Fortunate Wife

Extra Story 152 Heartless and Unjust

Just do what you say, and it is not easy to delay this matter, especially for the child in Shangguan Xue's womb, he must be given an explanation, or a title, before he is born.

Li Man immediately comforted Shangguan Xue, and went to King Jin's Mansion with Liu Mama.

Coincidentally, Yan Jin was in the mansion, and she was obviously very surprised and pleasantly surprised by her sudden visit, but she kept it in her heart, but she didn't reveal it on her face.

"Why do you come to my place today when you are free? Did you miss me?" Nanny Liu was waiting outside the door, there were only two people in the room, and Yan Jin's seductive eyes fixed on her.

Li Man smiled coolly, "I came to congratulate you, Lord Jin, you are going to be a father."

"What?" Yan Jin thought he heard it wrong, how long has he had no luck with the women in this mansion, will he be a father? Did she want to tell him that someone cuckolded him?

His eyes immediately turned cold, and he taunted with a half-smile, "You really have such leisure, you even want to take care of the affairs of the king's inner house? But, what is your identity? You haven't even entered the king's inner house." Still, do you want to come in?"

Li Man's head was full of black lines, and he hit him unceremoniously, "Yan Jin, I said your imagination is really not that good? There are four young and handsome husbands in my family who love me to the bone. I am crazy and stupid. Will come to your inner house and share a heartless man with so many women."

"Heartless?" Yan Jin was annoyed by her words, "If this king is really like this, how can you live so happily with your men?"

Yep, it's on again.

Li Man quickly waved her hands, "All right, all right, I'm not here today to break things off with you."

"Then what are you doing here?" Are you angry with him? Yan Jin's complexion was a bit grim, why did this woman never speak soft words in front of him, no matter how good she was when she was a child, when he provoked her a little, she begged for mercy in fear, no matter what he asked for, she would agree, Now she is really like a hedgehog, and the thorns on her body only pierce him, it's abominable.

"It's because of Xue'er." Li Man was actually angry in his heart. Looking at Yan Jin's reaction when he said those words just now, he knew that he really didn't know anything about Xue'er.

But if he was paying attention to Xue'er, how could he not find out?

But today she came here to solve the problem, so as not to quarrel.

So, she tried to calmly tell him, "Xue'er has your child."

Yan Jin's expression froze when he heard the words, and he immediately smiled mockingly, "How do you determine that he is the king's child?"

Depend on! Li Man almost got up and wanted to slap him, "Yan Jin, you won't admit it if you do it? Who else could Xue'er's child be if it wasn't yours? Don't think about it, who would make her suffer like that except you? "

Yan Jin was funny, "But this king has a child, why doesn't this king remember what he did to her? Where did this child come from?"

I really vomited, Li Man reminded, "A few months ago, you got drunk at my house, then *, did you live at Xue'er's place?"

"A few months ago?" Yan Jin's mind suddenly shuddered, and he only remembered that time when he was drunk.

And that time, for some reason, he seemed to have had a very long, very sweet and very real dream in the long night. In the dream, he and the prickly woman in front of him were doing happy things.

The joy was so real that he couldn't believe it was a dream.

So, when he woke up and saw Shangguan Xue with a panicked face, he was not only disappointed, but also unwilling.

The extreme beauty in the dream even had her scratches on his body, but when he woke up, she was gone, and only Shangguan Xue was there to deal with him?

He questioned Shangguanxue, wanting to know that the person who was with him last night was Shangguanyu.

However, the girl said nothing happened.

How could he believe it? Moreover, from her flustered expression, he became more and more convinced that the dream last night was real.

And Shangguan Xue was definitely afraid of damaging her sister's reputation, so she gave her a cover against her will.

Since then, he has developed a special feeling for Shangguanyu, who is now Li Man.

Moreover, he felt that this woman should change towards him after she had a physical relationship with him.

But she never expected that she would treat him as usual, even colder.

He went to the government office every now and then, but she turned a blind eye to him. Even when he deliberately approached Shangguan Xue, she didn't show her repulsion as before, and seemed to acquiesce in his behavior.

This made him very angry and helpless.

He has always been chased and loved by women, and he really has nothing to do in front of her. He doesn't know what to do to make her treat him better.

He didn't ask much, he just hoped that she could treat him the same way she treated those men.

