Fortunate Wife

Extra 153 Rufu

Li Man hurriedly hugged Shangguan Xue, "Xue'er, how are you?"

"Sister." Shangguan Xue woke up faintly, saw Li Man clearly through her tears, and begged weakly, "Sister, take me home."

"Okay, let's go home." Li Man and Nanny Liu supported her, but within two steps, Shangguan Xue suddenly bent her body, her pale face showing pain.

"Sister, my stomach hurts."

"Ah." Li Man was very nervous, "Does it hurt badly?"

Shangguan Xue nodded, her little face was covered with cold sweat.

Li Man was also in a hurry. Pregnant women were the most vulnerable to stimulation. I don't know how much she had listened to what she and Yan Jin had just said.

Looking back, seeing Yan Jin still standing by the door, he couldn't help shouting, "What are you doing standing there? Call the doctor."

Yan Jin came back to his senses, hurriedly summoned the hidden guard, gave two orders, and after the man left, he strode over and picked Shangguanxue up from Li Man's hand.

"What are you doing?" Shangguan Xue was stunned, then raised her small fist and hit him on the shoulder, "You let me down."

Yan Jin ignored her, and carried her back to her room.

Li Man followed closely, watching him gently and carefully place Xue'er on his big bed, she suddenly had a strange feeling in her heart.

Is it really like what he said, he has no feelings for Xue'er?

From her point of view, it's not always the case. I'm afraid she fell in love with Xue'er unknowingly, even he doesn't know it.

He has an obsession with Shangguanyu, an obsession that he pursued but couldn't get when he was young.

If Shangguanyu is really here, can he really fall in love with her?

"I don't want to be here, I want to go home, sister." As soon as she was raped, Shangguan Xue felt as if she had been stabbed by a needle, and immediately struggled to get up, shouting to go home, like a stubborn child.

With a sullen face, Yan Jin pressed her hands on her shoulders, threatening in a cold voice, "If you mess around again, I will throw you out."

Shangguan Xue was stunned for a moment, her eye circles were red again, she was still struggling, and said in a crying voice, "Don't throw it away, I will go by myself."

"You." Such disobedience, Yan Jin got angry, pulled the quilt regardless, and wrapped her up, "Stay honestly, if you dare to move again, don't blame me for being rude."

When had he ever been polite to her? He has always been like this to her, even if he kisses her, he is overbearing.

She will always be obedient and obedient.

Just like at this moment, even though she was very reluctant in her heart, seeing his gloomy face and his rude words, she was so worthless that she really didn't dare to move.

Seeing him like this, Yan Jin's expression softened, she got up slowly, stood beside her bed and stared at her, and said, "Lie down for a while, the doctor will come over in a while."

Shangguan Xue didn't say a word, she just glanced at him faintly, and then looked away.

Yan Jin's face darkened again, what does she look like like this? Angry with him?

But who told her to come at such a time?

Besides, who let her conceive his child?

He didn't settle accounts with her for what happened that night, so she got angry first?

Then who can tell his grievances, he still doesn't want to be this father.

With a cold snort, Yan Jin didn't look at her, and when she turned around, she suddenly met Li Man's probing eyes, and she was embarrassed, "What are you looking at?"

"Look at you." Li Man shrugged and said bluntly.

Yan Jin sneered, "This king just...sees that she is a pregnant woman, and doesn't want her to have an accident in my palace."

"Oh." Li Man obviously didn't believe such an explanation. After all, this guy is cold-blooded and murderous without blinking an eye, and he still cares about the life and death of a pregnant woman?

Obviously caring about this pregnant woman.

Seeing her careless expression, Yan Jin panicked, "Li Man, this king is really blind." He actually fell in love with such a heartless woman. He said that today, even a piece of iron should be punished. Warm it up.

"Hey, I just wanted to tell you that too." Li Man glanced at him indifferently, then walked to the side of the bed, took Shangguan Xue's hand, and comforted her, "Xue'er, don't be afraid, my sister is here, Nothing will happen to you."

"En." Shangguan Xue turned her head and tried to hold back tears to look at her.

"Don't cry, your eyes are swollen like this, if you cry again, you won't be able to open your eyes tomorrow." Li Man coaxed.

"En." Shangguan Xue nodded with a sob.

On the side, Yan Jin saw that the two sisters were deeply in love, and was in a complicated mood for a while.

A pair of eyes, looking at Li Man, then at Shangguan Xue, that kind of intricate emotions hurt his internal organs.

He himself didn't understand what was wrong.

Obviously he loves his sister, but why can't he bear it when he sees her like this, even reluctant to give up?

The act of carrying her back to the room just now still feels inconceivable to him.

He didn't want this child, but his move was undoubtedly asking for trouble for himself.

