Fortunate Wife

Episode 148 Opening

Time flies, and more than a month has passed in a blink of an eye. The hot summer has gradually come to an end, and the weather is getting cooler.

During this period, Li Man's gourmet shop has been renovated, and she is very satisfied with the unique decoration style.

Zhang Jing recommended ten young guys who were said to be interested in learning cooking from her.

She looked at them one by one. She was young, clean and handsome, and most importantly, she had a passion for starting a business.

Seeing the hotness in their eyes, Li Man was very satisfied, thinking that Zhang Jing really understood her thoughts, these ten guys are great.

However, she only recruited ten young men, and she felt that it was not enough, so she took the initiative to recruit ten young girls, all of whom were also pretty and smart.

There were 20 of them in total. She personally taught them how to make dim sum, and taught them how to make fruit juice and fruit wine. As for ice cream, Zhang Jing hired a foreign ice cream master to teach them.

The training time is half a month.

Half a month later, Li Man, Zhang Jing and others personally assessed and selected seven boys and three girls. Among them, a boy named Chen Huan was particularly outstanding. Li Man asked him to be the chef in the kitchen. The shopkeeper is in charge of all affairs in the back kitchen.

For the other ten, Li Man arranged for them to work in the lobby, and selected a smart girl, Xu Rou, as the manager of the lobby, who is also the shopkeeper of this gourmet restaurant.

Everything was ready, and the Li family picked a good day to open.

The signboard of the shop - Food Station, the four words were inscribed by Li Hua himself. Although he was not very dissatisfied, Li Man made people hang up like a baby.

He even specially asked him to write another picture in small characters and hang it in his study.

Li Hua finally gained some confidence.

On the day of the opening, Li Man wanted to keep it simple, but just put a few flower baskets at the door and cut ribbons by herself.

However, whoever imagined it, in the middle of the activity, someone came to give gifts.

The gifts are not light.

Gold, silver and jade are all available, who is so generous?

Later, after asking clearly, Li Man knew that the people in the royal family were cows, and the congratulatory gift that the crown prince gave casually was enough for their family to eat and drink for a lifetime.

After the congratulatory gifts were settled, Situ Qing came with Bei Linlang, Yan Jin was also dressed in a gorgeous purple dress, and Yushu Linfeng appeared.

He didn't bring a congratulatory gift, but the appearance of this handsome man and beautiful woman immediately attracted many onlookers.

Everyone speculated about the origin of the owner of this shop, so that he could invite King Dongjin, Lord Hou, and Princess to celebrate together?

But for Li Man who just wanted to open the shop quietly, these sudden visits were really a headache.

Finally, Zhang Jing was warned not to disclose the news to these people, but they didn't want to, they were all good ears, and they really knew the day when she opened the shop.

As a result, a good gourmet business has turned into customers rushing to see this handsome man and beautiful woman.

It's totally changed.

As a last resort, Li Man opened a box and let these men all have fun inside.

However, the business was so good that in the end, she was overwhelmed with manpower, so she had to take Shangguanxue and Tian Ningying as waiters.

At the end of the day, I was exhausted, but I didn't expect those heartless people to clamor to celebrate.

Celebrating is nothing more than eating and drinking, but this eating and drinking has to be arranged by Li Man himself.

Situ Qing was still clamoring for another barbecue. Since the last time, he has been thinking about it, but unfortunately he has never eaten it again.

"Isn't there in the store." Li Man was depressed.

Situ Qing smiled, "It doesn't taste right to eat in the store, it's better to go to your house, the place is also open, and there are so many people arguing with us."

"That's fine, you can go back later, pack some food, and eat slowly at your own house. But remember to pay the money." Li Man said, ordering someone to send the packed clean food to the Prince's Mansion.

Situ Qing quickly waved his hands, "Then there's no need. I'm the only one back home, so why bother?"

"Then stay here obediently." Bei Lin glanced at him, and then drank the juice gracefully.

Situ Qing was out of jail immediately.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, and after a busy day, Li Man didn't even bother to go back home, so Li Man was worried about the children at home, so she wanted to go back early.

Just leave things in the shop to others.

Tian Ningying and Shangguanxue also wanted to go back together, so they got into the carriage together.

But as soon as the carriage left, Shangguan Xue's small face turned pale, and she immediately yelled to stop, and then, lying on the door of the carriage, she began to retch outside.

"What's wrong? Did you eat your stomach?" Li Man asked worriedly.

Shangguan Xue retched for a long time before leaning against the car, took a breath, and said innocently, "I don't know, probably because I ate too much skewers."

