Fortunate Wife

Episode 149 Modern Life

This is strange, did she watch it when she was a child when she was in the government?

But Miss Boudoir, can you read this kind of book?

Several men looked at Li Man suspiciously.

Li Man met their gaze, pursed her lips and smiled, intentionally teasing them, and said, "It wasn't given by Li Hua, I have my own way to see."

"What way? Ask your maids to secretly buy it for you to see?" Li Shu asked curiously. He really didn't expect that such a well-behaved villain as a daughter-in-law could do such rebellious things when she was a child.

Is this kind of book a girl should read?

"No." Li Man shook her head lightly, then, narrowing her eyes slightly, said to them mysteriously, "My parents bought those books for me."

"Mom and dad?" Li Hua was puzzled, it seems that such a title does not belong to the Central Plains.

Li Man smiled and explained, "That's what my parents mean. I have loved reading since I was a child. My parents bought me many books, not only domestic ones, but also foreign ones."

The more people talk, the more they don't understand. The men looked at each other, "Man'er, you..."

"In our place, this kind of tree is very common, and elementary school students who can read can read it." Li Man shrugged and said, "Also, the "Water Margin" I told you has long been made into a TV series and It's a movie."

"What are those?" Li Shu was very curious.

However, Li Yan and the others changed their faces one by one, and looked at Li Man with some horror.

"Man'er, are you okay?" Li Mo quickly reached out and grabbed Li Man's hand, "It's getting late, let's go back to the house first."

The night was getting darker, and the bustling Shangguan Mansion in the past now seemed a bit dark in everyone's eyes, especially thinking that there were a lot of grievances in Shangguan Mansion after all.

Could it be that seeing their happy life, they are unwilling to be lonely and want to come back?

Li Yan and the others also got up quickly, carried the children into the house quickly.

Li Man was a little funny seeing the frightened faces of the men one by one, "Hey, what are you afraid of? It's not haunted."

"They are afraid that you may be bewitched." Li Shu didn't take it seriously, and smiled in his wife's ear.

"Aren't you afraid?" Li Man raised an eyebrow and asked him.

Li Shu grinned, "What's there to be afraid of? No matter how evil she is, she's still my wife."

Besides, he didn't believe that his daughter-in-law was bewitched. The daughter-in-law was always smart and knew a lot, so there was nothing to make a fuss about.

"Then I want to say, I'm not from your world?" Li Man approached him suddenly, and said something sinister.

Li Shu was taken aback, and quickly covered her mouth, "Daughter-in-law, don't talk nonsense, it will be terrible for people to hear, and they will arrest you as a monster."

Li Man swept his eyes around and laughed, "Don't worry, there are no outsiders."

"After that, don't talk nonsense." Li Mo, who came out again, ordered worriedly.

Seeing his nervous appearance, Li Man stuck out her tongue secretly, thinking that her sad time-traveling experience should be rotten to the stomach.

"Man'er, go back to sleep." At this moment, Li Hua stood at the door and called.

"Oh." Li Man agreed, then pulled Li Mo by the corner of his clothes, and said awkwardly, "I was talking nonsense just now, I just wanted to tease you, why would you all be so nervous?"

"You're talking nonsense?" Li Mo looked at her suspiciously. After hearing what she said just now, he clearly felt something strange about her, as if she really wasn't from the same world as them. That feeling was terrible.

"Hey." Li Man raised her head and looked at him cautiously, "You also know that I love reading. I spent all my free time reading when I was a child. In fact, what I told you is all from books. Daqian The world is full of wonders, and things you don’t know may not exist in this world.”

While talking, she strayed away again, Li Mo hurriedly interrupted her, "Okay, I'll talk about this later, it's late at night, go back to sleep."

"Oh." Seeing that Li Hua was still waiting at the door, Li Man had no choice but to let go of him and walked into the house.

After returning to the house, lying on the bed with Li Hua, I felt weird.

After a while, there was no movement, and then Li Man realized where this strange feeling came from.

In the dim light, Li Hua was lying on his side, his eyes fixed on her.

"You haven't slept?" She also lay on her side, with her hands under her face, looking at him strangely.

On the bed, he didn't pester her or sleep. He just looked at her like this, which was really scary.

"Man'er." Li Hua let out a long breath, and said softly, "Can you tell me the truth?"

"What truth?" Li Man's heart sank suddenly.