Soon, a guard brought an imperial doctor over.

The imperial doctor was originally working in the Imperial Hospital, but a man came suddenly, saying that he was from Prince Jin's Mansion, and he was arrested without any explanation. Up to now, his head is still dizzy, blown by the wind.

"Go and show her." Yan Jin ordered directly when she saw the doctor.

Seeing that it was really King Jin, the old imperial doctor was a bit more awake, and didn't dare to object, so he hurried over to help diagnose and treat Shangguanxue.

After some examinations, the old imperial doctor said fearfully, "Go back to your lord, this lady shows signs of miscarriage."

"What?" Upon hearing this, Yan Jin grabbed his collar and lifted him up, "Miscarriage? What do you mean? The child is gone?"

"No." The old doctor hurriedly explained, "Not yet."

"Then there will be in the future?" Yan Jin really wanted to crush him to death.

The old doctor was out of breath, her face was flushed, Li Man hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Let go of him, and listen to what he has to say first."

Only then did Yan Jin let go, and said in a deep voice, "She, child, has something to do, so don't take your head."

"Yes, yes, the old man will prescribe the medicine." The old doctor rubbed his neck and said while coughing.

Li Man felt a little sympathetic to him. Being a doctor is not easy.

After he got better, Li Man asked, "Doctor, how is my sister's condition now? Can the fetus be saved?"

"This old man should try his best, but this madam's fetus is temporarily unstable and needs to lie down to recuperate." The old doctor said tremblingly.

Li Man immediately thought of something, and asked, "In other words, from now on, she must lie down and not move around, right?"

"Yes, yes, it's best not to move around," said the old doctor.

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Xue quit, "Sister, I don't want to lie here, I want to go home."

Here, being disgusted by Yan Jin every day, seeing his cold eyes, she will not be able to bear it, nor will the baby in her stomach.

"But, doctor, can you think of a way? My sister is not the wife of this palace, and the child cannot be born here." Li Man said.

The old doctor was stunned, isn't it King Jin's child? So King Jin, what was that murderous move just now?

Yan Jin's face was livid, she glanced at Li Man, and then glared fiercely at Shang Guanxue, "Are you looking for death? You don't want to stay here, what are you doing here? Didn't you come here by yourself?"

Shangguan Xue was speechless and angry, "Is it okay if I leave?"

"You are here as my king, come and go whenever you want?" Yan Jin snorted coldly, and ordered the imperial physician, "Go and prescribe medicine."

"Yes." The old doctor hurried out.

Yan Jin glanced at her sisters, and left without saying a word, shaking her sleeves.

"Sister, what should I do? He is very angry." As soon as Yan Jin left, Shangguan Xue couldn't hold back anymore and was about to get nervous.

Li Man hurriedly held her down, "Don't move, have you forgotten what the doctor said just now? This is your first child, if something happens, it will easily lead to habitual miscarriage in the future."

"What is a habitual abortion?" Shangguan Xue didn't understand.

Li Man explained simply and straightforwardly, "No matter how many times you conceive, the child will be easily lost in the end."

"Ah." Shangguan Xue was so frightened that she didn't dare to move, she lay upright, "But, sister, I don't want to be here, I'm afraid."

"What are you afraid of? He won't eat you." Li Man helped her tuck the quilt. If she said she was a little worried before, she is much more relaxed now.

Yan Jin was not as ruthless to Xueer as he showed, but Xueer was still affectionate to him.

Hey, this kid is really sensible, and now he knows how to create opportunities for his parents.

Shangguan Xue pouted aggrievedly, "I don't know why, I'm just afraid of him, me, I made him angry again."

"Who said he was angry?" Li Man laughed.

Shangguan Xue looked at her, "He is like that, didn't you see?"

"I see." Li Man winked at her and said with a smile, "I saw everything, he was nervous, nervous about you and the child."

"What?" Shangguan Xue couldn't believe it.

Li Man rubbed her hair and said with a smile, "Fool, to see if a person cares about you, use your heart, don't just rely on what you see or hear."

"I don't understand." Shangguan Xue was at a loss.

Li Man explained patiently, "If he didn't care about you, he wouldn't have carried you back to his room, and he wouldn't have threatened the imperial physician to take his head."

"This?" Wasn't Yan Jin always so domineering? It's the same for her, and it's not surprising for an imperial doctor.

"Okay, there will be plenty of time in the future, you will slowly understand." Li Man heard the noise outside, so she made a long story short, summed up her little experience to her sister, and said, "Remember, this man is blindly obedient He can't do it, and occasionally let him taste what he wants, hold him back, and when he can't help looking for you, you will win."

"But." Shangguan Xue blushed and said uselessly, "But every time I can't help but miss him."

In fact, what my sister said seemed to be exactly what Yan Jin said to her.


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