However, she treated him worse than the servants in her mansion. To those servants, she talked and laughed all day long, but in front of him, she would always have such a prickly look.

Pissed him off.

I endured it for several days, and didn't go to the government again, but this woman came to the door.

He thought the playing hard to get game was done, and this woman missed him.

But who would have thought that she would tell him as soon as she came that she was going to be a father.

The child's mother is another woman.

Yan Jin couldn't accept it, and stared at her almost fiercely, "You swear, it wasn't you who was with me that night?"

"Me?" Li Man was stunned, staring at him like a ghost, "Yan Jin, are you crazy? How could I be with you? Besides, every time you leave, isn't Xue Er sending you off? "

"But don't you often follow behind?" Yan Jin was unwilling.

Li Man was startled, "You know?" But she was afraid that he would do something bad to Xueer, but in fact, she only followed him once or twice, and the few times were completely coincidental.

"With your stalking skills, if I can't find out, how can I live till now?" Yan Jin said with a sneer.

"So?" Li Man's face changed drastically. Could it be that, several times, his affectionate actions with Xue'er were just for her to see?

Just like what Li Yan once told her, the more she intervenes, maybe she will give them both a chance.

If she didn't care about it from the beginning, maybe he wouldn't put his mind on Xue'er?

Yan Jin's eyes were a little red, she didn't know whether it was sad or angry, she just stared at her fiercely, and said mockingly, "You are so smart, you should be able to guess it, right?"

"I can't guess." Li Man shook her head, "Also, I told you earlier that Shangguanyu is dead, really dead, I am not her, I just have the same skin as her, but our soul are different."

"I don't care." Yan Jin hugged her suddenly, shouting almost crazily, "I don't care whether you are dead or alive, past or present, I just want you standing in front of me."

"Hey, let go." Li Man couldn't breathe from being hugged, even if she pushed him hard, she couldn't move, and in a fit of anger, she could only bite him with her teeth.

"You are really a hedgehog. The thorns on your body don't count, and you can talk now." Yan Jinxie looked at her with a smile.

Li Man hurriedly broke free from his embrace, stared at him with complicated expressions, and said after a while, "Yan Jin, have you considered Xue'er? Or, ask yourself, do you really have any feelings for her?"

"What's your business with her?" Yan Jin said softly.

"Has nothing to do with her? Yes, it had nothing to do with her at first, but you dragged her into your world and let her have your child. Now, you want to let go of it?" Li Man looked sternly look at him.

Yan Jin raised her eyebrows, "What do you want me to do? Marry her?"

"You don't want to marry?" Li Man narrowed her eyes, and a fierce light appeared in her eyes.

"You want me to marry?" Yan Jin asked back.

Li Man stared at him closely, "If you are a man, you should be responsible for what you do."

"I want to be responsible, but the woman under me that night should be you." Yan Jin said viciously like a ferocious beast.

Li Man gritted her teeth, "It's unreasonable. Let me tell you, Yan Jin, Xue'er is not someone else, she is my own sister, no one can hurt her, including you."

"What do you want?" Yan Jin asked with a sneer, but there was a dull pain in his heart, as if something sharp had been scratched across it.

"I don't want to do anything. A twisted melon is not sweet. Besides, you are a prince, who can force you to do what you don't want to do. But, I can also tell you that if you miss this opportunity, you just want to marry Neither can we Xue'er. From now on, their mother and child have nothing to do with you. I have nothing to do with you when I go to the government. "

After Li Man finished speaking, she turned and left.

"Stop." After saying that, do you want to leave? Yan Jin refused, and quickly grabbed her arm.

"Go away. I despise men who are heartless and ungrateful." Li Man tried her best to shake him off, and opened the door suddenly, but she was stunned.

Yan Jin rushed over again, and said bitterly, "I am a heartless man, then you are a heartless woman. You... Xueer."

At the door of the room, Xue'er stood blankly, tears streaming down her face.

Nanny Liu supported her, looked at Li Man full of self-blame, and said, "Eldest Miss, Second Miss won't let the slaves speak, and the slaves don't know what's inside..."

"Stop talking, Xue'er, when did you come here?" Li Man quickly shook off Yan Jin and walked towards her sister.

However, as soon as she approached, Xue'er's body softened, and she glanced at her faintly, before she fainted.


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