Li Hua's eyes were dark, and he seemed to be able to see through her heart, "I don't believe what you said just now to coax big brother."

"Oh." Li Man smiled, "Why don't you believe it?"

"Man'er." Li Hua stretched out his hand and stroked her hair gently, "Actually, the first time I saw you, I thought you were different from ordinary people, but at that time I doubted your identity. Now, finally I see, it's similar to what I originally thought, you really are from the capital, and you are the eldest lady of the Shangguan family. But..."

Speaking of this, he looked a little tangled, and said, "I always think that this is the final result, but I clearly don't think so. You are far from Xue'er's affection for this Shangguan. If you say no I lost my memory, but I still have to have my instinctive feelings.”

"Hey, are you saying that I don't have feelings anymore?" Li Manjiao said angrily.

To change the topic.

Li Hua shook his head lightly, "You know that's not what I meant."

"Then what do you mean?" Li Man pretended to be confused.

Li Hua looked at her steadily, "I always feel that you are not Shangguan Yue."

"I said earlier that I am not, I am Li Man." Li Man said with a guilty smile.

"Who made the mistake? Xue'er? The prince? Situ Qing or Yan Jin? Why do these people all say you are? Have you really lost your memory?" Li Hua asked unwillingly.

"This?" Li Man was also stopped by the question, and suddenly laughed dryly, "Hey, what are you doing tonight? You don't want to sleep after interrogating me like this?"

"Man'er, I'm so scared, I'm afraid that one day, you will really return to your world." Li Hua suddenly reached out and pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly, his voice trembling slightly.

Li Man froze, "Li Hua, what are you talking about?"

Could this kid really know that she came from time travel?

Li Hua buried her face on her shoulder and sighed softly, "I didn't believe it before, but the joke you made with Li Shu tonight made me really believe it."

"What do you believe?" Li Man suddenly regretted the stupid thing she did tonight.

"You are not from this world." Li Hua said shyly.

In fact, Lianhua had told him back then that there was a ghost on Li Man's body, and that her father, the village chief, had said that Li Man was really hanged to death at that time, and she was already dead, but later she came back to life.

At that time, he didn't believe it, so he specifically asked the doctor in the town. The doctor said that people may experience a kind of suspended animation after suffocation, but it is not a real death.

Therefore, he believed that Li Man didn't really die, but just fell into a coma due to suffocation.

However, Li Man later gave him too many surprises.

Even if she has the current status, even if she is a famous lady.

But she almost knows astronomy and geography, and she also knows many things that others don't, such as the sewing machine she invented, the juicer, and even what punctuation marks she knows...

Also, which lady from a rich family will cook in person? Even if she falls later, there won't be so many? Even the top chefs they have seen are nothing more than that.

What's more, her thinking is very different from the women they met before.

She is gentle and well-behaved, beautiful and kind, but she is not cowardly or inferior, and she does not blindly rely on flattery to her men. She always maintains her own nature, and there seems to be a lot of power in her small body.

At the beginning, it was a matter of advocating that sister-in-law and Li were separated. Even they dare not bring up such a thing lightly.

But Li Man made up his mind, and advocated for my sister-in-law to reconcile, and later, matched her and Zhang Ben.

This kind of thing is extremely unfeminine in the eyes of other people, but it is a matter of course for her.


When Li Man heard the words, she didn't say anything for a long time. Finally, she sighed softly, "Why am I not from this world? I was originally from this world, but I was born in the wrong place. So, poor God, let me come back again." Li Hua, can't you feel it?"

Li Hua let go of her slightly, and looked at her incomprehensibly.

Li Man smiled lowly, "Fool, don't you hug me?"

"Man'er, will you go?" Thinking of her coma during confinement, Li Hua was worried.

Li Man shook her head, "No, after a world and a space-time, I still fall into the hands of your brothers, where else can I go?"

In this way, it was tantamount to admitting that she was not from this world, and Li Hua's heart still tugged.

"Man'er, tell me about you."

"My business." Li Man adjusted a comfortable posture in his arms, and said slowly, "Actually, my business is very simple. Really, I was born in a very ordinary family. It can be regarded as a scholarly family, ha ha."

"In our place, men and women are equal, marriage and love are free, at least, most people have the opportunity to learn, and everyone can choose the way of life they want..."

Outside the window, the night was getting dark, and in the room, Li Man slowly talked about modern life, feeling like a dream.

And Li Hua seemed fascinated by what he heard.

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