her head, forget it, the alcohol is low in alcohol, so it's fine even if she is really drunk.

"Man'er, this is good, it's very suitable for women." Zhang Jing suggested after drinking a bowl.

Li Man nodded, "That's right, men have to drink strong alcohol to feel refreshed, don't they?"

Zhang Jing bent his lips and smiled, "Not all of them, at least, I like to drink such sweet wine."

"Really? If you like it, bring some back later. I still have a jar of kirsch. I'll share some with you later." Li Man said enthusiastically.

Zhang Jing said quickly, "Okay, okay, don't forget that later."

"What about me?" Although Yan Jin didn't talk much, her ears were sharp, and when she heard that she gave something to Zhang Jing, she immediately expressed her presence.

"You also like to drink this kind of wine?" Li Man looked at him suspiciously.

Yan Jin raised her eyebrows slightly, "It's not bad to try it once in a while."

"Oh, you can also bring some at that time." Li Man was generous.

On the side, Shangguan Xue immediately beamed with joy when she heard the words.

It seems that the relationship between my sister and Yan Jin has eased a lot.

This fun, Shangguan Xue drank another bowl.

Sitting around the table, the Li family brothers thought that this was wine brewed by their own daughter-in-law, so they had to drink it openly, so they pushed the cups for a change, forgetting about the others, and everyone drank happily.

The night is getting deeper, and the evening wind is blowing, bringing a little coolness.

Li Man had already sent the children to sleep, and when the children fell asleep, she came out to see that these people were still there.

A big jar of wine has run out, and the dishes on the table are all gone.

But everyone's interest remained undiminished.

Zhang Jing sat among the brothers of the Li family, and the few men chatted enthusiastically about the affairs of the world.

Tian Ningying also sat crookedly on a small chair, taking a nap while listening to Zhang Jing talking about some interesting stories about traveling around.

Li Man came over and woke her up, "Yinger, go back to sleep, where is Xueer?"

"Her?" Tian Ningying didn't know, she just said, "Let's go back to the house."

"Oh." Li Man didn't even think about it, but after looking at it, Yan Jin wasn't there either, so she probably returned first.

But I never thought that something happened that night, and it was all caused by alcohol.

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