"You, you can't hold on to the delicious food." Tian Ningying looked at her, shook her head, and then said to Li Man, "Sister-in-law, you don't know, Xueer can eat too much today, just for a while, more than twenty pieces All the skewers went into her stomach alone, and I didn't snatch her away."

"Fool, you can eat your own food at any time, so why grab it?" Li Man laughed, helped Shangguan Xue to rub his back, and asked, "Is it better now?"

"It's much better." Shangguan Xue felt a little embarrassed. She didn't know what happened recently.

When they were eating barbecue, she couldn't help but want to eat it again, and she still ate so much.

By the way, she felt that she was fat.

"It's fine, let's go back." Li Man didn't even think about it. She missed the children after she came out for a day.

When I came back, I saw that the children were accompanied by Xiao Wu, so I was relieved.

However, she was very surprised why Xiao Wu didn't go to the store to have a look.

She just wanted to ask, but Xiao Wu stood up abruptly, "Are you back? Then I'll go back to my room first, I haven't done the homework assigned by my husband."

"Oh, okay, then you can do it." The kid suddenly worked hard, and Li Man was very happy, and agreed without asking any questions.

Xiao Wu glanced at her lightly, then turned around and left.

Li Man ordered the servant girl to prepare bath water, bathed the two children herself, and then handed it over to Madam Liu and the others.

He also went into the bathroom to take a shower, changed into clean and refreshing clothes, and then took the two children to sit on the bamboo couch in the yard to play.

Although the two children are young, they love listening to stories very much. Even if they don't understand, they can still giggle and laugh non-stop.

Ever since, Li Man told them all the stories about the tortoise and the hare, Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf.

The children listened enthusiastically, and the adults also came alive.

Li Mo and the others came back soon after. Hearing Li Man tell a story, Li Shu remembered the unfinished Water Margin last time, and asked Li Man to say it again.

Telling stories was not difficult for her. After the men had washed up and the family sat around in the yard, Li Man began to tell the story again.

This time the protagonists became Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian.

When the men heard that Pan Jinlian failed to seduce Wu Song, but turned to Ximen Qing, their complexions changed, and they became quite gloomy and depressed.

"How can there be such a woman in this world, she should be killed." Li Shu shouted angrily.

Li Man refused, "Why should a woman be killed? Pan Jinlian is better than Huajiao, so she naturally hopes to find a man who matches her. At least that man loves her and pets her, right? But, can Wuhan University do it? "

"Daughter-in-law." Not wanting Li Man to react like this, Li Shu became anxious and quickly explained, "Isn't this from the story? Don't be angry, what's next?"

"Behind?" Li Man pouted, "Pan Jinlian and Ximen Qing killed Wu Da. Later, when Wu Song came back and knew the truth, he killed these two."

"Ah, happy." Li Shu applauded, and then asked, "Why is Wu Song even better than that Ximen official?"

"Hmph." Li Man glared at him, "You just like to fight and kill. If you ask me, what's the use of being powerful, and disregarding human life. The most pitiful person here is Pan Jinlian, who is as beautiful as a flower, as a servant, Cheap. She was married to a man like Wuhan University, and she has no control over herself. If the marriage can be free, can she end up like that?"

"Man'er." Li Mo said with a sullen face, "The front of this story is okay, but the back is not good. You don't want to read such a story in the future."

What kind of woman hooked up with her uncle, and even hooked up with other men to kill her husband-in-law, it was terrible.

"Brother." Li Man didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "This is a famous book. It has a lot of content, but it's more than that."

"Man'er, anyway, the story of the woman with the golden lotus is a bit inappropriate." Li Hua also said tactfully.

Before Li Man could refute, Li Yan gave her a look, "No matter what, once you're married, you have to obey your husband. It's wrong to hook up with a man, but you should die even more if you collude with other men to kill your husband. If you say she is pitiful , There are so many pitiful people in this world, if anyone wants to be so self-willed, wouldn't it be chaos in the world. Besides, if you don't want to, you should have fought to the death and not married at the beginning, and you won't end up being killed by someone and ruining your reputation."

Well, there are four brothers, four mouths, but she can't say, "Okay, it's just a story, and it's not true."

"Where did you read these stories? The fourth brother gave them to you?" Li Yan asked again, looking at Li Hua with displeasure.

In the past, when Li Hua was studying in the town, he would occasionally bring back some miscellaneous books to relieve Li Man's boredom.

Li Hua quickly denied, "No, I have read all the books I brought before giving them to her."

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